[PDF] Apprentissage des statistiques avec Jamovi

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Léchelle dans quelques sciences sociales.

Oct 6 2006 HAL Id: halshs-00104485 ... L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL

What Future for the Concept of Culture in the Social Sciences?

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Apprentissage des statistiques avec Jamovi >G A/, ?H@yky8N3Re ?iiTb,ff?HXb+B2M+2f?H@yky8N3Re am#KBii2/ QM kd .2+ kyky

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Alexander Frame1


This article reviews current criticism of the concept of culture among academics




The concept of culture

called ͞refugee crisis" in Western Europe tends to give a very rigid and category arriǀing ͞waǀes" of migrants threaten dominant models of the majority in ͞host" society, with which the 1 ͞Texte, Image, Langage" research group. Alexander.Frame@u around us, fighting against ignorance in order to overcome simplistic discourses of cultural 1.

The concept of culture has

͞Word of the Year"

͞floating signifier"

͞culturespeak", by

͞with a capital C", linked to the Arts, heritage and

͞serviceculture", ^digitalculture" or ͞mobile phone culture" seem to reduce it to the idea of shared

adjectiǀe ͞cultural" rather than the more static noun (Appad-47)

͞cultural traits" which he defines as ͞a difference which refers to something local, concrete and

" ibid. p42).Loup Amselle points out that eǀen terms such as ͞creolisation", métissage t back to the distinction between different cultures, the idea that we're trying to set aside. -6)2

Culture as

In order to better understand the debates and criticisms surrounding the concept of culture, it is

2 ͞Il ne suffit pas non plus d'affirmer la crĠolitĠ ou le mĠtissage de toutes les cultures pour sortir de cette aporie,

and is performed through them. cultures shape our communication, and our .3 4 ' ǀision of the duality of structure, which Giddens " (Desjeux, 2002, p. 2)5 commercially successful metaphors, such as Hofstede's ͞software of the mind" metaphor of culture6 to haǀe taken its ͞structuralist turn" in order to take into account the process-

͞culturespeak" can sometimes lead to confusion about what belongs where͗ considerations of

supposed pan

3 ͞Culture is communication and communication is culture"

4nspired by Bauman's book Culture as Praxis. The term praxis is used here to refer to

alors que cette stabilité relève surtout de la longue durée historique. Comme dynamique elle est soumise au

changement et ă l'histoire". 6

͞dimensional model" of

culture is entitled: Cultures and Organ

that it is enough to pay careful attention to the different ͞scales of observation" one is employing,

which correspond to the ͞structural" and ͞dynamic" dimensions of culture͗ these different perspectiǀes". 7


In his book Liquid Culture, -17)

Elias's civilization pro

linked to Bourdieu's distinction), Bauman describes culture as ͞simultaneously a mmaking entity" (Bauman, 1999, we're all the same underneath͗ everyone to their ͞integration" in a so-called ͞host" society.


" 8

By taking on a false air of scientific discourse, such arguments based on ͞culture" and ͞diǀersity" often

contribute to maintaining boundaries and creating ghettos within society. Even though it is o o[ Zoou]quotesdbs_dbs30.pdfusesText_36
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