[PDF] Admission Procedures for Foreign Students

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Règlement des procédures dentrée à Sciences Po Bordeaux

à Sciences Po Bordeaux. I — L'INSCRIPTION AUX PROCÉDURES D'ADMISSION. I.1 – En dehors de l'entrée en 1re année du diplôme de Sciences Po Bordeaux (cursus.


Admissions Sciences Po Bordeaux • rentrée 2020. 2. Sciences Po Bordeaux en bref + de 2.100 étudiant·e·s de la 1re année à l'école.

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Sciences Po Bordeaux - Institut d'études politiques - Sciences Po L'épreuve orale d'admission permettra également aux candidats d'exprimer leur ...


Sciences Po Bordeaux le Master de Science politique de l'UA

Admission Procedures for Foreign Students

holds a Sciences Po Bordeaux Certificate of Political Studies specific to foreign students (see below). 2. Admission to a Master's course:.

International Exchange Student Guide

How to come to Sciences Po Bordeaux . students): admission is by rigorous selection a guarantee of the quality of its training.


Son département de science politique meilleures universités mondiales en science politique. ... admissions@sciencespobordeaux.f.


The IEP (Institut d'Etudes Politiques/Institute of Political Studies) for your application: http://www.sciencespobordeaux.fr/fr/admissions/etudiants-.

Règlement des procédures dentrée à Sciences Po Bordeaux

Dec 18 2020 I — L'INSCRIPTION AUX PROCÉDURES D'ADMISSION. I.1 – En dehors de l'entrée en 1re année du diplôme de Sciences Po Bordeaux (cursus.


Admissions Sciences Po Bordeaux • rentrée 2021. 5. Qui peut candidater ? L'entrée en 1re année cursus général d'abord car c'est un IEP à taille humaine.


I 1 - L’inscription aux procédures d’admission a lieu exclusivement en ligne sur le site de Sciences Po Bordeaux Pour certaines procédures cette inscription en ligne doit être complétée par l’envoi de pièces complémentaires dont la liste est affichée sur le site de Sciences Po Bordeaux

Admission Procedures for Foreign Students

When an agreement with a partner university or a diplomatic service abroad provides for specific admission procedures, the candidate has the choice between the ordinary admission procedure and this special procedure.

1. Admission to undergraduate courses:

Foreign students are admitted to undergraduate courses under the same conditions as French

students, unless there is a special agreement with a university or diplomatic service, or the student

holds a Sciences Po Bordeaux Certificate of Political Studies specific to foreign students (see below).

apply under the same conditions as French students. Should they wish, they may request admission under a procedure adapted to foreign students. In both

The admission procedure to 4th year for foreign students is based on the examination of an application

file which includes the same documents as those requested from French students, as well as

or Francophone candidates, chosen among the language courses offered at Sciences Po Bordeaux). The jury may exempt a candidate from sitting written examinations or refer him/her to the procedure reserved for French students, if it considers that their previous degree course does not justify a dispensatory procedure.

If the candidate is declared eligible, with exemption from the written examinations, he/she is called

for an oral examination, which may exceptionally be organized from a distance. This oral exam is

organized by the admissions service, with a jury composed of several examiners, and part of it will be

in English.

3. Admission for students who hold a Sciences Po Bordeaux

Certificate of Political Studies specific to foreign students:

Students holding a Sciences Po Bordeaux Certificate of Political Studies specific to foreign students are

eligible to apply for admission to the 3rd or 4th year of the Sciences Po Bordeaux. Upon completion of the annual C.E.P. program, students who hold a valid diploma the equivalent of three years of study in higher education (Bac+3 or higher) are invited to apply for admission to Sciences Po Bordeaux at the 4th-year level, following the 4th-year application procedure.

Access to the 3rd-year level of studies at Sciences Po Bordeaux (general program), is equally open to

international students who hold a C.E.P. granted during the year of application and up to two years after the awarding of the certificate. Candidates with a C.E.P. applying for 3rd-year entry should prepare and submit the following specific application file. 2quotesdbs_dbs42.pdfusesText_42
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