[PDF] Guide to Investing in Algeria 24-Sept-2015 2017 KPMG

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l'Algérie sur le développement de l'entrepreneuriat en général et de l'entrepreneuriat droits que l'homme pour créer et immatriculer son entreprise.


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Radiological Protection Advisory and Control already-mined uranium. AMU. Arab Maghreb Union ... CREE. Commission for the Regulation of Electricity and.

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Guide to Investing in Algeria

24-Sept-2015 2017 KPMG Algérie SPA membre algérien du réseau KPMG constitué de cabinets indépendants adhérents de KPMG International Coopérative

Guide to Investing in Algeria

January 2017


Guide to Investing in Algeria

© 2017 KPMG Algérie SPA, membre algérien du réseau KPMG constitué de cabinets indépendants adhérents de KPMG international coo

pérative, une entité de droit suisse. tous droits réservés. imprimé en Algérie.

© 2017 KPMG Algérie SPA, Algerian member firm of the KPMG network of independent members firms affiliated with KPMG international cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in Algeria.

1st half 2017

iSBn : 978-9947-807-29-3

Guide to Investing

in Algeria (updated in January 2017) 4

© 2017 KPMG Algérie SPA, Algerian member firm of the KPMG network of independent members firms affiliated with KPMG international cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in Algeria.

General presentation of KPMG Algeria


1. An international network to your local needs

KPMG is an international and multidisciplinary player, present in 156 countries with over 156,000 professionals. We put our experience to serve your local needs using specialists in several sector. We have significant experience in the entry strategy of companies acting in several sector and establishment of such kind of company. So we are competent to meet your needs by describing different legal, tax and foreign exchange implications of esta blishing your company in Algeria.

2. An experienced team dedicated to your project

We have selected a team with significant experience in the strategy of companies ac ting in several sectors.

3. KPMG Worldwide Services - Advisory

KPMG's Advisory practice is a powerful global network of over 28,500 professionals, with an additional 19,500 Tax Advisors. europe, Middle east, Africa

17,400 Advisory professionals;

In 107 countries;

More than 9,600 Tax & Legal Advisors.


7,100 Advisory professionals;

In 24 countries;

More than 6,500 Tax & Legal Advisors

Asia Pacific

4,000 Advisory professionals;

In 36 countries;

More than 3,400 Tax & Legal Advisors.


© 2017 KPMG Algérie SPA, Algerian member firm of the KPMG network of independent members firms affiliated with KPMG international cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in Algeria.

4. History of KPMG Algeria

KPMG operates in Algeria since 1990 and counts among its clients the most presti gious local references KPMG is a firm with 3 partners that completed their career at KPMG with a range of experience going from 10 to 32 years. They represent a complementary team, assu ring the sustainability, ethic, independence and quality, in compliance with the stan dards and methods of KPMG International KPMG in Algeria enjoys a client portfolio of over 100 references in all major sectors of the financial and economic activity in Algeria

Our team

A multiskilled team of 120 people including :

3 Partners;

10 Managers;

107 Advisors.

We also have a regional network of experts.

Our ability to provide local expertise allows us to understand and act in local conditions to provide ongoing support.

5. Our publications

Our publications reflect our deep knowledge of the Algerian economic and financial environment. All our guides are also available for download on our website: www. kpmg.dz GuID e T O b A n KS All what you need to know about the banking sector in Algeria. GuID e T O HYDr O C A r bO n S

The "Guide to Hydrocarbons» includes all what you should know about the hydrocarbon sector in Algeria, its

characteristics, and various laws and reforms in this strategic domain. GuID e T O I nV eS TIn G In AL Ge rI A

A set of laws, regulations and practical information on Algeria and its specific market, updated annually in our

guide "Investing in Algeria" GuID e T O In S ur A nC eS

Covering all you need to know about the insurance sector in Algeria, its actors, products, and various laws and

exercise conditions of this field of activity GuID e T O e X PA T S All you need to know about your international assignment secondment

Here AfTer THe LIST Of Our PubLICATIOnS:

© 2017 KPMG Algérie SPA, membre algérien du réseau KPMG constitué de cabinets indépendants adhérents de KPMG international coo

pérative, une entité de droit suisse. tous droits réservés. imprimé en Algérie.

© 2017 KPMG Algérie SPA, membre algérien du réseau KPMG constitué de cabinets indépendants adhérents de KPMG international coo

pérative, une entité de droit suisse. tous droits réservés. imprimé en Algérie. S u MMA ry cHAPtE r 1



1.1 History and Geography ........................................................................

1.2 Population - Demographics ........................................................................

1.3 Main cities - Languages - religions ........................................................................

1.4 Territorial and administrative organization - Political institutions ........................................................................


1.5 Political parties - Associations ........................................................................

1.6 Judicial system ........................................................................

1.7 Staying in Algeria: conditions - procedures - work permit ........................................................................


1.8 Practical information ........................................................................

1.9 economy: key figures ........................................................................

1.10 economic policy: development and trend ........................................................................

1.11 The legal environment for business ........................................................................

cHAPtE r fOreIGn InVeSTMenT


2 1 Legal framework ........................................................................ 2

1.1 Definition of investment ........................................................................


1.2 freedom of investment and Algerian partnerships ........................................................................

............................41 2

1.2.1 freedom to invest ........................................................................


1.2.2 Partnership ........................................................................


1.2.3 right of first refusal of the State ........................................................................


1.3 Guarantees - Protections - Agreements concluded by Algeria ........................................................................

..........44 2

1.4 Transfer of Capital ........................................................................


1.4.1 Principle.........................................................................


1.4.2 Transfer procedure ........................................................................


1.4.3 Investment financing ........................................................................


1.5 Advantages likely to be granted to investors ........................................................................

.....................................47 2

1.5.1. Advantages common to eligible investments ........................................................................

....................................49 2

1.5.2 Additional advantages for privileged activities and/or employment-generating activities ...................................50


1.5.3 exceptional advantages for investments of special interest for the national economy ........................................50

2 2

Implementation of Advantages ........................................................................

2 2 1

Advantages during the implementation phase ........................................................................

..................................51 2 2 2

Advantages during the operating phase ........................................................................

2 2 3

Obligation to reinvest profits ........................................................................

2 3

Institutions governing investment promotion ........................................................................

..................................53 2 3 1

The national Investment Council (CnI) ........................................................................

2 3 2

The national Investment Development Agency (AnDI) ........................................................................

...................54 2 3 3

One-stop service (le Guichet unique) ........................................................................

© 2017 KPMG Algérie SPA, membre algérien du réseau KPMG constitué de cabinets indépendants adhérents de KPMG international coo

pérative, une entité de droit suisse. tous droits réservés. imprimé en Algérie. cHAPtE r 3


...............56 3 1 Commercial companies ........................................................................ 3

1.1 Common elements for all commercial companies ........................................................................

............................56 3

1.2 The features of each commercial company-type ........................................................................

..............................58 3

1.2.1 The joint stock company (JSC) ........................................................................


1.2.2 The Limited Liability Company (LLC- SArL) ........................................................................

......................................65 3

1.2.3 The sole proprietorship limited liability company (SPLLC) ........................................................................

...............70 3

1.2.4 Limited partnership (LP) ........................................................................


1.2.5 Limited partnership with shares (LPS) ........................................................................


1.2.6 undeclared partnership ........................................................................

3 2 The Group/Joint Venture ........................................................................ 3 2 1 The goal of the group/JV ........................................................................ 3 2 2

Transparency of the group's activities ........................................................................

3 2 3quotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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