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La Réunion au GITEX 2016

La Réunion au GITEX 2016. Offre d'Accompagnement. NEXA. SALON MAJEUR 3ème AU MONDE DANS. LE SECTEUR DU NUMÉRIQUE. Du 16 au 20 octobre 2016.

Les entreprises réunionnaises étendent leur réseau au GITEX

Du 16 au 20 octobre 2016 La Réunion exposera au GITEX




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Apr 17 2017 favorable de La Réunion au quatrième trimestre 2016. ... participé au GITEX salon international du numérique à.


For Indian exports the year 2016-17 started with hope Gitex Technology Week 2016 held from 16th to 20th October

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Sep 4 2016 projects at GITEX 2016. Page 27. FEd MAy StAy cOOl ON SEPtEMbER hikE. US job market glows hot amid new signs of cooling economy.

Enseignement supérieur Une priorité nationale

Jul 15 2013 réunion a été animée par Monsieur Henry AUSSAVY

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Dec 16 2017 Recognition Using Motion Detection

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SAMARKAND: Uzbekistan laid strongman

Islam Karimov to rest yesterday amid tight

security, after his death triggered the deep- est period of uncertainty in the countrys post-Soviet history with no clear successor in view. Karimov, 78, was pronounced dead late Friday after suering a stroke last weekend and falling into a coma, authori- ties said, following days of speculation about his rapidly failing health.

An Islamic funeral for the iron-sted

leader - who dominated the ex-Soviet nation for some 27 years - was held in his home city of Samarkand, southwestern

Uzbekistan, yesterday and the country will

begin three days of mourning. RussianPrime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the presidents of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and

Afghanistan were among dignitaries

attending the memorial service on the famed UNESCO World Heritage site of

Registan Square.

Uzbek state television showed footage

of mourners carrying Karimovs con through a crowd in the historic square which is encircled by blue-domed madras- sas. Our people and Uzbekistan have suf- fered an irreplaceable loss,Ž Russian news wire Interfax quoted Uzbek Prime Minister

Shavkat Mirziyoyev as saying at the cere-


Continued on Page 13


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Kuwaitis told to check phones,

laptops before traveling to US Citizens urged to cooperate with US airport officials DUBAI: Kuwait has advised citizens to make sure their phones or laptops contain no material that might be seen as being linked to extremist militants before travel- ling to the United States, the state news agency report- ed yesterday, after three men were denied entry in July.

KUNA quoted a statement by the Kuwaiti embassy in

Washington as saying that authorities at some US air- ports may check the contents of mobile phones or oth- er smart mobile equipmentŽ. The embassy of the state of Kuwait in Washington urged citizens to make sure that their phones or laptops do not contain any materials or photos of extremist nature, related to areas of conict or terrorist organiza- tions or footage of violence of all kinds before entering US territories,Ž KUNA said, citing a statement. (This is) so that students and citizens may be spared questioning by authorities in US airports and to avoid any action against them that could result in cancelling their visas and banning them from entering US territories,Ž it added.

The Arabic language Al-Rai newspaper reported in

July that three businessmen were questioned for 21 hours at Los Angeles airport and had their telephones checked before they were turned back, in the second incident of its kind this year. Kuwait is a key US ally and a member of an international alliance led by the United States which is ghting against Islamic State in Syria. In July, the United Arab Emirates, another close Gulf Arab ally of the United States, told its male citizens to avoid wearing traditional white robes and headdress when travelling abroad, after a businessman was wrestled to the ground at an Avon, Ohio hotel and held as an

Islamic State suspect. " Reuters

HANGZHOU, China: The United States and China yes-

terday formally joined the Paris climate change agree- ment, with President Barack Obama hailing the accord as the moment we nally decided to save our planetŽ. The move by the worlds two biggest polluters is a major step forward for the 180-nation deal, which sets ambitious goals for capping global warming and funneling trillions of dollars to poor countries facing climate catastrophe.

Obama and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping

handed ratication documents to UN chief Ban Ki- moon, who said he was now optimistic the agree- ment will be in force by the end of this year. At a cere- mony in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, Obama said climate change would dene the contours of this century more dramatically than any other challengeŽ. History would show that the Paris deal would ulti- mately prove to be a turning pointŽ, he said, the moment we nally decided to save our planetŽ. Theres an American saying, You need to put your money where your mouth is. Thats what were doing.Ž

The Paris accord aims to limit global temperature

increases to two degrees centigrade, and will be trig- gered after it is ratied by at least 55 countries, accounting for 55 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. The US and China are together responsible for some 40 percent of the worlds emissions, so their participation is crucial. Continued on Page 13US, China ratify Paris climate deal HANGZHOU, China: Chinese President Xi Jinping (center), US President Barack Obama (right) and UN

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon shake hands during a joint rati?cation of the Paris climate change agree-

ment ceremony ahead of the G20 Summit at the West Lake State Guest House yesterday. - AFP

Uzbek strongman Karimov buried

SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan: (From left front) Iran"s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Tajikistan"s President Emomali Rakhmon and Kyrgyzstan"s Prime Minister Sooronbay Jeenbekov stand at the grave of Uzbekistan"s President Islam Karimov during his funeral ceremony yesterday. - AP

DHAKA: Bangladesh hanged a wealthy tycoon and

top nancial backer of its largest Islamist party late yesterday for war crimes, dealing a massive blow to the groups ambitions in the Muslim-majority nation. Mir Quasem Ali, a key leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami party, was executed after being convicted by a con- troversial war crimes tribunal for oences committed during the 1971 independence conict with


The 63-year-old was hanged at the Kashimpur

high security jail in Gazipur, some 40 km north of Dhaka, amid stepped-up security outside the prison and in the capital. The execution took place at

10:35pm (1635 GMT),Ž the countrys law and justice

minister Anisul Huq told AFP. Six opposition leaders have now been executed for war crimes after the sec- ular government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina set up a domestic war crimes tribunal in 2010. With Alis death, all ve top leaders of the Jamaat party have been hanged, a massive setback for the Islamists in the worlds third largest Muslim nation.

After the Supreme Court rejected his nal appeal

against the penalty on Tuesday, Ali declined to seek a presidential pardon, which would require an admis- sion of guilt, paving the way for his execution.

Prosecutors said Ali was a key commander of the

notorious pro-Pakistan militia in the southern port city of Chittagong during the war, and later became a shipping, banking and real estate tycoon.

The war crimes trials have divided the country,

with supporters of Jamaat and the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) branding them a sham aimed at eliminating their leaders. The execu- tions and convictions of Jamaat ocials plunged Bangladesh into one of its worst crises in 2013 when

Continued on Page 13

Bangladesh hangs

Islamist financier

DAVAO CITY: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte (center) inspects the site of a bomb blast at a night market early yesterday. - AFP

DAVAO:Philippine President Rodrigo

Duterte declared a nationwide state of

lawlessnessŽ yesterday after suspected Abu

Sayyaf extremists detonated a bomb that

killed 14 people and wounded about 70 in his southern hometown. Duterte, who inspected the scene of Friday nights attack at a night market in downtown Davao city, said his declaration did not amount to an imposition of martial law. It allows troops to be deployed in urban centers to back up the police in setting up checkpoints and increasing patrols, he said.

An Abu Sayyaf spokesman, Abu Rami,

claimed responsibility for the blast near the

Jesuit-run Ateneo de Davao University and

a ve-star hotel, but Duterte said investiga-tors were looking at other possible sus- pects, including drug syndicates, which he has targeted in a bloody crackdown.

These are extraordinary times and I sup-

posed that Im authorized to allow the security forces of this country to do search- es,Ž Duterte told reporters at the scene of the attack, asking the public to cooperate and be vigilant.

Were trying to cope up with a crisis

now. There is a crisis in this country involv- ing drugs, extrajudicial killings and there seems to be an environment of lawless vio- lence,Ž said Duterte, who served as mayor of Davao for years before being elected president in June.

Continued on Page 13Duterte declares 'state of

lawlessness' after attack SAN LORENZO E FLAVIANO, Italy: A image grab from video shows Italian ?remen carrying a golden retriever called Romeo, after he was pulled from the rubble of a house in this tiny village on Friday. - AFP

ROME: A golden retriever called Romeo has

been pulled from the rubble of Italys earth- quake, more than nine days after he was given up for dead. Touching footage lmed by the remen who saved him shows the shaggy dog being lifted out from under a pile of masonry that is all that remains of his owners house.

Appearing completely relaxed, Romeo slurps

his rst drops of water in more than 230 hours from a bottle held by one of the remen.

As it becomes clear he is unscathed, the

reman holding him puts him down. Romeo then tiptoes gracefully down the pile of rub- ble to be reunited with tearful owners who had given up hope of nding him alive. Hes in great shape,Ž says one of the remen as oth- ers whoop in delight while Romeo trots around what remains of his yard. As he snis out familiar smells with trademark retrieverinsouciance, he looks for all the world as if he has just woken from a short nap.

Romeos owners were sleeping on the sec-

ond oor of their house in the tiny village of

San Lorenzo a Flaviano when the earthquake

struck before dawn on Aug 24. They managed to get out, but Romeo, who was sleeping on the rst oor, was trapped inside. After searching for him for hours, they were eventu- ally evacuated from the devastated village for their own safety. All hope of nding Romeo alive appeared to have disappeared until

Friday evening, when the couple returned to

their home in the company of a group of re- men assigned to help them recover key belongings from the rubble.

Almost as soon as they came into the tiny

medieval village, Romeo heard their voices and began barking. We immediately beganmoving masonry from where the barking was coming from and incredibly we got to him and he was in pretty good condition,Ž one of the remen told the ANSA news agency.

Luckily some beams had fallen in a way that

they were holding up the weight of every- thing above them leaving Romeo with a little niche that he was able to survive in.Ž

No human survivors of the quake have

been found since the evening of Aug 24, when four-year-old Giorgia was pulled out alive after being located by another canine hero of the disaster, Leo. A labrador who works as a police snier dog, Leo, was granted an audience with Pope Francis yesterday, twoquotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39

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