[PDF] Examen VMBO-GL en TL NASA. It's all thanks

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Bijlage VMBO-KB - 2016

Around 15 of Germany's MPs have formally applied to parliamentary president Norbert Lammert to change the rules so they can bring their dogs 

Examen VMBO-GL en TL

«Le jour de la Saint-Valentin j'enverrai un SMS à un garçon que j'aime bien

Examenprogramma Nederlandse taal havo/vwo vanaf het CE 2014

Het schoolexamen. Het schoolexamen heeft betrekking op: – de domeinen en subdomeinen waarop het centraal examen geen betrekking heeft;.

Examen VMBO-GL en TL

NASA. It's all thanks to a new study of the stratosphere — the atmospheric layer which sits between six and 30 miles above us.

Examenprogramma wiskunde B havo vanaf CE 2017

Het centraal examen. Het centraal examen heeft betrekking op de domeinen B C en D in combinatie met de vaardigheden uit domein A.


Kijkt u voor alle zekerheid jaarlijks in september op www.examenblad.nl. Het CvTE stelt het aantal en de tijdsduur van de toetsen van het centraal examen vast 


Kijkt u voor alle zekerheid jaarlijks in september op Examenblad.nl. Het CvTE stelt het aantal en de tijdsduur van de toetsen van het centraal examen vast en de 

Examen VMBO-KB

Michael Hunt 60

Kandidaten met een beperking

Scholen zullen via een mailing via Examenblad.nl op de hoogte worden gehouden over de verandering omtrent de Daisy audio-cd. Page 14. Kandidaten met een 

Bijlage VMBO-GL en TL

Around 15 of Germany's MPs have formally applied to parliamentary president Norbert Lammert to change the rules so they can bring their dogs 


Bij dit examen horen twee uitwerkbijlagen.

Beantwoord alle leesvragen in uitwerkbijlage 1.

Maak de schrijfopdracht in uitwerkbijlage 2.

Dit examen bestaat uit 32 vragen en een schrijfopdracht. Voor dit examen zijn maximaal 49 punten te behalen. Voor elk vraagnummer staat hoeveel punten met een goed antwoord behaald kunnen worden. tijdvak 1 maandag 26 mei

13.30 - 15.30 uur

800013-1-604o 2 lees verder ŹŹŹ

Tekst 1

1p 1 Wat meldt dit krantenbericht?

A De weersverwachting kan binnenkort voor een langere periode gegeven worden. B Er wordt een internationale opleiding voor weervoorspellers gestart. C Het klimaat zal de komende jaren wereldwijd sterk veranderen. D Het weerbericht wordt in de nabije toekomst gemaakt door een ruimtevaartinstituut.

Better weather forecast on its way!

EATHER is Britain's favourite topic of conversation. In a country where we can get four seasons in one day, weather- forecasting assumes a far greater importance than it does in places with more stable climates.

Current predictions are only

reliable for a few days ahead, but now, we're told we can look forward to accurate forecasts up to 60 days ahead! NASA

It's all thanks to a new study of the

stratosphere - the atmospheric layer which sits between six and 30 miles above us.

The study, partly funded by NASA,

says shifting wind patterns in the stratosphere could help forecasters predict weather here on earth, two months ahead.

Changes all that way above us

usually take a week or more to work their way down to where they begin to affect the weather, giving forecasters more time to study the patterns. "The study points weather forecasters towards a new source of information that hasn't been used before in weather prediction," said Dr Mark Baldwin, of North-West Research

Associates in Bellevue, Washington.

"And now, we can see it coming." W

New forecasting techniques should make

Michael Fish's job a bit easier.

800013-1-604o 3 lees verder ŹŹŹ

2p Je bent op vakantie in de Verenigde Staten en hebt bij WalMart een telefoon-

kaart voor gebruik in een telefooncel gekocht. Daarmee kun je heel goedkoop naar Nederland bellen. Op de verpakking, hieronder afgebeeld, staat dat je drie aparte cijfercombinaties moet intoetsen vóórdat je het landnummer (31) van

Nederland kunt bellen.

Welke cijfercombinaties zijn dat?

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800013-1-604o 4 lees verder ŹŹŹ

1p Welke boodschap heeft Kieron Connolly voor de lezer?

The night I became a crime statistic

Crime has soared in the past

year, it was reported last week.

I must be part of those

statistics because I was punched in the face on my doorstep by a man who was trying to wheedle some money out of me.

He started walking

alongside me as I was on my way home late one night. He asked if he could change some money with me. I said I wanted to see the money but the man, who was about 25, had a

London accent and looked

North African, refused and

accused me, oddly, of 'constitutional racism'. By this time I was at my doorstep and refusing to get my money out. So he punched me, bloodying my nose and cutting my lip.

I shouted for help, but he ran off.

There have been so many stories about the police not doing anything in such circumstances that my first thought was not to report it. I'm now glad I did. Because of the man's use of the term 'constitutional racism', the police had an idea who he was. But though they arranged two identity parades, I couldn't pick him out. I understand, however, that the man they suspect is now in prison for another offence. I feel the police did what they could. And they can only tackle crime if we report offences to them.

London W11

800013-1-604o 5 lees verder ŹŹŹ

1p Voor wie is deze advertentie speciaal bedoeld?

If you're a trained nurse who's left

the NHS, you'll remember that feeling. Helping someone like

Jenny, who has been through one

of the most harrowing experiences of her life. Remember the teamwork involved in a case like this? The many nurses and health care professionals there at every step along Jenny's road to recovery? If you're interested in returning to nursing, we want you back. You'll find the NHS is changing. Providing financial support during refresher training, greater career progression and flexible working conditions, including part-time opportunities. Plus the pay is getting better. From April, returning full-time nurses can earn between

£16,005 p.a. and £20,665 p.a. Why

not give us a call today on or visit our website at NHS


800013-1-604o 6 lees verder ŹŹŹ

'I rejected a job in insurance to live in a tree.' had always done what my parents expected of me, studying hard and going to university.

Afterwards, I could either follow the

career path they wanted, or break 5 out and do something more positive. 'I had just been offered a job in insurance, which promised good pay and prospects. My parents 10 wanted me to take it, but

I disagreed with the ethics of the

industry. 'I'd heard of a tree-protest site near where I lived at the time, in 15

Guildford, Surrey. The council was

planning to widen a road and build a huge incinerator in the middle of a housing estate. After watching coverage on the local news, 20

I decided that I wanted to make a

difference. Although I had never protested about anything before, this felt like the right thing to do. 'When I told my parents I was 25
planning to become a protester, they were deeply disappointed.

They care about the environment,

but believe the right way to get things changed is to go through 30
your local councillor or to write to your MP. But, at 23, I was full of determination. 'It was a cold winter's morning when I left. There was only one 35
person awake on the site. He told me they needed long wooden beams for building tree houses so, with £60 in my pocket, I went to the nearest reclamation yard. 40
'I arrived like Father Christmas with this truckload of wood and said, "Can I stay?" 'I was there for the next seven months. There were about 50 45
people on the site. Many, like me, were from comfortable, middle- class homes. We went from ordinary, mainstream lives to a very basic, communal lifestyle. My 50
parents would not visit me on site and, for the next four years, we lived separate lives with occasional phone calls to each other. 'I built my own very simple tree 55
house out of pallets lashed to a tree. At night, the houses rocked and creaked like boats, but it felt incredibly even though

I was 30ft up in the air.


800013-1-604o 7 lees verder ŹŹŹ

'One day, a passing motorist in a big, flash car saw me washing my face in a bowl and yelled: "Get a bath!" He probably saw me as some dirty crusty. 65
'Everyone found their natural roles. My job was to get wood and water. When we needed food, we hitched into town. A lot of our supplies came from supermarket 70
skips at the back of the supermarket. On the day we heard the protest had been successful, loads of police and council members showed up and the 75
atmosphere was amazing. 'Next, I moved to a site at

Lyminge Forest, Kent, where we

eventually stopped a holiday village being built on 440 acres of 80
woodland. By then, I was a bit fed up with the hardships, and I was missing my family. 'I had no regrets about moving on. I felt I had made a difference, 85
and experienced a freedom most people only dream about. I would never have got such satisfaction from selling insurance policies. 'I now help run a children's 90
nursery at an education centre in

Dorset, where I am surrounded by

beautiful countryside and people who believe in an organic, sustainable lifestyle. My 95
relationship with my parents hasquotesdbs_dbs18.pdfusesText_24
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