[PDF] Space Defragmentation Heuristic for 2D and 3D Bin Packing Problems

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Le problème de bin-packing en deux-dimensions le cas non-orienté

29 juin 2007 Plus précisément ce problème est noté. 2SBSBPP (Two-Dimensional Single Bin Size Bin-Packing Problem) selon la ty- pologie de Wäscher et al. (cf ...

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This study presents a mathematical model two heuristics and a multi-start genetic algorithm for this new problem. Keywords. Bin-packing

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12 items I Algorithms for Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problems. 1. 1 Outline of Part I. 3. 2 The Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem. 5. 2.1 Introduction .

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In many practical cases of two-dimensional packing problems there are additional constraints on the patterns that can be used to pack items in a bin. one of the 

Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem with Guillotine Restrictions

The Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem (2BP) is the problem of packing without overlapping

Résolution numérique d ésolution numérique dans les problèmes

BPP 2D : Problème du Bin Packing bi dimensionnel. BPP 3D : Problème du Bin packing tri dimensionnel. BPP C: bin packing avec conflits. Bl: bottom left.

Projet de Fin dEtudes

Exemple de compréhension du probleme de BinPacking . Figure 1.9. des formes rectangulaires et irrégulières et les problèmes bin packing 2D en générale.

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5 nov. 2015 We consider the three-stage two-dimensional bin packing problem (2BP) which oc- curs in real-world applications such as glass paper

Space Defragmentation Heuristic for 2D and 3D Bin Packing Problems

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This study presents a mathematical model two heuristics and a multi-start genetic algorithm for this new problem Keywords Bin-packing distance constraint 

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  • What is 2D bin packing?

    The two-dimensional bin packing problem (2D-BPP) consists of packing without overlap, a set I of two-dimensional rectangular items into the minimum number of two-dimensional rectangular bins [1–3].
  • How do you solve bin packing problem?

    The Bin Packing Problem

    1Import the libraries.2Create the data.3Declare the solver.4Create the variables.5Define the constraints.6Define the objective.7Call the solver and print the solution.8Output of the program.
  • What is the concept of bin packing?

    The bin packing problem is an optimization problem, in which items of different sizes must be packed into a finite number of bins or containers, each of a fixed given capacity, in a way that minimizes the number of bins used.
  • The best existing algorithm for optimal bin packing is due to Martello and Toth (Martello & Toth 1990a; 1990b). We present a new algorithm for optimal bin packing, which we call bin completion, that explores a different problem space, and appears to be asymptotically faster than the Martello and Toth algorithm.
Space Defragmentation Heuristic for 2D and 3D Bin Packing Problems

Zhaoyi ZhangandSongshan Guo

Zhong Shan (Sun Yat-Sen) Univ.

Guangzhou, P.R. China

zzy.sysu@gmail.com issgssh@mail.sysu.edu.cnWenbin Zhu

HKUST and HK Poly Univ.

Clear Water Bay, HK S.A.R.

i@zhuwb.comWee-Chong OonandAndrew Lim

City Univ. of HK

Kowloon Tong, HK S.A.R.

weecoon, lim.andrew @cityu.edu.hk


One of main difficulties of multi-dimensional pack- ing problems is the fragmentation of free space into several unusable small parts after a few items are packed. This study proposes a defragmenta- tion technique to combine the fragmented space into a continuous usable space, which potentially allows the packing of additional items. We illus- trate the effectiveness of this technique on the two- and three-dimensional Bin Packing Problems. In conjunction with a bin shuffling strategy for incre- mental improvement, our resultant algorithm out- performs all leading meta-heuristic approaches.1 Introduction Packing and cutting problems have wide practical applica- tions and many variants have been extensively studied, espe- cially the packing and cutting of rectangular two- and three- dimensional items. They model many industrial applications, such as the packing of cargo for shipment and the cutting of sheets of metal, glass, paper or other materials. Although the many variants of packing and cutting problems differ in objectives and have their own unique challenges, the multi- dimensional variants (i.e., greater than 1-D) share one com- monality: denser packings tend to lead to higher quality solu- tions. A common obstacle to obtaining a dense packing is the fragmentation of unutilized (free) space into multiple small parts that are too small to hold any items and are therefore unusable. In this study, we address the space fragmentation issue by designing two space defragmentation operations. The opera- tions are based on the concept of pushing loaded items along an axis in order to leave sufficient free space for an incoming item. The distance that a loaded item can be pushed along an axis can be computed using a comparability graph representa- tion of the packing pattern for each axis; we show how these operations can be performed inO(n2 )time without explicitly constructing the graphs. We use the three-dimensional bin packing problem (3D- BPP) as the target problem in order to illustrate the con- cept of space defragmentation. Our experiments on standard

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benchmark problems show that by incorporating our space defragmentation operations into theextreme point insertion constructive heuristic for 3D-BPP, we can obtain solutions that are comparable to those achieved by the leading existing meta-heuristic approaches for the problem in a fraction of the time. With the addition of a simple incremental improvement procedure using bin shuffling, our algorithm outperforms all existing techniques by a significant amount for both the two- dimensional bin packing problem (2D-BPP) and 3D-BPP. The 3D-BPP analyzed in this paper is defined as follows. We are givennitems that are 3D rectangular boxes, and an unlimited number of identical bins with dimensionsL×W×

H. The dimensions of thei

li ×w i ×h i , and we assume that the boxes cannot be rotated.

The aim is to load allnitems into bins such that:

•Placement is orthogonal (i.e., axis-aligned)

•Every item must be completely inside a bin

•Any two items inside the same bin must be interior-disjoint (i.e., non-overlapping)

•The number of bins used is minimized.

Bin packing problems of dimensions other than three can be defined similarly. We assume that bins are placed in the first octant of a Cartesian coordinate system with one corner at the origin. The lengthLof the bin is parallel to theX-axis, the heightHis parallel to theY-axis, and the widthWis parallel to theZ-axis.2 Space Defragmentation A primary objective for bin packing problems (and packing problems in general) is to identify dense packing patterns so that the utilization of space within each bin is high. When this is achieved, the number of bins required is naturally reduced. The main obstacle against achieving a dense packing of items is the fragmentation of usable space as items are loaded into bins. For example, Figure 1(a) shows the situation inside a bin after two items are loaded. The usable space in the bin is divided into two disconnected parts, and even though the to- tal area of usable space in the bin is sufficient to load item 3, neither part is large enough to accommodate the item. How- ever, by pushing item 1 upwards, we can make enough room

to load item 3 (Figure 1(b)).699Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

3 1 2 (a) Usable space is fragmented, item 3 cannot be packed 1 2 3 (b) Item 1 is pushed up- wards to make room for item 3

Figure 1: Example of space defragmentation

Figure 2: A packing pattern and itsX-comparability graph This is the basis for our space defragmentation operations. In particular, when attempting to place an itemiat some po- sitionp(i.e., the corner of itemithat is closest to the origin is at pointp) and there is not enough space to accommodate the item due to the presence of existing items, we can attempt to push all items that overlap withiaway from the origin in order to make room for the new item. There are two tasks to perform when implementing this concept. Firstly, we must determine if there is sufficient space to accommodate itemiafter pushing the items away fromp; secondly, the itemimust be loaded atp. In this section, we present anO(n 2 )algorithm that utilizes the space defragmen- tation concept by efficiently determining the distance that an item can be pushed along an axis, using the concept of acom- parability graphfor an axis. For any itemiin a bin, its projection onto theX-axis is an interval that we denote by[x i ,x i ]. Therefore, the length of an itemiisl i =x i -x i . We can construct theX-comparability graphG X =(V X ,E X )for the set of intervals corresponding to the items in a bin as follows:

•Every itemicorresponds to a vertexv

i ?V X

•Each vertexv

i is assigned a weight equal tol i

•There is a directed edge(v

i ,v j )?E X from vertexv i to v j if and only ifx i j , i.e., itemilies entirely to the left of itemj. G X is a directed acyclic graph; similar graphs can be con- structed for the other axes in the same manner. Figure 2 shows an example of a packing in a bin along with the corre- spondingX-comparability graph. We define thelengthof a path as the sum of the weights of all vertices in the path.

Given a packing withX-comparability graphG

X , we can right-justifyall items along theX-axis such that[x ri ,x ri ]isthe projection of itemion theX-axis after right-justification, where x ri =?min vi,vj)?E X x rj }:?(v i ,v j )?E X

L: otherwise(1)

Note that a feasible packing withX-comparability graph G X remains feasible after all items are right-justified along theX-axis. Furthermore, the comparability graphs for the other axes for the resultant packing are unchanged. For any given pointxon theX-axis, we call the set of items whose right endpoint lies to the right ofxtheright set atx, denoted byR x ={i:x i >x}. The set of all other items in the bin is called theleft set atx, denoted byL x i: x i X ,x), which right-justifies every itemi?R x along theX-axis. For three-dimensional packing problems, we define a composite operator P

USH-OUT(b,(x,y,z)), which attempts

to collate usable space in binbaround a reference point (x,y,z)by performing P USH(G X ,x);PUSH(G Y ,y); and P USH(G Z ,z). The three PUSHoperations can be performed in any order, and the resultant packing will be the same.

We now describe how

x ri can be computed inΘ(nlogn) time for all items without explicitly constructing theX- comparability graphG X , wherenis the number of items in the bin. This is done by computing the value ofΔX i x r i -x i for each itemi. The computation is similar for the other dimensions. First, sort the2nendpoints of thenintervals correspond- ing to the projections of the items on theX-axis; left end- points take precedence in a tie. We explain the procedure by imagining a vertical line sweeping from right to left along the

X-axis. The vertical line serves two purposes:

1) It defines the set of intervals that lie completely to the

left of the vertical line, i.e.,L x ={i|x i is the location of the vertical line;

2) It maintains a boundaryx

0 that marks the greatest value for the right endpoint of any interval inL x ; conceptu- ally, we can simultaneously translate all intervals inL x to the right until the right endpoint of some interval in L x coincides with the boundary. Ifiis the interval with largest x i inL x , thenΔX i =x 0 -x i

At the beginning, we set the boundaryx

0 =L. When the vertical line encounters a right endpoint x i , we update X i =x 0 -x i . When the vertical line encounters a left endpointx i , we update the boundaryx 0 =min{x 0 ,x i X i . This correctly updates the invariantx 0 because for any intervalj?L x ,jlies to the left of[x i ,x i ]. By the construction of the comparability graph, there is an edge from jtoi; hence,ilies on some path passing throughj.Ifiin fact lies on the longest pathP(j)involvingv j , thenx i X i is the effective right boundary forj. The pseudocode is provided in Algorithm 1.

Finally, we show that once the values of

x ri ;y r i ; and z r i are computed for all itemsi, then determining if P USH-OUT(b,(x,y,z))produces sufficient space to accomo- date an item can be done inO(n)time. 700

Algorithm 1Computex

ri for each itemiin binb


1P=list of endpointsx

i andx i for all itemsi?b

2 sortPbyX-coordinate in descending order;

left endpoints take precedence in a tie 3x 0 =L

4foreach pointx?P

5ifxis a left endpointx

i for somei 6x 0 =min(x 0 ,ΔX i +x i

7ifxis a right endpoint

x i for somei


i =x 0 -x i

9forall itemsi

10 x r i =x i +ΔX i LetS(p)be the set of items that overlap with the current itemiwheniis placed at a positionp(i.e.,p=(x i ,y i ,z i For every itemj?S(p), we right-justify it along the respec- tive axes. LetS (p)denote the set of items after translation.

The operation P

USH-OUT(b,p)will produce sufficient space

to allow the current itemito be placed atpif and only if no items inS (p)overlap with itemiwhen itemiis placed atp. We can therefore determine if itemican be placed atpby checking the resultant position of all itemsjthat overlap with iafter right-justification on axes. Since the number of over- lapping items isO(n), and assuming there areO(n)possible positions, this procedure takesO(n 2 )time per item. In fact, the worst case scenario seldom occurs in practice, and our ex- periments show that this operation runs in close to linear time on standard 3D-BPP test cases.

3 A Constructive Heuristic

Theextreme point insertionheuristic[Crainicet al., 2008]is a constructive heuristic that loads items one at a time based on a given sequence until all items are loaded, and is the best ex- isting constructive heuristic for the 3D-BPP. It represents the state of a bin by a list of extreme points, where every extreme point is a candidate position to load a new item. An empty bin is represented by one extreme point (0, 0, 0). When a new item is loaded, it occupies one extreme point and introduces a constant number of new extreme points. Figures 3(a) and

3(b) illustrate how the loading of a new item will introduce up

to 2 and 6 new points in the 2D and 3D cases, respectively. Given a sequence of items, the extreme point insertion heuristic attempts to load the current item at an extreme point in an existing bin. If no such point exists, a new empty bin is instantiated and the item is loaded into that bin at (0,0,0). This continues until all items are loaded. We employed the first fitstrategy when selecting the extreme point for the cur- rent item: the current item is loaded into the first bin that can accommodate it at the first feasible extreme point. We introduce two space defragmentation enhancements to the extreme point insertion algorithm; the resultant algorithm is given in Algorithm 2. The first enhancement is a straight- forward application of the technique described in Section 2, i.e., rather than checking if the current itemican be placed C1C B A B1 OXY (a) 2 extreme points for 2D C2 C1 D1 D2 B2 B1quotesdbs_dbs42.pdfusesText_42
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