[PDF] Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice

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Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice

This book efficiently bridges financial theory and practice and encapsulates everything a Corporate Finance banker will ever need to know and understand. It is 

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5 days ago in the middle of guides you could enjoy now is. Corporate. Finance Theory And Practice 2nd Edition below. Municipal Debt Finance Law Robert S.

Pierre Vernimmen



Theory and Practice

Pascal Quiry

Maurizio Dallocchio

Yann Le Fur

Antonio Salvi

Corporate Finance

This book is unique ... one of the ultimate study and reference guides for European “nanciers from students

to CFOs. The French-language versions of theVernimmenhave been for me some of the most helpful and trusted companions throughout my professional career. Dan Arendt, Corporate Finance partner at Deloitte in Luxembourg

This book is particularly useful for those people who look for the bridge between strategic, operational and investment

decisions on one hand, and “nancial accounts on the other. The authors approach, which consists of guiding the reader

from “nancial accounting to most complex deals that have strategic implications for “rms, is new and very useful. I would

recommend this book to those who want to succeed in both the in-house and the external consulting world, as well as in

the area of Corporate Finance. Stephan Dertnig, Vice President, Moscow Oce, The Boston Consulting Group

Im glad to hear that Vernimmens unique book on “nance is now available for English-speaking readers. I have known

this excellent book for many years, which all professionals can easily use when they need to go back to the basics of

modern Corporate Finance. Smartly written, thorough, lively, and regularly updated. I strongly recommend it to everyone ...

from the debutant in “nance to high-level experts. Learning withVernimmenis a real pleasure.

Antoine Giscard dEstaing, CFO of Danone

VernimmensCorporate Finance, long overdue in English, is an outstandingly clear and complete manual, a wonderful

merger of practice and theory. Its coverage of the market aspects of Corporate Finance and of European practices

distinguishes its content, but its treatment of all the material makes it essential reading for the student, “nancier or


¨d Business School, Oxford University, UK

This book was the “rst “nance book I read as a student in my twenties. I read it again in my thirties to review some of the

key “nance challenges I was facing in my professional life. Now, in my forties, I am reviewing it once more to compare the

reality I have to face now in Asia, with the most advanced “nancial concepts. I have never been disappointed and have

always been able to “nd the appropriate answer to my questions, as well as food for thought. I am sure my children will

read it when I am in my “fties, asVernimmenis not just another book on “nance: this is “nance as a life experiment.

I strongly recommend this book to all the corporate managers facing new questions or challenges in their professional

lives, especially in an international multi-currency context. You do not need to be a “nance expert to enjoy reading it, as

its really easy to understand, with enough explanations, concrete examples...and humour, to help you jump successfully

into the most sophisticated theories. But, if you are an expert, you will also “nd food for thought, as its methodological

bases are strong enough to satisfy the most demanding CFO. Jean-Michel Moutin, CFO, Louis Vuitton Asia Paci“c-Japan

Understanding Corporate Finance is key to successful company management. From a bankers point of view, a good

understanding of Corporate Finance is crucial to assist a company. TheVernimmen, written for Europeans by Europeans is

a most useful reference for the student as well as the practitioner. The style of the book is concise, yet every conceivable

aspect of Corporate Finance is covered. Complemented by an exhaustive website containing summaries of key concepts, of

formulae, and of “nancial statements from a wide range of companies, theVernimmenis a must. Michael Rockinger, Professor of Finance, Director of the Institute of Banking and Finance,

HEC & FAME, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

This book eciently bridges “nancial theory and practice, and encapsulates everything a Corporate Finance banker will

ever need to know and understand. It is obvious that the authors are passionate about “nance, and their enthusiasm is

contagious. Written in an easy and accessible style, this book deserves to become a reference work. Jan Zarzycki, Director, Equity Capital Markets, Deutsche Bank

Pierre Vernimmen



Theory and Practice

Pascal Quiry

Maurizio Dallocchio

Yann Le Fur

Antonio Salvi

Copyright#2005 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,

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About the authors

Pascal Quiryis an adjunct “nance teacher in the leading French business school HEC Paris, and a managing director at BNP Paribas Corporate Finance, specialising in M&A transactions for listed companies. Maurizio Dallocchiois the current Dean of the leading Italian business school Bocconi (Milan) and Lehman Brothers Chair of Corporate Finance. He is also a board member of several listed and unlisted companies and is one of the most distinguished Italian authorities on “nance. Yann Le Furis a corporate “nance teacher at HEC Paris business school and an investment banker with Mediobanca in Paris (after several years with Schroders and Citigroup). Antonio Salviis an Assistant Professor of Finance at Bocconi and the University of Venice where he teaches Corporate Finance. His areas of research cover cost of capital, structure of debt “nance and corporate governance. Pierre Vernimmen, who died in 1996, was both an M&A dealmaker (he advised

Louis Vuitton on its merger with Moe

¨t Henessy to create LVMH, the world luxury

goods leader) and a “nance teacher at HEC Paris. His book,Finance d"Entreprise, was and still is the top-selling “nancial textbook in French-speaking countries and is the forebear ofCorporate Finance: Theory and Practice. The authors of this book wish to express their profound thanks to the HEC Paris Business School and Foundation, ABN Amro, Barclays, BNP Paribas, DGPA, HSBC, Lazard, and Nomura for their generous “nancial support; also Matthew Cush, Robert Killingsworth, John Olds, Gita Roux, Steven Sklar and Patrice Carlean-Jones who helped us tremendously in writing this book.


Foreword by Richard Rollxvi


List of frequently used symbolsxxii

1What is corporate finance?1

Section I

Financial analysis


Part One

Fundamental concepts infinancial analysis


2Cash flows19


4Capital employed and invested

capital 44

5Walking through from earnings tocash flow


6Getting to grips with consolidatedaccounts


7How to cope with the most complexpoints in financial accounts


Part Two

Financial analysis andforecasting


8How to perform a financial

analysis 123

9Margin analysis: Structure155

10Margin analysis: Risks178

11Working capital and capitalexpenditures



13Return on capital employed and

return on equity 232

14Conclusion of financial analysis252

Section II

Investment analysis


Part One

Investment decision rules


15The financial markets263

16The time value of money and Net

Present Value (NPV)


17The Internal Rate of Return (IRR)309

18Incremental cash flows and otherinvestment criteria


19Measuring value creation345

20Risk and investment analysis367

Part Two

The risk of securities and thecost of capital


21Risk and return387


22The cost of equity419

23From the cost of equity to the

cost of capital 443

24The term structure of interest

rates 461

Section III

Corporate financialpolicies


Part One

Financial securities


25Enterprise value and financial

securities 477

26Debt securities485

27Managing net debt512



30Hybrid securities577

31Selling securities601

Part Two

Capital structure policies


32Value and corporate finance637

33Capital structure and the theory

of perfect capital markets 657

34The tradeoff model668

35Debt, equity and options theory698

36Working out details: The design

of the capital structure 716

Part Three

Equity capital and dividendpolicies


37Internal financing: Reinvesting cash

flow 755

38Returning cash to shareholders:Dividend policies


39Capital increases792

Section IV

Financial management


Part One

Valuation and financialengineering



41Choice of corporate structure844

42Taking control of a company873

43Mergers and demergers894

44Leveraged buyouts (LBOs)912

45Bankruptcy and restructuring923

Part Two

Managing net debt andfinancial risks


46Managing cash flows939

47Asset-based financing956

48Managing financial risks972






Foreword by Richard Rollxvi


List of frequently used symbolsxxii

1 What is corporate finance?1

1.1 The financial manager is first and foremost a salesman...1

1.2...of financial securities...4

1.3...valued continuously in the financial markets7

1.4 Most importantly, he is a negotiator...10

1.5...and he remembers to do an occasional reality check!11

Section I Financial analysis15

Part One Fundamental concepts in financial analysis17

2 Cash flows19

2.1 Operating and investment cycles20

2.2 Financial resources22

3 Earnings29

3.1 Additions to wealth and deductions to wealth29

3.2 Different income statement formats34

4 Capital employed and invested capital44

4.1 The balance sheet: definitions and concepts45

4.2 The capital-employed analysis of the balance sheet47

4.3 A solvency-and-liquidity analysis of the balance sheet51

4.4 A detailed example of a capital-employed balance sheet53

5 Walking through from earnings to cash flow57

5.1 Analysis of earnings from a cash flow perspective57

5.2 Cash flow statement61

6 Getting to grips with consolidated accounts73

6.1 Consolidation methods73

6.2 Consolidation-related issues80

6.3 Technical aspects of consolidation85

7 How to cope with the most complex points in financial accounts94

7.1 Accruals95

7.2 Construction contracts95

7.3 Convertible bonds and loans96

7.4 Currency translation adjustments97

7.5 Deferred tax assets and liabilities97

7.6 Dilution profit and losses99

7.7 Exchangeable bonds100

7.8 Goodwill100

7.9 Intangible fixed assets101

7.10 Inventories104

7.11 Leases106

7.12 Mandatory convertible bonds108

7.13 Off-balance-sheet commitments108

7.14 Preference shares110

7.15 Perpetual subordinated loans and notes111

7.16 Provisions111

7.17 Stock options115

7.18 Tangible fixed assets116

7.19 Treasury shares117

Part Two Financial analysis and forecasting121

8 How to perform a financial analysis123

8.1 What is financial analysis?123

8.2 Economic analysis of companies125

8.3 An assessment of a companys accounting policy137

8.4 Standard financial analysis plan138

8.5 The various techniques of financial analysis139

8.6 Ratings142

8.7 Scoring techniques143

8.8 Expert systems144

9 Margin analysis: Structure155

9.1 How operating profit is formed156

9.2 How operating profit is allocated166

9.3 Financial assessment167

9.4 Pro forma income statements (individual and consolidated accounts)172

9.5 Case study: Ericsson172

10 Margin analysis: Risks178

10.1 How operating leverage works178

10.2 A more refined analysis provides greater insight182

10.3 From analysis to forecasting: the concept of normative margin187

10.4 Case study: Ericsson188

11 Working capital and capital expenditures193

11.1 The nature of working capital193

11.2 Working capital turnover ratios197

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