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Annual Report 2009

Computer Science Department

of the

Faculty for Mathematics, Computer Science,

and Natural Sciences at

RWTH Aachen University

Published by: Computer Science Department

RWTH Aachen University

Ahornstrafle 55

52074 Aachen, Germany

Editor: Kai Jakobs

Chair for Computer Science 6 Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition ........................................... 245 Chair for Computer Science 7 Logic and Theory of Discrete Systems .................................................................... 265 Logic and Complexity ............................................................................................. 276 Chair for Computer Science 8 Computer Graphics and Multimedia & Mobile Multimedia Processing ................... 284 Chair for Computer Science 9 Data Management and Data Exploration .................................................................. 313 Computer-supported Learning ................................................................................. 330 Chair for Computer Science 10 Media Computing .................................................................................................... 347 Chair for Computer Science 11 Embedded Software ................................................................................................ 366 Chair for Computer Science 12 Scientific Computing ............................................................................................... 384 Software and Tools for Computational Engineering ................................................. 396 Virtual Reality Group............................................................................................... 403 IT-Security ....................................................................................................................... 418 Advanced Studies in Computational Engineering Science ................................................ 422 Laboratory for Parallel Programing .................................................................................. 427 Awards, Prizes, Honours................................................................................................. 436 Habilitation and Dissertations ............................................................................ 439 Central Services .................................................................................................. 467 System administration ............................................................................................. 469 Computer science library ......................................................................................... 472 Student union .......................................................................................................... 475 Co-operations....................................................................................................... 479 Cluster of Excellence 'Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Communication' (UMIC).......................481 Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES)............................ 484 Virtual Institute - High Productivity Supercomputing (VI-HPS).............................. 485 German Research School for Simulation Sciences.....................................................486 Graduiertenkollegs - Research Training Groups....................................................... 487 Transfer Center 61/Collaborative Research Center 476 'IMPROVE'........................ 491 Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology .............................. 494 Forum Information Technology ............................................................................... 496 Industry club REGINA .............................................................................................505 GUtech .....................................................................................................................508 TGGS: Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering..............................................510 Fraunhofer FIT ........................................................................................................ 512 List of technical reports.................................................................................................. 517


It is a long standing tradition that the Computer Science Department at RWTH Aachen University provides a detailed yearly report on its broad and many activities. The booklet which you are holding in your hands does that for the academic year of October 2008 to September 2009. You will find ample information not only about our research and teaching activities and successes, but also about social life and important developments in the department. As the current speaker of the Computer Science Department, I am happy to observe that we are able, again, to report on a very successful year which both started and ended with remarkable and important events. The year started with the award of honorary doctorates to Prof. Jan van Leeuwen and Prof. Reinhard Wilhelm on October 24, 2008 . It was the first event of this kind in the more than 35 years long history of the department. Appropriately, the occasion was celebrated with a very well received scientific colloquium and a memorable reception. Details and impressions can be found in the Faculty Life Section of this report. The year ended with the graduation of our first Bachelors in Computer Science. Having introduced the Bachelor program in the winter term 2006, we can now proudly congratulate

the first graduates of the pioneering generation. 28 students were able to finish within 6

semesters or slightly more and will be awarded their certificates on the 2009 Computer Science Day ("Tag der Informatik"). Most of them are continuing to study Computer Science in Aachen and entered our Master program. During the year, several further occasions are worth mentioning. Most notably, Prof. Manfred Nagl retired at the end of July. To mark this occasion, a scientific colloquium was held in his honor on June 26, 2009. Three of his former students who are now professors at other universities presented three major aspects of current software engineering research and, by that, demonstrated the strong impact which Prof. Nagl's achievements have had in his field. The colloquium was followed by a reception which will be well remembered. Although retired, Prof. Nagl is still supporting the department, e.g., in the German Informatics he is still serving as Deputy Chairman. Until 2008, Prof. Nagl was also Chairman of the Union of Faculty Conferences in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Informatics ("4ING") and is now Member of the Board. Prof. Nagl's successor, Prof. Bernhard Rumpe, started at the beginning of 2009. After a mildly chaotic renovation of his premises, he was able to move with his associates into the designated rooms in October. A further change of faculty personnel was the appointment of Prof. Felix Wolf to the newly established professorship "Parallel Programming" in the

German Research School in Simulation Science.

Five of our colleagues received (partly multiple) offers from other universities, a fact which is documenting the quality we were able to attract to Aachen. In three cases, Prof. Borchers, Prof. Kuhlen and Prof. Naumann, we were able to beat the foreign offer; in the other two cases, the negotiations are still ongoing. In the reporting period, our faculty colleagues and researchers received numerous awards and distinctions. It is impossible to list all of them here. Therefore, I will mention only the most important ones, omitting for example the numerous best paper and similar awards: • Prof. Paolo Bientinesi received the Karl-Arnold-Award of the Academy of Science of


• Dr. Lukasz Kaiser received the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize awarded by the Association for

Logic, Language, and Information (FoLLI). 1

• Prof. Gerhard Lakemeyer was appointed Fellow of the European Coordination

Committee of Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI).

• At the Annual Convention in Lübeck on September 30, 2009, Prof. Nagl was appointed Fellow of the German Informatics Society. • Prof. Klaus Wehrle was appointed as member of the German Academy of Science and

Engineering (acatech).

With respect to teaching on graduate level, we can report that the B-IT Research School commenced its operations with 18 doctoral students receiving a stipend. The MSc program in Control Engineering Science (Automatisierungstechnik) which is jointly offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, and our Department welcomed its first students in October 2008. Finally, the IT study program at GUtech in Oman, which was developed by colleagues from our department lead by Prof. Matthias Jarke, successfully went through accreditation and was evaluated with excellent results by the DAAD. After this list of appetizers, I would like to invite you to browse through the following pages where many more accounts of our activities can be found. You are also invited to contact the respective members of the department, if you have a deeper interest in one of the topics or if you want to share your feedback with us. Finally, I thank Kai Jakobs for all the work he took over when compiling this report.

Aachen, November 2009

Stefan Kowalewski

Speaker, Computer Science Department


Faculty Life 3


New Professors

Actually, this should be singular. In 2009, we appointed just one new professor .......

Bernhard Rumpe

In January 2009 Bernhard Rumpe started as full professor at the Chair 'Software Engineering' (Informatik 3) at RWTH Aachen University, where he succeeded Manfred Nagl in August 2009. He began his scientific life at the Munich University of Technology, where he received a "summa cum laude" grade, for his Diploma (1992) and this Ph.D. (1996). He also received the Siemens Award for the best CS Diploma at TU Munich; and got his Ph.D. thesis nominated for the Dissertation Award of the

German 'Gesellschaft für Informatik'.

While at the Munich University of Technology, where he was awarded a three year fellowship by the 'Bayerisches Staatsministerium fur Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst' (Bavarian Ministry for Science, Research, and the Arts), he finished his Habilitation in 2003, and in parallel received his first call to the Braunschweig University of Technology where he started as full professor and Head of the Institute for Software

Systems Engineering for five years.

He also held two guest professorships at research institute IRISA/INRIA at Universite Rennes 1 in 2003 and at the ISIS institute at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee in 2008. Bernhard is Editor-In-Chief of the International Journal of Software and System Modeling (Sosym) from Springer, and Co-Founder and Steering-Committee-Member of the GI Competence Group 'Modelling'. He has been co-organiser of several conferences and many workshops and seminars at Schloss Dagstuhl, and frequent Program Committee member.

His scientific interests can be boiled down to the question, how to develop the correct

software quickly. This goal consequently breaks down into a portfolio of research questions that he is currently handling, starting with adequate management of requirements, planning to develop customer-specific software in variants and product lines, stable definition of software architectures, efficient code generation and development, semi-automatic and automatic quality assurance through tests and agile evolution of existing software. He proposes to use models and modelling techniques in various variants to simplify these development tasks, for a sustainable quality of software products. He also cares about the application of appropriate techniques in several domains, based on the observation that different domains do have very different, domain-specific problems. Web, e.g. does need timely solutions, while the automotive domain needs to get their new functionalities integrated with less costs and high quality. Therefore, he is eager to demonstrate the operability of his research, by applying it to monitoring services in the energy and home office domain, to autonomous vehicle development (with a great success at the Darpa Urban Challenge in 2007), to web based government systems and specifically to software development tools, such as the MontiCore family of tools and services. 5

Honorary Doctorates

Thirty years ago, the first doctorates were awarded in Computer Science at RWTH. Twenty years ago, the Forum Informatik was founded. To commemorate these events, the Computer Science Department awarded its first ever Honorary Doctorates to two outstanding scientists on 24 October. The recipients were Prof. Dr. Jan van Leeuwen (Utrecht) and Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wilhelm (Saarbrücken). Jan van Leeuwen was honoured for his pioneering contributions to algorithmics, and for his exemplary services to the development of the computer science discipline in Europe. Reinhard Wilhelm received his honorary doctorate for his fundamental contributions to the analysis of real-time systems and programming languages, and for his decade-long role as the Scientific Director of Schloss Dagstuhl. A scientific colloquium preceded the ceremony. Here, Thomas Ottmann (Freiburg) und Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg) illustrated the research fields of the two laureates. The ceremony was led by RWTH's Rector Ernst Schmachtenberg, and attended by the faculty and numerous guests. 6

Laudatio für Jan van Leeuwen und Reinhard


Ehrenpromotionsfeier an der RWTH Aachen, 24. Oktober 2008

Wolfgang Thomas

deze toespraak niet in het Nederlands - en ook niet in het Latijn - houd, maar in een taal, die mij iets beter ligt. Wenn man sich in den Werken der Dichter nach dem Anliegen unserer Feierstunde - Wissen- schaftler spielen dort eher eine Nebenrolle. Eine prominente Ausnahme ist natürlich Goethes Faust - dieses Stück beginnt mit dem Monolog eines frustrierten Wissenschaftlers, und es wird

Faust folgendes sagen:

,.Heiße Doktor, heiße Professor gar, und ziehe schon an die zehen Jahr Herauf herab und quer und krumm meine Schüler an der Nas herum." Es ist bemerkenswert, dass Goethe diese Passage für die Endfassung überarbeitet hat, denn er spricht dann - so würden wir heute sagen - über den zweiten und dritten Zyklus im Rahmen des Bologna-Prozesses. Das klingt dann so, wie wir es kennen: "Heiße Magister, heiße Doktor gar...." - und damit wird auch klar, dass Goethe dem Doktorgrad die zentrale Stellung gibt; ihn hat er bei der Überarbeitung nicht angetastet. Nun, heute erhalten zwei besondere Doktoren einen zu geben. den (erst in 20 Minuten sind sie Ehrendoktoren) eingehen, und wir werden feststellen, dass diese Doch will ich auch einen übergeordneten Aspekt nicht übergehen. Dieser Aspekt hat damit zu tun, dass die Informatik eine sehr junge Disziplin ist, die unter diesem Namen gerade einmal vierzig Jahre existiert. Wir wissen heute: Die Gründung dieses Fachs ist eine Erfolgsgeschichte, nicht nach ein paar Jahren zurückgedreht werden müssen. tion von Curricula, die Gründung und Führung von Publikationsorganen wie Zeitschriften, und die Schaffung eigener Foren für die wissenschaftliche Diskussion. Jan van Leeuwen und Rein- hard Wilhelm sind zwei Wissenschaftler, die für die Informatik hier Entscheidendes bewegt ha- ben und weiter bewegen. Gemeinsam ist beiden auch, dass sie das in einer freundlichen, humor- vollen und unaufdringlichen Art tun, ohne viel Aufhebens, aber mit einer staunenswerten Ener-7 gie und Beharrlichkeit. Beginnen wir mit Jan van Leeuwen. Es war Anfang der siebziger Jahre, als seine ersten Arbei- free grammars and some classes of formal languages".

Dieses Bild zeigt die Promotionsfeier an

Doktorvater Dirk van Dalen, einem

Logiker. Eine solche Promotion in den

Niederlanden hat - wie wir sehen - etwas

sehr Feierliches. Und aus eigenen

Teilnahmen an solchen Feiern weiß ich,

dass auf dem Kandidaten schon ein gewisser Druck liegt. Der Kandidat steht auf einer Langseite eines recht langen

Tisches und sieht vor sich auf der anderen

Seite des Tisches eine Kette von etwa 10

Professoren, alle in schwarzem Talar. Zu

seinem Schutz darf er allerdings zwei

Unterstützer fragen, die ihn links und

rechts flankieren. die USA (Berkeley, State University of New York at Buffalo, Penn State), um dann 1977 nach Utrecht zurückzukehren, erst als Associate Professor, dann Full Professor, und dann in all den Über die Jahre hat Jan van Leeuwen sein Forschungsspektrum enorm erweitert, und es ist un- Leeuwen ist einer der wenigen, die im ISI Ranking "highly cited" sind. Und eine Liste von bisher wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses. Die wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten Jan van Leeuwens fallen in eine weite Palette von Gebieten im Bereich dessen, was wir heute Algorithmik nennen, wozu die Entwicklung und der Analyse von (auch Graphalgorithmen genannt) fallen. hat Entscheidendes dazu beigetragen, dass es diesen Begriff überhaupt gibt. Man muss dabei zwei Ebenen unterscheiden: die Forschungsergebnisse, und dann die Gründung und die Betreuung von Tagungsserien und Publikationsorganen. Zum ersten Aspekt nur ein ganz kleines Beispiel, die Dynamisierung statischer Datenstrukturen. sind damit für dynamische Situationen ungeeignet. Statt nun im Einzelfall eine statische Daten- struktur für dynamische Situationen neu zu erfinden oder vielleicht anzupassen, entwickelt Jan van Leeuwen ein allgemeines Schema, das noch nicht einmal auf die innere Operationsweise der statischen Struktur eingeht, effizient umsetzbar ist und viele Einzelanstrengungen obsolet macht. Die Grundidee, die diesen Durchbruch gestattet, nutzt den Begriff des redundanten Zahlensys-8 Es sei hier darauf verzichtet, nun weiter ins Detail zu gehen. kationsmedien. Ein Beispiel ist der "Workshop on Graph-Theoretical Aspects of Computerquotesdbs_dbs27.pdfusesText_33
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