[PDF] Concepts of Programming Languages - Lecture 20 - Event-Driven

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Event Handling

Event handling is fundamental to Java programming Writing event driven program is a two step ... The class AWTEvent defined within the java.awt.

Concepts of Programming Languages - Lecture 20 - Event-Driven

Definition. The event handler is a segment of code that is executed in response to an event. Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University).

GUI Event-Driven Programming

Registering listeners to handle events Proper interaction between UI and program threads ... nested class: A class defined inside of another class.

Event Handling in Prolog

predicates are defined using clauses and literals and so any failure or message If a Prolog program has to respond to external events it has to provide.

Event Handling in Prolog

predicates are defined using clauses and literals and so any failure or message If a Prolog program has to respond to external events it has to provide.

5 Interactive Programs: Events and Event-Handling

the event happens. This means we need to write methods that describe the actions objects in the 5-1 Interactive Programming: Events and Event-Handlers.

Event Handling in JavaFX

Event Driven Programming JavaFX looks for a registered "Event Listener" and calls it ... Define an (inner) class that implements EventHandler.

Event Driven Programming for Embedded Systems - A Finite State

sm define handle event(fsm name) - This is not an interface for the programmer. This macro defines the state machine handling function for the events. Note: It 

CAPL Scripting Quickstart

CAPL (Communication Access Programming Language) For CANalyzer and CANoe. CAPL Scripting Quickstart Multiple pre-defined event handlers exist for.

A New Approach to Event- Driven Programming

In order to design a well structured program event handling and corresponding part is defined as a declarative specification of the event-handling in a.

Concepts of Programming Languages

Lecture 20 - Event-Driven Programming

Patrick Donnelly

Montana State University

Spring 2014

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Programming #4 : due 04.28


Chapter 14

Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 2 / 37 Of all men"s miseries the bitterest is this, to know so much and to have control over nothing.

Herodotus (484-432 BC)

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Event-Driven Programming

A conventional model of computation has the program prescribe the exact order of input.

Programs terminate once the input is exhausted.

Event-driven programs do not control the sequence in which input events occur. Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 4 / 37

Event Handling


Aneventis a notification that something specific has occurred, such as a mouse click on a graphical button.Definition Theevent handleris a segment of code that is executed in response to an event. Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 5 / 37


GUI applications: Model-View-Controller design

Embedded applications:cell phones

car engines airplanes Computation as interaction [Stein, 1998]:Computation is a community of persistent entities coupled together by their ongoing interactive behavior ... Beginning and end, when present, are special cases that can often be ignored. Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 6 / 37

Imperative and Event-Driven Paradigms Contrasted

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Event Sources

Input to an event-driven program comes from autonomous event sources.

Events occur asynchronously.


robot sensors, engine sensors Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 8 / 37

Event Properties

1An event-driven program has no perceived stopping point.

2The traditional read-eval-print loop does not explicitly appear.

3An application processes an input and exits.

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Model-View-Controller (MVC)

Model: the object being implemented. Ex: game, calculator. Controller: input mechanisms. Ex: buttons, menus, combo boxes.

View: output.

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Ex: Tic-Tac-Toe Model

Whose turn is it?

State of the board.

Has someone won?

Are there no empty squares?

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Java GUI Application


AGUIapplication is a program that runs in its own window and

communicates with users using buttons, menus, mouse clicks, etc.A GUI application often has a paint method, which is invoked

whenever the application needs to repaint itself. Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 12 / 37

Java Swing GUI Components

Text box is an object of classJTextField

Radio button is an object of classJRadioButton

Applet"s display is a frame, a multilayered structure Content pane is one layer, where applets put output

GUI components can be placed in a frame

Layout manager objects are used to control the placement of components Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 13 / 37

The Java Event Model


User interactions with GUI components create events that can be

caught by event handlers, calledevent listeners.An event generator tells a listener of an event by sending a message

An interface is used to make event-handling methods conform to a standard protocol A class that implements a listener must implement an interface for the listener Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 14 / 37

Events in Java

Subclasses ofAWTEvent

Event sources in Swing are subclasses ofJComponent

Program must listen for eventsExample

for aJButtonb: b.addActionListener(listener) Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 15 / 37

Java Class AWTEvent and Its Subclasses

Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 16 / 37 Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 17 / 37 Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 18 / 37

The Java Event Model

One class of events isItemEvent, which is associated with the event of clicking a checkbox, a radio button, or a list item

TheItemListener interface prescribes a method,

itemStateChanged, which is a handler forItemEventevents

The listener is created withaddItemListenerPatrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 19 / 37

Components and their Event Handlers

Widget Listener InterfaceJButton ActionListener actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) JComboBox ActionListener actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

JLabel MouseListener mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)

mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) mouseExited(MouseEvent e) mousePressed(MouseEvent e) mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)

MouseMotionListener mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)

mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) JTextArea ActionListener actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) JTextField ActionListener actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 20 / 37

GUI Example

import javax.swing.JFrame; public class

GUIApp {

public static void main (String[ ] args) {

JFrame frame =





MyApp app =


MyApp( );


frame.getContentPane().add(app); frame.show( ); Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 21 / 37

GUI Example using MVC

combo: User selects Nothing, Rectangle, Message echoArea: Report events

typing: Enter user messagesPatrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 22 / 37

GUI Design

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Instance Variables

first click s x y coordinates private int lastX = 0; private int lastY = 0; private int clickNumber = 0; private

JComboBox combo;


String[ ] choices =





JTextArea echoArea;


JTextField typing;

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Initialization Code (1/2)


Skeleton( ) {

Set the background color and mouse listener setBackground(Color.white); addMouseListener( new


Add a button to the Panel

JButton clearButton =



Clear clearButton.setForeground(Color.black); add(clearButton); clearButton.addActionListener( new


Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 25 / 37

Initialization Code (2/2)


a menu of user combos and add it combo = new


add(combo); combo.addActionListener( new


Add a


and a


typing = new


add(typing); typing.addActionListener( new


echoArea = new

JTextArea(2, 40);

echoArea.setEditable( false add(echoArea); Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 26 / 37

Action Listener

private class



ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {

String c = (String)

(combo.getSelectedItem()); echoArea.setText( Combo selected + c); clickNumber = 0; if (c.equals(


echoArea.append( nClick to set upper left corner of the rectangle else if (c.equals(


echoArea.append( nEnter message in the text area Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 27 / 37

The User Selects Rectangle from the Menu

Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 28 / 37 mouseClickedHandler (1/2) private class



MouseAdapter {

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); echoArea.setText( Mouse


at e.getX() + + e.getY() + n

Graphics g = getGraphics();

if (combo.getSelectedItem(). equals(


clickNumber = clickNumber + 1; Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 29 / 37 mouseClickedHandler (2/2) is it the first click if (clickNumber % 2 == 1) { echoArea.append( Click to set lower right corner of the rectangle lastX = x; lastY = y; or the second else g.drawRect(lastX, lastY,

Math.abs(x-lastX), Math.abs(y-lastY));

else if (combo.getSelectedItem().equals(


for a message display it g.drawString(typing.getText(), x, y); mouseClicked Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 30 / 37

Selecting Rectangle Choice and ClickingTwice

Patrick Donnelly (Montana State University)Concepts of Programming LanguagesSpring 2014 31 / 37 mainmethod public static void main(String args[]) {

JFrame frame =

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