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ENTRETIEN DE CFG Exemples de questions doral

ENTRETIEN DE CFG. Exemples de questions d'oral. Questionnaire n°1. Propositions pour évaluer les aptitudes à effectuer une démarche d'insertion sociale et 


2017. B. Tech. (Aeronautical) — Third Semester. AIRCRAFT MATERIALS (AE-404). Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100. No. of pages: 1. Note: Attempt FIVE questions in 


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[PDF] ENTRETIEN DE CFG Exemples de questions doral

Pouvez-vous vous présenter ? De quel collège venez-vous ? Quelle formation poursuivez-vous actuellement ? Quel âge avez-vous ? En quelle année de formation 

[PDF] Certificat de Formation Générale (CFG) Lépreuve orale dentretien

Dans tous les cas les questions doivent notamment permettre d'évaluer chez le candidat : sa maîtrise de l'expression orale sa capacité à entrer dans le 


II- Modalités de délivrance du CFG A Public concerné et statut du candidat B Calendrier des épreuves et modalités d'inscription C L'épreuve orale et 

[PDF] Lépreuve orale du CFG - ULIS 95

L'évaluation orale à l'épreuve du CFG Critères d'appréciation Proposition de questions - Présenter et/ou se présenter * Présentation de soi (altitude

Oral CFG

23 mai 2021 · Pour préparer cet entretien avec les élèves je vous propose un jeu de question (à imprimer en recto-verso en choisissant “prospectus” comme 

Catégorie : Exemples de dossier pour loral

18 mar 2021 · Catégorie : Exemples de dossier pour l'oral L'oral du DNB Préparer l'oral : Dossier CFG Steven R Steven TRAME-DOSSIER-CFG

Fiche guide pour préparer loral CFG - Collège Sylvain Menu

13 jan 2016 · Voici un document pouvant être utilisé pour préparer l'oral du CFG et utilisé par Mme Fauriat et Mme Reichmuth en classe de ( )

[PDF] Avignon 30 mars 2017 - Ac-aix-marseillefr

12 jui 2017 · mai 2017 Pôle académique du CFG établissements Dépôt des dossiers supports candidats au centre d'examen Epreuve orale des candidats

  • Quelles questions poser à l'oral du CFG ?

    En quelle année de formation êtes-vous ? Avez-vous d'autres activités en dehors de l'école ? Dans quel champ professionnel êtes-vous actuellement ? Est-ce un champ professionnel qui correspond à votre projet d'orientation ?
  • Comment faire un bon oral de CFG ?

    Vous pouvez parler des différentes méthodes de cultures apprises en cours comme la Permaculture, l'Agro-écologie, l'abattis, prendre des exemples que vous vivez en famille (jus de wassaï, production de couac, récoltes des cacahuètes et transformation en pinda cuaca …
  • Une épreuve orale de 20 minutes qui repose sur un entretien avec le jury et prend appui sur un dossier préparé par le candidat, notée sur 160 points.

End Semester Examination, Dec. 2017

B. Tech. ± Second Semester


Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 1

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any TWO questions from Part-A and TWO questions from Part-B. Each question carries equal marks.

Q.1 Answer the following question:

a) What are Semi-monocoque structures? b) What is the importance of strength/weight ratio in aerospace industry? c) What do you mean by compass locator? d) How is pneumatic system different from hydraulic system? e) What are gyro based instrument? f) What do you mean by centre of pressure? g) How does stalling of an aeroplane occur? h) How are shear modulus and Young's modulus different? i) What are different propellants of rockets? Write one advantage of each. j) What are V/STOL aircraft? 2×10


Q.2 a) Define a flight vehicle. Write the difference between an aerostatic craft and an aerodynamic craft with examples. 10 b) List the differentiating features of a transport aircraft, a fighter aircraft, a helicopter and a spacecraft. 10 Q.3 a) Draw the flow pattern (streamlines) for flow resulting from superposition of uniform flow, source and sink. 5 b) What do you mean by pressure coefficient? What will be the value of Cp at a port sensing total pressure? 5 c) What are high lift devices? Draw CL Vs curve for wing having aileron and leading edge slat. Explain diagrammatically why the curve shifts in presence of these devices. 10 Q.4 a) What are centrifugal compressor engines? Write its advantages over axial compressor engines. 5 b) Write a note on importance of jet engine in taking aeroplane forward, incorporating effect of wing and fuselage/weight. 10 c) Explain ideal jet engine cycle/Bryton cycle. 5


Q.5 a) Explain bending, shear and torsional effect of forces with the help of diagrams. 5 b) What is Hooke's law? Draw stress vs strain curve for steel highlighting different critical points. 5 c) Explain functions of basic structural elements of aircraft structure. 10 Q.6 a) What are flight instruments? What are different types of flight instruments? Write down mathematical relation used to find equivalent air speed. 10 b) What do you mean by global positioning system? Write down its different segments.

How does it work? 10

Q.7 a) What are the advantages of pneumatic systems as power sources for operating various aircraft units? 10 b) What are control surfaces? Explain the function of different control surfaces. 10 2/5

End Semester Examination, Dec. 2017

B. Tech. ± Third Semester


Time: 3 hrs Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 2

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any TWO questions from Part-A and TWO questions from Part-B. Each question carries equal marks.

Q.1 Answer (any ten) of the following:

a) How do we achieve short take-off and landing of an aircraft? How do the gliders and the powered gliders take off? b) What are slat and slop? How do they help in increasing lift? c) Define aerodynamic centre and neutral point. d) Draw 1c and curves for a cambered airfoil and a symmetrical airfoil. e) Write the thrust equation of a jet engine. Explain the part played by each term in the development of thrust. bleed air used? g) What frequencies are allocated to different navigation and communication systems? h) Name any two aircraft configurations which can attain vertical take-off. i) What do you understand by staging of rockets? Why do we need it? j) Name various types of hydraulic pumps that can be employed to supply hydraulic fluid for operating various services of the aircraft. k) Explain the function of a pressure relief valve with the help of a suitable diagram. l) What is a check valve? Draw a schematic diagram of a check valve and explain its operation. 2x10


Q.2 a) What is the difference between an aircraft and a rocket? Explain their features with examples of each type. 5 b) Explain with the help of suitable sketches, the operation of a double cantilever, spring leaf type main landing gear. 5 c) What do you understand by tilt-rotor concept? Draw a sketch to explain the operation of aircraft using this concept. What are the advantages of a tilt-rotor over other V/STOL aircraft? 10 Q.3 a) What are main sources of drag? What is induced drag? How do finite wings generate induced drag? 12 b) What is difference between static stability and dynamic stability? 4 c) What are conditions of static lateral and directional stability? Draw typical pitching moment vs plots in case of a statically stable and unstable airplane. 4 Q.4 a) By suitable sketches highlights the differentiating features of: i) A pure turbo-jet engine. ii) A by-pass jet engine. iii) A fan-jet engine. iv) A jet engine with a re-heat system. 5x4


3/5 Q.5 a) What is the importance of strength / weight ratio in the design of aircraft and its components? 5 b) Explain the type of loads that are resisted by the following structural components of an aircraft during flying: i) fuselage ii) wings, and iii) tailplane 15 Q.6 a) The operation of GPS involves three segments. Discuss each of these segments giving details of information supplied/ monitored by each of them. 10 b) What information is provided by the VOR and DME to the pilot? Explain the operation of DME. 10 Q.7 a) Why do we need an auto-pilot system? Explain the essential features and operation of an auto-pilot system used in an aircraft. 15 b) What is the difference between a single action and a double action hand pump? 5 4/5

End Semester Examination, Dec. 2017

B. Tech. (Aeronautical) - Fourth Semester


Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 1

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt ANY TWO questions from PART-A and TWO questions from PART-B. Each question carries equal marks.

Q.1 a) Explain why:

i) Drag on a flat plate at zero angle of attack in an inviscid flow is zero. ii) CL is always less than Ce. b) What are the assumptions made to simplify the momentum equations into Euler's equations? c) Explain the term 'missing momentum' that is considered while defining the momentum thickness. d) Suggest methods that can be used to reduce form drag and induced drag. e) Explain slat effect and vane effect with the help of suitable illustrations. 4×5


Q.2 a) Explain how drag of a two-dimensional body can be measured using momentum equation. 10 b) Explain various Mach number regimes of flow with the help of suitable illustrations. 10 Q.3 Derive expressions for lift coefficient, lift curve slope, moment coefficients about the leading edge and quarter chord for a symmetrical airfoil at an angle of attack using classical thin airfoil theory. 20 Q.4 a) What is Biot-Savart law? Obtain an expression for velocity induced at a point by an infinite, straight vortex filament. 10 b) For a finite wing, show the distribution of downwash along the span and explain the superposition of an infinite number of horse shoe vortices along the lifting line. 10


Q.5 a) What do you understand by "non-linear lift curve'? Using numerical non-linear lifting-line method for a finite wing of given plan form and geometry, describe the steps followed for calculating lift and induced drag of a finite wing. 15 b) Explain the concept of vortex latex lattice method and illustrate the same with suitable sketches. 5 Q.6 a) Derive the boundary layer equations for a steady, compressible, viscous, two- dimensional flow over a flat plate. 15 b) Explain the reasons for boundary layer separation with the help of a suitable diagram. 5 Q.7 a) What are the major methods of boundary layer control? Briefly explain each. 4 b) Explain the purposes of: i) Voltage generator. ii) Wing fence. 3×2 c) Which two factors broadly limit the maximum lift achievable for a single element airfoil? How does a supercritical airfoil help in increasing the lift? 10 5/5

End Semester Examination, Dec. 2017

B. Tech. ± Fourth Semester


Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 2

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any TWO questions from Part-A and TWO questions from Part-B. Each question carries equal marks.

Q.1 Answer (any ten) of the following:

a) What do you mean by determinate structure? b) What do you mean by 'Factor of safety' of any structure? c) What do you mean by equilibrium equation for a 3-D structure? d) Explain the role of Former and Bulkhead in fuselage design. e) Write down any four different loads experienced by an aircraft in flight. f) What is a gust? Mention its analysis techniques? g) Define the shear centre of a body. What is its general position for a symmetric body? h) Explain the concept of neutral plane in the bending of a beam. i) What is the importance of equilibrium equation for stress analysis? j) What do you mean by Maxwell's reciprocal theorem? k) What are the loading problems with wing at high angle of attack? l) What do you mean by inertial load on an aircraft? 2×10


Q.2 a) Draw the cross section of a wing, mark its essential parts and explain their role in wing structure. Also, explain V-n Diagram in case of straight and level flight. 10 b) Derive the equation of equilibrium for a 3-D body 10 Q.3 Direct stresses of 160 N/mm2 (tension) and 120 N/mm2 (compression) are applied at a particular point in an elastic material on two mutually perpendicular planes. The principal stress in the material is limited to 200 N/mm2 (tension). Calculate the allowable value of shear stress at the point on the given planes. Determine also the value of the other principal stress and the maximum value of shear stress at the point. 20 Q.4 Find the internal loads acting on each member of the structure shown in the figure below: 6/5 20


Q.5 a) What do you mean by symmetrical bending of a beam? Show that for a symmetrical beam the neutral axis passes through the centroid of area of the cross section and further prove that: y M b) A beam shown below is subjected to a bending moment of 2000Nm in a vertical plane. Calculate the maximum direct stress due to bending stating the point at which it acts. 20 Q.6 a) Determine the deflection of the free end of the tip-loaded cantilever beam shown below by using complementary energy method; the bending stiffness of the beam is EI. b) Determine the force in the members of the pin-jointed framework shown below using virtual load method. Each member has the same cross section area and

Young's modulus of elasticity.

20 Q.7 Calculate shear flows in the web panels and the axial loads in the flanges of the wing rib shown in the figure below. Assume that the web of the rib is effective only in shear while the resistance of the wing to bending moment is provided entirely by the three flanges 1, 2 and 3: 7/5 20

End Semester Examination, Dec. 2017

B. Tech. ± Fourth Semester


Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 2

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any TWO questions from Part-A and TWO questions from Part-B. Each question carries equal marks. Q.1 a) Draw a sketch of mix- exhaust turbofan engine. b) Show Bryton cycle on P Vs V curve. c) What do you mean by propulsive efficiency? d) Show isobar for inlet of a turbojet engine i.e.

0 2 2, , ,to tP P P P

e) What is compressible flow? f) What does isentropic flow mean? g) What are special features of normal shock compared to oblique shock? h) Define stagnation state. i) Explain blade element theory. j) What are scramjet engines? 2×10


Q.2 a) Explain Otto cycle in detail with P-V diagram. 7 b) In a Diesel cycle, compression ratio is 16. At the beginning of isentropic compression temperature is 15°C and pressure is 0.1 MPa. Heat is added until the temperature at the end of constant pressure is 1480°C. Calculate T2 (temperature before heat addition) and heat supplied (Q1). 8 c) Why are propeller engines most preferred in military cargo aircraft? 5 Q.3 a) Write a note on turbojet engine with descriptive diagram highlighting its operating velocity, its application in aerospace industry. 10 b) Inlet flow conditions for an engine are T1=25°C, 1u =150m/sec, 1pC =1004J/kg.k, 1 =1.4. Find total temperature of the given condition. Again if 42 MW of heat is added to the system then find total temperature of exit flow. 10 Q.4 a) A liquid propellant rocket engine consumes 200 kg/s of oxidizer and 50 kg/s of fuel. After the combustion, the gas is accelerated in a convergent-divergent nozzle where it attains V9= 4000 m/s and p9 = 200 kPa. The rocket engine is at sea level where P0 = 100 kPa. If the exit diameter of the nozzle is 2 m, calculate pressure thrust and rocket gross thrust. 10 b) Explain supersonic diffuser and nozzle. 5 c) Write a note on inlet of a turbojet engine. 5


Q.5 a) Define specific thrust and propulsive efficiency. A turbojet engine is flying at 200 m/s. The product of combustion has an exhaust velocity of 900 m/s. Estimate its engine propulsive efficiency. 6 b) What is the function of compressor in a turbojet engine 4 c) Consider turbojet engine in take-off condition with following parameters: 8/5

0 0 9100 / , 0 /sec, 2 / , 42000 / , 900 /fRm kg s v m m kg s Q Kj kg v m s

. Find thermal efficiency and thrust at take-off. 10 Q.6 a) A gas turbine combustor has inlet condition

33800 , 2t t aT K P MP

, air mass flow rate of 50 kg/s, 3 = 1.4, 3pC = 1004 J/kg K.A hydrocarbon fuel with ideal heating value QR = 42, 000 kJ/kg is injected in the combustor at a rate of 1 kg/s. The burner efficiency is


and the total pressure at the combustor exit is 96% of the inlet total pressure, i.e., combustion causes a 4% loss in total pressure. The gas properties at the combustor exit are 4 = 1.33 and CP4 = 1156 J/kg K. Calculate i) Fuel-to-air ratio f. ii) Combustor exit temperature 4tT in K and Pt4 in MPa 7 b) Write a note on ramjet engine. 5 c) A ramjet is flying at Mach 1.818 at an altitude 16.750 km altitude (Pa = 9.122 kPa, Ta= -56.50° C = 216.5 K., sonic speed, a = 295 m/s) Calculate Tt0Pt0Tt2Pt2. 8 Q.7 a) Explain ideal momentum theory for turboprop engine and airscrew coefficient. 10 b) Write assumptions and limitations of blade element theory. 6 c) Derive the expression for thrust coefficient (CT). 4 9/5

End Semester Examination, Dec. 2017

B. Tech. (Aeronautical) ² Third Semester


Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 1

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt ANY TWO questions from PART-A and TWO questions from PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question.

Q.1 Answer the following questions:

a) Define atomic packing factor. b) Explain briefly different crystal forms of iron. c) Define yield point in context to stress strain curves. d) What is plain carbon steel? e) Define quenching and its importance. f) Define alloys and their formation. g) What are cermets? Give their properties. h) Explain briefly refractories. i) What is the percentage of carbon in hypo-eutectoid? j) What are reinforced composites? 2×10


Q.2 a) Explain the importance of temperature variations on metals. 10 b) What are critical temperatures? Explain their importance. 10 Q.3 a) What are different heat treatment processes? Explain them in context to iron and steel. 15 b) JOMP GR \RX XQGHUVPMQG N\ ³FMVH OMUGHQLQJ´" ([SOMLQ NULHIO\B 5 Q.4 a) Explain the process of corrosion. What are the different types of corrosion? 12 b) How corrosion can be prevented? Give examples. 8


Q.5 a) Explain various aluminium alloys in context to their use in aircrafts. 10 b) Explain briefly various magnesium alloys and their use in aircrafts. 10 Q.6 a) What are the various heat resistant materials and the properties exhibited by them?12 b) Explain briefly ceramics and refractories. 4 c) Explain briefly Monnel K 500. 4 Q.7 What are composites? Explain various types of composites and their uses. 20 10/5

End Semester Examination, Dec. 2017

B. Tech. (Aeronautical Engineering) Fifth Semester


Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 2

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any TWO questions from PART-A and TWO questions from PART-B. Marks are indicated against each question.

Q.1 Answer (any five) of the following questions:

a) What properties of the mesh and structure remain unaltered even after the conformal transformation? b) What are the assumptions and basic principle of Polhamus theory for the calculation of the drag? c) How the pressure, density, temperature, Mach number, velocity, total pressure, total temperature, enthalpy and entropy changes behind the normal shock wave? d) Explain the concept for Mach reflection for an oblique shock. e) Explain the application of Linearized velocity potential equation. f) Explain the variation in the properties before and after the expansion wave. 4×5


Q.2 Transform a circle into cambered airfoil using the Kutta Zhukovsky transformation using the principle of conformal transformation. Calculate the velocity and pressure distribution on the

Zhukovsky airfoil. 20

Q.3 a) Explain the subsonic characteristic of delta wing in details. 10 b) Explain the assumptions and derive the relationship between coefficient of lift and drag for low aspect ratio aircraft. 10

Q.4 a) Using the energy equation, find out the relations between the actual properties and

characteristic properties, i.e. Temperature, pressure, density and Mach number? 10

b) Consider a point in an airflow where the local Mach number, static pressure and static

temperature are 3.5, 0.4atm and 195 K, respectively. Calculate the local values of p0, T0, T*, a* and M* at this point. 10


Q.5 a) Consider an oblique Shock wave generated by a compressible corner with a 15° deflection angle.

The free stream Mach number ahead of the corner is 4, the flow pressure and temperature are standard sea level conditions. The oblique shock wave subsequently impinges on the straight wall opposite the compression corner. Draw the right flow geometry. Calculate the angle of reflected shock wave relative to the straight wall. Also, obtain the pressure, temperature and

Mach number behind the reflected wave.

Note: Use the

M graph given at the end of question paper. 20 Q.6 a) What is the critical Mach number? Derive an expression for CP at critical Mach number? 5 b) Explain the concept of sound barrier with the help of the explanation of drag divergence

Mach number. 5

c) Write a short note on area rule. 5 d) Explain the use and aerodynamics of supercritical airfoil. 5 Q.7 Describe with all relevant equations, how the method of characteristics can be used to design a supersonic nozzle. State and explain the compatibility relations for characteristics lines. 20 11/5

End Semester Examination, Dec. 2017

B. Tech. (Aeronautical) ² Fifth Semester


Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100

No. of pages: 2

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all; Q.1 is compulsory. Attempt any TWO questions from PART-A and TWO questions from PART-B. Each question carries equal marks. (Take: For air as working medium, use 4J Kp/ and K/

For hot gas as working medium, use

Kp/ and K/ Q.1 a) For isentropic flow in a duct of varying area, show that the non-dimensional mass 1 21
mT JJ J b) Define: i) The propulsion efficiency of a propulsive duct ii) The efficiency of energy conversion of a power plant. c) Define Power input factor and slip factor. Explain the relevance along with typical range of values for each. d) Briefly explain Diffusion factor as applicable to axial flow compressors and plot its variation with the friction losses in the rotor and stator. e) Briefly explain various types of combustion chambers used in turbojet engines. 4x5


Q.2 a) For frictionless flow in a constant area duct with heat transfer, write the flow equations for such a flow, called Rayleigh flow, and derive the relations for ௣ in terms of the Mach number. 10 b) Discuss the features of Rayleigh flow using a T-s plot highlighting the direction of heating and cooling with Mach number approaching unity. 10 Q.3 a) Explain the cycle of turbojet with afterburning by showing the representative temperature values at the end of each process. 5 b) What are the advantages of a turbofan over a pure turbojet engine? Draw line diagrams of some the configurations of high by-pass ratio turbofan engines. 5 c) How do you distinguish between a turbojet engine, a turboprop engine and a turbo shaft engine? Discuss their applications. 5 d) Discuss, with the help of a plot of SFC and specific thrust (Fs) against fan pressure ratio at different values of turbine inlet temperatures, how fan pressure ratio of a fanjet engine is optimized. 5 Q.4 a) Explain the phenomenon of Surging, Choking and rotating stall in reference to centrifugal compressors. 6 b) Determine the pressure ratio developed and the specific work input to drive a centrifugal air compressor having an impeller diameter of 0.5 m and running at 7000 rpm. Assume zero whirl at the entry and = 288 K. 7 12/5 c) A single sided centrifugal compressor is to deliver 14 kg/s of air when operating at a pressure ratio of 4:1 and a speed of 200 rev/s. The inlet stagnation conditions are 288 K and 1.0 bar.quotesdbs_dbs42.pdfusesText_42
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