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Film Review: 12 Years a Slave (2013)

Film Review: 12 Years a Slave (2013). Lauren Kirschke. CSUSB. Jasmin Gonzalez. CSUSB. Moriah Schnose. CSUSB. Haley Carter.

Analysis Racial Discrimination and Social Stratification in 12 Years a

12 Years a Slave movie is tell about slavery in American at eighteen century which adapted from novel. Twelve Years a Slave based on the real experience of 

the analysis of racial discrimination in solomon northups 12 years a

2017. The research was focused on racial discrimination faced by the major characters and their resistances in 12 Years A Slave novel. This study was aimed 

The Psychological Aspects in Solomon Northups Twelve Years a

Among these writers Solomon Northup describes the historical context and literary review in his autobiography of twelve years a slave. This experience opened a 


This thesis presents the slavery in the Twelve Years a Slave book. Slavery has many forms in the practice in the memoir of Solomon Northup that reflected in 

Twelve Years a Slave: Slavery through the Eyes of Solomon

Then the main section of this work is devoted to the analysis and comparison of the novel and the film. I decided to select several characters and scenes to 

12 Years between Life and Death

review of 12 Years a Slave. Rather they enable viewers to empathize with the plight of slaves

To Learn More: Solomon Northup Twelve Years a Slave (1853)

Mar 3 2014 Twelve Years a Slave was based on the memoir of Solomon Northup

To Learn More: Solomon Northup Twelve Years a Slave (1853)

Mar 3 2014 Twelve Years a Slave was based on the memoir of Solomon Northup

12 Years a Slave as a Neo-Slave Narrative

of others. Notes. 1. Armond White ("Can't Trust It" City Arts : New York's Review of Culture





Presented as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Undergraduate Program








ii iii iv Fin v vi

Student Nu

vii mber ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Praise God Almighty, for the presence of plenty of mercy and his grace, then the writer can accomplish the thesis with the title: The Analysis of Slavery in Twelve Years a Slave written by Solomon Northup. This thesis was made to fulfill one of the conditions to achieve a Bachelor of Humanity Degree at Social and Humanity Faculty of Buddhi Dharma University in Tangerang. The writer realizes that the form and content of this thesis can not be separated from the shortcomings that arise because of the ability, knowledge, and experience of the writer is still limited. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this thesis will be accepted by the writer with pleasure. Many things have been obtained by the writer while participating in academic activities at the Buddhi Dharma University in Tangerang. Hence, please allow the writer with sincerity to express his deepest gratitude to:

1.God Almighty for all His grace and grace and health that has been given to the writer in

the completion of this thesis.

2.Dr. Sofian Sugioko, M.M., CPMA., As Chancellor of the Buddhi Dharma University.

3.Dr. Lilie Suratminto, M.A., as Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanities, University

of Buddhi Dharma.

4.Riris M. Paulina Simamora, S.Pd., M.Hum. as Chair of the English Literature

Department, Faculty of social and humanities, University of Buddhi Dharma.

5.Adrallisman, SS, M. Hum. as Chair of the Department of English, Faculty of Social and

Humanities, University of Buddhi Dharma and as a material lecturer who has provided guidance and direction for the realization of this thesis.

6.All the Lecturers of the Buddhi Dharma University who have provided invaluable


7.All Buddhi Dharma University staff who helped provide assistance in the context of data

viii collection, administration and information needed for the preparation of this thesis.

8.All of the family member who have given encouragement and prayer for the success of

the writer in the preparation of this thesis, especially my lovely wife Ariani and beloved daughter.

9.All friends and parties who have helped a lot in the preparation of this thesis, especially

Christian Bachtiar that voluntarily guide the writer about the fulfilment of this final project . Finally. The writer wishes to show his gratitude to all people whose names can not be mentioned one by one, especially for their contribution, help, and support in the process of her research in order to accomplish this research.

Tangerang, 2nd July 2019

Christian Sugiarto Wijaya

: 20150600024

Faculty : Social Sciences and Humanities

Study Program : English Literature

The Final Project has been approved on 2nd July 2019

Supervisor Head of Department

Adrallisman, SS, M. Hum. Riris M. Paulina Simamora, S.Pd., M.Hum.

NIDN: 0427117501 NIDN: 0427068703

ix ction of this thesis will be accepted by the easure.any things hjaya


This thesis presents the slavery in the Twelve Years a Slave book. Slavery has many forms in the practice in the memoir of Solomon Northup that reflected in his book, Twelve Years a Slave. This thesis describes the slavery forms with the theory of slavery by Kevin Bales which expands slavery into chattel slavery, debt bondage, contract slavery, forced labor, child slavery, and sex slavery. The data of this research were taken from Twelve Years a Slave written by Solomon Northup. This research use qualitative method which investigates the social phenomenon in this research. This research shows the data collected from the book matched with the slavery forms in accordance with Kevin Bales theory. Then the writer proved that the forms of the slavery from the descriptive of slavery forms by Bales with the slavery exist in ³Twelve Years a Slave´ book and as the result, the writer found the forms of slavery in the ³Twelve Years a Slave´ book were chattel slavery, debt bondage, forced labor, child slavery, and sex slavery. Keywords: Slavery, Forms, Chattel, Bondage, Forced, Memoir, Narrative x



INSIDE COVER ...................................................................................................................................................... i

FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL .......................................................................................................................... ii

FINAL PROJECT APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................iii

RECOMMENDATION FOR THE ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................................ iv

THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS ......................................................................................................................... v

STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ............................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................................... x

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................ xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the study ...................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Statement of the problem ..................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Research Question ............................................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Goal and Function ............................................................................................................................... 4

1.4.1 Goal .............................................................................................................................................. 4

1.4.2 Function ........................................................................................................................................ 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ........................................................................................................................... 5

1.6 Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................................ 5


CHAPTER II THEORITICAL BACKGROUND..................................................................................... 7

2.1 Review of Previous Study.................................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Theory of Literature ............................................................................................................................ 9

2.3 Theme ............................................................................................................................................... 10

2.3.1 Definition of Theme .................................................................................................................... 10

2.4 Theory of Slavery .............................................................................................................................. 11

2.4.1 Definition of Slavery ................................................................................................................... 11

2.4.2 Characteristics of Slavery............................................................................................................ 13

2.4.3 Forms of Slavery......................................................................................................................... 13

2.4.4 History of Slavery ....................................................................................................................... 16

2.5 Theory of Conscience ........................................................................................................................ 18

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................................... 20

3.1 Subject Matter ................................................................................................................................... 20

3.2 Material ............................................................................................................................................. 21

3.3 Approach ........................................................................................................................................... 21

3.4 Procedure .......................................................................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................... 23

4.1 Slavery Forms in Twelve Years a Slave book .................................................................................... 23

4.1.1 Chattel Slavery ........................................................................................................................... 23

4.1.2 Debt Bondage ............................................................................................................................. 31

4.1.3 Forced Labor .............................................................................................................................. 32

4.1.4 Child Slavery .............................................................................................................................. 38


4.1.5 Sex Slavery ................................................................................................................................. 39

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 41

5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 41

5.2 Suggestion ......................................................................................................................................... 42

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 43

CURRICULUM VITAE .......................................................................................................................... 45




Figure Page

1.1 Chart of Conceptual Framework...........................................5




1.1 Background of the Study

Literary work has several genres such as novel, film, and books. Every genre has its own uniquity, so we able to analyze each of them in literature ways. Memoir, has been created from human experience since a long time ago. Literary Devices (2017). In addition, the memoir of Julius Cesar from Ancient Romans empire. He wrote and depicted his personal experiences about epic battles in the past. Through memoirs we able to understand the experiences from famous people and it also provide a window for the audience to

Thus, when we able to understand human

experiences, we will able to enrich our knowledge from human memoirs and take those as lesson of life. Hence, the writer would like to improve the knowledge about the memoir that inspired human life. However, memoir is essential to express the human experience from written literature to spread along the world. Memoir is non fiction literature which is the branch of literature that compromising works of narrative prose that strict upon facts and reality. Eagleton (2015). Hence, by understanding the literature works, we are able to express our experience through memoir. In writing memoir, most of part concentrate the moment and event that are 2 trully happen. Even though it still has great power in expressing its massage to audience. Those represent a lots of experience than just a merely words. Couser (2012). Since human are expressive creature, Nearly most of the human brain is used to process emotional data. No wonder that the most enduring memory generally is our life experience. Learning process becomes more effective when it involves emotional elements through understanding memoir and analyze it.


and in this research, the experience were taken from Solomon Northup life experience, who kidnapped and sold to slavery for twelve years. Slavery itself already dominated in all ancient civilization and become a moral problems in this world. It can be seen from the modern slavery in Africa, when poverty generates the child slavery, their parents sold their child to slavery in order to receive money from the slave dealers. Then in North Korea the forced labor is common at that country, estimated millions of people are enslaved by the government there to forcefully work without compensation. Accordingly, the bourgeoisie class oppressively harmed the proletariat class with lashes and gun. Slavery already existed since a long time ago and still happens until now. It has been continuously evolved into another forms. Brace (2004) says that slavery is a system which allowed individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property. A system that generated million of humans become slaves to bourgeoisie class as landowners in Twelve Years a Slave book. Twelve Years a Slave is a story about oppresed slave named Solomon 3 Northup that struggled to find a freedom, When we look at the social issue from Twelve Years a Slave book, the slaves were treated harshly and oppressively in America. Under the United States Constitution in Philadelphia which permitted slavery to remain legal in America. With the legalization of slave by the government, it boosted the slave traders to import new slaves from Africa with shipped them through the ocean. The landowners could abuse, injure or even kill their slaves without legal consequences. While there were many grades and types of slaves, the lowest and most numerous grades who worked in the fields were subject to a life of hard physical labor. Oppressive action against slavery generate the problem in that age, when the landowners enormity has been killed a lot of slave without mercy. From the description above, the writer believed that it would be interesting to explore the book which is intellectually interesting. It would be an enjoyable discussion about the slavery and about this social issue which still existed and affecting human civilization.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Slavery is part of human existence since the bottom of history. Slaves have worked in field, mine, and house from the very beginning of civilization. In almost every advanced nations there must be slavery there. Slavery is a kind of relationship between people. It is a personal as well as a social relationship, and it is almost always an economic relationship, for slavery is about making a profit from the work of others, (Bales, 2005:1) 4 We live in the world that change so fast, as well as slavery, in the past slaves usually taken from war or captured in raid. Ancient Egypt enslaved millions of slaves to construct the pyramid. Ancient Roman empire enslaved war captives to be slaves for romans citizen. Many of these slaves worked to build the advanced civilization that continuously enslave others. The problem will focus on the slavery forms in Twelve Years a Slave book by Solomon Northup. Then examine about the various of the slavery in this book. The writer concern about the slavery in the book, because it conjures up horrific pictures of brutality and oppression at that time that will evoke our conscience. Based on this, the writer found a research question.

1.3 Research Question

Based on the background of study the writer propose the question: what kind of the slavery forms in the Twelve Years a Slave book written by Solomon


1.4 Goal and Function

1.4.1 Goal

The goal of this research is to answer the research question about the various forms of slavery in Twelve Years a Slave book written by Solomon Northup that can be found from matched the data between the data from the Twelve Years a Slave book and the slavery theory forms by Kevin Bales. 5

1.4.2 Function

Besides the purpose that the writer had mentioned before, there are some function of this paper, which is to provide future researcher with information as a reference for those who are interested in conducting further research on this subject and show the slavery forms that is not only one kind of slavery in this world, and conduct another research based on the slavery theory forms from this research.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

This study scope is the slavery forms that can be found in Twelve Years a Slave written by Solomon Northup. This study is limited only to analyze the forms of slavery slavery in Twelve Years a Slave book. The analysis based on the slavery forms in the Twelve Years a Slave book that matched with the slavery theory forms that exposed by Kevin Bales.

1.6 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is a statement to describe the frame of reference for the 6 The chart above provide the conceptual of theoritical framework. The writer analyze the slavery forms memoir Twelve Years a Slave by theories of slavery. It also describe the definition about slavery, it is history, slavery forms theory and other related theories. Slavery forms in this book will divided into chattel slavery, bondage slavery, contract slavery, forced labor, child slavery, and sex slavery that lead to answer this research. The writer also explain the theory of slavery from few experts regarding this research, then analysis the forms of slavery that correlate within the quotation in this research. The forms of slavery from Bales will become the major point of slavery in Twelve

Years a Slave written by Solomon Northup.




2.1 Review of Previous Studies

Relating to this research, the writer found two researchers that use slavery as the

Slave narrative twelve years a slave

(1853): prejudice, discrimination, and survival in slaverycreate by Rizky Utami Hutapea in 2015. The researcher is from University of Indonesia. In her research, Rizky found out the explanation regarding prejudice, discrimination and survival of the African-American in the Twelve Years a Slave. As the results of dehumanization in slavery, African-Americans develoved adaptive survival techniques and some of the techniques were also the forms of their resistance to slavery. This thesis uses some point of views in looking the survival of African-Americans as dignified actions. The second researcher is Ika Prasetyawati who Sojourner Truth and Harriet Jacobs's Lifeworlds and Arguments of Rhetoric of Slavery: A

Comparative Study

In her research, the writer found the comparative between two striking concerns: the anguish of enslaved women and the divisive issue of the North and the South. The present study compares the lifeworlds and arguments of rhetoric of slavery of Sojourner Truth of New York and Harriet Jacobs of North Carolina. Under Post-nationalist American Studies perspective to see African American female 8 abolitionists view points, this comparative study integrates Habermasian lifeworld focusing on the three interrelated aspects: culture, society, and personality and Ericson's contextualist arguments: American exemplar, human progress, and house divided. The data of this study was taken from Yellin's Harriet Jacobs: A Life (2004) and Larry G. Murphy's Sojourner Truth: A Biography (2012). The comparative analysis on lifeworlds of the two figures suggests that social system of slavery is reproduced in the different ways. Whereas Truth embraces the social expectation as affected by the cruelty of slaveholding practice. Jacobs resists the slavery with the influenced of milder practice. However, the realization of the injustice of slavery eventually shifts Truth to show resistance. Furthermore, Truth's abolitionist idea derives from her spirituality, while Jacobs's stems from the social value of liberty. Their arguments reflect their lifeworlds. Truth experiencing severity is more vocal and practical to solve the social problem. Jacobs encountering milder slavery helps the people of her race in conservative ways. From above studies conducted by the two above researchers, the writer is off the view that the slavery topic is quite common to researched. The writer found similiarity and dissimiliarity between two researchers. That first of the topic is about slavery theme which the researchers collect their data through qualitative method which is similiar to this research. The dissimiliarity from those researchers is the theory that is applied in the research and the book that they have used in their research. The theory that 9 applied in this research use the slavery theory which describes the forms and terminology about slavery. It is not similiar to the first researcher that focuses on using survival theory in her research, and the second researcher that used a social theory to compare her analysis.

2.2 Theory of Literature

Literature can be understood as the set of concepts and intellectual assumptions on the work of explaining or interpreting literary texts. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2019). These set of concepts and the criticism able to evolve the literature to the higher subject. Literary texts represents the world by expressing words with imagine the text with our senses. In our modern society, literature become the source of thoughts and spread around the world. It also influence the film industry that contribute to realize human reason, feeling and thought from the text to the reality which is easier to absorbed by people. Literature also the foundation of humanity, It serve as a reflection of reality and illuminate the nescience. A lot of value of history, culture, beliefs from a literary works can be obtained from literature. The works of famous Greek philosophers contain virtues that promote goodness to a society if the human have the willingness to uphold and practice them. They also emphasize the importance of human wisdom to achieve a higher level of understanding. Through these philosophers contributions to literature, not only craft an artistic combination of words, but expose logic and ideas as well. 10

2.3 Theme

2.3.1 Definition of Theme

Theme can be defined s a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work, which may be stated directly or indirectly.Literary devices (2019). The important element in literature which created by the author in order to insert a message that makes the story more interesting. meaning that contained by a is dividedquotesdbs_dbs31.pdfusesText_37
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