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The Basics The Basics

Prepositions – Place (Location and Direction). English. Usage. Example in. • when something is in a place it is inside it. (enclosed within limits). • in class 

Prepositions Of Place - LearnEnglish Kids

Circle the correct preposition of place. a. My dad is ______in______ the kitchen. on / in / behind b. Our cat likes sleeping with me. the 

LearnEnglish Kids

Choose the answer! Read the sentence. Circle the correct preposition of place. a. My dad is ______in______ the kitchen. on / 

LearnEnglish Kids

Grammar test – Prepositions of place – ANSWERS. Do the test then write down your score. 1. Choose the correct sentence! Read the sentences and underline the 

A Corpus-Based Study on English Prepositions of Place in and on

5 nov. 2013 Grammar has always been considered as an essential substance in teaching English especially in English as a second language environment such as ...


Prepositions for Time Place

LearnEnglish Kids

We can use prepositions of place to say where things are. 1. True or false? Read and circle true or false for these sentences. a. She has 

S1 Lesson Plan and Learning Guide -Prepositions of Place

25-27 of Oxford Success in Grammar). Page 4. Section 5: Grammar – Prepositions of place. 1) Lesson objectives: Knowledge: to understand the usage of different 


11. According to the example prepositions have very important functions. And for some students

Problems and Common Mistakes On Prepositions of Place At In

Verbs and other parts of speech play a great role in the omission addition and selection of a wrong preposition in English

LearnEnglish Kids

Read the sentence. Circle the correct preposition of place. a. My dad is ______in______ the kitchen. on / in / behind b. Our 

www.perfect-english-grammar.com Prepositions of Place 1

2008 www.perfect-english-grammar.com. May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. www.perfect-english-grammar.com. Prepositions of Place 1.

www.perfect-english-grammar.com Prepositions of Place 2

www.perfect-english-grammar.com. Prepositions of Place 2. 1. The wine is ______ the bottle. 2. Pass me the dictionary it's ______ the bookshelf.

LearnEnglish Kids

Choose the answer! Read the sentence. Circle the correct preposition of place. a. My dad is ______in______ the kitchen. on / 

Grade: Las prepositions of place son aquellas que expresan la

Example: The cinema is next to the restaurant. El cine está al lado del restaurante. Next to sería nuestra 


In English we have prepositions of place in order to emphasize the specific location of things


raise the question" why is a learner of English Language sometimes misusing those prepositions of place ?". Some helpful illustrative examples are important.

LearnEnglish Kids

Grammar test – Prepositions of place – ANSWERS. Do the test then write down your score. 1. Choose the correct sentence! Read the sentences and underline the 

A Corpus-Based Study on English Prepositions of Place in and on

5/11/2013 Grammar has always been considered as an essential substance in teaching English especially in English as a second language environment such as ...

Prepositions of Place (Beginner) – Grammar Practice Worksheets

Quick and Handy Grammar Review cont. B. Common Sentence Patterns for Prepositions of Place. There are two common sentence patterns that we use with prepositions 

Curso: 2°. Bachillerato Científico. Plan común. Capacidad: Menciona la ubicación de objetos utilizando preposiciones es de lugar. (Comprensión oral)

Tema: Preposiciones de lugar


Literatura y sus






In English, we have prepositions of place in order to emphasize the specific location of things, persons, animals. (En inglés, tenemos las preposiciones de lugar para dar énfasis a la ubicación específica de cosas, personas, animales).


JOHUH·V POH GRJ" HP·V OLGLQJ behind the chair. (¿Dónde está el perro? Se esconde detrás de la silla) H GRQ·P OLNH VLPPLQJ next to my brother in the car. (No me gusta sentarme junto a mi hermano en el auto) Let's see now some of them:(Veamos algunas de ellas) IN ON UNDER BEHIND IN FRONT OF NEXT TO BETWEEN

Be aware! (¡Ten cuidado!)

If you are in something, you are inside it. If you are in front of something, you are outside of it (the opposite of behind). Si estás en algo, estás dentro. Si estás frente a algo, estás afuera (lo opuesto a detrás).


Peter is in his house. I ŃMQ·P VHH OLPB (Peter está en su casa. No puedo verlo) Atención: Recuerda la importancia de lavarse las manos correcta y frecuentemente, además de utilizar el ángulo interno del codo al toser o estornudar. Para evitar la propagación del Coronavirus: ¡Quédate en tu casa! Epyta nde rógape! Stay home! Curso: 2°. Bachillerato Científico. Plan común. Capacidad: Menciona la ubicación de objetos utilizando preposiciones es de lugar. (Comprensión oral)

Tema: Preposiciones de lugar


Literatura y sus






1. Choose by underlining the best option. (Elige subrayando la opción correcta)

a. The books are ___________ the shelf. a) On b) In

c) Over https://image.flaticon.com/icons/svg/3003/3003036.svg

b. The dog is _____________the chair. a) Between b) Under c) On c. My backpack is ___________the desk. a) behind b) next to c) in front of

2. For each picture, answer the question indicating where the object is. Use

the correct preposition of place. Pay attention to the example. (Para cada imagen, responde la pregunta que indica dónde está el objeto. Usa la preposición correcta de lugar.

Presta atención al ejemplo)


Where is the cat?

The cat is in the sandbox https://image.flaticon.com/icons/ svg/2865/2865579.svg a) Where is the computer? b. Where is the chair? Recuerda: Los ejercicios propuestos podrás transcribirlos (copiarlos) en tu cuaderno. El docente del curso estará atento a las consultas que la familia requiera realizar. Curso: 2°. Bachillerato Científico. Plan común. Capacidad: Menciona la ubicación de objetos utilizando preposiciones es de lugar. (Comprensión oral)

Tema: Preposiciones de lugar


Literatura y sus





c. Where is the plant?

3. Look at the picture and circle the correct prepositions. (Mira la imagen y

encierra la preposición correcta) https://image.freepik.com/vector-gratis/ a. The shoes are in/on/under the bed. b. The car is in/on/under the night table. c. Dad is between/on /in front of the boy and the lamp. d. The box is under/on/next to the ball.


1. Identifica las preposiciones de lugar.

2. Aplica correctamente las preposiciones de lugar en diversos contextos.

Observación: Queda a criterio del docente agregar más indicadores y/o aumentar puntaje (1 punto por indicador). MEDIOS DE VERIFICACIÓN: Queda a criterio del docente los medios de verificación que utilizará.


The British Council (2012) Prepositions of Place. British Council. Lean English place

Coordinadora: Gissela Noemi Naber Sitzmann

Responsable de contenido: Paola Serafini Torres

Responsable de revisión: Liliana Portillo Ojeda

Andrea Elizabeth Duré Santacruz

Jorge Daniel Romero

Responsable de diagramación: Rolando Andres Cantoni Valenzuela Responsable de corrección: Sonia Raquel Garcia Marin

Mauricio Ramirez Chaparro

Angel Dario Cabrera Pereira

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