[PDF] Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for

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Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for

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Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for

Depling 2015

Third International Conference on

Dependency Linguistics

Proceedings of the Conference

August 24-26 2015

Uppsala University

Uppsala, Sweden


The Depling 2015 conference in Uppsala is the third meeting in the newly established series of

international conferences on dependency linguistics started in Barcelona 2011 and continued in Prague in

2013. The initiative to organize special meetings devoted to dependency linguistics, which is currently

at the forefront of both theoretical and computational linguistics, has received great support from the

community. We do hope that the present conference will manage to keep up the high standards set by the meetings in Barcelona and Prague. This year we received a record number of 48 submissions, 37 of which were accepted for an acceptance rate of 77%. One paper was later withdrawn, making the total number of papers appearing in this proceedings volume 36. The 2015 edition of Depling has two special themes. The rst is the status of

function words, which attracted a large number of submissions. The second is translation and parallel

corpora, which also saw a number of good papers. All in all, the proceedings contain a wide range of

contributions to dependency linguistics, ranging from papers advancing new theoretical models, through

empirical studies of one or more languages, to experimental investigations of computational systems -

and many others topics in between. In addition to the contributed papers, this volume also introduces our

two distinguished keynote speakers: Christopher Manning and Alain Polgu `ere. Our sincere thanks go to the members of the program committee, listed elsewhere in this volume, who thoroughly reviewed all the submissions to the conference and ensured the quality of the published papers. Thanks also to Nils Blomqvist who did a great job in putting the proceedings together and to Bengt Dahlqvist for keeping the conference website in great shape. Thanks nally to everyone who chose to submit their work to Depling 2015, without whom this volume literally would not exist. We welcome you all to Depling 2015 in Uppsala and wish you an enjoyable conference!

Eva Haji

cov´a and Joakim Nivre

Program Co-Chairs, Depling 2015iii


Local Arrangements Chair:

Joakim Nivre, Uppsala University

Program Co-Chairs:

Eva Haji

cov´a, Charles University in Prague

Joakim Nivre, Uppsala University

Invited Speakers:

Christopher Manning, Stanford University

Alain Polgu

`ere, Universit´e de Lorraine ATILF CNRS

Program Committee:

Margarita Alonso-Ramos, Universidade da Coru


Miguel Ballesteros, Pompeu Fabra University

David Beck, University of Alberta

Xavier Blanco, Universitat Aut

`onoma de Barcelona Igor Boguslavsky, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and Russian Academy of Sciences

Bernd Bohnet, Google

Marie Candito, Universit

´e Paris Diderot / INRIA

Jinho Choi, University of Colorado at Boulder

Benoit Crabb

´e, Universit´e Paris 7 and INRIA

Eric De La Clergerie, INRIA

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, The Ohio State University

Denys Duchier, Universit

´e d'Orl´eans

Dina El Kassas, Minya University


¨ulsen Eryigit, Istanbul Technical University

Kim Gerdes, Sorbonne Nouvelle

Filip Ginter, University of Turku

Koldo Gojenola, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU

Yoav Goldberg, Bar-Ilan University

Carlos G

´omez-Rodr´ıguez, Universidade da Coru˜na

Thomas Gross, Aichi University

Jan Haji

c, Charles University in Prague

Hans J

¨urgen Heringer, University of Augsburg

Richard Hudson, University College London

Leonid Iomdin, Russian Academy of Sciences

Aravind Joshi, University of Pennsylvania

Sylvain Kahane, Universit

´e Paris Ouest Nanterre

Marco Kuhlmann, Link

¨oping University

Franc¸ois Lareau, Universit

´e de Montr´eal

Haitao Liu, Zhejiang Universityv

Christopher Manning, Stanford University

Ryan McDonald, Google

Igor Mel'

cuk, University of Montreal

Wolfgang Menzel, Hamburg University

Jasmina Milicevic, Dalhousie University

Henrik Høeg M

¨uller, Copenhagen Business School

Jeesun Nam, DICORA / Hankuk University of Korea

Alexis Nasr, Universit

´e de la M´editerran´ee

Pierre Nugues, Lund University

Kemal Oazer, Carnegie Mellon University Qatar

Timothy Osborne, Zhejiang University

Jarmila Panevov

´a, Charles University in Prague

Alain Polgu

`ere, Universit´e de Lorraine ATILF CNRS Prokopis Prokopidis, Institute for Language and Speech Processing/Athena RC

Owen Rambow, Columbia University

Ines Rehbein, Potsdam University

Dipti Sharma, IIIT, Hyderabad

Reut Tsarfaty, Open University of Israel

Gertjan Van Noord, University of Groningen

Leo Wanner, Pompeu Fabra University

Daniel Zeman, Charles University in Prague

Yue Zhang, Singapore University of Technology and Designvi

Table of Contents

Invited Talk:The Case for Universal Dependencies

Christopher Manning..................................................................... 1

Invited Talk:Lexicon Embedded Syntax

Alain Polgu

`ere ..........................................................................2 Converting an English-Swedish Parallel Treebank to Universal Dependencies Lars Ahrenberg......................................................................... 10 Targeted Paraphrasing on Deep Syntactic Layer for MT Evaluation

Petra Baran

c´ıkov´a and Rudolf Rosa ......................................................20 Universal and Language-specific Dependency Relations for Analysing Romanian

Verginica Barbu Mititelu, C

atalina Maranduc and Elena Irimia ..............................28

Emotion and Inner State Adverbials in Russian

Olga Boguslavskaya and Igor Boguslavsky................................................ 38
Towards a multi-layered dependency annotation of Finnish Alicia Burga, Simon Mille, Anton Granvik and Leo Wanner................................. 48
A Bayesian Model for Generative Transition-based Dependency Parsing Jan Buys and Phil Blunsom.............................................................. 58
On the relation between verb full valency and synonymy Radek Cech, J´an Macutek and Michaela Koscov´a ..........................................68 Classifying Syntactic Categories in the Chinese Dependency Network Xinying Chen, Haitao Liu and Kim Gerdes................................................ 74
Using Parallel Texts and Lexicons for Verbal Word Sense Disambiguation Ond

rej Dusek, Eva Fuc´ıkov´a, Jan Hajic, Martin Popel, JanaSindlerov´a and Zdenka Uresov´a ...82

Quantifying Word Order Freedom in Dependency Corpora Richard Futrell, Kyle Mahowald and Edward Gibson....................................... 91
Non-constituent coordination and other coordinative constructions as Dependency Graphs Kim Gerdes and Sylvain Kahane ........................................................ 101
The Dependency Status of Function Words: Auxiliaries Thomas Groß and Timothy Osborne..................................................... 111
Diachronic Trends in Word Order Freedom and Dependency Length in Dependency-Annotated Corpora of Latin and Ancient Greek Kristina Gulordava and Paola Merlo..................................................... 121
Reconstructions of Deletions in a Dependency-based Description of Czech: Selected Issues

Eva Haji

cov´a, Marie Mikulov´a and Jarmila Panevov´a .....................................131 Non-projectivity and processing constraints: Insights from Hindi Samar Husain and Shravan Vasishth ..................................................... 141
vii From mutual dependency to multiple dimensions: remarks on the DG analysis of "functional heads"in


Andr ´as Imr´enyi........................................................................151 Mean Hierarchical Distance Augmenting Mean Dependency Distance Yingqi Jing and Haitao Liu ............................................................. 161
Towards Cross-language Application of Dependency Grammar

Timo J

¨arvinen, Elisabeth Bertol, Septina Larasati, Monica-Mihaela Rizea, Maria Ruiz Santabalbina and Milan Sou cek ..........................................................................171 Dependency-based analyses for function words - Introducing the polygraphic approach Sylvain Kahane and Nicolas Mazziotta .................................................. 181
At the Lexicon-Grammar Interface: The Case of Complex Predicates in the Functional Generative De- scription V

´aclava Kettnerov´a and Mark´eta Lopatkov´a..............................................191

Enhancing FreeLing Rule-Based Dependency Grammars with Subcategorization Frames

Marina Lloberes, Irene Castell

´on and Llu´ıs Padr´o.........................................201

Towards Universal Web Parsebanks

Juhani Luotolahti, Jenna Kanerva, Veronika Laippala, Sampo Pyysalo and Filip Ginter ....... 211
Evaluation of Two-level Dependency Representations of Argument Structure in Long-Distance Depen- dencies Paola Merlo........................................................................... 221
The Subjectival Surface-Syntactic Relation in Serbian

Jasmina Mili

´cevi´c .....................................................................231 A Historical Overview of the Status of Function Words in Dependency Grammar Timothy Osborne and Daniel Maxwell................................................... 241
Diagnostics for Constituents: Dependency, Constituency, and the Status of Function Words Timothy Osborne...................................................................... 251
A DG Account of the Descriptive and Resultative de-Constructions in Chinese Timothy Osborne and Shudong Ma...................................................... 261

A Survey of Ellipsis in Chinese

Timothy Osborne and Junying Liang .................................................... 271
Multi-source Cross-lingual Delexicalized Parser Transfer: Prague or Stanford? Rudolf Rosa .......................................................................... 281
Secondary Connectives in the Prague Dependency Treebank


´ena Rysov´a and Katerina Rysov´a.................................................291

ParsPer: A Dependency Parser for Persian

Mojgan Seraji, Bernd Bohnet and Joakim Nivre .......................................... 300
Does Universal Dependencies need a parsing representation? An investigation of English Natalia Silveira and Christopher Manning................................................ 310

Catena Operations for Unified Dependency Analysis

Kiril Simov and Petya Osenova ......................................................... 320
Zero Alignment of Verb Arguments in a Parallel Treebank Jana

Sindlerov´a, Eva Fuc´ıkov´a and Zdenka Uresov´a.......................................330

Cross-Lingual Dependency Parsing with Universal Dependencies and Predicted PoS Labels J ¨org Tiedemann .......................................................................340 Exploring Confidence-based Self-training for Multilingual Dependency Parsing in an Under-Resourced

Language Scenario

Juntao Yu and Bernd Bohnet............................................................ 350

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2015), page 1,Uppsala, Sweden, August 24-26 2015.The Case for Universal Dependencies

Christopher Manning

Stanford University

Department of Computer Science

manning@cs.stanford.edu Universal Dependencies is a recent initiative to develop a linguistically informed, cross-linguistically consistent dependency grammar analysis and treebanks for many languages, with the goal of enabling multilingual natural language processing appli- cations of parsing and natural language understanding. I outline the needs behind the initiative and how some of the design principles follow from these requirements. I suggest that the design of Universal Dependencies tries to optimize a quite subtle trade-off between a number of goals: an analysis which is reasonably satisfactory on linguistic grounds, an analysis that is reasonably comprehensible to non-linguist users, an analysis which can be automatically applied with good accuracy, and an analysis which supports language understanding tasks, such as relation extraction. I suggest that this is best achieved by a simple, fairly spartan lexicalist approach, which focuses on capturing a level of analysis of (syntactic) grammatical relations, something that can be found similarly defined in many theories of syntax. We take hope from the fact that already many people, coming from quite different syntactic traditions, have felt that Universal Dependencies is near enough to right that they can join the effort and contribute. However, the current proposal is certainly not perfect, and I will also touch on some of the thorny issues and how the current standard might yet be improved.1

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2015), pages 2-9,Uppsala, Sweden, August 24-26 2015.Lexicon Embedded Syntax

Alain Polgu


ATILF UMR 7118, CNRS-Universit

´e de Lorraine

44 avenue de la Lib

´eration, BP 30687

54063 Nancy cedex, France



This paper explores the notion of lexicon

embedded syntax: syntactic structures that are preassembled in natural language lex- icons. Section 1 proposes a lexicologi- cal perspective on (dependency) syntax: first, it deals with the well-known problem oflexicon-grammardichotomy, thenintro- duces the notion of lexicon embedded syn- tax and, finally, presents the lexical mod- els this discussion is based on: lexical sys- tems, as implemented in the English and

French Lexical Networks. Two cases of

lexicon embedded syntax are then treated: the syntax of idioms, section 2, and the syntaxofcollocations, section3. Section4 concludes on the possible exploitation of syntactic structures that can be extracted from lexical systems.

1 Lexicological Perspective on Syntax

1.1 Lexicon-Grammar Dichotomy

The task of modeling languages is often equated

with a task of writing so-calledgrammars. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that most theoret- ical proposals in modern linguistics are designated as specific types of grammars: Generative Gram- mar, Case Grammar, Lexical Functional Gram- mar, Word Grammar, Generalized Phrase Struc- ture Grammar, Construction Grammar(s), Role and Reference Grammar, Functional Discourse

Grammar, etc. (Polgu

ere, 2011, pp 82-83). It should be noted that this focalization on an all- encompassing notion of grammar runs deep. For instance, the 1795 law that created the school of oriental language studies in France (INALCO 1) specified as follows the linguistic descriptive task assigned to its professors:1 http://www.inalco.fr“Lesdits professeurs composeront en franc"ais la grammaire des langues qu"ils enseigneront: ces divers ouvrages seront remis au comit

´e d"instruction

publique." 2

No mention of a need to compiledictionaries

for oriental languages, as if it were natural to des- ignate with the termgrammarthe main tool to be used by XVIII thcentury officials and merchants for communicating with “locals". It should be stressed that this rather confusing notion of Gram- mar-withacapitalG-isextremelybroadanden- compasses the set ofalllinguistic rules that make up a natural language. It is distinct from the gram- mar as a language module that stands in opposi- tion with its functional counterpart: the lexicon.

Both linguistic modules have been loosely charac-

terized as follows by O. Jespersen - in terms of their corresponding fields of study:

“[g]rammar deals with the general facts

of language, and lexicology with special facts" (Jespersen, 1924, p 32).

In the present discussion, we will strictly abide

by the above characterization and consider the grammar of a language as being the system of all general rules of that language - i.e. rules that are not properties assigned to given words - and the lexicon of that language as being the system of all its word-specific rules.

It is a well-established fact that there exists a

blurry demarcation between grammar and lexiconquotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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