[PDF] Beamer v3.0 Guide 4 de nov. de 2004

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BEAMER appearance cheat sheet (from version 3.57)

17 juin 2020 Beamer's Colors. Use setbeamercolor{template_name}{〈key=value〉 list} to change a Beamer's color. Keys are: fg bg

Beamer Color

\documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames]{beamer}. \usetheme{Berkeley}. \usecolortheme[named=CarnationPink]{structure}. 2. Page 3. 4 <b>Beamer Color</b>. Erfordert das&nbsp;

The owl Beamer colour theme The owl Beamer colour theme

15 mars 2016 If possible you should carefully choose from Beamer's wide variety of colour themes to find one that fits your presentation's individual needs.

Modern Beamer Presentations with the metropolis package

23 janv. 2017 Beamer color theme. In particular metropolis does not set a background color for the title; this will cause issues when using color themes ...

LATEX Découverte de Beamer 3 LATEX Découverte de Beamer 3

dans beamer/themes/color donne une liste compl`ete des éléments modifiables par la commande. {setbeamercolor}. Parmi les plus simples `a modifier 

BEAMER appearance cheat sheet (from version 3.26)

Structure of the presentation. Color palettes palette primary palette secondary palette tertiary palette quaternary palette sidebar primary.

The beamer class

12 juil. 2010 a certain ⟨beamer-color name⟩ after another beamer-color has been used. However referring to these special global colors should be kept ...

Presentación de PowerPoint Presentación de PowerPoint

]{beamer}. % dvipsnames: 68 nombres de colores. Page 18. Page 19. Un texto sin color. {color{BlueViolet!30} Un texto con un color}. {color{BlueViolet!100} Un 

Presentations Using LaTeX - The Beamer Class

4 sept. 2007 <b></b> % Beamer Theme. \usecolortheme{lily}. % <b>Beamer Color</b> Theme. \useoutertheme[subsection=false]{smoothbars}. % Beamer Outer Theme. \useinnertheme&nbsp;...

Beamer dark Themes

10 mai 2020 As requested by Till Tantau in beamer documentation my color themes are named after birds. cormorant A black and green theme

Comandos: • definecolor{nome}{modelo}{parametros}: usado no

Comandos: • definecolor{nome}{modelo}{parametros}: usado no preamble para definir cor. • color[modelo]{cor}: muda o cor do texto.

Modern Beamer Presentations with the metropolis package

Beamer color theme. In particular metropolis does not set a background color for the title; this will cause issues when using color themes like whale which 

The beamer class

element needs to be typeset that is

BEAMER appearance cheat sheet (from version 3.57)

Parent-child relations of Beamer's elements (colors fonts

The owl Beamer colour theme

15 de mar. de 2016 If possible you should carefully choose from Beamer's wide variety of colour themes to find one that fits your presentation's individual needs.

Beamer v3.0 Guide

26 de out. de 2004 The main difference between v 3.0 and v 2.2 is Beamer themes. Five theme categories: Presentation Themes – Slide template. Color Themes ...

Beamer dark Themes

10 de mai. de 2020 As requested by Till Tantau in beamer documentation my color themes are named after birds. cormorant A black and green theme

Apresentações com a classe LaTeX-beamer

manual ftp://ftp.dante.de/pub/tex/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/ · beameruserguide.pdf item<2-> alt<2>{color{blue} texto}{color{gray} texto}.

Beamer v3.0 Guide

4 de nov. de 2004 The main difference between v 3.0 and v 2.2 is Beamer themes. Five theme categories: Presentation Themes – Slide template. Color Themes ...

Color Themes for the LaTeX beamer class

This is a LATEX beamer-theme in the colors of the Please note that these color themes are neither official nor exact! The colors are approximated from ...

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Ki-Joo Kim

October 26, 2004

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Why Beamer?

Why Beamer?




Navigational bars and buttons

Outputs: screen, transparency, handouts, and notes


Difficult to design a template

1You need this route if you usePSTricks.

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Beamer Structure

Basic Code

Basic Code I

Beamer class loading with themes

%\usepackage[bars]{beamerthemetree} % Beamer Theme v 2.2 \usetheme{Antibes} % Beamer theme \usecolortheme{lily} % Beamer color theme

Cover title

\title{} \author{} \institute{} \begin{document} \begin{frame} % Cover slide \titlepage \end{frame} % Instead, you can use \frame{\titlepage}} (Beamer v 2.2 macro)

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Beamer Structure

Basic Code

Basic Code I

Beamer class loading with themes

%\usepackage[bars]{beamerthemetree} % Beamer Theme v 2.2 \usetheme{Antibes} % Beamer theme \usecolortheme{lily} % Beamer color theme

Cover title

\title{} \author{} \institute{} \begin{document} \begin{frame} % Cover slide \titlepage \end{frame} % Instead, you can use \frame{\titlepage}} (Beamer v 2.2 macro)

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Beamer Structure

Basic Code

Basic Code II

Main slide frame

\section{Introduction} % Bookmark information \subsection{History} % Bookmark information \begin{frame}[options] \frametitle{History} ... slide contents ... \end{frame}

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Beamer Structure

Five Themes

Five Themes

The main difference between v 3.0 and v 2.2 isBeamerthemes.Five theme categories: Presentation Themes -SlidetemplateColor Themes -ColorschemeforslidetemplateFont Themes

Inner Themes

Outer Themes


%\usepackage[bars]{beamerthemetree} % Beamer Theme v 2.2 \usetheme{Antibes} % Beamer theme \usecolortheme{lily} % Beamer color theme

Go toThemesfor more information.

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Beamer Structure

Layout Options

Layout Options

[slidestop]puts frame titles on the top left corner (default=[slidescentered]).[compress]makes all navigation bars as small as possible (default=[uncompressed]).[red]changes navigation bars and titles to reddish color. blue: Default color scheme red: Used in this presentation brown blackandwhite: Good for transparencies

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Beamer Structure

Output Options

Output Options

Default: PDF screen (size 128mm×96 mm)2.

[handout]for PDF handouts. [trans]for PDF transparency. ?For handout and trans, you need some extra work to enlarge the size. Click hereto see an example! [notes=hide/show/only]for notes. Hide notes (default), add notes to the PDF screen, or notes only PDF.2Monitor"s 4:3 aspect ratio.

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Beamer Structure

Additional Beamer Options

Additional Beamer Options

[hyperref={bookmarks=false}]removes bookmarks. [cjk]for CJK typesetting.?For hangul, usehfontpackage. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}for Unicode.

Frame Options

'\frame[plain]\frametitle..." for plane frame style as used in this slide![containsverbatim]for usingverbatimenvironment and\verb command.[allowframebreaks]for automatic split of frames if the contents do not fit in a single slide.[shrink]for shrinking the contents to fit in a single slide. [squeeze]for squeezing vertical space.

Beamer v3.0 Guide

Beamer Structure

Transparency Effects

Transparency Effects

All overlayed stuffs are covered (default)

\beamertemplatetransparentcoveredhighmakes all covered text highly transparent\beamertemplatetransparentcovereddynamicmediummakes all covered text quite transparent, but is a dynamic way. The range of dynamics is smaller.

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Text and Math Fonts

Text and Math FontsI

Excellent support for selecting text and math fonts.

Default text and math fonts:CMSS

Beamer option[sans]for text font

mathsansis default.Equivalent to\usefonttheme{default}Beamer option[sefif]for text font

mathserifis default.Equivalent to\usefonttheme[options]{serif}Beamer option[mathsans/mathserif]for math font

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Text and Math Fonts

Text and Math FontsII

Beamer option[professionalfonts]to turn off Beamer"s internal font rewriting (?Equivalent to\usefonttheme{professionalfonts})Additional font theme macros \usefonttheme{structurebold}for bold faced structures (titles, headlines, footlines, sidebars, ...)\usefonttheme{structureitalicserif} \usefonttheme{structuresmallcapsserif}

Font settings in this document:

\documentclass[mathserif]{beamer} % \usepackage{lucidaso} % Lucida Bright (SO Version) \usepackage[small]{eulervm} % Euler VM

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Font Size

Font Size

Default font size: 11pt(At the full screen mode this font size corresponds to 22 pt.)Available font size options: 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt, 20pt

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Color Definition

Color Definition

Beamer loadsxcolorpackage by Uwe Kern, which also supportscolor andpstcol. 'xcolor" definition \xdefinecolor{lavendar}{rgb}{0.8,0.6,1}

\colorlet{structure}{green!60!black}for color substitutionPredefined colors: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black,

darkgray, gray, lightgray, orange, violet, purple, and brownIf you want to use the options of 'color" package, pass

[color=option]option to Beamer. If you want to use 'pstcol", pass[xcolor=pst,dvips]option to

Beamer. Now you should use 'dvips/ps2pdf"

Beamer v3.0 Guide


More colors in xcolor package

More colors in 'xcolor" package

Color mixing is very easy!

color example meaning green!80!graytext80% green + 20% gray green!60!graytext60% green + 40% gray green!40!graytext40% green + 60% gray -greentextremove green from above You can useanimate(in Beamer) ormultido(with PSTricks) for fade-in and fade-out!

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Highlighting Colors

Highlighting Colors

Beamer also has theme-specific highlighting colors: \alert{text}?text \structure{text}?text

To change these colors:

\usealerttemplate{\color{red}}{}to change red. \usestructuretemplate{\color{blue}}{}to change blue.

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Background Colors

Background Colors

To setsolidbackground color,

\beamersetaveragebackground{color}or \beamertemplatesolidbackgroundcolor{color}To setgradientbackground color, colors in this slide is{blue!5}{yellow!10}.To setgridbackground,

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Color Example

Color Example

Color changes in

Navigational bars


structure{..}color Code: \colorlet{mystruct}{structure} % Save current structure \colorlet{structure}{magenta} % New structure \usestructuretemplate{\color{structure}}{} % \structure{..} \beamertemplateshadingbackground{yellow!50}{magenta!50} % New background \frame{% % Back to the original "structure" and bg color schemes \colorlet{structure}{mystruct}

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Color Example

Color Example

Color changes in

Navigational bars


structure{..}color Code: \colorlet{mystruct}{structure} % Save current structure \colorlet{structure}{magenta} % New structure \usestructuretemplate{\color{structure}}{} % \structure{..} \beamertemplateshadingbackground{yellow!50}{magenta!50} % New background \frame{% % Back to the original "structure" and bg color schemes \colorlet{structure}{mystruct}

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Verbatim w/o Overlays

Verbatim w/o Overlays

'\verb" or 'verbatim" cannot bedirectlyused in Beamer!If there isno overlay, use\frame[containsverbatim]

\begin{verbatim} .. verbatim contents .. \end{verbatim} Now in-line verbatimis possible with '\verb".Color and size can be easily changed.

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Inline Verbatim with Overlyas

Inline Verbatim with Overlays

My solution:\path{..}instead of\verb.Color:Hello,Hello Size:Hello,Hello,HelloBeamer solution:\defverb\command|contents|outside the frame.Define\defverb\myverb|Hello,World!|Then use\myverb?Hello, World!

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Inline Verbatim with Overlyas

Inline Verbatim with Overlays

My solution:\path{..}instead of\verb.Color:Hello,Hello Size:Hello,Hello,HelloBeamer solution:\defverb\command|contents|outside the frame.Define\defverb\myverb|Hello,World!|Then use\myverb?Hello, World!

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Verbatim with Overlays

Verbatim with Overlays

Uselstlistingenvironment instead ofverbatimenvironment.Define\defverbatim[colored]\command{contents}outside

frame.'contents" are thelistingenvironment.Example: \end{lstlisting}}%\frame{%\testcode

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Verbatim with Overlays

Verbatim with Overlays

Uselstlistingenvironment instead ofverbatimenvironment.Define\defverbatim[colored]\command{contents}outside

frame.'contents" are thelistingenvironment.Example: \end{lstlisting}}%\frame{%\testcode

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Figures Intro

Figures Intro

Standard L


can be used.Beamer also loadspgfpackage. So

PGF command,\pgfimage[]{file}, is also

possible.\includegraphics,\pgfimage, and\pdfuseimageunderstand overlays.


Beamer v3.0 Guide


PGF Macros

PGF Macros

PSTricksandPGFcan be used for locating figuresexactly.Grid size of slide: (LL×UR) = (0cm,-7cm)×(11cm,1cm)PGF macro for locating figures:

If you use the same figure several times, use\pgfdecalreimage and\pgfuseimage. Or just use\includegraphics.

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Figures inside Columns

Figures inside Columns

Figures inside 'columns" environment need exact position. PGF macros (PDF, PNG, and JPEG withpdflatex)\begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.65\textwidth} A\\B \end{column} \begin{column}{0.35\textwidth} \end{column} \end{columns}

PSTricks macros (EPS withdvips)\begin{columns}

\begin{column}{0.65\textwidth} A\\B \end{column} \begin{column}{0.35\textwidth} \end{column} \end{columns}

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Figures inside Columns

Figures inside Columns

Figures inside 'columns" environment need exact position. PGF macros (PDF, PNG, and JPEG withpdflatex)\begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.65\textwidth} A\\B \end{column} \begin{column}{0.35\textwidth} \end{column} \end{columns}

PSTricks macros (EPS withdvips)\begin{columns}

\begin{column}{0.65\textwidth} A\\B \end{column} \begin{column}{0.35\textwidth} \end{column} \end{columns}

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Figures inside Columns

Figures inside Columns

Figures inside 'columns" environment need exact position. PGF macros (PDF, PNG, and JPEG withpdflatex)\begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.65\textwidth} A\\B \end{column} \begin{column}{0.35\textwidth} \end{column} \end{columns}

PSTricks macros (EPS withdvips)\begin{columns}

\begin{column}{0.65\textwidth} A\\B \end{column} \begin{column}{0.35\textwidth} \end{column} \end{columns}

Beamer v3.0 Guide


Zooming Figures

Zooming Figures

Figures can bezoomed3using

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