[PDF] Module 6 – Lexical Phase - RE to DFA

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q1 q2 q3 a b b a a b

Label on remaining arc between start and accept states is a regular expression for language of original DFA. Remark: Method also can convert NFA into a regular 

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? + ? (?)* 0 = 0. Converting DFA to Regular Expressions: Example. Eliminate A. BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages. 42. S. A. B.

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Also give an NFA and a DFA for L1 over the alphabet ?. Answer: A regular expression for L1 is. R1 = ( + ? - ? ? )?1 ??. 1.

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Module 6 – Lexical Phase - RE to DFA

However if the regular expression is converted to a DFA using the Figure 6.2 Syntax tree construction for (a

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Convert a(b+c)*a to a DFA. The string must start with an a which is followed by a mix of b's and c's repeated in any order. Solution:.

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Then the following Turing machine T decides C: T = “On input ?MR?

Construction of an FA from an RE

16-Mar-2020 Case 4 ? For a regular expression (a+b)* we can construct the ... Convert the following RA into its equivalent DFA ? 1 (0 + 1)* 0.

Module 6

T s 6.1

· Thompsons subset construction algorithm

· Syntax tree

6.2 Syntax Tree Procedure

The following algorithm,


Input: Regular Expression

1. Augment the regular expression r #which is used as an end marker

r #

2. Construct a syntax tree for r#

Traverse the tree to construct functions nullable, firstpos, lastpos, and followpos firstpos, lastpos, and followpos

6.2.1 Syntax Tree construction

Based on the precedence of the regular expression operators*, + and . a syntax tree is . and this will + and this will also have two # will be the leaf nodes of this expression. a and b are input+ operator then the

Using this method and the precedence of operators

6.2.2. Nullable( )

After constructing the syntax tree, for every symbol in the syntax tree, the function nullable() is . Hence, if a leaf node is labeled with then the nullable information a a of that node is set to True and for all other input alphabet a such that a is not an operator,

Fa. For the regular expression operators,

and operation while the union operator is considered as or operation for + and . or and and indicates the logical operators. Hence, nullable(+) will be set True if any of its children is nullable and nullable(.) will be set to True only if both of its True

6.2.3 firstpos()

The n. a, the firstpos(a) is the integer assigned to it , firstpos( ) is defined as empty. After assigning the firstpos( ) + .with children c1 and c2, else

6.2.4 last

lastpos( n. a, the lastpos(a) is also the integ , lastpos( ) is defined as empty, since + and . and with children c1 and c2, Table 6.1 Summary of the functions nullable(), firstpos() and lastpos() n nullable(n)firstpos(n)lastpos(n)

Leaf e AE AE

Leaf c c nullable(c1) true

6.2.5 followpos(n)

followpos( i

1. for n do

n c 1 c 2 then i in lastpos(c 1 do followpos(i) := followpos(i) È firstpos(c 2 end do n i in lastpos(n) do followpos(i) := followpos(i) È firstpos(n) end do

Algorithm 6.1: Followpos() construction

based on the Kleene closure operator.

6.2.6 DFA

The construction algorithm is given in Algorithm 6.2. Initially, the firstpos s


while do mark each input symbol Î S do let a. a if Uthen add Dtran

Algorithm 6.2

Example 6.1 : Construct a minimized DFA for the regular expression (a|b)*abb

In example 6.1,

c), the syntax tree is constructed and is shown in False. Similarly, other interior concatenation nodes will also have


Figure 6.3 Syntax tree wit.

and lastpos() and is ind1

2. The firstpos( | ) and the laspos( | ) is given by the union of the firstpos and lastpos of its

., which is a pa (3),


1 s firstpos() as the s firstpos() is {1,2,3} and hence, this set is the start state. In this set, 1 and 3 a. Hence, to define the edge from this state on a, we need to a. Similarly, the state 2 corresponds to input b. Hence, followpos(2) is to be considered for the edge on b from {1,2,3} which is the same

1 and 3 corresponds to a

a. For b, nodes 2, 4

6. In the state6 is contained in the set representing {1,2,3,6}

s construction algorithm.


In this module, we discussed the construction of minimized DFA which is performed from thequotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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