[PDF] employee mobile device agreement

Policy Brief & Purpose

Our employee cell phone policyoutlines our guidelines for using cell phones at work. We recognize that cell phones (and smartphones especially) have become an integral part of everyday life. They may be a great asset if used correctly (for productivity apps, calendars, business calls etc.) But, cell phones may also cause problems when used impruden...

Policy Elements

Despite their benefits, personal cell phones may cause problems in the workplace. Employees who use their cell phones excessively may: 1. Get distracted from their work. 2. Disturb colleagues by speaking on their phones. 3. Cause security issues from inappropriate use of company-issued equipment or misuse of our company’s internet connection. 4. Ca...

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What is a cell phone agreement for company use?

Cell phone agreement for company use is a contract between an employer and employee, the employer will provide a cell phone for the employee for business use.3 min read A cell phone agreement for company use is a contract between an employer and employee, whereby the employer will provide the employee with a company cell phone for business use.

What is an employee cell phone policy?

This Employee Cell Phone Policy is ready to be tailored to your company’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your employment policies. The cell phone company policy may also be referred to as a no mobile phones at work policy or a bring your own device (BYOD) policy.

What is a private use and work phone agreement?

The private use and work phone agreement is between the company and you, the employee. It covers your use of the work phone and the personal device your employer gives you for work purposes. If you’re an employee using a company-issued device for work and personal use, you must protect your phone’s data.

What happens if an employee uses a company phone?

What’s more, the private use of company phones can have legal consequences if the employee does not follow the rules set forth by their employer. Employers will ask employees to read and sign a private use and work phone agreement to maximize efficiency and productivity at work and to avoid work termination.

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MOBILE DEVICE EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT. Name (Last First MI). LSU ID. Department. Office Phone. E-mail. Cell Phone. I have read the terms of the LSU Finance 

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Mobile Device Usage and Agreement Policy 1.0 Introduction

The State of Minnesota provides several electronic tools for employees whose job performance requires or would be enhanced by their use. Mobile devices and 

Mobile Device Employee Agreement - LSU

MOBILE DEVICE EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT Name (Last First MI) LSU ID Department Office Phone E-mail Cell Phone have read the terms of the LSU Finance & Administration Operating Procedure FASOP: AS-24 "Mobile Device Stipend Request" and I understand the employee responsibilities as outlined