[PDF] Campus France goes all out to keep you informed

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Année 2016- 2017

Mon guide CampusFrance. Page 2. Espace CampusFrance Sénégal. Année 2016-2017. Page 2. Table des matières Créer et remplir son dossier CampusFrance .

Campus France se met en quatre pour vous informer

9 févr. 2021 L'objectif était de parvenir à un accord international ... de 2°C.Au sein de l'Union européenne la France défend ... 1 Je crée mon compte ...

Campus France goes all out to keep you informed

30 nov. 2021 2. 3. 4. Panorama of Higher Education and Research in France ... discipline is intended to guide the ... 1 Je crée mon compte sur Études.

Rapport dactivité 2017 - EPIC Campus France

20 oct. 2017 1 - Salon Destino Francia Bogota

Rapport dactivité 2016 - EPIC Campus France

Pour la première fois Campus France et l'ambassade de France en Chine ont pro- posé aux établissements français d'enseignement supérieur un parcours composé.

Campus France se desvive por informarle

L'objectif était de parvenir à un accord international de 2°C.Au sein de l'Union européenne la France défend ... 1 Je crée mon compte sur Études.

Guide sur le CV et la lettre de présentation

Exemple : organisation ou création d'une activité amélioration d'un processus


Créé en 1985 le MRIAE est aujourd'hui bien enraciné au sein de leur dossier


Créer une dynamique et un effet d'entrainement des pays d'Afrique francophone Il vise à (1) favoriser la transparence de l'action publique (2) amélio-.

Rapport dactivité 2019 - EPIC Campus France

compter de nombreux autres outils comme le niveau 3 étoiles 38 le niveau 2 étoiles et 7 le ... blissements présents

Campus France

goes all out to keep you informed1 2 3 4

Panorama of Higher Education

and Research in France

Practical information for

students and researchers

Campus France


Notes, studies

and stats



Acquainting students and scholars

with the many opportunities offered by French higher education (including research) and helping them choose the perfect program. > Resources Center > Panorama of Higher

Education and Research

in France


of study This collection offers basic information on programs, degrees, and institutions inFrance in a range of disciplines. One section of each brief detailing the skills andcareer paths associated with the discipline is intended to guide the staffofCampus France"s local ofces intheirinterviews with students. d egrees

The briefs in this series describe degrees

and related arrangements, including 2- and 3-year technical programs; degrees in art, architecture, business, and engineering; doctoral training andjoint supervision of dissertations; one-year specialized master"s programs; and tests anddiplomas in teaching French as a foreign language. Briefs are downloadable from theprogram catalogs at the licence (bachelor) andmaster levels.The Titre d'ingénieur is awarded upon the completion of a program of studies closely keyed to scientific and technical progress and the needs of companies that grapple with complex technical problems linked to the design, production, and implementation of products, systems, and services. To practice as an engineer, particularly in industry and civil engineering, technical, economic, social, and human knowledge must be grounded in a solid scientific foundation and complemented by an awareness of the principles of sustainable development.

In various subject areas with

a scientific, technical, and industrial cast, the engineering curriculum prepares graduates for the essential functions of research and development, consulting, project management, management of industrial processes, business mana- gement, human resources, and more.

The professional qualifications of

graduate engineers cover a wide spectrum of basic sciences, enabling practitioners to combine the resources of a specialized scientific and technical field with engineering methods and tools to meet industrial and economic challenges in an international context.

The engineering curriculum spans

(10 semesters, 300 ECTS credits). The first 2 years are spent in a preparatory program or equivalent program providing rigorous education in the basic sciences.

These preparatory years (whether spent

in a special preparatory program offered in a


or in the preparatory cycle of a postsecondary school of engineering) are followed by a highly selective admission process (based on an examination or an application). The best students are admitted to a program of study in engineering, management and international affairs. Holders of a first undergraduate degree or a 1-year

Master's degree may apply to transfer

into engineering programs .The first 4 semesters of the engineering cycle form a common core that builds on students' basic knowledge of mathe matics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, a specific sector in which to specialize.

Engineering schools also offer options

in business, management and finance, allowing students to prepare for posi- tions as managers as well as engineers.

Depending on the school, the training

offered may be general or specialized.

But all French engineering programs

include the managerial and international dimensions. Moreover, the scope of education is comprehensive, embracing economics, humanities, the social

Growing numbers of courses are taught

in English, and students must pass a test of English proficiency (B2 level in the

European scheme) in order to graduate.

Nearly 38,000 Engineering degrees are awarded in more than

Ǿ Titre

d'ingénieur , which carries the academic status of a national Master's degree and entitles the holder to pursue doctoral studies. A third of these schools are found within universities. The product of a system unique to France, the

Titre d'ingénieur

represents professional degree training in one of 64 engineering and management specialties, capped by a government-accredited degree recognized around the world, attracting nearly 7,000 international students.


©Xavier Remongin/Min.Agri.Fr.





You can look forward to an international

career as an engineer made possible by a unique and universally respected degree.

You will receive both a Title conferring

the right to practice as an engineer and an internationally recognized


degree in engineering.

The will develop twin competence in

engineering and management, both reflecting the realities of today's world.

You will receive training attuned to the

corporate world 1 and to changes in manufacturing and industry. THE TITRE (NATIONAL MASTER'S DEGREE IN ENGINEERING) IN STUDY


October 2018

s cienti F ic research disciplines

The purpose of this collection is to promote

major areas of French research: agronomy, archaeology, biology, climatology, chemistry, mathematics, nanotechnologies, neuroscience, physics, sociology, and more.

It covers cross-disciplinary elds as well:

biotechnology, environmental studies, musicology, renewable energy, and more.The briefs are downloadable from the search function in the section of the website devoted to France"s doctoral schools.RESEARCH IN FRANCE





French research in physics centers on

the study of components, materials, and media: the fundamental constituents of matter, theoretical physics, and hot plasmas; dense media, materials, and components; dilute media and fundamental optics; and the science and physics of materials. Another trend in contemporary experimental physics is propelling investigations into matter subjected to extreme conditions, such as very high or very low temperature or pressure or very intense magnetic or reveal new properties of matter.

The example most often cited to illustrate

superconductivity, of which magnetic levitation is one of the most prominent effects.

Since the time of



(1596-1650), Blaise

Pascal (1623-1662), André


(1775-1836) and Sadi

Carnot (1796-1832), physics,

like mathematics, has been one of France's areas of research excellence, as evidenced by the 14 Nobel prizes awarded to illustrious French physicists- among them

Antoine Henri


, Pierre and Marie

Curie, Louis de Broglie, Alfred

Kastler, Pierre Gilles de Gennes,

Georges Charpak

, Claude

Cohen-Tannoudji, Albert Fert,

Serge Haroche

in 2012 and, in

2018, Gérard Mourou.



Researchers specialize in theoretical

physics (quantum physics, thermo- dynamics and statistical physics, electromagnetism) or in experimental physics (behavior of materials, electronics and components, fluids and flows).

Fields of application extend to energy

and the environment, solidphase physical biology, and applied computer science.


Although living things are not the usual

province of physics, biology and physics share some applications. Biophysics uses the principles and processes of physics to analyze the structures and mechanisms of living things. Physics also enters into the methods of measurement used in chemical analysis.These physico-chemical tools have made possible important progress in analytical chemistry in liquid states.

The links between physics and earth

and space sciences are the terrain of astrophysics.

In the past, distinctions were made

among the various applications of physics to mechanics, electricity, optics, is concerned with phenomenological criteria - particle physics, nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, the physics of condensed media (solids and liquids), plasma physics, and so on.

Today, experimental work focuses

on understanding such fundamental structures, using accelerators to study particles and nuclei, neutron reactors to study condensed phases, and other experimental machinery to study other phenomena. Derived from the Greek word for nature, physics is, etymologically, "the science of na ture." René Descartes-mathematician, physicist, and philosopher-described physics as the knowledge of nature, which corresponded at the time to the natural sciences or natural philosophy. Thus "physics" formerly encompassed present-day physics, che mistry, and the natural sciences. The meaning of the term today is more limited, as it deals in a quantitative and conceptual way with the building blocks of the universe, the forces they exert, and their effects. Because it is both quantitative in its measurement of the constituent parts of the universe and conceptual in building theories based on the effects of forces, research in physics develops theories using the tool of mathematics to describe and predict the evolution of systems.


of Higher


and Research in France 1

Licence (bachelor) / Master

> http://cataloguelm.campusfrance.org

Every degree at the licence (bachelor)

and master level.

Data: ONISEP catalog.

Updated: 3 times each year.

Language: French, English.

Contact: Jean-Luc Ito-Pages,


Programs Taught in English

> http://taughtie.campusfrance.org

More than 1,650 programs taught

in English

Data: Admission requirements, goals,

percentage of courses in English, cost, etc. Updated: Continuously, by the sponsoring institutions.

Language: English.

Contact: Anne Benoit, anne.benoit@campusfrance.org

Distance learning programs

> https://foad.campusfrance.org

Nearly 700 degree programs offered

in French or English at all levels, predominantly master and post-master;

100% remote or hybrid (mixture of

remote and in person). Data: Admission, objectives, support services, method of assessment, and more. Updated: Continuously, by the sponsoring institutions.

Language: French/English.

Contact: foad@campusfrance.org

Programs in art and architecture

> www.campusart.org More than 650 art and architecture programs offered by member institutions of the Campus France Forum.quotesdbs_dbs23.pdfusesText_29
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