[PDF] MLC Japanese Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji

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writing the first 103 kanji characters required for the Japanese List of the 46 basic katakana and their 25 diagritics (with ?or ?).

MLC Japanese

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120. 1. ? 104 + 16. This Kanji list is compiled from the 104 Kanji which are the prerequisite for Japanese Proficiency 

Remembering the Kanji vol. 1

By showing how to break down the complexities of the Japanese writing system into its basic elements and suggesting ways to reconstruct meanings from those 

Practical Kanji Series Practical Kanji ? 500 Basic Kanji Vol.1?2

The textbooks cover frequently-found words with the goal of helping students comprehend newspaper articles. Volumes 1 and 2 cover 250 kanji characters each 

Sustanaible Methods of Improving Kanji Learning Skills for

Unlike the alphabet languages knowledge of about 1

Easy Japanese

You can learn basic grammar and useful expressions with the entire text audio and colorful To download free audio lessons

Japanese Grammar Guide

Nov 21 2012 Hiragana is the basic Japanese phonetic script. It represents every sound in the ... doesn't support audio

New Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Guidebook

The ability to understand basic Japanese. ? One is able to read and understand passages on familiar daily topics written in basic vocabulary and kanji.

International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering

Dec 22 2018 Basic Kanji Learning Strategy of Japanese Language Education Program Faculty of Language and Arts Faculty of. Manado State University.

Logographic Kanji versus Phonographic Kana in Literacy Acquisition

There is now a general consensus that phonological skills such as phonological awareness and phonological short-term mem- ory

Meguro Language Center

Basic Kanji 120

Corresponding to Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5

104 characters & 16 characters

The Kanji possibly tested

The prerequisite Kanji for

Japanese Proficiency Test N5

Practice Kanji Tests

MLC Meguro Language Center

TEL: 03-3493-3727

https://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp hand brush paper main person candle two hands hand mouth

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120

1 䕔 104 + 16

This Kanji list is compiled from the 104 Kanji which are the prerequisite for Japanese Proficiency Test N5 and the

16 Kanji possibly tested (These words are selected from the pas䡐 tests by MLC).

1 ʴ


½å>9 person; people

§ U

䛥䜣Ç I‡_‡ three people䠖 䛣䛹䜒䛜୕

ET Kanji Tests

There are two kinds of tests.

2 The order of Kanji is from the easy one to the difficult.

The related words are arranged in a group by MLC.

The required 䇾Japanese Reading of Kanji䇿 in 䇾Hiragana䇿 and 䇾Chinese Reading of Kanji䇿 in 䇾Katakana䇿 are shown.

A tip for memorization

The prerequisite vocabularies. There are Kanji which have the proper way of reading. The unlearned Kanji are provided Kana written above Kanji to show how to pronounce.

These are the examples.

10 Kanji Test × 12 tests 20 Kanji Test × 6 tests

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


List of Kanji

2 ଐ22 ό42 ༵62 ൢ82 Ⴘ102 ݲ

3 ɟ23 ᘍ43 ൐63 ᩓ83 ৖103 Ӟ

7 ʞ27 ʻ47 ܖ

8 ρ28 ٻ

9 ɡ29 ݱ49 ˴69 ׎

10 ο30 ɥ50 ଺70 ٳ

11 ʋ31 ɦ51 ᧓71 ᛖ91 ஔ111 ഩ

13 உ33 ӫ53 Ҟ73 Ј93 ٲ

14 ້34 ߼54 ൑74 ᩋ94 ٸ

15 ൦35 ޛ

16 ங36 ߷56 Э76 ᙱ96 ܼ

18 ם

19 ႊ39 ܇

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


1 ʴ

䛥䜣ே 䛥䜣䛻䜣 three people䠖 䛣䛹䜒䛜୕

2 ଐ

3 ɟ

䜇䜣 䛔䛳䜇䜣 one minute䠖 䛣䛣䛛䜙䝩䝔䝹䜎䛷୍ศ

䛛䜣 䛻䛨䛛䜣 two hours䠖 䝔䝙䝇䜢஧᫬ 2 2 3 4 2 3 2

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


6 ׄ

䛛䛔 䜘䜣䛛䛔 four times䠖 䝕䜱䝈䝙䞊䝷䞁䝗䛻ᅄᅇ

7 ʞ

8 ρ

9 ɡ

䛛䛔 䛺䛺䛛䛔 seven times䠖 䝕䜱䝈䝙䞊䝅䞊䛻୐ᅇ

10 ο

䠍 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 䠍 2

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


11 ʋ

12 җ

13 உ

14 ້

15 ൦

16 ங

䕕 ᮌ 䛝 tree䠖 ᮌ䛾ୖ 2 2 2 3 4 䠍 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


17 ᣿

18 ם

19 ႊ

䝠䝱䜽 䠄䠙hundred䠅 䛘䜣 䜂䜓䛟䛘䜣 one hundred yen䠖 ⓒ෇

20 Ҙ

䝉䞁 䠄䠙thousand䠅

21 ɢ

䝬䞁 䠄䠙ten thousand䠅

䛘䜣 䛥䜣䜎䜣䛘䜣 thirty thousand yen䠖 䛣䛾䝞䝑䜾䛿୕୓෇

22 ό

23 ᘍ

䛞䜣⾜ 䛞䜣䛣䛖 bank䠖 䛣䜜䛛䜙㖟

24 ஹ

2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 䠍 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


25 ˞

26 ᙸ

27 ʻ

28 ٻ

29 ݱ

30 ɥ

above䠖 䜎䛹䛾ୖ䛻᫬

䛪 䛨䜗䛖䛪 good at; skillful䠖 䛒䛾ே䛿䝂䝹䝣䛜ୖᡭ

2 3 4 5 6 䠍 2 3 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


31 ɦ

33 ӫ

34 ߼

35 ޛ

䠍 2 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 䠍 2 3 2 3 4 5 hand mouth ӫ

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


38 ஜ

䝩䞁 䠄䠙book; counter for long object; origin䠅

39 ܇

41 ڡ

42 ༵

43 ൐

44 Ӑ

3 2 3 4 3 2 4 5 3 2 4 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 䠍 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 I rice field power arm P two hands

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


45 έ

46 ဃ

47 ܖ

䜺䜽 䠄䠙learn, study䠅

48 ఄ

䝁䜴 䠄䠙school䠅

49 ˴

䕕 ఱ+[noun] 䛺䛻+[noun] what䠖 䛒䛾ே䛿ఱே

䕕 ఱ+[counter] 䛺䜣+[counter] how many䈈䠖 䝟䞊䝔䜱䞊䛻ఱே

50 ଺

䛡䛔 䛸䛡䛔 clock; watch䠖 䛣䛾᫬ィ 6 3

2 䠍

4 5 3 2 4 5 3 2 4 9 10 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 roof child

Meguro Language Center Basic Kanji 120


51 ᧓

52 Ў

53 Ҟ

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