[PDF] Narcotic Drugs — Estimated World Requirements for 2020

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La Conférence des Nations Unies pour l'adoption d'un protocole sur les substances psychotropes s'est tenue à Vienne du 11janvier au 21 février 1971. 3. Les 71 

Psychotropic Substances - Substances psychotropes - INCB

Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 (E/INCB/2019/4) de la Convention sur les substances psychotropes de 1971. Estadísticas de 2018.

Narcotic Drugs: Estimated World Requirements for 2014 Statistics

des Tableaux II III et IV de la Convention de 1971 sur les substances psychotropes (E/INCB/2013/3). Précurseurs et produits chimiques fréquemment utilisés 

Psychotropic Substances - Substances psychotropes - INCB

Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 (E/INCB/2016/4) de la Convention de 1971 sur les substances psychotropes. Estadísticas de 2015.

Narcotic Drugs: Estimated World Requirements for 2016 Statistics

31 Des 2021 Tableaux II III et IV de la Convention sur les substances psychotropes de 1971 (E/INCB/2015/3). Précurseurs et produits chimiques ...

Narcotic Drugs Stupéfiants Estupefacientes

Tableaux II III et IV de la Convention sur les substances psychotropes de 1971 (E/INCB/2021/3). Précurseurs et produits chimiques fréquemment utilisés dans 

Narcotic Drugs: Estimated World Requirements for 2015 Statistics

des Tableaux II III et IV de la Convention sur les substances psychotropes de 1971 (E/INCB/2014/3). Précurseurs et produits chimiques fréquemment utilisés 

Narcotic Drugs Stupéfiants Estupefacientes

Tableaux II III et IV de la Convention sur les substances psychotropes de 1971 (E/INCB/2020/3). Précurseurs et produits chimiques fréquemment utilisés dans 

Narcotic Drugs: Estimated World Requirements for 2013 Statistics

Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 (E/INCB/2012/4) et IV de la Convention de 1971 sur les substances psychotropes (pu-.

Narcotic Drugs — Estimated World Requirements for 2020

31 Des 2021 Tableaux II III et IV de la Convention sur les substances psychotropes de 1971 (E/INCB/2019/3). Précurseurs et produits chimiques ...

Narcotic Drugs — Estimated World Requirements for 2020 NARCOTIC DRUGS - STUPÉFIANTS - ESTUPEFACIENTES


Narcotic Drugs



Estimated World Requirements for 2020

Statistics for 2018

Évaluations des besoins du monde pour 2020

Statistiques pour 2018

Previsiones de las necesidades mundiales para 2020

Estadísticas de 2018UNITED NATIONS

Reports published by the International

Narcotics Control Board for 2019

The (E/INCB/2019/1) is supplemented by the following reports: (E/INCB/2019/1/Supp.1) (E/INCB/2019/2) (E/INCB/2019/3) (E/INCB/2019/4) The updated lists of substances under international control, comprising narcotic drugs, ps ychotropic substances and substances frequently

used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, are contained in the latest editions of the annexes to the

statistical forms ("Yellow List", "Green List" and "Red List"), which are also issued by the Board.Rapports publiés par l"Organe international

de contrôle des stupéfiants pour 2019 Le (E/INCB/2019/1) est complété par les rapports suivants: (E/INCB/2019/1/Supp.1) (E/INCB/2019/2) (E/INCB/2019/3) (E/INCB/2019/4)

Les listes à jour des substances sous contrôle international, comprenant les stupéfiants, les substances psychotropes et les substances

fréquemment utilisées dans la fabrication illicite de stupéfiants et de substances psychotropes, figurent dans les dernières éditions des

annexes aux rapports statistiques annuels ("Liste jaune", "Lis te verte" et "Liste rouge") publiées également par l' Organe.Informes publicados por la Junta Internacional de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes correspondientes a 2019

El (E/INCB/2019/1) está complementado por los

siguientes informes: (E/INCB/2019/1/Supp.1) (E/INCB/2019/2) (E/INCB/2019/3) (E/INCB/2019/4)

Las listas actualizadas de las sustancias sometidas a fiscalización internacional, que comprenden estupefacientes, sustancias sicotrópicas y sus-

tancias frecuentemente utilizadas para la fabricación ilícita de estupefacientes y sustancias sicotrópicas, figuran en las edicione

s más recientes de

los anexos de los formularios estadísticos ("Lista Amarilla", "Lista Verde" y "Lista Roja"), también publicados por la Junta.Contacting the International Narcotics Control Board

Vienna International CentreTelephone:(+43-1) 26060

Room E-1319Fax:(+43-1) 26060-5867 or 26060-5868

P.O. Box 500 E-mail:incb.secretariat@un.org

1400 Vienna


The present report is also available on the website of the Board (www.incb.org). Le présent rapport est également disponible sur le site Web de l'OICS (www.incb.org). El presente informe también se puede consultar en el sitio web de la Junta (www.incb.org).



Narcotic Drugs

Estimated World Requirements for 2020

Statistics for 2018


Évaluations des besoins du monde pour 2020

Statistiques pour 2018


Previsiones de las necesidades mundiales para 2020

Estadísticas de 2018UNITED NATIONS



Vienna, 2020

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the ex

pression of any

opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory,

city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers o r boundaries. Countries and areas are referred to by the names that were in official use at the time the relevant data were collected.

Les appellations employées dans cette publication et la présentation des données qui y figurent n"impliquent de la part

du Secrétariat de l"Organisation des Nations Unies aucune prise de position quant au statut juridique des pays, territoires, villes

ou zones, ou de leurs autorités, ni quant au tracé de leurs frontières ou limites. Les noms de pays ou de zones figurant dans

le présent document sont ceux qui étaient officiellement en usage au moment où les données ont été recueillies.

Las denominaciones empleadas en esta publicación y la forma en que aparecen presentados los datos que contiene no

implican, de parte de la Secretaría de las Naciones Unidas, juicio al guno sobre la condición jurídica de países, territorios,

ciudades o zonas, o de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la delimitación de sus fronteras o límites. Los países y las zonas se

mencionan por el nombre oficialmente utilizado en el momento en que se r ecopilaron los datos pertinentes.



Sales No.: T.20.XI.5

ISBN: 978-92-1-148334-5

e-ISBN: 978-92-1-047695-9

ISSN: 1013-3453




Part one.

General information

Part two.

Comments on the reported statistics on narcotic drugs

Part three.

Supply of opiate raw materials and demand for opiates for medical and scientific purposes

Part four.

Statistical information on narcotic drugs

Papaver somniferum

Papaver somniferum

iv Page


As of 2018, the CD-Rom is no longer included in the printed version of this report. The report in its entirety, including the annexes, are available on the INCB website

(www.incb.org). v



Première partie.

Information générale

Deuxième partie.

Observations sur les statistiques communiquées sur les stupéfiants

Troisième partie.

Offre de matières premières opiacées et demande d'opiacés à des fins médicales et scientifiques

Quatrième partie.

Renseignements statistiques sur les stupéfiants

Papaver somniferum

Papaver somniferum

vi Pages


compter de 2018, il n"est plus joint de CD-Rom à la version imprimée du présent rapport. Le rapport complet, annexes comprises, se trouve sur le site Web de l"OICS

(www.incb.org). vii



Primera parte.

Información general

Segunda parte.

Comentarios sobre las estadísticas comunicadas relativas a los estupefacientes

Tercera parte.

Oferta de materias primas de opiáceos y demanda de opiáceos para fines médicos y científicos

Cuarta parte.

Información estadística sobre estupefacientes

Papaver somniferum

Papaver somniferum





partir de 2018, el CD-ROM dejará de adjuntarse al manuscrito final impreso; por consiguiente, el informe

completo estará disponible únicamente en el sitio web de la JIFE (www.incb.org).

Part one

General Information

Première partie

Information générale

Primera parte

Información general



Part one provides general information for users of the present tech nical report on narcotic drugs. It consists of a section entitled “Introduction", a section entitled “Remarks on the statistical tables" and two indexes: An English-French-Spanish index of names of countries and non-metropolitan territories; An English-French-Spanish index of names of narcotic drugs. In 2012, the Board decided to modify the structure of the tech- nical report on narcotic drugs by moving some information to the annexes. As of 2018, the report in its entirety, including annexes, is available on the INCB website (www.incb.org). The section entitled “Introduction" contains explanations on the purpose of the technical report and on the main modifications to the structure and content of the report made last year. The section entitled “Remarks on the statistical tables" provides general clarifications on the statistical tables. The indexes facilitate referencing, since countries, non- metropolitan territories and narcotic drugs are listed in the tables in

English alphabetical order.


La première partie contient des informations générales à l"intention des utilisateurs du présent rapport technique sur les stupéfiants. Elle comprend une section intitulée “Introduction", une section intitulée “Observations sur les tableaux statistiques" et deux index: Un index en anglais, en français et en espagnol des noms de pays et de territoires non métropolitains; Un index en anglais, en français et en espagnol des noms de stupéfiants. En 2012, l"OICS a décidé de modifier la structure de sa publica tion technique sur les stupéfiants en déplaçant certaines informations dans les annexes. À compter de 2018, le rapport complet, annexes

comprises, se trouve sur le site Web de l"OICS (www.incb.org). La section intitulée “Introduction" contient des explications sur

l"objet du rapport technique et sur les principales modifications aya nt été apportées à la structure et au contenu du rapport de l"année précédente. La section intitulée “Observations sur les tableaux statistiques" apporte des précisions d"ordre général sur les tableaux stat istiques. Les index facilitent les références, étant donné que, dans les tableaux, les pays, les territoires non métropolitains et les stupéfiants sont indiqués dans l"ordre alphabétique anglais.


La primera parte ofrece a quienes utilicen el presente informe técnico información general sobre los estupefacientes. Consta de una “Intr o- ducción", una sección titulada “Observaciones sobre los cuadros estadísticos" y dos índices: Un índice inglés-francés-español de los nombres de los países y los territorios no metropolitanos; Un índice inglés-francés-español de los nombres de los estupefacientes. En 2012 la Junta decidió modificar la estructura del informe técnico sobre estupefacientes trasladando alguna información a los anexos. A partir de 2018, el informe completo estará disponible únicamente en el sitio web de la JIFE (www.incb.org). En la “Introducción" se explican la finalidad del informe técnico y las principales modificaciones introducidas en la estructura y el contenido del informe preparado el año anterior. La sección titulada “Observaciones sobre los cuadros estadís- ticos" contiene aclaraciones de carácter general sobre los cuadros estadísticos. Los índices facilitan la consulta, ya que los países, los territorios y los estupefacientes se enumeran en los cuadros siguiendo el orden alfabético inglés.

Part one Première partie Primera parte

3 1. Narcotic Drugs: Estimated World Requirements for 2020;

Statistics for 2018

is one of the three annual technical reports published by the International Narcotics Control Board this?year. 1 2. ?e technical report on narcotic drugs is published in accordance with the provisions of article 15 (Reports of the Board) of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, which stipulates that: “1. ?e Board shall prepare an annual report on its work and such additional reports as it considers neces sary containing also an analysis of the estimates and statistical information at its disposal, and, in appropriate cases, an account of the explanations, if any, given by or required of Governments, together with any observations and recommendations which the Board desires to make. ?ese reports shall be submitted to the [Economic and

Social] Council through the Commission, which may

make such comments as it sees ?t. “2. ?e reports shall be communicated to the Parties and subsequently published by the Secretary-General. ?e Parties shall permit their unrestricted distribution." 3. Furthermore, article 12 (Administration of the esti mate system), paragraph 6, of the 1961 Convention stipulates that: “In addition to the reports mentioned in article 15, the Board shall, at such times as it shall determine but at least annually, issue such information on the estimates as in its opinion will facilitate the carrying out of this


4. ?e technical data on narcotic drugs are published for control purposes and to meet the needs of researchers, enterprises and the general public. ?ey are based on informa tion furnished by Governments to the Board in accordance with the relevant provisions of the 1961

Convention. ?e

adherence by countries and territories to that Convention and the status of receipt of information (statistics and estimates) by the Board from their Governments are re?ected in part two of this technical report. 5. ?e publication of statistical data (part four of this techni- cal report) provides information for analytical purposes, inter alia, on the avail ability and use of narcotic drugs in various countries and territories. ?e publication of estimates and


statistics on production, manu facture, stocks and utilization of narcotic drugs is also intended to furnish producing and manufacturing countries with information on prospective trends, in order to encourage them to adjust their plans in a manner that will enable them to maintain a balance between supply and demand. 6. ?e preparation of estimates and statistics for submission to the Board requires the participation of several national administrative departments (health, police, customs, justice etc.), and the furnishing of coherent data is frequently a posi tive sign that good national control exists. ?e degree of eec tiveness with which national authorities are operating can be assessed by analysing the information they furnish to the Board, for example by comparing their estimates and statistics for a particular year, as is done for all countries and territories in annex III of this technical report.

Remarks on the statistical tables

7. ?e following general remarks refer to statistical tables contained in part four and annexes II, III, IV and V of the present publication: (a) ?e data appearing in the tables are those available to the Board as at 1 November 2019. (b) Fractions of measurement units are not displayed in the quantities appearing for each country. However, frac tions of a kilogram are accounted for in the total; the sums of those fractions, rounded to the nearest whole number, are then included in the total. (c) In part four, with the exception of tables XIII.1 and XIV.1, fractions of a kilogram that are equal to or higher than

500 grams have been rounded up to the next kilogram; if

fractions of a kilogram are smaller than 500?grams, they are rounded down. In table XIII.1, amounts are displayed to the milligram level and are not rounded up. In table XIV.1.a through table XIV.1.i the symbol << is used in cases where countries or regions have reported consumption of narcotic drugs not reaching 1? S-DDD per million inhabitants per day. (d) ?e totals appearing in the statistical tables repre- sent the sum of only the ?gures furnished to the Board and?do?not necessarily represent complete world totals. For the? reasons indicated in subparagraphs (b) and (c) above, the totals are sometimes higher or lower than the sums of the?amounts. (e) Decimal fractions: in part four of this publi cation, when decimal fractions appear in tables I-VII and XI (in the yields) or in table XIII.1 (where consumption data are expressed in grams), such fractions are separated from the whole numbers by a decimal point. 1 ?e other two technical reports are:

Psychotropic Substances: Statistics

for 2018; Assessments of Annual Medical and Scientic

Requirements for

Substances in Schedules II, III and IV of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E/INCB/2019/3); and Precursors and Chemicals Frequently Used in the Illicit Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances: Report of the International


Control Board for 2019 on the Implementation of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Trac in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E/INCB/2019/4). 4 (f) In tables III-VII of part four, the manufacturing yields vary from one year to another, sometimes to a consider- able degree, because of the fact that the manu facturing process extends from one year to another. Manufacture may take place?at the beginning of a year on the basis of raw materials that were in use at the end of the preceding year. An average?rela ting to seve ral successive years gives a clearer indication of actual yields. Certain yields, however, necessitate investigation by the Board. (g) A question mark “?" signi?es that the statistical data were not received by 1 November 2019. ?e sign “ - " signi?es “nil". ?e sign “<<" signi?es that the value is smaller than half of the unit of measurement in the table in question but not

“nil". Two dots (.

.) signify that a statistical report was fur- nished but data were not submitted for the item in question. (h) Countries and non-metropolitan territories are listed in English alphabetical order. ?e names of non-metropolitan territories are shown in italics.

Part one Première partie Primera parte

5 1. Stupéants: Évaluations des besoins du monde pour 2020—

Statistiques pour 2018

est l"un des trois rapports techniques publiés chaque année par l"Organe international de contrôle des stupé?ants 1 2. Le rapport technique sur les stupé?ants est publié conformément aux dispositions de l"article 15 (Rapports de l"OICS)?de la Convention unique sur les stupé?ants de 1961 qui stipule ce qui suit: “1. L"Organe établit un rapport annuel sur ses tra-quotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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