[PDF] Lenseignement de la communication orale : document dorientation

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Que chacun le sache : la langue française est difficile pour tous ses locuteurs aussi aucun livre ne fera jamais le tour de la question. Puisse celui-ci


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La communication orale au quotidien en immersion française [ressource électronique]. ISBN : 978-0-7711-4775-3 (PDF). 1. Français (Langue) – Étude et 

Ressources intéressantes pour améliorer ses compétences en

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Lenseignement de la communication orale : document dorientation

permettant d'utiliser ses compétences en français et pour améliorer son aisance et sa précision. TEACHING AND LEARNING PROFILE FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION.

Guide denseignement efficace de la communication orale

enseignant à améliorer les habiletés en matière de littératie chez les élèves. Le programme de PDF est destiné aux élèves parlant français qui sont.


Didacticienne du français enseignante spécialiste et auteure ISBN : 978-2-89798-163-1 (PDF). Mai 2018 ... Tâche 2.3 Améliorer la qualité des textes .

Développement personnel Prise de parole


FRANÇAIS DE BASE 7 8 et 9 années Programme détudes et

améliorer à long terme son Programme de français de base destiné aux élèves de fondé principalement sur la manipulation du français oral par le biais ...

L"enseignement de

la communication orale

Document d'orientation


Oral Communication

A Guide

2 e


A Guide

l"enseignement de orale





French: Communication and Culture

2 e


Dans le présent document, les mots de genre masculin appliqués aux 1


This document is intended to provide a new focus

for the teaching and learning of French in Manitoba the development of the new curriculum framework

The document is comprised of the following

methodology methodology

Target Audience

2 3

TAble of conTenTs


...................6 ...........6 .......6 ...............................34 4 1

The movement of ideas and people across the

cultures career prospects for the individual social and economic developmentlanguages also provide us with the tools to build through the study of second and subsequent language learning is part of a larger and deeper across languages and cultures languages thus extending their range of literacy skills and to understand and use diverse strong base to live and work successfully as 1 5 1 1 6 f rench: communic AT ion A nd culTure


A nd GoAls to acquire the necessary language skills to communicate in French


G PrinciPles

e lemen T s for success 7 8 d e V elo P in

G orAl communicATion ThrouGh

A bAlAnced liTerAcy APProAch

in the video clips on the Web site illustrate the 1 9 4 4 1 1 10 e LA 12 e TeAchinG And leArninG Profile for orAl communicATion Gr A des 9 To 12 students' ability to communicate in French with communicate complex ideas in all verb tenses listening comprehension and understand to take risks while engaging in spontaneous search for appropriate language to express allowing them to use their French skills and to 11 TeAchinG And leArninG Profile for orAl communicATion e LA 8 e Gr A des 4 To 8 communicated message when the speaker

Learning should not be limited to these verb

vocabulary should be taught as needed to enable each student to communicate pause as they search for vocabulary and

Listening and speaking are supported

and rhythm of words are taught as students therefore expanding and reinforcing vocabulary 12 A PP lic AT ion ʹ GrAdes 4 To 8 e LA 8 e

Les thèmes



Le Canada et le monde

serve as a model of student and strategies to guide teachers so that students achieve the outcomes of the following 13 e LA 8 e The is adapted to students" 14 15 e LA 8 e the classroom that they will be able to go out in the world and 16

What are you going to wear to play hockey/

l"école year?

What did you like most at school last year? in


à la 8

e année - Grade 4 to 8 17

Le Canada et le monde

do you know a francophone region? describe that another language? Why? e

à la 8

e année - Grade 4 to 8 18 e LA 12 e

Les thèmes


Les loisirs

La culture et les arts

Les tendances sociales

Talking about the future

following serve as a model of student to guide teachers to achieve the content is adapted to the of feelings is naturally associated with learning 19 20 21
e LA 12 e classroom that they will be able to go out in the world and communicate in 22

What are you going to do next year? Why?

What career appeals to you? Why? What kinds

of life choices will it involve?

What are you going to do to lead a healthy

Les loisirs

What do you think about the government"s

grades? how has technology changed teenagers" lives? society in general?

What are the advantages and drawbacks?


à la 12

e année 23

La culture et les arts


Tell me about a francophone cultural event in

What is your favourite book/movie/music group?

Why? What is it about?


Les tendances sociales

in the past few years? Why? What can we do this is true? e

à la 12

e année 24
A PP endix 1 - meThodoloGy approach beginning with the development of oral skills will allow 2. reading model as a g uide 25

1. L"oral

2. La lecture

3. L"écriture

e e 26
A PP endix 2 - sTudenT PerformAnce Profile in or A l communic AT ion


Outcomes for

demonstrates an understanding

Does not yet

demonstrate the oral skills required Oral Oral skills are 3 Oral skills are good 4 Oral m essage: 27
1 limitées 4 A isance excellentes 28


Outcomes for

demonstrates an understanding

Does not yet

demonstrate the oral skills required Oral Oral skills are 3 Oral skills are good 4 Oral e x A m P le of A ssessmen

T of orAl communicATion

Communicates ideas clearly with some details

and examples.

The ideas shared are pertinent.

asking questions or giving examples and opinions.

Easily follows the conversation and responds


Listening comprehension is very good and

easily understands.

Uses appropriate but simple vocabulary.

Speaks slowly but clearly.

Pauses often wanting to speak correctly.

Good pronunciation, articulates clearly.

Speaks correctly in the present, with semi

auxiliaries (j'aime aller, je veux voyager), and sometimes in the passé composé (j'ai acheté).

Prepositions of place are used correctly (en

France, en Afrique).

Syntax (word order) is correct.

This is an area to continue to work on.

m essage: 29
1 limitées 4 avec quelques détails et exemples.

Ses idées sont pertinentes.

et répond d'une manière appropriée.

Comprend très bien toutes les questions


Utilise un vocabulaire simple

mais approprié.

Parle lentement mais clairement.

Fait plusieurs pauses par souci de précision.

plus de détails.

Travailler l'intonation et le rythme pour

être plus expressif.

Utiliser correctement les structures apprises

en classe et employer des phrases plus complexes.

Parle correctement au présent, avec des

semi-auxiliaires (j'aime aller, je veux voyager) et parfois au passé composé (j'ai acheté).

Emploie correctement les prépositions de lieu

(en France, en Afrique).

Respecte la syntaxe du français dans

ses propos. A isance excellentes 30
e x A m P le of A ssessmen

T of orAl communicATion


Outcomes for

demonstrates an understanding

Does not yet

demonstrate the oral skills required Oral Oral skills are 3 Oral skills are good 4 Oral

Communicates his ideas clearly and takes

part in the conversation.

Ideas shared are pertinent, supported by


Extends the conversation giving examples

and opinions.

Listening comprehension is very good and

understands humour.

Uses appropriate vocabulary for the context.

Pace is appropriate.

Pauses in order to better respond to

questions and engage in the conversation.

Speaks with natural phrasing and expression.

Uses rhythm demonstrating the oral

punctuation of the message. more varied vocabulary.

Pronunciation is good.

Good general use of verb tenses. Correctly

used le présent, le passé composé, l'imparfait et les semi-auxiliaires.

Self corrects.

e.g. de les clients instead of des clients. m essage: 31
1 limitées 3 4 part à une conversation. Ses idées sont pertinentes, appuyées par des exemples.

Prolonge la conversation en donnant

plusieurs exemples et opinions. vocabulaire plus riche.

Bon usage en général des temps de verbe.

Démontre l'usage du présent, passé composé, de l'imparfait et des semi-auxiliaires.


complète expérience, bilingue avocat); le placement de l'adjectif doit être travailler.

Les propositions de lieux ne sont pas

maîtrisées (au Paris, en Paris, dans l'université, au Versailles). correctement, p. ex., de les clients au lieu de : des clients. A isance excellentes 32
e x A m P le of A ssessmen

T of orAl communicATion


Outcomes for

demonstrates an understanding

Does not yet

demonstrate the oral skills required Oral Oral skills are 3 Oral skills are good 4 Oral

Communicates ideas clearly and takes part in

the conversation speaking about everyday life (activities, family, school, work), and social trends (L'importance de la musique pour les ados).

Extends the conversation giving examples and

opinions. rate some of these expressions when speaking (selon moi, en effet). spontaneity.

Listening comprehension is excellent.

Adapts the vocabulary to the subject and the


Varied pace of speech maintains interest in


Intonation illustrates interrogative, declarative

or exclamative sentences.

Review savoir vs connaitre (Je ne sais pas des


Articulates sounds and syllables clearly and


Good use of a variety of verb tenses and

grammar, E.g. présent, passé composé, futur simple et semi-auxiliaires, négation.quotesdbs_dbs48.pdfusesText_48
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