[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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TR AN majeur Sénégal

Pour obtenir cette transcription il vous d'adresser au consulat général

Sénégal 1968 : révolte étudiante et grève générale

Demande d'aide à l'armée française. 31 mai : Arrestation des syndicalistes à la Bourse du travail. Grève totale à Dakar. La grève s'étend 

Travail décent pour les travailleurs domestiques

censée justifier que l'on demande aux domestiques de travailler plus dur et plus Au Sénégal l'article 4 du décret ministériel no 974 du 23 janvier 1968 ...

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

United States of America and Senegal: Republic of France concerning civil uses of atomic energy. ... de sa tr~s haute consid6ration.

Migration au Sénégal

Au Sénégal l'ensemble des analyses consacrées aux migrations soulignent la difficulté majeure liée aux lacunes dans la collecte et la production de données 

Visa de court séjour pour raison médicale

EMBAJADA DE ESPAÑA. CONAKRY. VISA COURT SEJOUR RAISONS MÉDICALES. •. Un formulaire de demande de visa Schengen court séjour dûment rempli et signé.


17 abr 2020 Le 24 mai 2019 les Demandeurs ont demandé au Tribunal de rejeter la requête de la ... Sénégal


Sénégal et la Province portugaise de Guinée' la France et le Portugal ont

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

France and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Veuillez agr&r Monsieur l'Ambassadeur

Rapport II - Projet de programme et de budget 2020-21 et autres

25 mar 2019 Frydman (France) pour une durée de trois ans et de proposer le projet de résolution ci-après en vue de son éventuelle adoption par la.

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Trait~s et accords internationaux

enregistres ou classes et inscrits au r~pertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations e Nations Unies

New York, 1983

Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations



I. Nos. 14657-14668

II. No. 742



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 13 March 1976 to 23 March 1976 Page

No. 14657. World Health Organization and Surinam:

Basic Agreement for the provision of technical advisory assistance. Signed at Paramaribo on 25 November 1975 .................................... 3

No. 14658. France and Tunisia:

Convention for the elimination of double taxation and the establishment of rules of mutual administrative assistance with respect to taxes (with protocol). Signed at Tunis on 28 M ay 1973 ...................................... 11 No. 14659. France and United Republic of Cameroon: Consular Convention (with annex). Signed at Yaound6 on 21 February 1974 ..... 49 No. 14660. France and United Republic of Cameroon: Agreement on co-operation in judicial matters (with exchange of letters). Signed at Yaound6 on 21 February 1974 ...................................... 75 No. 14661. France and United Republic of Cameroon: Agreement on military co-operation (with annex and exchange of letters). Signed at Yaound6 on 21 February 1974 ...................................... 103 No. 14662. France and United Republic of Cameroon: General Agreement for technical co-operation in personnel matters. Signed at Yaound6 on 21 February 1974 ........................................ 117

No. 14663. France and Mauritania:

General Convention on agronomic research. Signed at Nouakchott on 19 June

1975 .............................................................. 129

No. 14664. France and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern


Arbitration Agreement. Signed at Paris on 10 July 1975 ...................... 137

Vol. 999

Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris

ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies


I. No s


I1. No 742



Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistrc's du 13 mars 1976 au 23 mars 1976 Pages No 14657. Organisation mondiale de la santi et Surinam Accord de base concernant la fourniture d'une assistance technique de caractre consultatif. Sign6 A Paramaribo le 25 novembre 1975 .................... 3 N O

14658. France et Tunisie :

Convention tendant A 61iminer les doubles impositions et A 6tablir des r~gles d'assistance mutuelle administrative en mati~re fiscale (avec protocole). Signe A Tunis le 28 mai 1973 ......................................... 11 N

14659. France et Ripublique-Unie du Cameroun :

Convention consulaire (avec annexe). Sign6e A Yaound6 le 21 fWvrier 1974 ....... 49 N O

14660. France et Republique-Unie du Cameroun :

Accord de cooperation en mati~re de justice (avec 6change de lettres). Sign6 4 Yaound6 le 21 f6vrier 1974 ........................................... 75 N o

14661. France et Ripublique-Unie du Cameroun :

Accord de cooperation militaire (avec annexe et &change de lettres). Sign6 A Yaound& le 21 fWvrier 1974 ........................................... 103 N O

14662. France et Rkpublique-Unie du Cameroun :

Accord g6n6ral de coop6ration technique en mati~re de personnel. Sign6 A Yaound6 le 21 fvrier 1974 ........................................... 117

NO 14663. France et Mauritanie :

Convention g~n~rale en mati~re de recherche agronomique. Sign~e A Nouakchott le 19juin 1975 ..................................................... 129 N O

14664. France et Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du

Nord :

Compromis d'arbitrage. Sign6 A Paris le 10 juillet 1975 ....................... 137

Vol. 999

IV United Nations -Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks 1976

No. 14665. France and Belgium:

Page Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the practice of seasonal fishing in Belgian and French territorial waters. Paris, 30 September and

23 O ctober 1975 .................................................... 147

No. 14666. Finland and Romania:

Agreement on co-operation in the field of tourism. Signed at Bucharest on

24 M arch 1975 .....................................................

*No. 14667. Finland and Sweden: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the right fishermen of each country to fish within the fishing zone of the other. Helsinki, 24 Novem- ber 1975 .......................................................... 165

No. 14668. Multilateral:

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 19 December 1966 Optional Protocol to the above-mentioned Covenant. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 19 December 1966 ................... 171 II

Treaties and international agreements

filed and recorded from 9 March 1976 to 23 March 1976 No. 742. United Nations (United Nations Development Programme) and

Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development:

Letter of Agreement concerning the Project "Programme for the Identification and Preparation of Intercountry Feasibility Studies and Investment Projects" (with annexed Project Document). New York, 28 December 1975 .......... 349 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 221. Constitution of the World Health Organization. Signed at New

York on 22 July 1946:

Acceptance by Sao Tome and Principe ..................................... 394
No. 521. Convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Na- tions on 21 November 1947: Succession by Tonga .................................................... 395
No. 4214. Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative

Organization. Done at Geneva on 6 March 1948:

Acceptance by Portugal ................................................. 396
No. 6862. Customs Convention on the temporary importation of profes- sional equipment. Done at Brussels on 8 June 1961: Cancellation by Spain of denunciation of annex C to the above-mentioned Con- vention ........................................................... 397

Vol. 999

1976 United Nations -Treaty Series o Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis V


14665. France et Belgique :

Pages lchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif ;h l'exercice de peches saisonnires dans les eaux territoriales belges et franqaises. Paris, 30 septembre et 23 oc- tobre 1975 ......................................................... 147

N' 14666. Finlande et Roumanie :

Accord relatif A la coop6ration dans le domaine du tourisme. Sign6 A Bucarest le

24 m ars 1975 .......................................................


N* 14667. Finlande et Sude :

8change de notes constituant un accord concernant le droit pour les pecheurs de

chacun de ces pays de p&her dans la zone de peche de 'autre pays. Helsinki,

24 novem bre 1975 ..................................................


N' 14668. Multilatkral :

Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques. Adopt6 par l'Assemble g6n~rale des Nations Unies le 19 d6cembre 1966 Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte susmentionn& Adopt6 par I'Assembl6e g~n~rale des Nations Unies le 19 d6cembre 1966 .............. 171 II

Traitds et accords internationaux

classds et inscrits au rpertoire du 9 mars 1976 au 23 mars 1976 N 0

742. Organisation des Nations Unies (Programme des Nations Unies

pour le dkveloppement) et Fonds arabe de d6veloppement kco- nomique et social : Accord par lettre relatif au Projet intitul6 (Programme d'identification et de preparation d'6tudes de faisabilit6 et de projets d'investissement multina- tionaux (avec document de projet en annexe). New York, 28 d6cembre 1975. 349 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhdsions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistrds au Secretariat de l'Orga- nisation des Nations Unies N' 221. Constitution de lOrganisation mondiale de Ia sant6. Sign6e A New

York le 22 juillet 1946 :

Acceptation de Sao Tome-et-Principe ..................................... 394 N 0

521. Convention sur les privileges et immunitks des institutions

sp6cialis6es. Approuvee par I'Assembl6e gen6rale des Nations

Unies le 21 novembre 1947 :

Succession des Tonga ................................................... 395
N 0

4214. Convention relative A la creation d'une Organisation maritime

consultative intergouvernementale. Faite A Genve le 6 mars

1948 :

Acceptation du Portugal ................................................ 396
N 0

6862. Convention douanire relative A rimportation temporaire de

mat6riel professionnel. Faite A Bruxelles le 8 juin 1961 : Annulation par 'Espagne de la d~nonciation de I'annexe C A la Convention sus- m entionn6e ........................................................ 397

Vol. 999

VI United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis 1976 Page No. 10714. Agreement between the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning adjoining national frontier clearance offices and joint or transfer railway stations at the Franco-German frontier. Signed at Paris on 18 April 1958: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Agreement, confirming the Arrangement of 18 June 1975 concerning the establishment of adjoining national frontier clearance offices at Freistett (Rheinau)-Gambsheim. Paris, 28 August 1975 .......................... 402 No. 10921. International Health Regulations. Adopted by the Twenty- second World Health Assembly at Boston on 25 July 1969: Withdrawal by Pakistan of the reservation made in respect of article 69 of the above-mentioned Regulations ........................................ 405 Modification by Pakistan of the reservation made in respect of article 88 of the above-mentioned Regulations ........................................ 405 Application by Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam, Grenada, Mozambique and Tonga of the above-mentioned Regulations, as amended by the Additional Regulations of 23 May 1973 .......................... 405

International Labour Organisation

No. 2838. Convention (No. 102) concerning minimum standards of social security. Adopted by the General Conference of the Interna- tional Labour Organisation at its thirty-fifth session, Geneva,

28 June 1952:

Ratification by Japan ................................................... 40 7 ANNEX C. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations No. 222. International Opium Convention. Signed at The Hague, Janu- ary 23, 1912: Declaration by the Federal Republic of Germany relating to the declaration of re- application by the German Democratic Republic (Note by the Secretariat) ... 410 No. 1845. International Opium Convention. Signed at Geneva, Febru- ary 19, 1925: Declaration by the Federal Republic of Germany relating to the declaration of re- application by the German Democratic Republic (Note by the Secretariat) ... 411 No. 3219. Convention for limiting the Manufacture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs. Signed at Geneva, July 13, 1931:
Declaration by the Federal Republic of Germany relating to the declaration of re- application by the German Democratic Republic (Note by the Secretariat) ... 412

Vol. 999

1976 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis VII

Pages N O

10714. Convention entre Ia Republique frangaise et Ia Republique

federale d'Allemagne relative aux bureaux de contrbles na- tionaux juxtaposes et aux gares communes ou d'ichange ia I frontiere franco-allemande. Signie I Paris le 18 avril 1958 : tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionn~e, confirmant l'Arrangement du 18 juin 1975 relatif A 'installation de bureaux de contr6les nationaux juxtaposes A Freistett (Rheinau)-Gambsheim. Paris,

28 a ,ut 1975 ....................................................... 398


10921. Reglement sanitaire international. Adopte par Ia Vingt-

Deuxieme Assembl~e mondiale de Ia sant6 b Boston le

25 juillet 1969 :

Retrait par le Pakistan de la reserve formulae A l'6gard de I'article 69 du R~glementquotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34

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