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Guía y nuevas orientaciones Grupo de Trabajo de la IFLA sobre

En 2001 tuvo lugar el Congreso Mundial de Bibliotecas e Información de la IFLA en Bos- ton Massachusetts. La Sección de Bibliografía de la IFLA celebró la 

Listado de abreviaturas para bibliografía

04-Dec-2012 art. artículo art. cit. artículo citado atrib. atribuido aum. aumentado/a autógr. autógrafo b/n blanco y negro bibl. bibliografía.

Diccionario de abreviaturas y siglas utilizadas en libros jurídicos

Anuario de la Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado. - Anuario de Derecho Marítimo. - Administración. - Anuario de Derecho Penal y Ciencias 

RICMA ITA_English.indd

Como excepción al estilo AMA no se debe poner en cursiva el título de los libros o las abreviaturas de las revistas


Indica que el trabajo que se cita es el mismo que el citado en la nota inmediatamente anterior coincidiendo autor

Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-004-SSA3-2012 Del expediente clínico

31-Mar-2017 12 Bibliografía. 13 Vigilancia. 14 Vigencia. 15. Apéndice A (Informativo). 0 Introducción. La revisión y actualización de esta norma ...

Normas generales para el uso de abreviaturas en el Instituto

en cuantas sean necesarias y oportunas en libros de cierta índole a) Por truncamiento

Bibliografías y su ortotipografía

Citas y bibliografía e Art of Scientific Writing nd

Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-013-SSA2-2006 Para la prevención y

31-Mar-2017 Productos y servicios. Agua y hielo para consumo humano envasados y a granel. Especificaciones sanitarias. 4. Definiciones y abreviaturas. 4.1.

ANEXO 1 SELLOS 1. SELLO OFICIAL (Art 2.004) 35 mm 20 mm 30


Iberoamerican Journal of Hand Surgery

Editorial guidelines

Thank you for contributing to the Iberoamerican Journal of Hand Surgery. Please read the instructions carefully and observe

all the directions given. Failure to do so may result in unnecessary delays in publishing your article. There are no publishing

fees to submit your manuscript to this journal.


All manuscripts must be submitted at the following link: hhttp://www.editorialmanager.com/ricma

† Author Information

- All authors: full name, degrees, department, a̦ liation, e-mail address. - Corresponding author: mailing address, telephone number.

† Manuscript File

- Must be digital. Hard copy submissions are not accepted

† Abstract and Keywords

- See the section Article types for word limits and abstract type (structured or unstructured).

† Disclosures

- Every named author must disclose respective confl icts or lack thereof.

† References

- Cited sequentially in the AMA style.

† Figures and Tables

- Cited sequentially according to their order of appearance and with their explanation and fi gure captions

included at the end of the main document.

† Art Files

- Must be saved separately from the main document.

† Permissions

- Required if you plan to reproduce content from a published source or include a photograph of a patient.

- Patient permission forms are available at www.thieme.com/journal-authors.Editorial Policy

The Iberoamerican Journal of Hand Surgery (RICMA) is a scientifi c journal specialized in Surgery and Microsurgery of the Upper


RICMA is the o̦ cial expression body of the Spanish Society of Hand Surgery, and the scientifi c societies a̦ liated to the

journal are: the Argentine Association of Hand Surgery, the Brazilian Society of Hand Surgery, the Portuguese Hand Surgery

Society, The Venezuelan Society of Hand Surgery, the Chilean Society of Hand Surgery, the Mexican Association of Hand

Surgery and the Colombian Society of Hand Surgery.RICMA is published online twice a year, in May and November in Spanish and English.

The following types of articles are published: editorials, original articles, update articles, clinical cases, surgical techniques

and special articles. They may be related to any aspect of Upper Extremity Surgery and Microsurgery. RICMA accepts articles written in Spanish or English.

All papers will be evaluated by the editorial committee of the Journal after the evaluation of 2 external reviewers, who make

their assessments blindly.

RICMA supports and follows the policy of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of

Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Therefore, the manuscripts must follow the Uniformity Requirements for ICMJE

Manuscripts.The submitted articles should not have been published previously, or sent simultaneously to another scien-

tific publication.

If the article contains reproductions of texts, tables or fi gures from an already published source, the authors must obtain

written authorization from the copyright holder of the reproduced material.

Only clinical trials that have been registered and identified by a clinical trial registry validated by the criteria established

by the WHO and the ICMJE (the links to them are available on the ICMJE's website: http://www.icmje.org/) are accepted

for publication. The clinical trial identification number must be attached at the end of the abstract. If there are any

doubts about the editorial rules, the "Uniformity requirements for sending articles to biomedical journals" must be


Peer Reviewing Process

The journal follows a double-blind peer-review process where neither author and reviewer does not get to know the identity

of each other.

At least two random reviewers based on their technical and clinical expertise are assigned by the Chief Editor on each manuscript.

The decision is taken based on the comparative reviews that the manuscript receives during the review process.

Article Types


They will be written by the Editorial Committee or commissioned by it. They should not exceed 2,000 words, and the num-

ber of references on them should not exceed 10. Editorials will be written according to the guidelines in the Manuscript

format section.

Original Articles

- They must be unpublished works on any fi eld (clinical or experimental) related to Surgery and Microsurgery of the Upper


- The original articles should be structured as follows: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion

and References. Long articles may require subsections in order to clarify their contents.

- They should not exceed 4,000 words, and they must have a maximum of 15 fi gures or tables, and no more than 30 references.

- They will include a structured 300-word long both in English and Spanish. - The manuscripts must be written following the guidelines of the Manuscript format section.

Clinical Cases

- Only clinical cases of exceptional interest will be accepted. - They should be structured as follows: Introduction, Clinical Case, Discussion and References.

- They should not exceed 2,000 words, and they must have a maximum of 8 fi gures or tables, and no more than 10 references.

- The number of authors must not exceed 3. - They will include an unstructured 150-word long abstract both in English and Spanish. - The manuscripts must be written following the guidelines of the Manuscript format section.

Update Articles

- They must be revisions and updates on any pathology, diagnostic or surgical technique of interest for Surgery and Microsurgery

of the Upper Extremity.

- They do not have a rigid structure, will vary according to the subject matter, and will always be written with the editorial

committee's agreement.

- They should not exceed 4,000 words, and they must have a maximum of 15 fi gures or tables, and no more than 50 references.

- They must include an unstructured 200-word long abstract both in English and Spanish. - The manuscripts must be written following the guidelines of the Manuscript format section.

Surgical Techniques

- The articles must be about an unpublished technique, or must contain the explanation of known techniques of special

interest, with the authors contributing with novel details.

- They must be structured as follows: Introduction, Indications and contraindications, Surgical anatomy, Surgical technique,

Postoperative, Complications and Clinical case example. Long articles may require subsections in order to clarify their contents.

- They should not exceed 4,000 words, and they must have a maximum of 15 fi gures or tables, and no more than 20 references.

- They must include an unstructured 200-word long abstract both in English and Spanish. - The manuscripts must be written following the guidelines of the Manuscript format section.

Special Articles

- Letters to the editor in chief: they must comment on previous works presented in the journal, or provide information on

some topic of interest. They must contain no more than 1,000 words, and only in exceptional cases may be accompanied

by a fi gure or table, and up to 3 references.

- If they refer to published articles, a copy of the special article will be sent to the authors of the referred article so that

they give the appropriate answer before its publication. The letters will be subjected to the editorial policy regarding their

publication in full or abbreviated.

Manuscript Format

General Guidelines

- Manuscripts must be submitted digitally. Hard copy submissions are not accepted.

- Keep the format of your manuscript simple and clear. We will set your manuscript according to our style - do not try to

"design" the document.

- The manuscript, including the title page, abstracts in English and Spanish and keywords in English and Spanish, text, refer-

ences, fi gure captions, and tables should be typewritten, double-spaced in 12-point font with 1-inch margins all around

and saved as one fi le. - Each fi gure should be saved as its own separate fi le. Do not embed fi gures within the manuscript fi le. This requires special handling by Thieme's Production Department.

- Keep abbreviations to a minimum, and be sure to explain all of them the fi rst time they are mentioned in the text.

- The manuscripts can be written in Spanish or English.

- The authors should use Système International (SI) measurements. For clarity, non-metric equivalents may be included in

parentheses following the SI measurements.

- Use generic names for drugs. You may cite proprietary names in parentheses along with the name and location of the


- Credit suppliers and manufacturers of equipment, drugs, and other brand-name materials mentioned in the manuscript

within parentheses, giving the company name and primary location.

Title Page

It must contain the following information:

- It must adequately describe the content of the work and be brief, clear and informative, without acronyms, and accompa-

nied by its English or Spanish translation. - Authors: fi rst name and last names of the authors in the order of appearance in the paper. -A̦ liation: the name of the department(s) and the institution(s) to which the authors belong.

- Correspondence: it must include the full name and mailing address of the main author for correspondence. These data will

be published in the manuscript for contact with the authors.

- Keywords: Three to six keywords should be included according to those featured in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) avail-

able at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/meshbrowser.cgi. They must be accompanied by their translation into English or


- RICMA maintains a policy of double-blind peer review. Therefore, the title page should be sent separately from the main


Main Document

- Please clearly distinguish the hierarchy of the headings within the manuscript using capital letters, underline, and bold

styles as necessary. - As needed, use italic and boldface, but otherwise do not use multiple fonts and font sizes. - Do not insert page or section breaks, except where noted in the Author Instructions. - Do not justify your text. - Use only one space, not two, after periods. - Create tables using the Table function in Microsoft Word.

- Do not disclose any identifying information on your main document (no emails, phone numbers, a̦ liations, names, etc.),

only on the title page.


They will only be expressed to those people who have clearly contributed to make the work possible but do not meet the

requirements of authorship.


It is required that a list of disclosures from every named author is submitted alongside the manuscript. In it, each author

should identify any fi nancial or non-fi nancial confl icts relevant to the article. If no confl icts exist, please state so in this section.

Types of confl icts include: consulting, royalties, research support, institutional support, ownership, stock/options, speakers

bureau, and fellowship support. Any commercial entity whose products are described, reviewed, evaluated, or compared in

the manuscript, except for those disclosed in the Acknowledgments section, are potential confl icts. The ICMJE COI forms are

available at: http://www.icmje.org/confl icts-of-interest/


References should be the most recent and pertinent literature available. It is essential that they are complete and thoroughly

checked. If the reference information is incomplete, good online sites to search for full details are the National Library of

Medicine: www.nlm.nih.gov; Books in Print: www.booksinprint.com; PubMed: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/; or individ-

ual publisher websites. - References must be listed in the AMA style, using Index Medicus journal title abbreviations.

- References follow the article text. Insert a page break between the end of text and the beginning of the references.

- References must be cited sequentially (NOT alphabetically) in the text using superscript numbers.

- By way of exception to AMA style, do not italicize book titles or journal title abbreviations, and do not put a period at the

end of a reference.

- List all author names, up to and including six names. For more than six authors, list the fi rst three followed by et al.

- References should be styled per the following examples: - Citing a journal article:

Saunders RA, Frederic HA, Hontas RB. The Sauvé-Kapandji procedure: a salvage operation for the distal radioulnar joint.

J Hand Surg Am 1991;16(6):1125-9.

- Citing a chapter in a book:

Bowers WH. The distal radioulnar joint. In: Green PD (Ed). Operative Hand Surgery. 3a ed. New York: Churchill Living-

stone; 1993:973-1020. - Citing a book: Taleisnik J. The Wrist. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1985. - Citing a symposium article:

Eisenberg J. Market forces and physician workforce reform: why they may not work. Paper presented at: Annual Meeting

of the Association of American Medical Colleges; October 28, 1995; Washington, DC.


- Figures include photographs or radiographs, drawings, graphs, bar charts, fl ow charts, and pathways, but NOT lists or


- Figures must be cited sequentially in the text. Number all fi gures (and corresponding fi gure captions) sequentially in the

order they are cited in the text.

- Figure captions should be written after the reference list. Insert a page break between the end of the references and the

beginning of the fi gure captions.

- Figure captions should include a description of the fi gure and/or each lettered part (A, B, etc.) and of any portions of the

fi gure highlighted by arrows, arrowheads, asterisks, etc.

- For a fi gure borrowed or adapted from another publication (used with permission), add a credit line in parentheses at the

end of each fi gure caption. This credit line should be a complete bibliographic listing of the source publication (as a refer-

ence), or another credit line as supplied by the copyright holder. For example (Reprinted with permission from Calfee DR,

Wispelwey B. Brain abscess. Semin Neurol 2000;20:357.).


- Data given in tables should be commented on but not repeated in the text.

- Do not intersperse tables in the text. Tables should appear after the fi gure captions. Insert a page break between the end

of the fi gure captions and the beginning of the tables.

- Tables must be double-spaced and numbered in the same sequence as they are cited in the text. A short descriptive title

should be provided for each table. - If a table contains artwork, supply the artwork separately as a digital fi le.

- For tables borrowed or adapted from another publication (used with permission), add a credit line as the fi rst footnote

beneath each table. This credit line should be a complete bibliographical listing of the source publication (as a reference),

or another credit line as supplied by the copyright holder. - Any abbreviations used in the table should be explained at the end of the table in a footnote.


- The preferred format for video submissions is MPEG-1.

- Please include a descriptive caption at the end of your main document, which will be published together with a link to your

video. - For submissions featuring a video, please follow online guidelines.

Video Submission (Fewer than 500 words)

The RICMA invites authors to submit a video for publication on the Journal's Web site. All videos will be subject to peer


They should be up to 5 minutes in length, appropriately labeled with a voiceover. QuickTime or AVI formats are acceptable.

Authors who want their videos accessible in a streaming format must also provide either a single Sure-Stream fi le or

3 uniquely named single-rate clips (28.8, 56, T1) with a SMIL file to list the bandwidth choices. Video clips must meet

production quality standards without modifi cations or editing by the Editorial O̦ ce. The Journal can accept only video

submissions that meet the Journal's formatting and image quality requirements. The authors will be notifi ed if there are

any problems with submitted fi les and asked to resubmit modifi ed fi les. Image editing and correct formatting are the

author's responsibility.

The videos must be appropriately labeled and with a voice-over. We cannot accept isolated video clips or streaming opera-

tive footage. Each segment should be appropriately labeled and have transitions between video clips. Please see the at-

tached PowerPoint presentation on "Creating Images and Video for Publication" for practical tips on producing production-

quality fi gures and videos.

• Must contain a 500 word or less abstract, which will be published in the RICMA and Indexed in PubMed. Must use text

TEMPLATE for guide: (see below).

Abstract: Your Abstract must accompany the video and be structured with the following four sections and contain fewer

than 500 words. • Background • Video Description • Disclaimers of confl ict of interest • Acknowledgments General Guidelines For Digital Artwork Preparation

- Do not submit art created in Microsoft Excel, Word, or PowerPoint. These fi les cannot be used by the typesetter.

- Save each fi gure in a separate fi le. - Do not compress fi les.

- All black-and-white and color artwork should be at a resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) in TIFF format. Line art should be

1,200 dpi in EPS or TIFF format. Contact the Production Editor at Thieme if you are unsure of the fi nal size.

- It is preferable for fi gures to be cropped to their fi nal size (approximately 31⁄2 inches for a single column and up to 7 inches

for a double column), or larger, and in the correct orientation. If art is submitted smaller and then has to be enlarged, its

resolution (dpi) and clarity will decrease.

Note: Lower resolutions (less than 300 dpi) and JPEG format (.jpg extension) for grayscale and color artwork are strongly

discouraged due to the poor quality they yield in printing, which requires 300 dpi resolution for sharp, clear, detailed im-

ages. The JPEG format, by defi nition, is a lower resolution (compressed) format designed for quick upload on computer


Black-and-White Art

- Black-and-white artwork can be halftone (or grayscale) photographs, radiographs, drawings, line art, graphs, and fl ow-

charts. Thieme will only accept digital artwork.

- If possible, do not send color art for conversion to black-and-white. Do the conversion yourself so that you can check the

results and confi rm in advance that no critical details are lost or obscured by the change to black-and-white.

- For best results, line art should be black on a white background. Lines and type should be clean and evenly dark. Avoid

screens or cross-hatching, as they can darken or be uneven in printing, and lead to unacceptable printing quality.

Color Art

- All color artwork should be saved in CMYK, not RGB.

Art Labels

- Arrows, asterisks, and arrowheads (or other markers) should be white in dark or black areas and black in light or white

areas, and large. If not, these highlighting marks may become di̦ cult to see when fi gures are reduced in size during the

typesetting process. - Use 1-point (or thicker) rules and leader lines.

- Capitalize the fi rst word of each label and all proper nouns. Consider using all capitals if you need a higher level of labels.

- Where there are alternate terms or spellings for a named structure, use the most common one and make sure it is consist-

ent with what is used in the text.

- Avoid using multiple fonts and font sizes for the labels; use only one or two sizes of a serif font.

Submission Procedure

- Consult the checklist on the fi rst page of this document to ensure that you are ready to submit your manuscript.

- Manuscripts must be submitted electronically at the following link: http://www.editorialmanager.com/ricma

- Always review your manuscript before submitting it. You may stop a submission at any phase and save it to submit later.

After submission, you will receive a confi rmation email. You can also check the status of your manuscript by logging in to

the submission system. The Editor in Chief will inform you via email once a decision has been made.

Revision Procedure

- Should the editors decide that your article requires a revision, you will need to make the changes via a word-processing

software and resubmit it electronically. - Log in to the submission system and fi nd your article, which will be marked for revision.

- The best way to make revisions to your manuscript is by enabling the Track Changes mode in Microsoft Word, which will

automatically highlight and mark up revised text.

- Your original fi les will still be available after you upload your revised manuscript, so you should delete any redundant fi les

before completing the submission.

- You will also be provided space in which to respond to the reviewers and editors' comments. Please be as specifi c as pos-

sible in your response.

Production Procedure

Page Proofs

• Page proofs will be sent to you via email. The proofs will be in a PDF fi le format, which should be opened using the Acrobat

Reader software. You will receive further instructions with your proofs.

• Take this opportunity to check the typeset text for typographic and related errors. Elective alterations are di̦ cult to accom-

modate owing to the associated time and expense of introducing them. Therefore, please be sure that when you submit

your manuscript, it is accurate, complete, and fi nal.

Article O̵ prints

• You will be able to order o̥ prints of your article in advance of its publication. Details and prices will be sent to you along

with the page proofs. Upon publication, the corresponding author will receive a complimentary PDF fi le of their article.

Policy Statements

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal

and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Preprint Server Statement

RICMA encourages the submission of manuscripts that have been deposited in an initial draft version in preprint repositories

such as Research Square, arXiv, and medRxiv. Drafts of short conference abstracts or degree theses posted on the website

of the degree-granting institution, and draft manuscripts deposited on authors' or institutional websites are also welcome.

All other prior publication is forbidden.

During submission, authors should:

(1) note use of the preprint repository in the cover letter; (2) state what adjustments and/or updates the draft has undergone between deposition and submission;quotesdbs_dbs27.pdfusesText_33
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