[PDF] WIPO/ACE/14/INF/3 (EN) Sep 2 2019 Commercial Property (

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Mesa redonda sobre la cooperación Sur-Sur y la cooperación

7 days ago Desarrollo y Transformación Digital Oficina Marroquí de. Propiedad Industrial y Comercial (OMPIC)

Diapositive 1

Trademarks and Designs) Patents Directorate

SCT Side-Event on The Protection of Country Names and Nation

Jan 30 2015 nation brands and address some of the legal issues arising out of the interface ... and Intellectual Property Office (OMPIC)

Actividad paralela a la sesión del SCT: La Protección de los

Jan 30 2015 Propiedad Industrial y Comercial (OMPIC)

PCT Applicants Guide – International Phase – Annex B

Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC). Location: Mailing address: B.P. 8072 Casablanca Oasis

Roundtable on Fostering South-South and Triangular Cooperation

7 days ago Commercial Property Office (OMPIC) Casablanca


Sep 2 2019 Commercial Property (OMPIC)


Commercial Property' in Casablanca by a local agent. Property (OMPIC) which must include your name

Contactez-Nous Office Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle et

CASABLANCA Par téléphone Standard de l'OMPIC: +212 5 22 58 64 00/10 DIRECTION SIGNES DISTINCTIFS: +212 5 22 58 64 22 DIRECTION BREVETS D'INVENTION ET 


L'OMPIC LANCE L'APPLICATION MOBILE DE SES SERVICES EN LIGNE ; Démarches en ligne de protection des marques designs et brevets d'invention Directompic ma


5 nov 2007 · L'usage public implique un contact du signe avec la clientèle à travers par exemple la vente des produits comportant la marque Avec la loi 


Adresse de l'office : R S 114 KM 95 Route de Nouasseur - SIDI MAAROUF CASABLANCA N ° 06-2021 du 03/06/2021 Site web : www ompic ma ROYAUME DU MAROC


La Chambre Française de Commerce et d'Industrie au Maroc de Casablanca : 59 demandes de marque 75 demandes de certificat négatif L'OMPIC a poursuivi durant 


Organisation d'un cours de formation sur les marques en coopération avec l'OMPI et l'INPI du 02 au 13 Juillet 2018 au siège de l'OMPIC à Casablanca


4 mar 2021 · Adresse de l'office : R S 114 KM 95 Route de Nouasseur - SIDI MAAROUF CASABLANCA N ° 04-2021 du 01/04/2021 Site web : www ompic ma

Directinfo - Demande en ligne du certificat négatif - OMPIC

Mise en ligne d'une nouvelle plateforme du service de dépôt en ligne des demandes de certificat négatif Ce service sera accessible via la nouvelle 

Directinfo : Informations légales et financières sur les entreprises au

Centre de Relation Client de l'OMPIC Pour toute demande d'assistance et d'information le Centre de Relation Client est à votre service à l'adresse s_ligne

[PDF] Catalogue de formation AMAPIC - CONPIAC

Les formations dispensées en mode inter- entreprises se déroulent dans les locaux de l'AMAPIC sis R S 114 KM 95 Route de Nouasseur - Sidi Maarouf Casablanca

  • Comment déposer une marque OMPIC ?

    Le dépôt de la demande d'enregistrement de la marque se fait au niveau du siège de l'OMPIC à Casablanca, ou auprès de l'une des 28 antennes régionales réparties sur le territoire national, ou auprès des espaces de services dédiés auprès de la chambre de commerce de Casablanca et la chambre fran?ise de commerce à
  • Comment obtenir un certificat négatif ?

    Comment obtenir un certificat négatif ? Pour l'obtention d'un certificat négatif, il faut : déposer une demande de certificat négatif (formulaire : CN1 relatif aux dénominations, CN2 relatif aux enseignes) payer les droits exigibles.
  • Quel est le rôle de l OMPIC ?

    L'Office Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle et Commerciale (OMPIC) est l'organisme chargé de la protection de la propriété industrielle (marques, brevets d'invention, dessins et modèles industriels) et de la tenue du registre central du commerce au Maroc.
  • pour cela :

    Accéder au site de l'OMPIC www.ompic.ma.Accéder à la base de données de l'OMPIC.Sélectionner la rubrique "Marques".Choisir la recherche dans la base de données marques nationales.Taper le nom de la marque avec ou sans d'autres critères de recherche.Lancer la recherche.




Advisory Committee on Enforcement

Fourteenth Session

Geneva, September 2 to 4, 2019


prepared by the Secretariat

Monday, September 2, 2019

10.00 13.00

Agenda item 1: Opening of the session

Agenda item 2: Election of a Chair and two Vice-Chairs

Agenda item 3: Adoption of the agenda

Agenda item 4: Admission of ad-hoc observers

Agenda item 5: Discussion of the work program agreed at the thirteenth session of the ACE Work program item A: Exchange of information on national experiences on awareness building activities and strategic campaigns as a means for building respect for IP among general public, especially the youth, in Specific Awareness-raising Products or Activities of WIPO Member States WIPO/ACE/14/4 Rev.: Awareness-building Activities and Strategic

Campaigns as a Means for Building Respect for IP

Keeping Pirates at Bay -Piracy Campaign

Mr. Rajiv Aggarwal, Joint Secretary, Intellectual Property Division, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi


page 2 Norwegian Awareness-raising Initiatives on Counterfeiting Avoid Buying

Counterfeit Goods Online and on Holiday

Ms. Hedvig Bengston, Senior Legal Adviser, Norwegian Intellectual

Property Office (NIPO), Oslo

The 2018/19 School Competition on Respect for Copyright in Oman Dr. Azri, Educational Expert and Director, Innovation and Scientific Olympiad, Ministry of Education, Muscat I Decide, I Respect I Respect IP and Reject Counterfeits A Recent Educational Program for High School Students in Peru Mr. Ray Augusto Meloni García, Director, Directorate of Distinctive Signs, National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of

Intellectual Property (INDECOPI), Lima

The Program for Cultural Change in the Republic of Moldova Ms. Rodica Popescu, Head, Copyright Department, State Agency on

Intellectual Property (AGEPI), оă


13.00 15.00 Lunch

15.00 18.00 Work program item B: Exchange of information on national experiences

relating to institutional arrangements concerning IP enforcement policies and regimes, including mechanism to resolve IP disputes in a balanced, holistic and effective manner

IP Enforcement Coordination

WIPO/ACE/14/5 Rev.: Coordinating IP Enforcement

The Actions of the National Council on Combating Piracy and Intellectual

Property Crimes (CNCP) in Brazil

Mr. Luciano Benetti Timm, National Secretary for Consumer Affairs and President, CNCP, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Brasilia The Coordination of IP Enforcement in Greece The Collaboration Between the Coordinating Authority for Market Supervision and the Fight Against Illicit Trade (SYKEAAP) and the Greek Enforcement Authorities Mr. Spyridon Peristeris, Representative of the General Secretariat of Trade and Consumer Protection of the Ministry of the Economy and

Development, SYKEAAP, Athens

A New Labelling System for Auto Spare Parts Distribution Channels in Morocco: The Salamatouna Certification Mark Combats Counterfeiting Mr. Larbi Benrazzouk, Director General, Moroccan Office for Industrial and

Commercial Property (OMPIC), Casablanca, Morocco


page 3 Recent Legislative Amendments to Strengthen the Protection of Industrial

Property in the Republic of Korea

Mr. Sangheum Cho, Deputy Director, Intellectual Property Protection Policy Division, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Daejeon,

Republic of Korea

The Comprehensive National Action Plan to Combat the Sale of Counterfeit Goods and Enforce Industrial Property Rights in Spain Ms. Marta Millán González, Head, International Cooperation and Court Liaison, International Relations and Legal Coordination Department, Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM), Madrid

Enforcing IP Rights in Foreign Trade Zones

Ms. Susan Francesca Wilson, Intellectual Property Attaché to the European Union, United States Mission to the European Union, Brussels,


Panel Discussion

Moderator: Mr. Ermias Yemanebirhan, Director General, Ethiopian

Intellectual Property Office (EIPO)

18.00 Inauguration of the ACE Cinema

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

10.00 13.00 Work program item B: Exchange of information on national experiences

relating to institutional arrangements concerning IP enforcement policies and regimes, including mechanism to resolve IP disputes in a balanced, holistic and effective manner (continued)

New Technologies in IP Enforcement

WIPO/ACE/14/6: New Technologies in IP Enforcement Swiss Experiences with IP Enforcement in the Digital Age Prof. Dr. Daniel Kraus, Professor of Innovation Law, Director, Centre for Intellectual Property and Innovation, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland New Technological Opportunities for IP Rights Protection and Enforcement: Blockathon Fighting Counterfeits Through Blockchain


Ms. Claire Castel, Head, IP in the Digital World and Awareness Service, European Observatory on Infringements of IP Rights, European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Alicante, Spain


Institutional Arrangements to Address Online IP Infringements WIPO/ACE/14/7: Study on IP Enforcement Measures, Especially Anti-piracy

Measures in the Digital Environment

, and Dr. Frederick Mostert,

Professor of Practice, Dickson Poon School o

and Research Fellow, Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre


page 4 WIPO/ACE/14/8 Rev.: Arrangements to Address Online IP Infringements Mr. Xin Kang, Deputy Consultant, Enforcement and Supervision Division,

Copyright Department, National Copyrigs

Republic of China (NCAC), Beijing

The Greek Committee for the Notification of Copyright and Related Rights

Infringement on the Internet

Dr. Maria-Daphne Papadopoulou, Head, Legal Department, Hellenic

Copyright Organization (HCO), Athens

Improving the Mechanisms to Counter the Online Dissemination of Pirated

Content in the Russian Federation

Mr. Vadim Subbotin, Deputy Head, Federal Service for the Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), Moscow

The United Kingdom Police IP Crime Unit (PIPCU)

Mr. Steven Salway, Anti-piracy Lead Detective Constable Superintendent, PIPCU, City of London Police, London

12.45 14.45 Lunch

14.45 18.00 Panel Discussion

Moderator: Dr. Frederick Mostert

Initiatives to Prevent Paid Advertising on Copyright-infringing Websites WIPO/ACE/14/9: The Building Respect for IP Database Project

WIPO Secretariat

WIPO/ACE/14/10 Rev.: Initiatives to Prevent Paid Advertising on

Copyright-infringing Websites

The Role of the Communications Regulatory Authority of Italy (AGCOM) in Addressing Online Advertisements on Websites that Infringe IP Rights Mr. Giorgio Greppi, Deputy Director, Digital Rights Unit, Audiovisual

Content Directorate, AGCOM, Naples, Italy

Study on Advertising on Copyright-infringing Websites and its Impact on the Value of the Advertised Brands in the Republic of Korea Mr. Taejin Lee, Director, Overseas Cooperation Team, Online Protection Bureau, Korea Copyright Protection Agency (KCOPA), Seoul ooperation Under the Memorandum of Understanding on Online Advertising and IP Rights An Update from the European


Ms. Natalia Zebrowska-Mamais, Legal and Policy Officer, Intellectual Property and the Fight Against Counterfeiting, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (DG GROW), European Commission, Brussels


page 5

Panel Discussion

Moderator Ms. Angela van der Meer, Senior Policy Advisor, Enterprise and Innovation, Innovation and Knowledge Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, The Hague Work program item C: Exchange of information on national experiences egislative assistance, with a focus on drafting national laws of enforcement that take into account the flexibilities, the level of development, the difference in legal tradition and the possible abuse of enforcement procedures, bearing in mind the broader societal

WIPO/ACE/14/14: Mongolia

Provided by WIPO in the Area of Intellectual Property Enforcement Ms. Amarmurun Amartuvshin, Legal Policy Officer, Legal Policy Department,

Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, Ulaanbaatar

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

10.00 13.00 Work program item B: Exchange of information on national experiences

relating to institutional arrangements concerning IP enforcement policies and regimes, including mechanism to resolve IP disputes in a balanced, holistic and effective manner (continued) WIPO/ACE/14/11 Rev.: The Role of Intermediaries in IP Enforcement IP Infringement and Mitigation Strategies in the International Postal Supply Chain Mr. Ricardo Guilherme Filho, Director, Legal Affairs Directorate, Universal

Postal Union (UPU), Berne

IP Protection Strategies of Online Intermediaries

Mr. Christian Borggreen, Vice President and Head of Office for the European Union, Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) Europe, Brussels

Alibaba on

Ms. Zheng Junfang, Chief Risk Officer, Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China Mr. Christopher Oldknow, Senior Manager, Public Policy IP, Customer and Brand Safety, Amazon, London

Protecting IP on Facebook and Instagram

Mr. Mark Fiore, Director and Associate General Counsel, Intellectual Property, Facebook, Menlo Park, California, United States of America

Protecting Copyright in Google Search

Mr. Cédric Manara, Head of Copyright, Google, Paris

Panel Discussion

Moderator Mr. Ray Augusto Meloni García


page 6 WIPO/ACE/14/12: Judicial and Prosecutorial Discretion in IP Infringement


Judicial Discretion in IP Infringement Proceedings: The Experience of

Russian Courts

Mr. Vladimir Popov, Judge, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation,


Prosecutorial Discretion in IP Infringement Cases in Saint Kitts and Nevis Mr. Valston Graham, Director of Public Prosecutions, Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs, Basseterre Exercising the Discretion to Grant Additional Damages Under Section 97(2) of the United Kingdom Copyright, Designs and Patents

Act 1988

Ms. Charlotte Hart, District Judge, Intellectual Property Enterprise Court, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, High Court of

Justice, London

13.00 15.00 Lunch

15.00 18.00 Discussion

Work program item D: Exchange of success stories on capacity building and support from WIPO for training activities at national and regional levels for Agencies and national officials in line with relevant Development Agenda Recommendations and the ACE mandate WIPO/ACE/14/13 Rev.: National and Regional Experiences with WIPO Capacity-building Activities in the Area of Building Respect for IP -building Activities and Support for Training Activities in the Area of Building Respect for IP and IP Enforcement in Botswana Mr. Conductor Paul Masena, Registrar General, Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA), Ministry of Trade and Industry,


The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and Capacity Building in IP Ms. Gertel Thom, Justice of Appeal, Court of Appeal, and Chairperson, Judicial Education Institute, Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Castries


Agenda item 6: Recent activities of WIPO in the field of building respect for IP WIPO/ACE/14/2: Recent Activities of WIPO in the Field of Building Respect for IP

WIPO Secretariat

Agenda item 7: Work of the ACE

Agenda item 8: Adoption of the Summary by the Chair


page 7

Agenda item 9: Closing of the session

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