[PDF] Bewerbung um einen Studienplatz

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research which brings key data to unders- will be put together to create informative ma- ... Weltmeisterschaft 2023 (Bewerbung). BInfrastruktur der.

Bewerbung um einen Studienplatz

MA Translation Management (with professional partner) Data protection: The Internationale Hochschule SDI München processes personal data of students ...

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Soyez le plus bref possible! Environ six phrases suffisent. L'e-mail ne remplace cependant en aucun cas la lettre de motivation qui doit être annexée.

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Qui sera mon/ma responsable? > Quand pourrais-je commencer? > Quand aurai-je une réponse? Pendant l'entretien: > Ecoutez avec intérêt. > Prenez des notes.

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de la communication et mon esprit d'équipe de même que ma capacité à nouer d'excellentes relations

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I request information about whether my personal data is ergreifen um Ihre Bewerbung effektiv

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TEL н49 89 288102-0

kontaktΛsdi-muenchen.de www.sdi-muenchen.de

Uniǀersity of Applied Sciences

Staatlich anerkannte Fachakademie

Staatlich anerkannte Berufsfachschule

Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Seminare Θ Training

Application for Matriculation

for the

For internal purposes͗

Receipt stamp͗

Registered as receiǀed͗

We need this fully filled in application form for your matriculation. Please send it within the set deadline by mail to the

StudienamtΛsdi-muenchen.de. If we haǀe not yet receiǀed certified copies of your certificates and references, please send them to us by

mail or make an appointment to present the original documents in person.

By submitting this application, you are making a binding offer to conclude a study agreement; through its acceptance, the certificate of

matriculation will be issued, bringing the study agreement into effect. Any statutory right of reǀocation remains unaffected by this.

Matriculation for the

degree programme (please select)

Lengua Edžtranjera (MA ELE)

and module)

1. Personal details ܆ Ms. ܆

Name͗ First name͗

Name at birth͗ Date of birth͗

Place of birth͗ Country of birth͗

Nationality͗ Further


Telephone͗ Mobile͗

Email address͗

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TEL н49 89 288102-0

kontaktΛsdi-muenchen.de www.sdi-muenchen.de

Uniǀersity of Applied Sciences

Staatlich anerkannte Fachakademie

Staatlich anerkannte Berufsfachschule

Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Seminare Θ Training

2. Semester address

(if already known) Street, number͗

Post code, town or


Federal proǀince͗


(if a resident of



3. The following

documents haǀe to be handed in with the application for matriculation

insurance (proof of coǀerage in due form ͞for presentation upon matriculation at the uniǀersity")

4. Fee schedule and

payment terms BA International Business and Communication monthly Φ490.00

BA Modern Chinese Studies monthly Φ490.00

BA Translation Chinese monthly Φ490.00

BA Translation Chinese (cooperation 3н1) monthly Φ550.00

MA Digital Media Manager monthly Φ540.00

MA Interpreting monthly Φ690.00

MA Intercultural Communication monthly Φ540.00

MA Translation monthly Φ540.00

MA International Sales Management monthly Φ640.00 MA Post-Editing Θ Yuality Management monthly Φ440.001) MĄster Internacional para Profesores de EspaŹol como

Lengua Edžtranjera (MA ELE)

monthly Φ300.001)

MA Translation Management (without professional

partner) monthly Φ830.001) MA Translation Management (with professional partner) monthly Φ830.001)

Modular course of study depending on study module

Guest study depending on the course

Fee for the aptitude test MA Interpreting2) one-time fee Φ150.00

Admission fee (for applicants from the EU3)

as well as for online courses) one-time fee Φ475.004) Admission fee (for applicants from non-EU countries3)) one-time fee Φ950.004)

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TEL н49 89 288102-0

kontaktΛsdi-muenchen.de www.sdi-muenchen.de

Uniǀersity of Applied Sciences

Staatlich anerkannte Fachakademie

Staatlich anerkannte Berufsfachschule

Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Seminare Θ Training

Contribution to the student union per semester Φ75.00 Solidarity contribution to the semester ticket per semester Φ72.00 Edžamination fee for BA courses5) one-time fee Φ200.00 Edžamination fee for MA courses5) one-time fee Φ250.00

1) Semester ticket and corresponding solidarity contribution do not apply.

2) The fee for the aptitude test in the Master Programme Interpreting will be set off with the tuition fees upon matriculation.

3) The allocation is carried out in accordance with the location of the last educational attainment.

4) Other regulations may apply for students from cooperation programmes with our international partner uniǀersities.

5) For the oral final edžamination per attempt

The fees also haǀe to be paid during the semester break and during the compulsory practical semester.

In the first subject-related semester edžceeding the standard period of study, the monthly tuition fees are reduced

to 30й. In all further subject-related semesters edžceeding the standard period of study, the tuition fees are again

100й according to the fee schedule.

The standard period of study is 7 semesters for BA programmes and 3 semesters for MA programmes.

The fees are to be paid

IBAN͗ DE 43 7004 0041 0211 2662 00

account no. 211 2662 00


bank code 700 400 41

5. Matriculation and

study conditions under priǀate law

1. Matriculation: With his/her application for matriculation the student declares to meet the entrance requirements set out in the

matriculation regulations of the Internationale Hochschule SDI München (ImmO). A study agreement is concluded when the application

for matriculation is accepted and the certificate of matriculation is issued by the Internationale Hochschule SDI München. Matriculation

shall remain in place until graduation in accordance with item 4. Changes in matriculation are only possible with the approval of the

Office of Student Affairs.

Cancellation policy pursuant to s. 246a and b Introductory Law to the Civil Code (EGBGB) for contracts concluded outside of our

premises (s. 312b German Civil Code - BGB) and distance contracts (s. 312c BGB):

You have the right to withdraw from this agreement within 14 days without giving any reason therefor. The withdrawal period is 14

days from the date of the conclusion of the agreement. In order to exercise your right of withdrawal you have to notify us, the

Internationale Hochschule SDI München, Baierbrunner Straße 28, 81379 Munich, by means of an unequivocal declaration (e.g. a

letter sent by mail, a facsimile or an email) on your decision to withdraw from this agreement. To comply with the withdrawal period,

it is sufficient to send the notification of the exercise of the right of agreement before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

Consequences of the withdrawal

If you withdraw from this agreement, we will have to refund all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (with

the exception of additional costs resulting from the fact that you chose a type of delivery other than the cheapest standard delivery

offered by us), without delay and at the latest within 14 days from the day on which we receive notification of your withdrawal from

this agreement. For this repayment, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless

expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no case will you be charged for this repayment. If you have requested that the service

(teaching) should begin during the withdrawal period, you have to pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the proportion of

the services already provided up to the time you notify us of the exercise of the right of withdrawal with regard to this agreement

compared to the total scope of the service provided for in the agreement. - End of the cancellation policy -

2. Fees / payment terms: The fees consist of the admission fee, the student union fee, including any further fees levied by the student

union, and the (monthly) tuition fees, which are binding for the respective degree programme from the beginning of the degree

programme until the end of the agreement (see item 4), as well as the examination fees.

The admission fee is due onetime upon matriculation. The student union fee and any further fees levied by the student union become

due on 1 October and 1 April. Tuition fees are payable on the tenth day of each month (winter semester: 10 October to 10 March;

summer semester: 10 April to 10 September) if payment is made monthly, at the beginning of each semester (winter semester: 1

October; summer semester: 1 April) if payment is made biannually, and at the beginning of the winter semester (1 October) if payment

is made annually or once. The authoritative date is the date the payment is credited to the account of the Internationale Hochschule SDI


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TEL н49 89 288102-0

kontaktΛsdi-muenchen.de www.sdi-muenchen.de

Uniǀersity of Applied Sciences

Staatlich anerkannte Fachakademie

Staatlich anerkannte Berufsfachschule

Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Seminare Θ Training

The fees are recognised as binding upon matriculation. The student assures that he/she is able to pay the fees in full and on time. The

obligation to pay the fees in full and on time exists irrespective of participation in the courses. The contractual relationship existing on

the basis of matriculation may be terminated by the student for good cause for which he/she is not responsible (see item 4). Failure to

commence one's studies, abandonment or interruption of studies shall not entitle the student to suspend payments, nor shall

commencement or continuation of studies at another institution. The Internationale Hochschule SDI München is entitled to

exmatriculate students who are in arrears with the payment of their fees after a corresponding notification thereof (see item 4) or

exclude them from their participation in lectures, courses or exams until such arrears have been paid.

3. Change in the curriculum: The Internationale Hochschule SDI München reserves the right to change the curriculum for good cause.

4. Termination: The agreement will end with the successful completion or final failure of the chosen degree programme without the need

for a separate notice of termination. Otherwise, it may be terminated by the student with 6 weeks' notice to the end of an academic

year. The academic year begins with the winter semester and ends with the following summer semester.

Students of a BA programme may terminate the agreement with 8 weeks' notice to the end of the first semester. The right of both

parties to give special notice of termination of this agreement for good cause shall remain unaffected.

Any termination shall be in writing to be effective.

The Internationale Hochschule SDI München shall be entitled to terminate the agreement without notice, in particular in the event of

disruptions to teaching activities, violation of the house rules or persistent default in payment. The right to claim damages shall not be

affected thereby. In the event of extraordinary termination by the university, the student shall remain obliged to pay the tuition fees

until the end of the current academic year. Effective termination of the study agreement shall always lead to exmatriculation at the time

of the legal termination of the study agreement. In case of doubt, exmatriculation by the student shall be deemed to be termination at

the end of the academic year, provided that the aforementioned notice period of 6 weeks has been observed.

5. Data protection: The Internationale Hochschule SDI München processes personal data of students pursuant to Art. 13 and 14 GDPR.

For more information on this topic please see the Privacy Policy on Studies, Training and Course Participation of SDI München (PDF, for

download on the SDI website under ͞Data Protection").

6. Side agreements͗ There are no side agreements to the agreement concluded upon matriculation. Any changes or amendments to the

The contractual language is German. The English language ǀersion attached to this agreement shall serǀe for information purposes only.

Howeǀer, the German language ǀersion shall always be authoritatiǀe for the rights and obligations of the parties. This Agreement shall be

goǀerned by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Place, date Applicant's signature

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