[PDF] European Parliament The Chair drew the attention

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Jan 22 2018 DOSSIER. VERT. DEMANDE D'ADMISSION PREALABLE. (2018-2019) n° 50676#17. Notice explicative relative au dossier à remettre à l'université pour ...

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DOSSIER PÉDAGOGIQUE. Année 2018-2019. Musée des Verts. 14 Rue Paul et Pierre Guichard. 42028 Saint-Etienne Cedex 1. 04 77 92 31 80 - museedesverts@asse.fr.


Jul 1 2018 DIPLOMES POSTULES POUR L'ANNEE 2018-2019. Dossier Blanc. Dossier Vert. Nom du diplôme : Réservé à l'administration : Nombre d'inscriptions :.

European Parliament

The Chair drew the attention of Members to the contents of the dossier The EU Chamber of Commerce launches its 2018-2019 Position Paper shortly.

Work in Progress - by parliamentary committee

Dec 16 2019 Dossier. Procedure. Phase - Stars. Ref. Base ... Rivasi Michèle - Verts/ALE 20/02/20 (P) ... for the years 2018-2019. Daly Clare - GUE/NGL.

PV\1162921EN.docxPE623.056v01ENUnited in diversityEN

European Parliament2014-2019

Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of ChinaD-CN_PV(2018)0912MINUTESof thein camerameeting of12 September 2018, 15.00-16.30StrasbourgThe meeting opened at15.10onWednesday, 12 September 2018, withJo Leinen (Chair)presidinguntil 16.00, at which point Reinhard Bütikofer(1st Vice-Chair) presided until theend of the meeting.1.Adoption of draft agendaThe draft agenda was adopted.2.Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 13 June 2018The draft minutes were adopted.3.Chair"s announcementsThe Chair drew the attention of Members to the contents of the dossier, which included:•the EEAS statement on the recent execution in Taiwan;and•the European Commission press release and other statements and agreements from the20th EU-Chinasummit.The Chair drew attention to theupdatedEPRSBriefing on'China, the 16+1 format and theEU".Immediately after the return from the summer recess, the annual meeting of EU Heads ofDelegationwas held and afforded an opportunity for the Chair and the First Vice-Chair tomeet the new incoming Head of the EU Delegation in Beijing, Mr CHAPUIS.Mr Bütikoferrepresented theChina Delegation in the exchange of views with Mr Chapuis in AFET.The Chairalso drew the attention of Members to developments since the last meeting of theDelegation, including:


•Serious action by theChineseenvironment ministrytotacklerecent environmentalviolations;•Special emissions restrictionstobe imposed on industrialfirms in as many as 80 cities;•Human rightsissues in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and elsewhere;•The UN report on the situation of Uighurs and other Muslims interned in Xinjian andthe call for international monitoring;•The Chinese symposiumonthe fifth anniversary of the launch of the Belt andRoadInitiative (BRI) and theChina-Africa Forum in the first week of September in BeijingwhereUSD$60 billion of grants, loans and finance were pledged;•This followed President XI"s summer visit to Africa and the Middle East, where furtherloans and aid were promised;•The Chinese militarytook partin the Vostok-2018 ('"East-2018"") strategic drills inRussia;•At the end of June, China opened its first 'international commercial court",for casesrelated to the Belt and Road Initiative;•China has released its list of reductions or removals of foreign ownership restrictionsacross a range of sectors; and•The EU Chamber of Commercelaunchesits 2018-2019 Position Papershortly.4.Exchange of views with European External Action Serviceon latest summitdevelopmentsThe European External Action Service debriefed on the 20th EU-China summit held in mid-July, including thejoint statement supporting rules-based multilateralism, the state of play ofthe Comprehensive Investment Agreementnegotiations, and the earlier Human RightsDialogue.5.Any other businessNone.6.Date and place of next meetingThe next meeting is scheduled for 24 October in Strasbourg.The meeting closed at16.30.




?сфгй фш?туойчй/Otros participantes/Ostatní účastníci/Endvidere deltog/Andere Teilnehmer/Muudosalejad/Επίσης Παρόντες/Otherparticipants/Autresparticipants/Drugi sudionici/Altri partecipanti/Citi klātesošie/Kiti dalyviai/Más résztvevők/Parteċipanti ohra/Andereaanwezigen/Inniuczestnicy/Outros participantes/Alţi participanţi/Iní účastníci/Drugi udeleŽenci/Muut osallistujat/Övriga deltagare

Ciprian MateiMonika WangUrsa PondelekGeorgios Karatsioubanis, Dominic Zganec, Ondrej Madr


Anna Saarela (videoconference)Gisela Grieger (videoconference)quotesdbs_dbs50.pdfusesText_50
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