[PDF] Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon PDF

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Hotels in Lyon and vineyards

Hotels (3 stars 4 stars

1 Hôtel le Cinq

Ibis budget Chambéry Centre (à mi-chemin entre Bissy et le centre ville) Mail : hotel@actuel-chambery.fr ... Mail : besthotel.chambery@wanadoo.fr.

Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon PDF

If this sounds great but you don't have time for the 11-day tour join us for 7-days on Option A: 10:30 a.m. shuttle from the Meeting Hotel in Geneva

Switzerland & France: Lake Geneva Annecy & Valleys of the Alps

Expect some traffic into and out of Chambery. The afternoon ride runs mostly on a flat bike path back to the hotel. An extra 8 km loop includes a short and very 


From Grenoble / Chambéry . Brignais: Best Western – Les Barolles * * * ... http://www.bestwestern.fr/fr/hotel-CraponneBest-Western-Le-Longchamp

Liste des psychologues _mise à jour du 10 septembre 2020_

Sep 10 2020 BEST WESTERN HOTEL - 51 rue. Alexander Park - 73000. CHAMBERY. BRIT HOTEL - 1860 avenue des. Landiers - 73000 CHAMBERY.

Evaluation of Best Price Clauses in Online Hotel Booking Matthias

Dec 1 2017 We analyze the best price clauses (BPCs) of online travel agents (OTAs) using meta-search price data of nearly 30


Jun 28 2012 Mercure is the world's third largest hotel chain* in the midscale segment ... we always focus on quality and aim to be „the best hotel in.

Evaluation of Best Price Clauses in Hotel Booking

Oct 7 2016 Evaluation of Best Price Clauses in Hotel Booking. Matthias Hunold

Liste des psychologues pouvant pratiquer les tests

Mar 10 2021 BEST WESTERN HOTEL - 51 rue. Alexander Park - 73000. CHAMBERY. BRIT HOTEL - 1860 avenue des. Landiers - 73000 CHAMBERY.

© ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours 1-800-685-4565 ExperiencePlus.comOverview Bicycle Tours in France: Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon


Cyclefrom oneculturalcapital toanotheras youtraversethe borderofFrance andSwitzerland.Iconic viewsofrolling

vineyards,quaint villages,andexquisite naturalbeautyawait, includingthecrystal watersofFrance s deepestlake,Lac

duBourget. Exploreanold abbeyandpedal acrossanarchitectural wonder-the "Pontdel'Abime," astunning

suspensionbridge constructedinthe 1800's.Alongthe wayyou llstop incolorfultowns nestledinthe shadowofthe

Alpsand passbybreathtaking lakesandforests whiletastingsome ofFrance smost famousculinaryspecialties. You ll

end in one of the most renowned food capitals in all of France, if not the world - the beautiful city of Lyon.

If this sounds great but you don't have time for the 11-day tour, join us for 7-days on Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry.


Fourtwo-night stays,LakeGeneva, LakeAnnecy,Lake duBourget,medieval villages,SavoyFrench cuisine,winetasting

in the Beaujolais, guided tour of Lyon and Cluny


Classic: Learn more about our Classic tours at https://www.experienceplus.com/tours/bike-tour- styles/classic-tours Tour Style

11 days, 10 nights accommodation, meals as noted in itinerary, guided visit of Cluny, guided visit

of Lyon, 1 wine tasting Includes

France, Switzerland Countries

Group transfer from Geneva to Yvoire / Lyon Begin/End

Geneva (GVA) / Lyon (LYS) Arrive/Depart

427km (267 miles) Total Distance

47km (29 miles) per riding day Avg. Daily Distance

Tour Level

PleaseNote: We mayhavesmall itinerarychangesto thistripafter youdownloadthis PDFdocument.If youhavebooked

thistrip andthereare majorchanges,including changestotowns oractivities,we'll emailyoudirectly. However,you

shouldalways besureto refertothe online itineraryfor themostup-to-date tripinformationincluding arrivaland departure tips before you depart for your trip: 1 © ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours 1-800-685-4565 ExperiencePlus.comDates & Prices Bicycle Tours in France: Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon


DatesPriceSingle Supplement*

Jun 23-Jul 3, 2024



Sep 1-11, 2024


USD$650*Weare happytomatch solotravelerswho wouldliketo sharea roomwith someoneofthe samegender.If nomatchexists, dueto hotelpricing, wewillcharge 50%ofthe singlesupplementrate. Thisfee willbecollected atthetime ofthefinal payment.Ifa roommateassignment isavailablethis feewillbe refundedatthe conclusion of the tour.


DayDistance/GainTerrainDay LevelNotes

1Test ride

237km / 325m (23mi / 1066ft)Rolling hills

350km / 619m (31mi / 2030ft)Rolling hills

Longer optional ride available

437km / 281m (23mi / 922ft)Rolling hills

563km / 579m (39mi / 1899ft)Hilly

639km / 260m (24mi / 853ft)Gentle

Longer optional ride available

729km / 188m (18mi / 617ft)Gentle

851km / 812m (32mi / 2663ft)Hilly

960km / 718m (37mi / 2355ft)Rolling hills

1066km / 738m (41mi / 2421ft)Hilly

11Last day

2 © ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours 1-800-685-4565 ExperiencePlus.comTravel Information Bicycle Tours in France: Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon


Note: Asyou areplanning,remember thatthehotels listedinour itinerariesareour primaryhotelsand are-in rarecases

-subject tochange.Before youmakearrangements, checkwith usif yourtourdeparture isguaranteed.If yourtour

departure is out further than 6 months, please also check with us as there might be slight changes to the itinerary.

Thebelow informationwillhelp youplanyour arrival.Formore tipsorother routes,youmight likeRome2Rio. Thefare

and timing information listed below is approximate. We recommend flying into the Geneva Airport (GVA).

Yourtour startswitha complimentaryExperiencePlus!shuttle pick-upatthe MeetingHotelon Day1of thetour.Your

spot on the shuttle is already reserved for you:

Meeting Hotel in Geneva: Kipling Hotel Geneva

Meeting Time: 9:30 a.m.

Ifyou can tmeetthe shuttleonDay 1,youwill beresponsiblefor yourowntransportation toYvoire,which isabouta 1

hour drive from the Geneva Airport and costs around 150-200 CHF.

If you wish to spend time in Geneva prior to the tour, feel free to book the meeting hotel or any other hotel of your choice


How to get to the Meeting Hotel:

Taxi from the Geneva Airport to the meeting hotel (20 min/CHF 55) or public transportation:

1.Train from Geneva Airport to Gare de Geneve station (8 min/ every 15 min/CHF 3 or free*)

2.Walk from the Gare de Geneve station to the hotel (5 min).

*Note:Alongside regulartickets,Unireso, thenetworkof publictransportoperators, offersfreetickets, whichcanbe

claimedif youarriveto Genevaairportby plane.Thereare ticketmachinesfor freeticketsavailable atthebaggage claim.

Haveyour validplaneticket readyincase ticketsareinspected. Bothregularand freeticketsare validfora certain

amountof timeafterpurchase, i.e.90minutes anad80minutes, respectively.Theairport isinZone 10,soyou willneed

a zone 10 ticket to get into central Geneva.


Your trip ends on the final day after the tour of Vieux Lyon, at around 11:30 a.m. back at the hotel.

The below information will help you plan your departure. For more tips or other routes, you might like Rome2Rio.

3 © ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours 1-800-685-4565 ExperiencePlus.comTravel Information Bicycle Tours in France: Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon The closest airport is Lyon (LYS). Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) can be reached in 2 hours by train.

Flying out of Lyon:

Taxi to the Lyon Airport (45min/EUR 80)

Or public transportation:

1.Taxi to the Lyon Part Dieu train station (15 min/EUR 20)

2.Rhonexpress train to the Lyon airport (departures every 15 minutes, no pre-booking necessary) (30 min/EUR 15)

Lookup Frenchtrainschedules andbooktickets, ifnecessary,at SNCF.comor Trainline.com.Questions? Seeour

information on taking trains in Europe here or ask us. 4 © ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours 1-800-685-4565 ExperiencePlus.comDay to Day Itinerary Bicycle Tours in France: Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon

DAY 1Group transfer from Geneva to Yvoire

HighlightsMedieval port town Yvoire, welcome dinner We'lldo agrouptransfer fromGenevato thetinyport villageofYvoire, aromantic medievalsettlement ontheshores ofLakeGeneva. Takeinthe viewsandexplore the cobblestonestreets whereseeminglyevery balconyandwindowsill arelinedwith bloomingflower baskets.We'llenjoy lunchtogetherbefore gettingonour bikesand headingout forascenic testride.In theeveningwe'll meetupagain forourwelcome dinner together.MealsLunch, Dinner


Hotel Le Jules Verne

DAY 2Yvoire Loop

HighlightsShady forests, farmland, and enchanting villages Thismorning you'llpedalalong tinyshadedlanes throughforestsand enchanting villageson aloopride intothealpine interiorofeastern France.Extendyour rideinto theafternoon orheadback toYvoirefor lunchandan afternoonofexploration or relaxation.If you reinthe moodtoexplore, takeashort boatrideacross thelaketo Switzerlandand visitNyon.Choose fromYvoire'smany excellentrestaurantsthis evening for dinner on your own.Distance37 km (23 mi)

Gain325 m (1066 ft)

TerrainRolling hills




Hotel Le Jules Verne

DAY 3Yvoire to Annecy

HighlightsCross borders between France and Switzerland You'llcross theSwissborder severaltimesthis morningonyour waysouthto ournext destination,Lake Annecy.Asyou ride,takein thesubtlecultural differencesbetween thetwo countries.Inthe afternoonwe'llmeet upinLa RochesurForon whereyoucan optto takeatrain intoAnnecy.If you'relookingfor anaddedchallenge withstunning views,we'll setyouup withanextra rideallthe waytoAnnecy. You llquicklysee why thistown iscommonlyreferred toas Venice oftheAlps" withitswhimsical canals andancient architecturenestledbelow snow-cappedpeaks.Enjoy thewinding cobblestonestreets oftheVieille Ville(oldtown) asyoupass pastelhousesand bright flower boxes on the way to dinner together this evening.Distance50 km (31 mi)

Gain619 m (2030 ft)

TerrainRolling hills


MealsBreakfast, Dinner


Allobroges Park Hotel

Hebe Hotel

5 © ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours 1-800-685-4565 ExperiencePlus.comDay to Day Itinerary Bicycle Tours in France: Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon

DAY 4Annecy Loop

HighlightsLake Annecy

Grabsome picnicsuppliesin Annecy'sgorgeoushistoric centerthentake offaround thelake forincredibleviews. Ifyouprefer adayoff thebike,Annecy provides somethingfor alltastes.Lounge onthebeach ofthelake's crystal-clearwater,rent a paddleboat, orvisitsome ofthecity's historicmonuments.Be suretoget a"glace artisanal"this afternoon-without adoubtsome ofFrance'sbest icecreamis in

Annecy.Distance37 km (23 mi)

Gain281 m (922 ft)

TerrainRolling hills


MealsBreakfast, Dinner


Allobroges Park Hotel

Hebe Hotel

DAY 5Annecy to Chambéry

HighlightsAix les Bains, Lac du Bourget

Thismorning weleaveAnnecy foranintriguing ridethroughforests, hills,andacross the"Pont del'Abime,"a stunningsuspensionbridge constructedinthe 1800's.Stop andenjoy theviewsof France sdeepestlake, theLacdu Bourget,beforepedaling a bikepath intocharmingChambéry, ourhomefor thenexttwo nights.Locatedin a valley,Chambéry providesalmosta 360degreeview oftheFrench Alpsandhas been animportant crossroadsdatingback tothe11th century.Thoughit s hardtobeat Chambéry srich historyandstunning views--the diverseculinaryscene mightbea contender.Dinner isonyour tonightsoyou haveanopportunity toseehow they compare.Distance63 km (39 mi)

Gain579 m (1899 ft)





Hotel des Princes

DAY 6Chambéry loop

HighlightsAbbaye d'Hautecombe, Chanaz

Youroptions areendlesstoday. Pedalupto thelakefor aswimor somesightseeingin Aix-les-Bains.From Aix,takea cruisetothe secludedAbbayed'Hautecombe, witha historythat goesbackto areligiouscommunity foundedtherein 1101.Yourcruise cancontinue totheport villageofChanaz orheadback toChambéryto continueyour explorationof thecityor enjoyarelaxing aperitifbelowthe castle.Forthose looking fora gorgeouscyclingchallenge, we'llproposean exhilaratingvineyardloop tothe abbeyand back.We'llexperience someofthe Savoy'smostfamous culinaryspecialties this evening: fondue, raclette, and tartiflette!Distance39 km (24 mi)

Gain260 m (853 ft)



MealsBreakfast, Dinner


Hotel des Princes

6 © ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours 1-800-685-4565 ExperiencePlus.comDay to Day Itinerary Bicycle Tours in France: Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon

DAY 7Shuttle to Cluny then pedal to Macon

HighlightsGuided tour of Cluny Abbey, Saone river

Afterbreakfast thismorningwe'll shuttletothe historicClunyAbbey. Thiswasonce thelargest churchinall Christiandom!You'lllearn itsintriguinghistory withalocal guide.After thetourenjoy arelaxinglunch inalocal cafèbeforepedaling toour eleganthotel inthecenter ofMacon,on thebankof theSaoneriver. We'llenjoysome delicious Beaujolais during dinner together this evening.Distance29 km (18 mi)

Gain188 m (617 ft)



MealsBreakfast, Dinner


Hotel Panorama 360

DAY 8Beaujolais loop

HighlightsStunning wine country ride

Thisis theFranceyou dreamabout!Our loopridetoday weavesthroughpicturesque Beaujolaisvillages andvineyards,farm houses,wineries,and turretedvillas.We'll

enjoy a delicious wine tasting at a local enoteque on the Saône River this evening.Distance51 km (32 mi)

Gain812 m (2663 ft)





Hotel Panorama 360

DAY 9Mâcon to Villefranche sur Saone

HighlightsVineyards and medieval villages

Ifyou thoughtyesterday'sride wasnice,wait fortoday!Ancient Romanesquechapels awaityou inpicture-perfecthamlets. Eachtownis animmaculatemasterpiece. We'll be in Villefranche sur Saone this evening, the capital of the Beaujolais.Distance60 km (37 mi)

Gain718 m (2355 ft)

TerrainRolling hills




Hotel Ici et La

7 © ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours 1-800-685-4565 ExperiencePlus.comDay to Day Itinerary Bicycle Tours in France: Cycling Lake Geneva to Chambéry Plus! Lyon

DAY 10Villefranche sur Saone to Lyon

HighlightsPierres Dorées

Todaywe're pedalinginthe landofthe "PierresDorées."These picturesquevillages carvedfrom "goldenstones"have thewarmestgolden-orange glowyou'veever seen. We'llweave throughthesehamlets untilweget tothebanks oftheelegant Saoneriver, whichwe'll followonbike pathsthatlead intotheheart ofLyon.We'll celebratethis

amazing cycling trip together at (what we think) might be Lyon's best restaurant.Distance66 km (41 mi)

Gain738 m (2421 ft)



MealsBreakfast, Dinner


Sofitel Lyon Bellecour


DAY 11Bon Voyage! - Lyon

HighlightsGuided visit of Lyon

Ourjourney endsthismorning afterafascinating guidedtourthrough Lyonandits secretpassageways. Forthoseof youwhowould liketospend moretimevisiting this unique city, we'll suggest some highlights. It was a pleasure having you join us.MealsBreakfast 8 © ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours 1-800-685-4565 ExperiencePlus.com


When you book a tour with ExperiencePlus! our goal is to ensure your only focus each day is to hop on your bike and explore scenic cycling routes in new destinations. Inclusions may differ depending on which tour style you pick but all ExperiencePlus! tours include the three most important aspects of a guided bike tour. Superb tour leaders who are fun and multilingual, bi- cultural experts, and cycling enthusiasts. They will support you and help you navigate confidently on and off the road. High quality bikes selected for the terrain you are cycling on and correct bike fitting to ensure comfortable cycling. Thoughtfully designed itineraries and routes that take advantage of stunning cycling destinations and the freedom of bicycle travel.


Bicycle training programs designed specifically for your tour and fitness level. Planning tips on what to pack, hotel recommendations and other helpful details from our Travel Planning Pages: https://www.experienceplus.com/blog/travel-plann ing/ A gift of your choice (cycling jerseys, socks, or a t-shirt) as our way of saying thanks for choosing ExperiencePlus! *Traveler services including assistance booking extra nights at the tour starting and ending hotels. (*Explorer

Tours excluded)

See "What's Included" for tour-specific inclusions and be sure to check the "Keep in mind" section under "Tour

Summary" online.


For a full list of what's included with your bike see: If you would like to bring your own pedals and shoes we recommend doing so. On Explorer tours we include a GPS device on all bikes. We ask that you bring your own helmet to ensure the best fit. If you would like us to provide you with a used helmet, please contact us.


Each day you'll receive a daily briefing with a highlighted route map. About 14 days prior to your tour, we will provide you with access to RideWithGPS Experiences, our platform to distribute information on each tour day's activities, meals and ride, as well as GPS-routes. Daily information also includes Tour Leader phone numbers,hotel information and interesting historical and cultural information. On Classic, Bike and Boat and Expedition tours we also navigate using our signature chalk dust arrows. Our arrows make navigating very easy you may never need to look at the map. On Explorer tours the terrain and destinations are not always conducive to using chalk arrows so we'll ride as a group or you can navigate on your own with the GPS tracks. On tour you will have a support van providing water and snack resupply, mechanical assistance, a lift for tired cyclists, and luggage transfers. On some itineraries the van will not be able to follow sections of the route that stray from the road for example onto cycling paths. On tour you will have a support van providing water and snack resupply, mechanical assistance, a lift for tired cyclists, and luggage transfers. On some itineraries the van will not be able to follow sections of the route that stray from the road for example onto cycling paths. Need More Miles? On many days it is possible to add miles to the day, just talk to your tour leader about your options. Need Fewer Miles? If you aren't sure about your abilities or how much you want to ride remember the support van is available to offer snacks, encouragement, a lift over the next hill, or to the next hotel. You are on vacation and we're here to help make it perfect for you.


If you feel your tour leader team has demonstrated great expertise and service, common practice within the travel industry is to tip. Tipping is voluntary and greatly appreciated, and gratuity amounts vary widely. Should you decide to leave a tip, as a guideline, we suggest 5% of the tour cost per traveler this is for the entire tour leader team, not each tour leader. You can give the tip to any member of the tour leader team, as they share it evenly. In order to avoid social tensions, we encourage you to tip as individuals and not as a group. If you feel your tour leaders did not quite meet your expectations, please let us know. *Tips are included in Expedition pricing.


By reserving space on tour, you agree that ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours may use, re-use and reproduce any images, photos or videos that you send to us, or that are taken by our guides and/or other travelers of you individually or in a group, in any medium, including but not limited to print, electronic media, or Internet, free of charge and without your right to inspection, for promoting and publicizing our travel products and services worldwide. If you do not want us to use any images of you that are taken by us or other participants during the tour, you must inform us or your tour leader in writing at the start of the tour. Included


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