[PDF] Literary Précis Format for Introduction Paragraph

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In this section you present the paragraphs (at least 3 paragraphs for a 500-750 word essay) that support your thesis statement. Good literary analysis essays 

Literary Analysis Sample Paper.pdf

The introduction paragraph starts with basic information about the author of the work being analyzed and transitions into a clear debatable

Alamo Colleges Alamo Colleges

Jun 1 2020 Writing an introduction paragraph: Explain in a few sentences what your essay is about. Start off with a general idea about your topic. Provide ...

Outline Structure for Literary Analysis Essay

Introduction: the opening paragraph. The introduction should In the body of your essay use examples and fully developed logic to prove that the literary.

Literary analysis examines or evaluates a work of literature or a

In the same way a thesis is developed and refined through the process of writing the essay introductions are best composed when you already know what your 

Writing a Literary Analysis Paper

Does the author take the subject seriously or treat it lightly? ❖ Rhyme/Rhythm: Do the author's words sentences

Conventions for Writing a Literary Analysis Paper

that you will prove in your body paragraphs. 1. Introductory Paragraph o The thesis statement should typically appear in your first paragraph and is usually 


There are numerous introductions to literary criticism and theory that are widely available. When writing a literary analysis you will focus on specific ...

literary analysis essay

somewhere in his/her introduction: “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” by Ernest. Hemingway. Page 23. EXAMPLE INTRO PARAGRAPH. For centuries philosophers 

Body Paragraphs in a Literary Analysis Paper

A well-developed paragraph in the midst of an essay (after the introduction) will usually Example Paragraph. • Essay's Thesis Statement: Use of metaphor in ...


In this section you present the paragraphs (at least 3 paragraphs for a 500-750 word essay) that support your thesis statement. Good literary analysis essays 

Literary Analysis Sample Paper

The introduction paragraph starts with basic information about the author of the work being analyzed and transitions into a clear debatable

Outline Structure for Literary Analysis Essay

Outline Structure for Literary Analysis Essay. I. Catchy Title. II. Paragraph 1: Introduction (Use HATMAT). A. Hook. B. Author. C. Title. D. Main characters.

Guide to High School Writing and Analysis

2013?9?20? Planning to Write. 22. Drafting the Introductory Paragraph. 23. Drafting the Body Paragraphs. 24. Developing the Concluding Paragraph.

Conventions for Writing a Literary Analysis Paper

Organization o As with other types of academic writing a literary analysis should adhere to the introduction

Body Paragraphs in a Literary Analysis Paper

II. Examples from the text—quotes from or paraphrases of the reading/research. These examples should be specific to support the topic sentence.


A thesis in a literary analysis or literary research paper can take many forms. the last sentence(s) of their introductory paragraph which is fine.

Writing a Literary Analysis Paper

This is accomplished by examining the literary devices word choices

Literary Précis Format for Introduction Paragraph

Write three analysis paragraphs about how the author develops the theme you have identified. Literary Précis Format for Introduction Paragraph.

Sample Concluding Paragraph for Response to Literature Essay

Sample Concluding Paragraph for Response to Literature Essay. Sample One. Introduction: Which is more valuable---financial success or kindness?

Honors English 10 Summer Reading Project 2015

Literary Analysis of Of Mice and Men

Standards addressed:

RL 10.1, - 10.5, W 10.1.a., 10.4, 10.9.a.

Closely read the novel, specifically to make an argumentative claim on the theme(s) of the story. Additionally, you will

read for the literary devices (please refer to the following website for examples of literary devices:

http://literarydevices.net) the author uses throughout the novel to develop the theme. Divide the story into three sections

and find at least nine literary devices (three from each: beginning, middle, and end) used in the novel. The nine devices

may duplicate if they are clearly used throughout the novel for advancement of theme (i.e. the mockingbird is a metaphor

for innocence found five times in To Kill a Mockingbird)

Closely read Of Mice and Men.

1. Completely fill out the Novel Guide form.

2. Write an introduction theme paragraph. The theme is the central idea the author attempts to convey.

devices used to develop the theme.

3. Write three analysis paragraphs about how the author develops the theme you have identified. Correlate the three

paragraphs with the three sections of the book - analyze the beginning devices in one paragraph, follow that with the

analysis of the middle part, and then analyze the devices used in the end. Include textual evidence (i.e. quotes) in

each analysis paragraph; however, do not include more than two quotes per paragraph.

4. Bold the literary devices you find.

5. Write a conclusion paragraph.

Literary Précis Format for Introduction Paragraph

Sentence #1:

In the ______________, __________________, by _____________________ (date), the idea that_________________is developed.

(Genre) (Title) (Author) (Main idea/theme)

EX: In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee (1938), the idea understanding where a person comes from is essential to

a peaceful life is developed.

Sentence #2:

Told in _______________ person point-of-view, and set in _____________________________,the story is about

(1st, 2nd, 3rd ) (Setting)

_________________________ (as they, who) __________________________________________________________________.

(Main characters) (brief summary statement of plot)

EX: Told in first person point-of-view, and set in Maycomb county Alabama in the 1930s, the story is about a young girl name

Scout who, with her brother and friend, witness the trial of a black man, and who try to befriend a reclusive neighbor.

Sentence #3

_____________ develops the story and theme through the use of ___________________________________. (Authors last name) (list types of literary devices) EX: Lee develops the story and theme through the use of dialogue, similes, and personification.

Sentence #4:

________________________s purpose is to ___________________________ in order to ____________________________.

(Authors Last name) (Authors purpose) (Intended reason for theme)

EX: Lees purpose is to show the consequences of judging others before understanding them in order to create a more peaceful

and giving society.

Full Introduction Paragraph Example:

In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee (1938), the idea that understanding where a person comes

from is essential to a peaceful life is developed. Told in first person point-of-view, and set in Maycomb county

Alabama in the 1930s, the story is about a young girl name Scout who, with her brother and friend, witness the

trial of a black man, and who try to befriend a reclusive neighbor. Lee develops the story and theme through the

use of dialogue, similes, and personification. Lees purpose is to show the consequences of judging others

before understanding them in order to create a more peaceful and giving society.

Format for Device Analysis Paragraphs

Textual Evidence: Visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/03/ to be certain you are citing correctly.

Context: Provide context for your quotation. Do not merely write a PLOT SUMMARY (!), but rather the general

circumstances introducing the quotation. Provide at least the who (who is talking or about whom is the example

being said), what (essentially what was happening at the moment of the example), and where (where in the novel

does the example come from -- part of the plot).

Concept: Specifically address the device you are examining in terms of the how the device actually works in the

quotation (ie. what is being personified, what comparisons are made, what senses are addressed for imagery, etc.).

Use present tense and active voice in referring to the device.

Connection: Consider how the literary device works in the novel and contributes to the meaning of the

work (theme-- as stated in the theme paragraph) as a whole. Consider why the author elected to use this

device to advance some artistic purpose in the work. Beware of using general comments; rather be specific in

making the connection. Effective discussion will begin with the WHAT and proceed very quickly and perceptively to the HOW and WHY.

Device Analysis Paragraph format example

narrative begins reminiscent of her setting in Maycomb County, Alabama during the Great

Depression. Familiar with her s history, she provides details of her pilgrimage from England to the

states and provides explicit imagery about her isolated, yet fondly remembered hometown. She, her father Atticus who,

his people, they knew him, and was related by blood or marriage to nearly every family in the her

brother Jem, and their cook, Calpurnia, rarely ventured beyond the county line (Lee 2). Whether by choice or by

circumstance, the townspeople interacted closely only with each other and were leery of anyone from outside the region.

Even as a 6 year old, Scout was extremely knowledgeable about the families who lived in her town she explained to her

new young teacher that, him Miss Caroline. Walter got a quarter at home to bring when

the teacher tried to offer a poor child money for lunch (Lee 16). The independent and assertive little girl (symbolized by

her decision to wear pants as opposed to skirts), suggests to her lawyer father that she be homeschooled when he asks her

to consider the point of view. Home symbolizes the peace that comes from being in a familiar and comfortable

atmosphere; the new teacher represents conflict and unfamiliarity. One newcomer whom Scout and her brother did

however accept is another child nicknamed Dill who visits his Aunt every summer. Dill becomes determined to force a

reclusive neighbor - aptly named Boo Radley because the townspeople are scared of him out of his house. Much of the

beginning focuses on the children unsuccessful attempts to entice Boo out of his comfort zone; as curious and

innocent kids, they are looking for ways to pass the long summer days, but there is a sense of danger foreshadowed by

their actions. Even though many townspeople think Boo Radley is crazy and/or dangerous, he is accepted as another

member of the community. This community finds peace in what is familiar; to them it is better to deal with those they

know regardless of how poor or how strange because with change and/or anything different than what they know

comes conflict and struggle.

Following this would be two more analysis paragraphs to analyze Boo character, the presence of racial

discrimination, Tom trial, and the recurring bird symbols.

1. In each device analysis paragraph, remember to always connect the idea to the theme described in your introduction

paragraph by using exact words or synonyms or like words. Do not connect to different themes.

2. Know that this assignment is do-able. YOU CAN and WILL complete the assignment well. :-)

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