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Bi-Borel Reducibility of Essentially Countable Borel Equivalence

(i) each Ex is defined on a standard Borel probability space (Xxjux)'

Rubine Express Issue 8: Oct-Dec 2018

1 Oct 2018 JUX-622. 2 Bowls Stainless Steel Sink ... JUX-610. 1 Bowl Stainless Steel Sink. With 3 1/2" Waste Strainer ... (EN 200: 2008 standard).

Optimisation bi-niveau dEcoparcs insdustriels pour une gestion

Dans le contexte des jeux de Nash bi-niveaux non-coopératifs e.g. PATH (Dirkse & Ferris

Optimization of Ball Rebound Technique in Rhythmic Gymnastics by

means of bi-dimensional analysis. Moraru Cristina a * Grigore Vasilica b a.

International Standard Bibliographic Description for Non-Book

Bi-directional records. standard bibliographic description suitable for all types of library materials should be ... (Jeux visuels = Visual games ; 13).

La coordination en théorie des jeux non-coopérative:

standard game theory as a mathematical representation of an individual specifically

Information Extraction Model to Improve Learning Game Metadata

9 Apr 2020 Maho Wielfrid Morie Iza Marfisi-Schottman

International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD)

Bi-directional records. According to this ISBD is recognized to be the standard for the library community

Uniqueness of 1D Generalized Bi-Schr odinger Flow

21 May 2020 xux + ?Ju?xux + bRN (?xuxux)Juux + cRN (Juux


BI-r '~ l (It'lI rl lw al 111 I l lI ' I


Building new muscle 3�

( ' (lllS(JlJct"lil li l o j 1l1.l111l1.t< 11\· 111'·... 11;,... 1>1 ill('up " n ;1](1.

0 '" c-vilk, 1'.tl(I ..\ 1\() ;1IJ(I ( li lu-r II[)lo(dill .n:-; ( '(1 \ ( I'P11(1 1' ) 01

SLIIll"ord I'.l r !, ...11< ( I ll jl'l.Jiworl" I ::;il)) Il'!'.llli"'l1)\ ( htu k F():\�

Rows and columns defined 7

Youpro!lh d id n" l.;I'1 I11rllul.;lI wi tlunu )w ,lrlI I l:, ih" 1( ·I Il1..,"ro \\':- page 8� dl \( 1 Iolumn-, -])\It dll11'\1 knuw w1\.11 Ihl'\ 'II 'dll,tl H llll '

ExtraOrdinary People 8�

,Joh ll F it /.p:! 1111 k ",YS\I·Tll"" ·lll.;IIll·I ·1 II I Tu l--n,Okl.rhoru.t, I ... l ll "... ( I\\ 11�

, I'I Jp ( ;lllI,- ilu Illllll(' ::0 1\11'''' :--d ll�

We'll know more after 1997 12�

' I II;)I '::, \\"1 J('I I t lu : [1r iI i-... Il I.-i u I11 l.I) J I I rI)II It I11 Il l :,,:]\(III ; II I 1)(' I't'op II' ...�

1(I' p ub)" 01 ( · hllld, It'.., !.!.IJI ...OTlJ(' pl'()pll worru"]�

Listening to the needs around us 14�

:\ ITI e-n t sll l li\'I'I ',S plul.uu hropf d())l(lr,;:-,�

T i ll'('Olllp,IJ1\ !.!.rdllll'dsli:i 11l1!l1l )) 1 III I ' 1.<:;li . Illl fl lr I


YourTurn 11�


Letter from John Young IS

Ill"" prcs J(\('rl l pill S in 11\(' . III<[ (!I;:'I'USS( 'S ih" n 'ExtraMeasure 19� HI'-l ),( \ ''''1 11\ 1\I'..,hl'll l !.!. ru n uverbvu lir:--1 11Hlr!l'I::-llf S P I 't'll"lll11 ...llql]H' r! trum( upertm o: uunuu; 111 ' '''{rld , jx-rt orm.uu":uu o .ut


E d lllll : :\ I1 ell rn 1111 r unr rilnnor...:� .!l-.t ll Bill k,' '\ 1111('[ [( Y,t l(,\ 11/ \ 1.1[\ ,\ l1lh 1::,... 1c \� f\ .!11t ,\ 1111, 1� :\......(ll 1.11" ('(111'1( I \I ( 111-1110 11� I"-,Iv(;( I. IId 1\,III Ill-. 11 ( ''-'l.;,t!'l \� page 19� ...J


new muscle

HP begins to combine

some manufacturing activities in new waysto gain greater efficiency. At Stanford Park Division's Palo Alto site, sheet-metal journeyman Jess Cooper checks dimensions on a part. Reconstruction is under way for a new fabrication center. "Please shareyourquestions and concerns."reads the si/2;n on the

Merge Huard,

Located in the middle ol reroust ruc

tion for HP"s new Bav Area Fubrrcaltori

TechnologyCrnte-r.the Merge Hoare!

tellseveryone what'sh appeningin the big jobofJiltingtogether Ihe sheet metalshops from threedtvlsious ontoa stnule site.

By mid-February. people and equ ip

men: from Dat a Systems . Santa Cla ra and

StanfordPark divisi onswill he

consolidated in an upuraded facility in

Palo Alto to provide more th ,111 :m HI'

divisions withquality sheet -mctal

Iab rtcated parts and assemblies .

A ndsomequestionsand concerns arc an tnevltablc and human part of t hiseonsolidationandthe OUHTSgoing on throughou t HP.

Manufacturing is the lat est area to

focuson theefticteuctes Ihat ca n be g<.iJwd from larger-scale operations To survive in heavy competitive Fro m a common-sensesta ndpo int. thecompanycall IlO longer afford 1he redundancy of63 separate manufac turing ac ttvitles.

Combin lngsome m

anufacfurtnu (0 ga in economiesofscaleand managerial scope is al readyunderway-s-properly so.in theryesofHalEdmondson . vtce president and director ofCorporate Ma nufacturing."Wh ile I think manyof the aspects ofour small, well-focused bustnesses are grca t. we've overdone

It.. he told HP manufacturuu; manag

e rs ut thcir annual meptinp;_"Small may be beautiful but leellYis n ot. "

Other areas ofthe com pany have

al ready turned to consolidatio n in one Iormoranother. TheInformat ion Te chnology Group now combines all

Spec tru m-related hardware and soft

ware R& D. In thefield, computerand i nstrumentsales forces have been com bine da nd marketinp; salescenters established.Customer Support has respons e cen ters 10 answer custome r inqui ries. At some sties.such asSinga pore. all entitiesarc served by com mon pers onuel.Iinunce and information systems func tio ns, Now manufacturm u is seriously exploringthe efliciencies thatarepos sible through consolidation, It might involve pulli ng togetherspecialized facilities. as in the case of the HayArea sheet-metal move. or c-reattonofa focused factorydevoted onlv to manu Ia cturtng ce rtain products; HI' has already takensteps to consolidat e inte gratcd-c ircuil faciliticsandcreated a .January-February I!:lH7


Pri n ted Cirr-u tt Divrsi ou rvspon-tbk-lo r

reducing p c. Iah s !lops III ru unln-r

Aft er cn nsldt -rnblr- till"

HI' top rnallall,elllt'l Jl leam (kal h

aITlved a( rna n ulan IIr i ("0 n soluln tion as a major lhe-ruc

TI lt' vompu u-r si de' 01 rIu: 1100IS('lla:-

already go nc ahead wlIII tlu con snltdauon npp roarh [)1( k l.IlI I' , who became.geJlc ral m:llla gn 01( 'UIIl putcr M alllllal'tllrillgIll.JUIlt' , \\",1:--,1 cata lvst m h e vruro ttlTeallOn la "t t hr -

Cupcrtmo Opi-r.u ron

(C MO) un rl 111('Ros t-vilh-\ldJllI!; H'IUrlllg

Operauon (H.MO).both in C a lilortl ld

In Cupe runo. the muuufacturuu;

Iunr-tionhasher-n pulled ()\II ot i h"

l1ei.gll b orillg [),lla SYS!CIIIS ami (" ' lI!I' pute l' ems cliviso: 1:--and n in 10 a separate o r t(a lll/.a l IO!l u nrk-r

Pie-rre Patkav,reportmu 10 I) H'k 1.0\ I'

Tilt' original di\ isio n-, be comr rustorn

ers who market I he prodi Il't:--tomuu; o lf t he CIVIO li nt S ill h an IIld('(Jl 'm!I'!I1 rnanu far-turtnj..(u n il lils m-at lv into t lu: "rows and colu m ns ' l'lll)('('pi I11,1l's gam i ng widespread ;1(' ('1'\)1,111('(' wt thrn HI' Isee 7J HMO willlllallufaulIf<·ltigh nux.Jov,: vol ume products for I Ill' \('1 worksDtvrsron [HND J and OfJi('('S\':--,

Iem s D I\·islOll lOS D I. wuh 10

serve SO IIII' uthr-rdtvis rons whuh hav" com pa t lb lc n e eds It is xtruc t u rr-rl Il·S.... mdepcnde-mtv andnnw n-p o rt-,to H:'\I) manaacmcnr. Jack Harhiu \\'ilI1H' ilu m anu fac tu rtuu ro r Hi\IO both c1i\"j<.;jUlls HI' <11";0 rq >or h

10 Did.. Lo\("

:'JPl llwr C\10 Ilor H1\IO IS ,\nOperd tioll \\'illl <1 l'apilal '0 -,Ill o!'d III!.'. 10

HPs c1l'Jini I iOIl Each fo nbl'''' :--1 rin h'

OIl Ill <1nu lae lu r il1!.'.allcl look" l'I:--l'\\'lil'l[ o n the S i tl' for i!s rUnl l lOll,11 :--I'l'\ II (....

Chiel Ollkn [)c;11l :\]or [OI l

made lllf' Jill,l l call to III0\ t·s III 1111:--dn('\ IlOll

1:.'\(" IIII\T \ ir e I'r (' "lllni I .Io lut Dovh .

10 whom [)I\ k 1.(1\',. n 'poll' li r...r"

pl>llIled Oll t 111"lll'l'd !Qr " "' ''(' l1l1;\1 dlalll!.l·s t lu ( '1 \l·;n.., d!.'." \\'(' 11,1\ t·!.!., IIH' ovvrboartl u i .»I r proli t'l 1.1i 11 '11 !ll lll!.!.a


HI' ln-lu-v"-, II.., III1IT.dh lll Illlt.lH·.I1l " ll llll lOll lllf 1'\'(T\'Ill'('d "TIi(' ('!'II! pl'o]JI('

I (' port uu; 10 .I mu r I

JIt-,l !..:rt" ·.., Il :--under...i .n H id hl" I h.u ]>('llplt'\\',[111 l<' \\ or], III 1lt-lplllL: 1'1 drl\-" ("Il:--ohd dIIOI1 1:--rllt' Spl'( Ir lI fll pl'l't;r.llll·'" :,oIH l , ....... III d('\'t 1 Op lll L:' \ !l-\ IT ' H':l'l lloilfl i!.\ ..I' IJII1I lIll ' ·l'" \1 IIh.ll 0 1111110 11 111' j ''''1 1"' 1<)11 :\ l d lll('I JlIn' II Op l' lI:--IIp 11('\1 lI plllllh lor Illdll ' lIld(·llIrill!': II I I Ill' Ill')..,1 1 " " I-l'Ill'l 11\'1' \1'.1\ _1( .., ,...,.., t'l1 r loll Illr III' III I .I PIIa ll/ I' 0 1\

Illl'SI' 11(' \\ pl ""'1h illl \l....

:\ SP('I Irl llll :\1.llllIl'lll llrlllll ( "11111 II Wd'" !cll llll' d [)\ [)I< k I.ml [·.ifl\' 111 1111' pn'!.!.r'1I1I, \\ 111I r(,pl"(·";('I1I.III \·'-" IrOl li .IIIsn II II'" II Iln d11\l' ( 1t·.I!' IIll'IT \1 ;\.., ,[ I1('(' d III Il lllI' .11)( 1 1 oll..,,, III IOI1"dl'l llIlH[ 111111 111 (111 pi r,cllI th, prOl'l's:--I·.... llltl"'l lpplll'r... ,ill.., I)I( k: I Pierre Patkay (leM),who heads the Cupertino Manufacturing Operation lormed lasl la ll, and produclion managerEdHeinsen gellogetherinthe HP9000Model 840test area. ":\ 11 rh" 111 a11II 1.11 lUIinuIolks it'll . Yes. \1'1' shou ld do h UI \\1' 11 ..<1 a 101

Ol !>ll ll lldarlt·., to ll'lh:-

I h-.... ;m a rl' 111.11 SOIl II' OU[-OI' IIl<"

o t d lll;rr\ ll le ,lslIn·...II> 1"<'1111 11 kh 0\\' we'rc dou u; Ilu n '111.11 nu-an-, rv-xrt , ruit

The I 11,d ll' IIg(' III "I I" 111.11 I he

know n .uid la mlll,l!' ··We need to rethink how we're doing things.

That means re-set, not


11,,':--1.1:- 1..,llllllIH·! 10 "'l lllh �

' Illl :--olid.ll lllll '1'11(·\-pll lllll t lll'l r III'�

11.11" -,lI lllkept 1\111l'OIl :--ld n;l\ioIlS 10 :1�

[Jl\Il IIlIlIIll-"H Il lhll ll l!.1J (·\'(T\OI1('..,� I1ldll.I!..:t'J I,ll \\,<1 .., Oil I Ill'�

11I ll'it\·IlIl :--llltd.II!OII\I-Ir "l!lck l'<1�

II l'1l11 11 1H' llll('( 1�

:\Id rlll.-\11<111t 11,lin·(j .1Kl '\ s ll l)( (Jill· I llll tl'l' lllIllldlllltd IIU!'II IL: t·l l !.'.IIH'( 1'1ilL: ,Hill pIndu( 111 '11 \\'e IrIl'd IO!.!.(·1 tlll'

1ll'..,1 cit I hiLJl I Ii'r 11H' S i lt -1)111' Iha l

\Iotlld 1111' lll1t·\ ' ·1 a l!.(· lJlll I n ll t ilIU,' IO llll't'1 pm d Ul'1

O!Jjcclin's,"sllcrecalls "Wc diclntwant

tocom pronus c allY produrt .

The S rccommcnduu on was

u lt nnuulv .,de ('[nIIJ\' III,II1'H.',('IlH'1l[ 1'01 IIll' Sill' (I W,I S to l'OII'I\)ille' llu : man u faCl u r i IH.;olllll' I\dll'orks ;1J1d Olli('('SV'i lt·ll1.... divr-.ion". whtrh h ad ('Ol1lpdI JIJ\(' product 111i.Xt'S .uid volunu-s. und lcuvr Hos('\ ilk Te-rmin ul» lnvist ouint.u-rt'xl' cpl lUI ('(lI\" ol id;IIin g a ll tral lir and ITCjllisl1jon lJlIYln g, .Jnck B;ll!)i II is ,IW;lIT th .ua risk ill strUl'llirill,t;iI C{)I\sohdalt'l! '('O!tIl111I m;1I1u fnl'lllrill,ll, lunc-tlon h llu-loss ot Ium -uonntltnk.un-....and he's c!c (tTlllilll'd 110 1 1(111' 1 tll,ll Ila p p t'll wtth WVI0 "I'Iu: ('0 1q>1iIl,t; 01Ih(' laliand Illilrket ingll jIll uuuurlucluring llas lx-rn cxln'lIldyirnportunt 10ou r buslncss over Illc vru rs and w ill rvma m su." .Inck says, Ik -cxpects Hl'vlO ")work c!osl'1y with tln-o tl n-r twolu ncllons Oi l suvh cross-diI b iutr.rl ;1('1iI'llit'sas li lt' trunsn-r of prodllt'hand "Ilaring of pro{'(·sst·s .Luk S' I."S llll' la...k f;H'illg b 10 !'t'c0l.?,n iZt' 11w ;-\illi11,<; two 1lI ,1I 1111:1C1 1l ri II,!.!. orl.?,;I1I1· \I'I [ IH llll lrad itioll;d lillk s ('j lher loc;dl\', orwil llotlH'rt·l ll i· til'''ll lallll;l\'dIOOS('II) lI;-\t' llH'I{MO llIdIIUf1110lT Oil IIII'stall willllH'all a ( ilaIH"(' lodo illllOl,llil'('

PIOjl'ClS ' II will 1)(' adl'illl ia gt'

to Il'l noU":1',g IT 111;111l1lill' III ri t'llgiII('ni Ill..'. InallagcI "'I'll(' I iI ,lllt·II!.:( · w iIl lw 10 work wi [II l1l01T I{& D labs all