[PDF] ALLURE: A Multi-Modal Guided Environment for Helping Children

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Rubiks Cube 3x3 Solution Guide

RUBIK. CUBE www.rubiks.com. SOLUTION GUIDE. Unlock the Secret! Be sure to solve the sections of the white cross in the following.


There are three horizontal layers in a 3x3. Rubik's Cube. Using this guide you will solve the Rubik's. Cube layer by layer. TOP. LAYER.

Rubiks 3x3 Cube Solve Guide

There are three horizontal layers in a 3x3. Rubik's Cube. Using this guide you will solve the Rubik's. Cube layer by layer. TOP. LAYER.

YOU CAN DO THE Rubiks Cube

layers in a 3x3 Rubik's Cube. Using this guide you will solve the Rubik's Cube layer by layer. FACES. Each flat surface is a face. There are 6 faces on a.

Rubiks Cube 3x3 Solution Guide

RUBIK. CUBE www.rubiks.com. SOLUTION GUIDE. Unlock the Secret! Be sure to solve the sections of the white cross in the following.

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Implementation of layers algorithm in the application is supposed to allow accomplishment 3x3 Rubik's cube game with randomly generated conditions with varying 

Rubik Solving Chatbot

Rubik's Cube (3x3) On- line Solution. https://www.youcandothecube.com/solve-it/. 3x3-solution. Accessed: 2021-09-15. Zhang 

How to Solve the Rubiks Cube

How to Solve the Rubik's Cube by Shelley Chang (appropriated by Lucas Garron). Notation. A letter by itself (e.g. F) means turn that face 90 degrees 

ALLURE: A Multi-Modal Guided Environment for Helping Children

Rubik's Cube (3x3) On- line Solution. https://www.youcandothecube.com/solve-it/. 3x3-solution. Accessed: 2021-09-15. Zhang 

The Mathematics of the Rubiks Cube

17 mars 2009 Almost everyone has tried to solve a Rubik's cube. The first attempt often ends in vain with only a jumbled mess of colored cubies (as I ...

[PDF] Mode demploi Rubiks cube 3x3x3

Page 1 Mode d'emploi Rubik's cube 3x3x3 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

[PDF] Rubiks Cube 3x3 Solution Guide - CSE-IITM

Be sure to solve the sections of the white cross in the following order - blue orange green red • Notice the EDGE PIECE COLORS above match the top white 

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Pour résoudre le cube 2×2×2 il suffit de suivre les étapes et Chaque mouvement est désigné par l'initiale de la face qui doit tourner d'un quart de 

Comment faire un Rubiks Cube 3x3 ? - Francocube

Une solution pour tous pour finir le Rubik's cube ? Le tutoriel décrit ici est une méthode "universelle" dans le sens où il n'y a pas besoin d'être un génie 

[PDF] Le rubiks cube

Les étapes de résolution du rubik's cube 5 1 La 1ère face et la 1ère couronne 5 1 1 Positionner les arêtes 5 1 2 Positionner les sommets

[PDF] Rubiks cube 3x3x3

On retourne le cube face blanche en haut On termine la 4ème couronne une seule formule et sa symétrie que l'on effectue à volonté Attention : Si par 

[PDF] YOU CAN DO THE Rubiks Cube - Bolcom

Mindset is critical - learning to solve the Rubik's Cube is difficult solve THE FINAL LAYER RUBIK'S CUBE SOLUTION GUIDE This 3x3 solution

Comment résoudre le rubiks cube 3x3 ? Tuto débutant très facile +

11 fév 2019 · Fiche d'Algorithmes ( pdf ) : https://drive google com/file/d/1_ng Durée : 33:55Postée : 11 fév 2019

[PDF] Résoudre le Rubiks cube

Diablement simple — un cube de 6 couleurs composé de 26 petits cubes qui bougent dans tous les sens 8 coins à 3 faces 12 arêtes à 2 faces 6 faces centrales



*: AMulti-Modal GuidedEn vironmentforHelpingChildr enLearnto Solvea Rubik"sCube withA utomaticSolving andInteractiveExplanations

Kausik Lakkaraju

1, ThahimumHassan 2, VedantKhandelwal3, PrathamjeetSingh 4,

Cassidy Bradley

5, RonakShah 6, ForestAgostinelli7, BiplavSriv astava8, DezhiW u9

AI Institute,Uni versityofSouthCarolina,Columbia, USA,


Department ofInte gratedInformationTechnology ,Uni versityofSouthCarolina,Columbia, USA



1thassan@email.sc.edu,2vedant@mailbox.sc.edu,3psingh@email.sc.edu4, cmb11@email.sc.edu,5



Modern artificialintelligence (AI)met hodsha vebeenused to solveproblemsthat many humansstruggle tosolve.This opens upne wopportunitiesforkno wledgedisco very anded- ucation. WedemonstrateALLURE, acollaborati ve educa- tional AIsystem forlearning tosolv ethe Rubik"s cubethat is designedto helpstudents improv etheir problemsolving skills. ALLUREcan bothfind itso wnstrate giesfor solving the Rubik"scubeand explain thosestrate giestohumans.In the future,ALLURE willalso beable tocollaborate withhu- mans byb uildingonuser-provided strategies forsolvingthe Rubik"scube andas wellas generalizeto othersearch andau- tomated planningproblems. Interactionbetween AIand user is facilitatedbyvisual andnatural languagemodalities.


Weseek tocreate aplatform forkno wledgedisco very where humans cancollaborate withartificial intelligence(AI) to obtain newideasand totest theiro wnideas forsolving a problem(Agostinelli etal. 2021).This hasapplications to botheducation aswell asthe frontiersof research.Our project andits prototype,ALLURE, seeksto addressthe gap and rolethat today"s AItechnologycanplay ineducation through aRubik" scubeusecase. Ourtool also contributes to abroader scopeof today"s educationthrough interactive, multi-modal, ande xplainableAI(XAI)user interfaces to facilitateand dev elopstudents"twenty-firstcenturyskills, including communication,collaboration, problem-solving, critical, andcreati vethinkingtofosterlifelong learningand digital citizenship(Mayer andW ittrock2006; Ng2015;

Conn andMcLean 2019).

Wepick theRubik" scube givenits apparentability to capture theimagination ofpeople aroundthe world (Ru- bik 2020)as wellas itsrelationship tomathematics (Joyner

2008) andcomputer science(K orf1997; Rokickietal.2014;

Agostinelli etal. 2019).Its abilityto fosterproblem-solving abilities canbe seenby international"cubing" competitions, including competitionsfor solvingthe cubein thef astest time, solvingthe cubein thein thefe westnumber ofmo ves, and solvingmultiple cubesblindfolded. *

Name derivedfromtheunderlined letters.

Copyright© 2022,Association forthe Advancement ofArtificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org).Allrightsreserv ed.Figure 1:The Solved whitecross In thisdemonstration, wewill show how ALLUREisable to successfullyfind astrate gyfor achievingthewhite cross (shownin Figure1) anduse botha visualand naturallan- guage interfacetoe xplainits strategytothe user. Astep- by-step illustrationof thevisual interface issho wninFigure 2.

Explainable AIMethods

to thecomputer sciencecommunity fordecades (Korf 1997; Rokicki etal. 2014).Recently ,a methodcalledDeepCubeA (McAleer etal. 2018;Agostinelli etal. 2019)used AItech- niques tocreate adomain-independent algorithmthat learns to solvetheRubik" scube, amongotherpuzzles.This auto- mated problem-solvingalgorithm hassince beenapplied to cryptography(Jin andKim 2020)and quantumcomputing (Zhang etal. 2020).Ho wev er,likepreviousmethods,Deep- CubeA cannote xplaintoa humanitsov erallstrate gybehind its solutionsand cannotb uildon human-providedstrategies. Togi veDeepCubeAtheabilityto producee xplainableso- lutions, wedra woninspirationfrom how humanse xplain the manydifferent methodsforsolvingthe Rubik"s cube (Aggarwal2017).In almostall ofthese methods,there isa series ofsubgoals tobe achiev edand eachsubgoalhasaset of algorithmsused toachie ve it.Therefore,ALLUREwill

collaborate withthe userby communicatingsubgoals andTheTh irty-SixthAAAIConference onArtifi cialIntelligence(AAAI-22)


Figure 2:Solving White Crossproblem inRubik" scube.(a)Initial state:White-OrangeEdge Pieceis notin place,(b) Step01:

perform D",(c) Step02: performF", (d)Step 03:perform: R,(e) Goalstate: performF toget White Cross. algorithms ithas discov eredwhilebuildingonsubgoals and algorithms suggestedby theuser .

Toallo wDeepCubeAtoquickly adaptto new subgoals,

we usehindsight experience replay(Andrychowiczet al.

2017) totrain av ersionof DeepCubeAthatcanachie ve any

validRubik" scubeconfiguration,including subgoalswhere only asubset ofthe stickers arespecified. DeepCubeAcan then beused topro videus withexamplesof how toachie ve anyparticular subgoal.F ore xample,ifwew ouldliketo achievesub goali, wefirst scramble thecubebytaki nghun- dreds ofrandom mov es,thenuseDeepCubeAachiev esub- goali-1, thencollect examples ofthestatesseen andac- tions takenwhengoing fromsubgoal i-1to subgoali.

From thesee xamples,wenow needto extracthuman-

understandable algorithms.T oaccomplishthis,we usefirst- order inductivelogicprogramming(ILP) (Muggleton1992). ILP givesustheability todefine relationalpredicates that ground knowledge,candescribe algorithmsin aconcise logic program.W eusethePopper ILPsoftw are(Cropper and Morel2021) thatalso allows usto includeexpressiv e inductivebiasesto simplifythe searchfor aprogram. For ex- ample, wecan giv etheprogramcommonsenserules, such as aspecifying thata sticker cannotbe inmorethanone lo- cation ata time.W ecan alsouseILPto discov era hierarchy of subgoalsby findingpatterns inthe orderin whichalgo- rithms areapplied andthe learnedpreconditions forthose algorithms. Wenow turntoILPand HCImethods forthe collaboration betweenhuman andAI.


User interface(UI)design ischallenging toef fectiv elydis- play solutionsto theRubik" sCube withunderstandable problem-solving stepsto demoand engage userswith real- time cuberotations driv enbyAIalgorithms.Moreov er, al- lowingthe userto communicatetheir own ideasadds an- other layerof difficulty forsuchadesign. To facilitate the solving, wedesign andimplement (1)a seriesof multi- modal userinterf acesthrough3Dmodel visualizationsto visually presentRubik" sCubeandreal-time cubemanipu- lations withe xplainablestepsobtainedfrom theAI system (this portionb uildsoncodefrom (cfopand Hui2020) and visualizations from(Y ouCanDotheRubik"sCube2021))(2)

an interactivechatbotsystemto provide learners customizedpedagogical hintsand guidance,af fordedby multi-modalUIs viate xt,image,animationand voice.

Weuse NLPtechniques whileha vingthe collaborativ eas- sistant (chatbot)interact withthe userto understandtheir gamingand learningintents, trackprogress andmanage in- teractions. Theuser canrefer topre viouscon versation as part oftheir context toinitiateag ame.The systemwill be able totrack user"s conversationand assessemotionslike sentiments todetect frustration,user engagedness andlearn- ing progress.The systemtranslates explanations fromfirst order logicto naturalte xtusing templatesthatarecustomiz- able todif ferentemotionstatesof theuser .W euse Rasa (Bocklisch etal. 2017)to implementthis NLPinterf ace. However,werecognizetheneed forcareful usere valuation to determinethe effecti venessofthesemethodsfordiffer - ent usergroups giv entheirsusceptibilitytotrustissues like bias (Srivastavaetal.2020;Kiritchenko andMohammad

2018). Furthermore,users willha ve theabilitytocommu-

nicate theiro wnideasforsubgoals usinga virtualcube that theycan edit.Users willbe ableto communicatetheir ideas for algorithmsby providing thesystemwithe xamplesof the algorithm andha vingtheILPsystem inducea logicpro- gram, whichwillthen betranslated tonatural languagefor verification.Alternati vely,theusercandirectlycommuni- cate theiralgorithm usingnatural language,with thesystem asking forclarification whenencountering any ambiguities.

Discussion andConclusion

In thedemonstration, wefirst visuallyintroduce theuser to the Rubik"scubeand conv entionsof moves.Then,theAI agent learnsthe crossand explainsthesolution withvisual cues. Theagent giv esanaturallanguageexplanation ofthe algorithm beingused andits effects. Next, astep-by-stepvi- sualization showsthemo ves requiredtoobtainthecross. Toour knowl edge,ALLUREisthefirst toolto bothl earn to solveRubik"s cubeandexplain itssolutions tohumans. In thefuture, wewill incorporatecollaborati ve learning,per - sonalized interventions,multi-lingualcapabilities, andcon- duct userstudies withstudents. Sincethe Rubik"s cubeis a well-studiedproblem inthe fieldsof searchand planning (Korf1987, 1997),ALLURE canpotentially begeneralized to widerange ofother problemsin thesefields. 13186


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