[PDF] More Effective STL More Effective STL. Norbert Pataki.

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Effective STL

Sure the STL has iterators

Effective STL

Sure the STL has iterators

Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard

LICENSE FOR PERSONAL USE: For the convenience of readers this e-book is licensed and sold in its PDF version without any digital rights management (DRM) 

Item 16: Know how to pass vector and string data to legacy APIs.

make peace with them if we are to use the STL effectively. Fortunately it's easy. If you have a vector v and you need to get a pointer to the data in v that 

More Effective STL

STL – part of C++ Standard based on the generic programming paradigm. Components handy generic containers container-indepedent algorithms.

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Feb 16 2016 We then assessed the effectiveness of these syllabi in terms of student's perception of faculty behaviors (TBC

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To help ensure the STL's effective implementation as well as to track its pdf. DBM = Department of Budget and Management; DOH = Department of. Health; DPWH ...

An efficient curvature-based partitioning of large-scale STL models

Abstract. Purpose – Rapid prototyping (RP) of large-scale solid models requires the stereolithographic (STL) file to be precisely partitioned.

STL-DP: Differentially Private Time Series Exploring Decomposition

Our pro- posed mechanism STL-DP consists of two stages that effectively hide the trend or seasonality of the time series data. This mechanism enables us to 

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Enduring Understanding STL-1: The rhetorical situation informs the strategic effective argument. Students need to learn to challenge their own assertions ...

Effective STL

Sure the STL has iterators

Effective STL

Sure the STL has iterators

More Effective STL

More Effective STL. Norbert Pataki. Dept. Programming Languages and Compilers Standard Template Library (STL). STL – part of C++ Standard.

Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard

Scott Meyers Effective C++ CD: 85 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and publication without DRM

Efficient Parametric Identification for STL

11 avr. 2018 Efficient Parametric Identification for STL. Alexey Bakhirkin ... lem for signal temporal logic (STL) stated as follows. Given a dense-.

Effective STL

Effective STL. Item 16: Know how to pass vector and string data to legacy APIs. 74. Item 17: Use "the swap trick" to trim excess capacity.

Effective STL ???

??Effective STL???????????STL???????????????? ?ANSI?18???????PDF?http://webstore.ansi.org/ansidocstore/.

Download File PDF Effective C 55 Specific Ways To Improve Your

This book is aimed at any programmer who is comfortable with idioms of the Standard Template Library (STL). C++ power-users will gain a new insight into their 

Item 16: Know how to pass vector and string data to legacy APIs.

The following is an excerpt from Scott Meyers' new book Effective STL: tage of the power of the STL algorithms (see

Effective Modern C++

7 nov. 2014 For more than 20 years Scott Meyers' Effective C++ books (Effective C++

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

More Effective STL

Norbert Pataki

Dept. Programming Languages and Compilers

patakino@elte.huC++ Meetup 2015

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion


More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Programming languages

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Standard Template Library (STL)

STL - part of C++ Standard

based on the generic programming paradigm


handy generic containers container-indepedent algorithms iterators: bridge the gap allocators: accountable for allocation and deallocation of memoryfunctors, lambdas: for execution of user-defined code snippets without significant overheadbinders, adaptors, etc.

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

New problems

Compiler diagnostics



Memory leak

Corrupt, incorrect containers

Other bugs at runtime

Strange behaviour

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Compilation error diagnostics

std::list a; std::sort( a.begin(), a.end() );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Compilation error diagnostics

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Compilation error diagnostics

C++ templates: unconstrained

template const T& max( const T& a, const T& b ) return a < b ? b : a; }Concept

Concept lite

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Missing compilation error diagnostics

class complex public: complex( double re, double im ) // without operator<, as usual std::set d; // Compiles

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Missing compilation error diagnostics

class complex public: complex( double re, double im ) // without operator<, as usual std::set d; d.insert( complex( 1.11, 2.22 ) );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Error message

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion


More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Functors for sortedness

struct descending bool operator()( int a, int b ) const return !( a < b );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Functors for sortedness

const int not_found = 404; std::set s; s.insert( not_found ); s.insert( not_found ); std::cout << s.size(); // 2 std::cout << s.count( not_found ); // 0 std::multiset m; m.insert( not_found ); m.insert( not_found ); std::cout << m.size(); // 2 std::cout << m.count( not_found ); // 0

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion


Equality:operator==Equivalence:(!(keycomp()(a,b) && !(keycomp()(b,a)))Equivalence with the previous functor - e.g.!(404 >=

404) && !(404 >= 404), which evaluated as "404

does not equal to 404"The functor does not meet the strict weak ordering requirement

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Find in ordered containers

std::set s; int x; std::set::iterator i = std::find( s.begin(), s.end(), x ); std::set::iterator it = s.find( x );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Elements in sets

class Employee std::string user_id; int salary; public:

Employee( const std::string& id): user_id( id )

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Elements in sets

struct EmployeeLess bool operator()( const Employee& a, const Employee& b ) const return a.get_id() < b.get_id();

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Elements in sets

set s; s.find( "johndoe" ) -> set_salary( ... );Compilation error

Before / After C++11

const_cast?mutable?Remove from set and insert with new salary...

New language construct

No payrise :-(

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Copy of predicates


FwdIterator remove_if( FwdIterator begin,

FwdIterator end,

Predicate p )

begin = find_if( begin, end, p ); if ( begin == end ) return begin; else

FwdIterator next = begin;

return remove_copy_if( ++next, end, begin, p );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Strange predicate

class BadPredicate size_t timesCalled; public:

BadPredicate(): timesCalled( 0 ) { }

bool operator()( const Widget& ) return ++timesCalled==3; std::list c; c.erase( remove_if( c.begin(), c.end(), BadPredicate() ), c.end() ); // Which elements are removed?

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Usage of reverse iterators

std::vector v = {3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; v.erase( std::find( v.rbegin(), v.rend(),

3 ).base() );

std::copy( v.begin(), v.end(), std::ostream_iterator( std::cout, " " ) );// 3 1 2 3 5

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Reverse iterators

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Usage ofcopyalgorithmIt is OK:

std::vector data; std::list datacopy( data.size() ); std::copy( data.begin(), data.end(), datacopy.begin() );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Usage ofcopyalgorithmIt is OK:

std::vector data; std::list datacopy; std::copy( data.begin(), data.end(), std::back_inserter( datacopy ) );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion Usage ofcopyalgorithmResults in an undefined behaviour: std::vector data; std::list datacopy; std::copy( data.begin(), data.end(), datacopy.begin() );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Don"t panic

Always look on the bright side of life....

because we have software tools to detect problems

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Possible solutions

Compilation time

Template metaprogramming: compiler-level, preferred Static analysis: lint-like tool, Clang-based approach - with Gábor Horváth (in the Clang codebase)Runtime


Fix the problem

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Generating warnings

template inline void warning( T t ) struct COPY_ALGORITHM_WITHOUT_INSERTER_ITERATOR warning(

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Output of Visual Studio

warning C4100: "t" : unreferenced formal parameter see reference to function template instantiation "void being compiled with

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Output of g++

In instantiation of "void warning(T)

with T = COPY_ALGORITHM_WITHOUT_INSERTER_ITERATOR ... instantiated from here ... warning: unused parameter "t"

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Tag dispatch

template void advance( Iterator& i, Distance n ) advance( i, n, typename template void advance( Iterator& i,

Distance n,

std::random_access_iterator_tag ) i += n;

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Tag dispatch

template void advance( Iterator& i,

Distance n,

std::bidirectional_iterator_tag ) for( Distance j = 0; j < n; ++j ) ++i;

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion Extension ofiterator_traitsclass __inserting_iterator_tag {}; class __non_inserting_iterator_tag {};

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Extension ofiterator_traitstemplate

struct iterator_traits typedef typename T::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename T::value_type value_type; typedef typename T::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename T::pointer pointer; typedef typename T::reference reference; typedef __non_inserting_iterator_tag inserter;

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Overloaded algorithm


OutputIterator copy( InputIterator first,

InputIterator last,

OutputIterator result )

return copy( first, last, result, typename

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Overloaded algorithm


OutputIterator copy( InputIterator first,

InputIterator last,

OutputIterator result,

__non_inserting_iterator_tag ) warning( return copy( first, last, result, inserting_iterator_tag() );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Overloaded algorithm


OutputIterator copy( InputIterator first,

InputIterator last,

OutputIterator result,

inserting_iterator_tag ) while( first != last ) result++ =*first++; return result;

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Believe-me marks

#define ALREADY_ALLOCATED __inserting_iterator_tag() std::vector data; std::list datacopy( data.size() ); std::copy( data.begin(), data.end(), datacopy.begin(),


More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Believe-me marks

std::vector v; int x; v.erase( std::find( v.rbegin(), v.rend(), x ).base( I_KNOW_WHAT_BASE_RETURNS ) - 1 );

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Same approach

transform,copy...reverse iterators stateless allocators vector find,countalgorithm: on sorted intervalsno believe-me marks

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Check of the prophecy

template struct strict_weak_ordering strict_weak_ordering() if ( reinterpret_cast (this)-> operator()( T(),T() ) throw bad_functor_exception(); };Evaluate the functor with two equal elements false must be returned because of irreflexivity

More Effective STLNorbert Pataki

IntroductionMisusage of STLMy proposed solutionsConclusion

Check of the prophecy - specialization

template struct strict_weak_ordering strict_weak_ordering() if ( reinterpret_castquotesdbs_dbs18.pdfusesText_24
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