[PDF] 55th Annual Conference of Physiology and Pathology of

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55th Annual Conference of Physiology and Pathology of

of Veterinary and Human Reproductive Medicine 2nd–4th. March 2022 – online Abstracts Although a lot of studies focus on ... Bestellung e-Journal-Abo.

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Reticle Focus. Illumination Adjustment and Side Focus Dial. Objective. Lens. L-Tec Elevation Turret. The Vortex® Razor® HD Gen II Reticle.


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51st Annual Conference of Physiology and Pathology of

21 feb 2018 Reproduction and 43rd Mutual Conference of Veterinary ... Hussein HA1 Mohamed RH2

Mammalian Cloning and its Discussion on Applications in Medicine

focus on nucleocytoplasmic interactions and repro- in veterinary and human medicine (fig. 7). In sheep by splitting early ... Bestellung e-Journal-Abo.

Offizielles Organ: AGRBM, BRZ, DVR, DGA, DGGEF, DGRM, D·I·R, EFA, OEGRM, SRBM/DGE Krause & Pachernegg GmbH, Verlag für Medizin und Wirtschaft,

A-3003 Gablitz

Journal für


und Endokrinologie - Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology -


Embryologie & Biologie Endokrinologie Ethik & Recht Genetik Kontrazeption Psychosomatik Reproduktionsmedizin Urologie

Indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica/Scopus


Online-Datenbank mit Autoren- und Stichwortsuche

55th Annual Conference of Physiology and Pathology of

Reproduction and simultaneously 47th Joint Conference of Veterinary and Human Reproductive Medicine 2nd-4th

March, 2022 - online Abstracts

J. Reproduktionsmed. Endokrinol 2022; 19 (Supplementum

1), 1-19

World Conference Center BONNProf. Dr. med. Jean-Pierre Allam

PD Dr. rer. nat. Verena Nordhoff

Anmeldung und weitere Informationen unter



Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bielfeld, Düsseldorf

#Rediscovery - Lebensgeschichten neu schreiben #Innovation - Ist personalisierte ovarielle Stimulation die Zukunft?

Prof. Dr. Georg Griesinger, Lübeck

#Vision - From conception to birth

Christina Östberg Lloyd

(Ferring), Kopenhagen, DNK #Rediscovery#Innovation#Vision

10. DVR Kongress

Einladung zum FERRING SymposiumWir freuen uns auf Sie!Mehr Informationen zu dem FERRING Symposium

2J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2022; 19 (Supplementum 1)


th Annual Conference of Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction and simultaneously 47

Joint Conference of Veterinary

and Human Reproductive Medicine 2 nd -4 th

March, 2022 - online


Morphology, blood ow velocity

and hormonal contents of the over grown follicle in dromedary camels

Morphologie, Blut?ussgeschwindigkeit

und Hormongehalt von sogenannten

überwucherten Follikeln bei Dromeda


A. Ali

1,2 , D.R. Derar 1,2 1 Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Qassim University, Buraidah,

Saudi Arabia;


Department of Theriogenology, Faculty of

Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

Camel ovarian follicular growth has a dis

tinguishable turnover. Because ovulation is induced, the dominant follicle (DF) becomes atretic in non-mating females; however, in some females, the DF grows to be larger (OVGF, > 2 cm in diameter) than typical fol licles. ?e cause of some females' continued follicular development is unknown, and there is some argument about the pathogenicity of this phenomenon. ?e objective of this study was to characterize the morphology, real- time changes in spectral blood ?ow velocity, and hormonal concentrations of OVGF so that we could better understand its occur- rence and fate. Twenty-three female camels were ultrasonographically classi?ed as hav ing an OVGF with clear content (OVGF_TH, n = 7), granular content (OVGF_GR, n = 4), ?ne trabeculae (OVGF_TKI, n = 3), mod erate trabeculae (OVGF_TKII, n = 3), or dense trabeculae (OVGF_TKIII, n = 6). As controls, three camels with growing follicles (GF, 6 to < 9 mm in di am eter) and three with ovulatory follicles (OVF, 9-20 mm in diameter) were used. Spectral Doppler mode (PW) was used to assess peak systolic velocity (PSV) and time-averaged maximum velocity (TAmaxm). Follicular ?uids (FF) were col lected transvaginally and analyzed for estradi ol 17β (E2) and progesterone (P4). ?e results showed that all types of OVGF had compara tively low blood ?ow velocities (p = 0.0001). ?e majority of OVGF were low in E2, and high in P4 (P4 > E2). PSV and E2 content cor- related positively (r = 0.621, p = 0.01). Finally, changes in OVGF blood ?ow may play a role in their development and atresia.02

Retrospective study on the occur

rence of uterine torsion in sheep:

302 ovine dystocia cases submitted

to a veterinary referral hospital

Retrospektive Studie zum Auftreten

von Uterustorsion beim Schaf: 302 klinikV. Balasopoulou, Y. Zablotski, H. Zerbe, K. Voigt Clinic for Ruminants with Ambulatory and Herd Health Ser- vices, LMU Munich, Oberschleissheim, Germany

Uterine torsion has been considered a rare

cause of dystocia in sheep by many authors. ?is study describes cases of uterine torsion in this species and analyzes potentially in?uen tial factors on its occurrence. Clinical records of 302 sheep with dystocia admitted to a vet erinary hospital were evaluated retrospective ly. Sixty (19.9%) animals were diagnosed with uterine torsion. Statistical analyses were per- formed in R (version 3.6.3), using simple and multiple logistic regression models to identify potentially predisposing factors. Lamb birth weights did not di?er signi?cantly between ewes with uterine torsion and other causes of dystocia (p = 0.267). Following univari ate analyses age, parity, season and nutrition were excluded as non-signi?cant, while breed type, litter size and husbandry showed signi? cance, with lower odds for meat breeds (OR

0.22; p < 0.001), twin- (OR 0.49; p = 0.020)

or multiple-bearing ewes (OR 0.19; p = 0.013) and higher odds for fully housed animals (OR

17.87; p < 0.001). A subsequent multiple lo

gistic regression model identi?ed year-round housing as the most in?uential factor (OR

10.71; p < 0.001). ?e breed type remained

signi?cant (p = 0.025), while the litter size was no longer signi?cant in this multiple model (twins p = 0.191, multiples p = 0.089).

In contrast to previous publications, uterine

torsion was identi?ed as a relevant cause of dystocia in our caseload. Year-round housing was identi?ed as the most in?uential predis posing factor for the condition in the studied cohort.03

Quantitative di?erences in sex hor

mone-binding globulin amounts between di?erent ruminant breeds detected by mass spectrometry

Quantitative Unterschiede im Sexual

hormon-bindenden Globulin zwischen verschiedenen Rinderrassen gemessen mittels Massenspektrometrie B. Bartling, C. Siebenmorgen, J. Thielebein, M. Schmicke Animal Health Management, Martin-Luther-University

Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany

Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a

glycoprotein that binds particularly andro gens and oestrogens and has both enhanc ing and inhibiting endocrine functions. Its amount decreases with high levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1, whereas high oestrogen and thyroxine levels cause its increase. Although a lot of studies focus on the regulation of SHBG in human medicine, few studies are performed in ruminants. We aimed at the detection of SHBG in blood of di?erent cattle breeds by mass spectrometry.

A?er routine slaughtering, blood was collect

ed from three male/female Angus, Aurochs and Galloway having been kept under exten sive management and in German Simmental and cross bred beef cattle kept in a stable.

A?er albumin depletion, blood samples were

prepared using USP3-technology for LC-MS/

MS measurement. Received peptides were

separated by using an UltiMate 3000 HPLC-

System and analysed with the Orbitrap Ex

ploris™ 480 mass spectrometer. Among 135 proteins successfully identi?ed by LC-MS/

MS, this technique also identi?ed peptides

related to the SHBG protein. ?e SHBG- related peptides were di?erent in the number between the ruminant breeds with lowest mean number in Aurochs (2) and Angus (3), and highest mean number in German Sim mental (8) and Galloway (7). Although the evaluation of sex- and age-related di?erences was not applicated because of the low number of animals, our data suggest the in?uence of breed on the SHBG amount in bovine blood.

Further studies are needed to con?rm the

dependency of SHBG on breed and other

sion of Wiley, the abstracts of this conference will be jointly published in the Journal of Reproduction of Domestic Animals (RDA) and the Journal of Repro

ductive Medicine and Endocrinology (JRE). Peer-reviewed and compiled by the scientic committee. Index of authors (only primary authors) see page 19.

For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of Krause & Pachernegg GmbH.

3J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2022; 19 (Supplementum 1)


The e?ects of L-lactate are putative-

ly mediated via NMDA receptor associated signaling pathways in bovine granulosa cells

Die E?ekte von L-Laktat werden ver-

mutlich über NMDA-Rezeptor-asso- ziierte Signalwege in bovinen Granulo- sazellen vermittelt

A. Baufeld, J. Vanselow

Institute of Reproductive Biology, Research Institute for

Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf, Germany

Earlier, we showed that L-lactate acts as a

signaling molecule in cultured bovine granu losa cells (GCs). Since the signal transduction of L-lactate is dependent on lactate transport ers, we further aim at elucidating the intra cellular mechanisms of L-lactate. N-methyl-

D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) have been

highlighted to be involved in L-lactate sign aling in neurons. From our whole genome mRNA study, we obtained several hints that

NMDAR signaling might be also present in

GCs. In this study, we initially focused on

NMDA receptor action in L-lactate treated

GCs. Bovine GCs were cultured serum-free

and supplemented with FSH, IGF-1 and an drostenedione for 8 days (37 °C, 5% CO?). ?e cells were additionally cultured either with 30 mM sodium L-lactate or with 30 mM

NaCl as vehicle control. Inhibitor studies

were performed in a pre-treatment approachquotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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