[PDF] Practice Guide Al Safat Regulations Rev 01

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Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology (ESMA) has a national Energy Efficiency for Electrical Air Conditioner has prepared the Standard No.

Emirates Authority For Standardization & Metrology (ESMA) ?????????

/Technical regulations through specialized technical committees (TCs). Energy Efficiency for Electrical Air Conditioner ……… has Updated the Standard:.


Air-conditioners) implemented by ESMA. By Virtue of the Federal Law No. regulated products to meet minimum energy performance rating and.


Energy Efficiency Standards Labelling Technical Regulations (EESL) S GSO 1006:1998 (Methods of test for room air conditioners). Domestic AC EER Table.


The Ecodesign Regulation for air heating products cooling products

Practice Guide Al Safat Regulations Rev 01

energy of air conditioned buildings in the Emirate of Dubai. Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide Version 2.0

Introduction to the GSO G-Mark for Low Voltage Electrical

2021. 11. 11. voltage rating between 50 and 1000 V for AC and between 75 and 1500 V for DC. GSO Technical Regulation on Low Voltage Electrical Equipment ...

Green Building Regulations - Barjeel_V1.2.pdf

RAS AL KHAIMAH. GREEN BUILDING REGULATIONS. Abbreviations & Definitions. DIVISION ONE. Abbreviations & Definitions. 101 Abbreviations. AC. Air Conditioning.

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Approved Standard: A standard that is adopted by ESMA as a UAE standard. this technical regulation. ... o Air conditioner appliances.

U.A.E. Standards & Technical Regulations

The U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council would like to thank its partners at ESMA for appliances (such as air conditioners and washing machines) car tires






On 24 October 2007, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President,

Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, stated:

All owners of residential and commercial buildings and properties in the Emirate of Dubai must a healthy city that meets the demand of best practice and the benchmarks of a pollution-free sustainable development This statement set Dubai on a "greener" and more sustainable development path. Governments around the world are now seeking the best ways through which a low carbon and more sustainable future can be achieved. of resource use such as energy, water and materials; while reducing impacts of the building on human health and the environment during the building's lifecycle, through better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioned. Dubai has taken a bold step forward with the new building regulations which address the Emirates' most urgent sustainability issues of energy and water demand, carbon emissions and public health. These regulations shall be known and cited as Al Sa'fat - Dubai Green Building System in the

Emirate of Dubai.

Al Sa'fat is a system for evaluating green buildings in the Emirate of Dubai, which aims to: • Increase the vitality and improve the quality of the internal environment in Dubai buildings • Support the Dubai Strategic Plan for creating a more sustainable urban environment

The regulations are divided into 3 Sa'fat categories - Silver Sa'fa, Golden Sa'fa and Platinum Sa'fa.

These regulations are additional to the Dubai Municipality Regulations, specially The Administrative


Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020 2


This document is a practice guide that provides guidance on each regulations that has been promulgated. Within this document, Al Sa'fat - Dubai Green Building System in the Emirate of

Dubai is also referred to as "the regulations".

This practice guide has seven sections.

ǷǸAl Sa'fat -Dubai

Green Building System and its link to sustainability and overall Dubai's Strategic Vision. The Administration section also includes all procedural requirements of Al Sa'fat such as building typologies, applicability details, enforcement and legislation details, water and energy compliance methods, implementation system and guidelines to use the practice guide.

seven contain detailed guidance for each regulation. These include requirements for each regulations,

requirements and documentation that needs to be provided for compliance. Practice guide is not intended to provide detailed design information or reference standards or to be a substitute for the experience and expertise of the building designers and contractors.

Practice guide contains the following sections:

1. Section One (100): Administration

3. Section Three (300): Ecology & Planning

4. Section Four (400): Building Vitality

5. ǟŧŢŢǠdž

6. Section Six (600): Resource Effectiveness - Water

7. Section Seven (700) : Resource Effectiveness - Materials & Waste


Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020 3


Sustainability is a complex concept which has rapidly developed in the past few years. Founded in the environmental and social issues in the contest of economic growth. In the context of the built environment and climate change, sustainability has become the benchmark terminology for the "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need" Line'. This concept is a way of going beyond just the economic aspects of any product, project or programme. It includes three aspects: Social, Environment and Economic and is often viewed as

Fig 101.03(1): Three Pillars of Sustainability

were lined to the higher principles of Sustainability. With Al Sa'fat, Dubai wishes to balance the for all. Al Sa'fat aims to deliver a built environment that delivers environmental improvement and a

better quality of life for the people and visitors of Dubai and in support for future economic growth.

The goal is to apply sustainable principles to the tasks of building design, construction, operation,

maintenance, change of use and deconstruction in Dubai.


Buildings has many impacts on the environment. From materials that is manufactured, to the disassembly and disposition of components, a building have an impact on the environment.


Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020 4


consideration regarding these new regulations: • Reduce Energy, Water and Carbon Emissions - The primary focus for Al Sa'fat is to address issues related to energy and water demand, increase energy security, reduce infrastructure costs and mitigate carbon emissions.

• ǧconstruction in areas such as building's core and shell, its mechanical components, air conditioning and materials used. As an example, sustainable buildings in Dubai aims to reduce the heat impact with Heat Island strategies, light colours and hear rejection approaches.

• Pollution reduction or elimination - A building and activities related to the building should attempt to minimise or eliminate pollution and seek to protect the environment within the building site and around it. As an example, light pollution and even condensate drainage should be controlled.

• Minimising and conserving resources - Natural resources create the basic needs for life and form the basis for all man-made materials. Minimising and effectively using these resources

form the principle of good stewardship in sustainability. Thus, sustainable buildings in Dubai encourage to recycle materials, use green products and reduce demolition and construction waste, among others.


In a lifespan of a building, many economic impacts are associated with the construction and operation of the building. sustainable cities. These impacts are not related to buildings but also to the site and surrounding environment. Economic impacts occur not only during the construction but also before and after construction. Each building has the potential to have an impact on its neighbours, local community to assess the economic impact of buildings. or maintaining mechanical systems or ensuring that commissioning is accomplished can have a positive economic impact. • Balancing performance - This economic principle applies to balancing performance with the energy performance for glazing, prevention of cooling from air loss and condensate recovery are various methods for balancing performance in the building. Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020 5


Buildings are built for people. Healthy well-being and livability in buildings are important aspects to

be addressed in a sustainable strategy to strive towards the goal of ensuring a positive quality of life

for present and future generations. Furthermore, buildings impact social fabric of any city. While the

structure may vary in complexity and use, the goal of each building is to provide a positive human interaction within that building. Each user must accomplish their goals in using the building and the user's health, safety and welfare during that period must be ensured. To achieve sustainability,

• Protect health - Sustainable buildings in Dubai aims to protect the health and well-being of buildings occupants. This level of sustainability is achieved through the implementation

of low VOC paints and coatings, ensuring adequate ventilation and restricting the use of asbestos containing materials.

• Ensure comfort and livability - A positive quality of life in and around the building is important

for sustainability. Buildings must be livable and promote comfortable surroundings with both active and passive systems. Thus, in Dubai, this aspect of sustainability includes measures such as lighting and thermal controls, views from the building and good acoustical control. and heritage. It also ensures that building is accessible to everyone in the community. For buildings in Dubai, this include ensuring enabled access for People of Determination and incorporation of indigenous plants that are less water consuming. The social aspect also includes encouraging responsible use of resources by the community and instilling conservation ideals.

Sustainability Aspects are Interrelated

the site on which the building is located. Each of the regulations impacts all three areas of the triple

bottom line, a well as all the various aspects described above. Impacts occur during every phase of a building life cycle from site development to deconstruction. section of each regulation) and therefore recognises the cross-correlation of these principles and aspects. Sustainability is the pathway on which the regulations are built and they seek continuous improvement in building development for its entire life cycle.


Fig 101.03(2): Interrelated Sustainability Aspects Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020 6


Al Sa'fat - Dubai Green Building System form part of a wider initiative from His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, steering Dubai's development towards a more sustainable growth trajectory. Al Sa'fat should be

understood within the context of Dubai's Strategic Plan 2021, as well as other initiatives on building

performance standards within the UAE. Key areas where Al Sa'fat contributes to the vision of Dubai are:


Dubai's objective is to become the leading city in sustainability. Leadership in building performance

aims to increase Dubai's long-term sustainability goals. Al Sa'fat regulations demonstrate global leadership by creating a forward looking and comprehensive green building evaluation system for



Al Sa'fat regulations enhances Dubai's competitiveness in the following areas: • Branding, which allows benchmarking against international standards. for a better use of land and capital.

• Resilience, which can help anticipate and mitigate likely climate change impacts on Dubai and Dubai's dependence on imported energy and resources.


Improved outdoor and indoor environments will promote good quality of life for visitors and

residents, and therefore to a high level of livability. The quality of the urban environment is a key

factor in making this achievable.

101.05: General Provisions


Competent Authority

Dubai Municipality is the competent authority for legislating and implementing Al Sa'fat - Dubai Green Building System. Dubai Municipality may choose to devolve this power to any other organisation in Dubai including Free Zone regulators and other third parties.

Revocation of Existing Legislation

These regulations are additional to the Dubai Municipality Regulations, specially The Administrative a. The Administrative Resolution No. 66 of the year 2003 Approving Regulations on the energy of air conditioned buildings in the Emirate of Dubai. Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020 7

Emirate of Dubai

d. The Administrative Resolution No. 30 of the year 2007 issued on Promulgating the Implementing Regulations of the Local Order No 11 of the year 2003 On Public Health and Safety in the Emirate of Dubai.

Temporary Buildings

These regulations do not apply to temporary buildings which will be removed within two years of construction. Exemptions: Special Projects and Special Applications Large scale projects or projects of a specialised nature, wherein some regulations of Al Sa'fat - Dubai Green Building System cannot be easily applied, are considered as special projects. These special projects are exempted from these regulations. Examples of such projects are: extremely high buildings, large shopping malls, hospitals and laboratories. In order to preserve the character of these buildings, it may not be possible to meet some of the requirements of the regulations. requirements of these regulations, if it can be demonstrated that compliance to those requirements cannot be achieved. Dubai Municipality reserves the right to request any other reasonable measures to be taken in pursuit of the goals of the regulations.

Exemptions: Heritage Buildings

the requirements of the Al Sa'fat - Dubai Green Building System are exempted from those regulations

in order to preserve the character of these buildings. For such projects, it will be possible to apply

be demonstrated that compliance to those requirements cannot be achieved. Dubai Municipality reserves the right to request any other reasonable measures to be taken in pursuit of the goals of the regulations.

Additions, Extensions, or Refurbishment Details

a. Relative to Al Sa'fat applicability stated further in section 101.07, new additions, extensions or refurbishments, which require a building permit, must meet the requirements of the regulations. b. Existing portions of the building, which are not part of the new work, will not be required to be upgraded to meet the regulations. Existing parts of a building will require upgrading, if after the addition, extension or refurbishment, the existing building performs in a less energy must bring the building back to at least its minimum level of previous energy performance before the addition or extension.


Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020

Effective Dates

These Regulations will be issued by an Administrative Resolution which will determine the effective date for implementation.

Referenced Codes and Standards

The codes and standards referenced in these regulations shall be considered part of the requirements of these regulations to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Alternative Materials, Designs and Methods of Construction and Innovation Equipment The provisions of these regulations actively encourage innovation and are not intended to prevent the use of any suitable alternate material, appliance, installation, device, arrangement, design, or the alternatives will be required from Competent Department.

101.06: Building Typologies

Al Sa'fat - Dubai Green Building System applies to the following building typologies: a. Villa: There are two types of villas.

1. Investment villas

2. Private villa

b. Residential/Commercial Building: This building typology includes (Table 101.06(1)): Table 101.06 (1): Type of Residential and Commercial Buildings


Building Typologies

Residential Commercial


Hotels, Motels and Furnished Apartments


Labour Accommodation


Mass Housing Restaurants / Food Outlets

c. Public Building: This building typology includes (Table 101.06(2)): Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020

Table 101.06 (2): Type of Public Buildings

Building Typologies

Public Buildings


Cinema / Theatres Retail Outlets

Educational Facilities Shopping Malls

Government Buildings Masjid and Worship Houses

Health Care Facilities Exhibitions and Festival Centres Historical / Heritage Buildings Gymnasium and Sports Complexes

Museums Sports and Entertainment Complexes

Petrol Stations

Dubai Municipality has the right to apply special standards for Historical buildings and Heritage buildings (if required).

Industrial Building:

This building typology includes (Table 101.06(3)):

Table 101.06 (3): Type of Industrial Buildings

Building Typologies


Factories Warehouses Workshops


a. The regulations apply to:

1. All new buildings.

2. Additions, extensions and refurbishment of existing buildings which require a building permit from Dubai Municipality.

3. For existing buildings, for any addition, extension or refurbishment that may result in

b. In Mixed-use buildings - When a building combines more than one use, each portion of the building must comply with the relevant regulations for that particular typology.

c. Refer to Tables 101.07(1) to 101.07(3). The objective is to state the mandatory regulations the particular regulation would be optional for that building type. However, for Golden and Platinum Sa'fa, all mandatory and optional requirements for Silver Sa'fa must be met. d. Change of use - When there is a change of use for a building (for example, the change in use from a residential villa to a school); these regulations apply for the new use.


Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020 10 Table 101.07(1): Silver Sa'fa Requirements as per Building Type


Regulation No.



Villas Residential Commercial Industrial

Private Villas

Investment Villas


Labour Accommodation

Mass Housing

Hotels, Motels and

furnished Apartments



Restaurants / Food




301.01 Enabled Access ၮၮ✓

301.02 Preferred Parking ၮၮ✓ ၮၮၮ

302.01 Local Species ✓


Exterior Light Pollution and


304.01 Urban Heat Island Effect ၮ✓ ၮၮၮ


Heat Rejection Equipment


304.04 Colors on the Outside of Buildings ✓

304.05 Orientation of Glazed Facades ၮၮ✓ ၮၮၮ

304.06 Hardscape ၮ✓ ၮၮၮ

304.07 Shading of Public Access Areas ၮၮ✓ ၮၮၮ

305.01 Environmental Impact Assessment ၮၮၮၮၮၮ✓ ၮၮၮ✓


Minimum Ventilation

Requirements for Adequate

Indoor Air Quality


Indoor Air Quality During

Construction, Renovation or


401.03 Air Inlets and Exhausts ✓

401.04 Isolation of Pollutant Sources ✓

401.05 Openable Windows ✓


Indoor Air Quality Compliance -

New Buildings


Indoor Air Quality Compliance -

Existing Buildings

Sealing Doors and Window


Inspection and Cleaning of HVAC


401.10 Parking Ventilation ✓

401.11 Environmental Tobacco Smoke ✓

402.01 Thermal Comfort ✓

403.01 Acoustical Control ✓

403.02 Silencers ✓


Expansion Joints and Vibration


Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020 11 Table 101.07(1): Silver Sa'fa Requirements as per Building Type

Regulation No.



Villas Residential Commercial Industrial

Private Villas

Investment Villas


Labour Accommodation

Mass Housing

Hotels, Motels and

furnished Apartments



Restaurants / Food





Low Emitting Materials: Paints

and Coatings


Low Emitting Materials: Adhesives

and Sealants

404.03 Carpet Systems ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ

405.01 Provision of Natural Daylight ၮ ၮ ၮ

405.02 Views ၮ ၮ ၮ


Legionella Bacteria and Building

Water Systems

406.02 Water Quality of Water Features


Impact of Construction,

Demolition and Operational



Minimum Building Envelope

Performance Requirements

501.02 Thermal Bridges


Air Conditioning Design


501.04 Air Loss from Entrances and Exits ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ

501.05 Air Leakage ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ

501.06 Shade Effect Calculations ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ


Equipment and Systems

502.02 Demand Controlled Ventilation ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ

502.03 Elevators and Escalators

502.04 Lighting Power Density - Interior

502.05 Lighting Power Density - Exterior

502.06 Lighting Controls ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ

502.07 Electronic Ballasts

Control Systems for Heating,

Ventilation and Air Conditioning

(HVAC) Systems

Control Systems for Hotel Rooms ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ ၮ


Al Sa'fat Dubai Green Building System: Practice Guide, Version 2.0, October 2020 12 Table 101.07(1): Silver Sa'fa Requirements as per Building Type


Regulation No.

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