[PDF] How to Enhance the Effects of Mediated Intergroup Contact

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How to Enhance the Effects of Mediated Intergroup Contact

24 jul 2019 We bridge the theorizing on mediated and imagined contact and integrate ... .482) t stereotypes and behavioral intentions (UK r = .422; ...


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Running head: Imagined contact and collective action When

Kurds N = 80) showed that imagined contact increased collective action tendencies and this disadvantaged compared to Turks”

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How the interplay of imagined contact and first‐person

the work on imagined contact narrative persuasion


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How to Enhance the Effects of Mediated

Department of Communication

Nuri Kim

Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information

Juan-José Igartua

Department of Sociology and Communication

Magdalena Wojcieszak(Ph.D.,UniversityofPennsylvania,2009)isaProfessorintheDepartment 's attitudes, cognitions, and Nuri Kim(Ph.D., Stanford University, 2013) is Assistant Professor in the Wee Kim Wee School of Juan-José Igartua(Ph.D., University of the Basque Country, 1996) is a Professor of Media

Mass Communication and Society,23:71-106

We bridge the theorizing on mediatedandimagined contact and integrate these -in two countries-from imagined . We propose that encouraging people to



N= 417), Spain (N= 400), Singapore (N= 390),

N= 395), who read a story delivered by a stigmatized


Mediated contact, or encountering positive depictions of outgroup members in 73
the outgroup character and gains insight into his or her feelings and thoughts. 's stories depicting outgroups (Cameron, Rutland, Brown, & Douch, "mental simulation of a social interaction with "(Crisp & Turner, "imagined contact might be immediately beforean intervention that involves extended or "(Crisp & Turner, imaginedcontact should enhance the effective- mediatedcontact. Rehearsing a positive intergroup interaction prepares


We also examine the similarity between the ingroup audience and the outgroup


"common interests and common humanity"(Allport, similarity to ingroup prototypeand examine its "emblematic"set of characteristics of a given social category 's food or be 's national sports team. We argue that mediated contact 75
and Latinos as similar to the"White norm"predicts lower stereotyping and -crucially-we experimentally vary 's distinct identity and exacerbate prejudice (Brown & Lopez, "superior"status) toward immigrants (whose identity is less secure 's imagination (Harwood, strongerthan what we might "optimal reception condition,"in which one's imagination is trained before


Lastly, we considertwomechanisms throughwhichthese effects emerge. We focus


interaction prior to mediated contact should enhance people'sinterestbecauseit 77
external stimuli influence attitudes because people use their affective states as

Outgroup Attitudes

We test these effects on three components of outgroup attitudes: cognitive "may be the most critical component of prejudiced attitudes" (Duckitt,




This project has four objectives. We first examine whether giving people instruc- H1a), H1b), and greater behavioral intentions (H1c) than

H2a), warmer outgroup feelings (H2b), and greater

H2c) than those exposed to a dissimilar outgroup member.

H3a), generating warmer

H3b), and increasing behavioral intentions (H3c).

H4a), generating warmer outgroup feelings (H4b), and H4c). H5a), generating warmer outgroup feelings (H5b), and H5c). 's similarity to ingroup prototype will enhance interest in the

H6a), generating warmer outgroup

feelings (H6b), and increasing intentions to engage in future outgroup contact H6c). 's similarity to ingroup prototype will enhance positive

H7a), generating warmer

H7b), and increasing intentions to engage in future out- H7c).


Four experiments were conducted in the United Kingdom (UK;N= 417), N= 392), Spain (N= 400), and the Netherlands (NL;N= 392). -in Singapore-who were citizens of the country. Survey Sampling Internationalin the UK,Research Nowin Qualtricsin Spain and the Netherlands). In order for the samples -in the -on education were set. In the UK, the sample was 50.4% -44, 25.5%; 45-54, 22%; 55-64,

Design and Procedure

All four studies followed the same procedure. Participants first completed “Narrative tools to reduce prejudice. Effects of similarity, "CSO2015-67611-P). Data collection for


similarity conditions: half engaged in mediated contact with a similar outgroup Imagined Contact.Following standard manipulations (Husnu & Crisp, "You will read a short story, in which a person shares "The control group read:"You will read a short story, in which 's on the horizon?)." Because the amount of detail regarding the context of the imagined interac- "You will read a short story, in which a person shares his experiences While imaging this think specifically of when (e.g., 2 "a majority of Britons tend to think that Pakistani migrants are not integrating well "(see 'Ancona & Martínez, 81
Imagine that the interaction is positive, relaxed, and comfortable. It may help to "(the text in italics was added "It may help to close your eyes while imagining the outdoor scene."It is Similarity to Ingroup Prototype.Mediated contact was operationalized as 's similarity to ingroup prototype, we altered some n= 27; n= 50) assessed three photographs of Pakistani/Chinese men in terms of how attractive,


using two items ("How much do you think you have in common with him,"1= "To whatextentdoyou thinkhe is likeyou,"1notatall,7=very 'sr=.77,ps <.001). Similarity to ingroup M high M low t(415) =

7.08; SingaporeM

high M low t(390) =4.93; SpainM high M low t(398) =6.98; NLM high M low t(390) =3.40, ps < .001). Following past studies, the posttest did not include manipulation check


The question wording for all the items is presented in the Relative Outgroup Stereotyping.Stereotyping was assessed in the UK 'scores to account for the fact that some people Outgroup Feelings.To measure the affective component of outgroup

Intentions to engage in

. Participants were asked how interested they would be "striking up a conversation;"1 = Not at all interested, 7 Interest in the Story.The first mediator was measured by asking participants ").Positive emotions. The second mediator was assessed by asking 83


Descriptive Statistics for Main Variables



M (SD)Cronbach's M (SD)Cronbach's M (SD)Cronbach's M (SD)

Relative Outgroup Stereotyping --0.27 --0.67 ----


Outgroup Feelings- 49.32 -46.89 -52.52 -57.99

(24.34)(22.26)(27.24)(24.54) Behavioural Intentions.80 4.32 .77 3.96 .88 4.54 .85 4.04 (1.35)(1.22)(1.38)(1.38) Interest in the Story.89 5.23 .88 4.53 .89 5.17 .90 4.97 (1.11)(1.09)(1.18)(1.27) Positive Emotions.89 3.00 .87 2.69 .91 3.71 .89 3.49 (1.42)(1.33)(1.57)(1.50)


(1 = not at all, 7 = very much; Wojcieszak, Bimber, Feldman, & Stroud,

Analytical Strategy

Because the dependent variables were correlated,

-although correlated-represent different outcomes, we ran uni-


H2a-c), and their interaction (H3a-c) on the

H4a-c-H7a-c), we used PROCESS macro


We checked whether random assignment to conditions worked. Randomization 's tests of sphericity suggest significant correlations among variables (UK 2 2 2 2 ps < .001). In fact, there r= .522; Singapore r = r= .422; Singapore r = .349), and feelings and r= .683; Singaporer= .568; Spainr= .664; Netherlandsr= .595 allps< 85
group (M low M high p= .014). Because the difference was not

Main Effects (H1, H2) and Interaction Effect (H3)

MANOVAassessingthemultivariateeffectsofexperimental conditionsontheset '= .99,p= .143; Singapore Wilks'= .99,p= '= 1.00,p= .927; NLWilks'= .99,p= .699). Likewise, an 's similarity to the ingroup prototype did not have any multi- '= .99,p= .595; Singapore Wilks'= .99,p= .331; '= .99,p= .225; NL Wilks'= .99,p= .166). The same was the '= .99,p= .427; Singapore Wilks'= p= .903; Spain Wilks'= .99,p= .419; NLWilks'= .99,p= .291). F (1, 413) p= .037,Partial 2 F (1, 413) p= .018, Partial 2 F (1, 413) p=.027, 2 F (1, 388) p= 2 F (1, 388) p= 2 F (1, 388) p=.209,Partial 2 F (1, 396) p= .364, Partial 2 F (1, 396) p= .462, Partial 2 F (1, 388) p= .341, Partial 2 F (1, 388) p= .201, Partial 2


H1asupported), and had no effects in the


's similarity to ingroup

H2a), generate warmer outgroup feelings (H2b),

H2c). In the UK, there were no

F (1, 413) p= .174, Partial 2 F (1, 413) p= .426, Partial 2



Group Means by Condition and ANOVA Results on the Effect of Imagined Contact and Similarity to Ingroup Prototype on Three Dimensions of Attitudes by Country

UK Singapore Spain Netherlands

Relative Outgroup Stereotyping

Imagined Contact

Imagined contact0.170.57 --

Control0.370.77 --

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