[PDF] Provence Coalfield Human-Environment Observatory (OHM)

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30 nov. 2021 13098 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 02 tél. 04 42 54 40 60 fax. ... RAYNAL. RAYNAL. Sandia. 20124. RONGICONI. Ange-François. 20021. SANIEL. Geoffrey.

Diapositive 1

733 logements AIX F&P – Collectif REHA – Conception – V3.1 – ARGENT 76 points. Accompagnateur : Gabrielle Raynal. 1. Commission d'évaluation : Conception du 

Autour de labbé Raynal : genèse et enjeux politiques de lHistoire

H70 Raynal Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens du commerce des Actes du colloque organisé à Aix-en-Provence par le Centre méridional ...

Provence Coalfield Human-Environment Observatory (OHM)

9 nov. 2021 Y. Noack Jean-Claude Raynal

Nom et adresse officiels de lorganisme acheteur : Mairie dAix-en

Correspondant : Mme Karima ZERKANI RAYNAL Déléguée au marketing territorial

Bassin minier de Provence

13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 4 https://www.ohm-provence.org. CONTACTS. Yves NOACK (Directeur). @ noack@cerege.fr. Jean-Claude RAYNAL (Coordinateur).

SP AIX Listes des listes

(limité aux communes du portefeuille : Arrondissement de Aix-en-Provence) Mme ZERKANI-RAYNAL Karima ... MIEUX VIVRE AIX / EUROPE ECOLOGIE LES VERTS.

Pôle Emploi Territorial Service Concours

13098 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 02 tél. 04 42 54 40 60 / concours@cdg13.com RAYNAL. Sandia. 20124. RONGICONI. Ange-François. 20369. ROSTINI. ROSTINI.


21 déc. 2020 éducation physique et sportive. AIX-MARSEILLE. 12. Mme ROUCH. JOSYANE arts plastiques. NICE. 13. Mme RAYNAL. MARTINE mathématiques. TOULOUSE.

What is Raynal's most important work?

Raynal’s most important work was the Histoire des deux Indes (History of the East and West Indies), a six-volume history of the European colonies in India and America. The first edition appeared in 1770, followed by several expanded versions.

What happened to Raynal's history?

In 1774 the History was placed on the Roman Catholic Church’s Index of Forbidden Books, and in 1781 the authorities ordered Raynal into exile and decreed that his history be burned. He was allowed to return to France, but not to Paris, in 1784.

Who is Guillaume-Thomas Raynal?

India Guillaume-Thomas Raynal, abbé de Raynal, (born April 12, 1713, Lapanouse, France—died March 6, 1796, Chaillot), French writer and propagandist who helped set the intellectual climate for the French Revolution.

Who was abbé de Raynal?

Guillaume-Thomas Raynal, abbé de Raynal. Guillaume-Thomas Raynal, abbé de Raynal, (born April 12, 1713, Lapanouse, France—died March 6, 1796, Chaillot), French writer and propagandist who helped set the intellectual climate for the French Revolution. Raynal was educated by the Jesuits and joined the order as a young man, but,...

© J.-C. Raynal

© J.-C. Raynal

© J.-C. Raynal


October 2007


Lignite mining around the town of Gardanne for almost two centuries; ass ociated industrial and urban development.


The abrupt end of mining activities in 2003 profoundly affected the terr itory, undermining its industrial identity and economic organisation. The consequences are still being felt today, particularly in view of the planned shutting down of the last coal unit of the thermal power plant and looming questions abou t the future of the alumina industry; sensitive issues given that mining, thermal power production, and alumina production are all part of the same economic-industrial model that characterizes this territory.


The post-mining future - economic, social and environmental dimensions The environment, geological, physical and chemical: characterisation and dynamics

Pollutants, resilience, health

Perception of environmental quality

Con icts in the use of space, and urban dynamics

Biodiversity, landscape and mining impactTERRITORY The former coaleld in Provence, also known as Gardanne coaleld, is the study area. Situated in the east of the departement of the Bouches-du-Rhône, between Marseille and Aix-en-Provence, it comprises 17 communes with almost

110,000 inhabitants in 2015. For almost two centuries, this entire area was

developed around lignite mining and the related industrialisation. Surrounded by the mont Sainte-Victoire in the north, the Étoile range and the Régagnas massif in the south, this area of typical provencal countryside has dynamics characteristic of the peri-urban and industrial parts of the Mediterrane an region. These dynamics, which are often contradictory, have been profoundly in uenced by the denitive end of mining operations at the beginning of the 200 0s.


In uenced by the Marseille-Aix metropolitan zone, the Provence coaleld area is now facing a transition phase with numerous issues: management of the mining legacy and economic reconversion (closure of the last pit in 2003); ur banisation progressing from west to east; the signicant changes in the politica l scene; the maintenance of farming and preservation of the environment; space-use con icts; pressure on the quality of the environment and the landscap e. In this metropolitan context, the OHM"s aim is to study adaptation to the new situation brought about by the halting of mining operations: environmental and social consequences of the mine"s closure; acceptability and future of the large industrial companies; habitability of the landscape and health; governan ce and environmental management; energy production - continuity and innovation (conversion of coal-red Provence power station into imported and local biomass unit).


Europôle méditerranéen de l"Arbois

Bâtiment du CEREGE - BP 80

13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 4 - FRANCE

https://www.ohm-provence.org C ON TACTS Yves NOACK (Director) @ noack@cerege.fr



(Coordinator) @ jean-claude.raynal@univ-amu.fr The OHM management team: direction@ohm-provence.org

Edition 2021GardanneAix-en-Provence

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