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Les activités de la matrice d'Eisenhower: • 1: faire personnellement ne peuvent être Cette feuille provient de son fichier Excel de suivi des projets.

BOITE A OUTILS DU MANAGER Pour mieux travailler ensemble

La matrice Eisenhower est un outil de classification méthodique des priorités et mot ou une expression et affiche les pages web les fichiers (Excel

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premiers pas : la matrice d'Eisenhower. Bien connue des cours de management elle peut être appliquée tant à des situations individuelles que collectives.


Créez un nouveau classeur Excel que vous nommerez. Emploi du temps. (ex. : Emploi_temps). fonctions d'Excel comme le tri ... matrice d'Eisenhower.


Depending on the situation more sophisticated prioritizing tools may be used

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Eisenhower Matrix Template Excel Template Etsy. Conduits carry traffic that incoming data dark fiber Ethernet and Government Services No Conflict RR Tunnel 

Gestion du temps

Microsoft Word ou Excel. Après identification de toutes les tâches à effectuer la matrice d'Eisenhower


The Idea Evaluation Matrix. What is it? It's a screening process a filter and a qualitative decision making tool. It is used to evaluate and.

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ArcGIS®. 10. ArcGIS for Desktop. Functionality Matrix 10 for Desktop Functionality Matrix esri.com/desktop. Mapping ... Microsoft Excel Worksheets.


THE TIME MANAGEMENT MATRIX. Manage. Focus. Avoid. Limit. Covey Stephen R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon & Shuster

What is the Eisenhower Matrix?

The Eisenhower matrix is a very useful tool for managing your priorities. It allows you to determine the tasks that need to be completed in priority and thus helps you achieve your goals.

How long does it take to use an Eisenhower matrix template?

It takes only a few minutes at the start of every day to effectively apply an Eisenhower Matrix template. Follow the best practices listed below to organize your matrix. Doing so helps guarantee that you optimize your time. These are some best practices for using an Eisenhower Matrix template:

What is Eisenhower Decision Principle?

Using the Eisenhower Decision Principle, tasks are evaluated using the criteria important/unimportant and urgent/not urgent, and then placed in according quadrants in an Eisenhower Matrix (also known as an “Eisenhower Box” or “Eisenhower Decision Matrix”). Tasks are then handled as follows:

What is the Eisenhower Method?

The “Eisenhower Method” stems from a quote attributed to Dwight D. Eisenhower: “I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.”

The Idea Evaluation Matrix

What is it?

prioritise your product, service or business ideas and can be used to illuminate the big issues that need to be addressed by more research and refinement.

When to use it? The best time to use something like this is when you need to decide on one idea from your

massive list of ideas (or if you only have 2 or 3!) or when you need a starting point for developing one idea further.

How to use it?

Step 1: First we define the criteria against which you will evaluate your idea. While the main criteria are

standard there is room to create your own that are unique to your own circumstances. (see examples below)

Step 2: Develop a scoring system for evaluate each option. You can choose numbers, +/-, or happy and

sad faces. It is up to you. As long as it provides a relative measure that you can use to judge the

other ideas. Step 3: List all your other ideas that you want to evaluate on the left side of the page.

Step 4: Go through the process of scoring each idea against your criteria. While the final scores are

important, it is the process that is the most telling. By going through the process you will know:

1. which ideas have a higher likelihood of succeeding

2. what areas need more research or refinement (i.e. Homework!).

It is important to keep track of other factors against which you are judging your options (e.g. personal preferences).

If these factors are important they should be included in the criteria.

Be as honest and objective as possible. Cheating or providing leading scores will bias the process and decrease

the value of this process.

CHECK ALL ASSUMPTIONS when you evaluate an idea highly, is this based on your intuition? Opinion? Or is it

Fact. Make sure you check all assumption and in particular PROVE YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION!

The objective of this process is to prioritise the options, opportunities, tasks or activities that will help you meet your

goals and eliminate those that

Key High Priority Criteria:

1. Different or Better: your idea must be an innovation (improvement over existing) or inventive (something

new) and be different then what exists. It must have an added value over and above what the target market

is currently using to solve the problem they are experiencing.

2. Delivers Value/ Solves a Problem: your idea must address a specific problem that is incurring a cost to

your target audience. It must deliver value to your customer that can be quantified so they will pay you for


3. Doable / Practical: it may be an amazing idea but if it is beyond the capability of current technologies or is

e difficult to develop the product and also will be difficult to convince the target market they need it. Most want proven technologies.

4. Cost / Benefit: the core of your idea is that it provides value to a target audience. It solves a problem. If

the benefit of your idea is more than the current cost of dealing with the problem it is impractical. If no




1=Low, 2=Mod,

3 High

or - or +



or Better







Fits with

my skills

Have an

existing network


for early adopters


Factor (I

love it!)

Other? ? SCORE

Criteria Weight

(H/M/L) H H H H M M M Lquotesdbs_dbs4.pdfusesText_8
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