[PDF] NuPECC Long Range Plan 2017 Perspectives in Nuclear Physics

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Grenoble. Hôtel de Ville. Neyrpic. Belledonne. Gabriel. Fauré. Bibliothèques. Universitaires. Mayencin. Champ. Roman. Gare. Universités. Polesud. Alpexpo.

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???/???/???? Edith Beigne joined CEA-LETI Grenoble

NuPECC Long Range Plan 2017 Perspectives in Nuclear Physics

The result of this effort is the present report “NuPECC Long Range Plan 2017: 2016-2020 putting together European nuclear ... ILL


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Grenoble Hôtel de Ville Neyrpic Belledonne Gabriel Fauré Bibliothèques Universitaires Mayencin Champ Roman Gare Universités Polesud Alpexpo

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NuPECC Long Range Plan 2017 Perspectives in Nuclear Physics


Long Range Plan 2017


in Nuclear Physics

Photo Credits:

ELI-NP Building

Lego Model of Chart of Nuclide (Photo: Christian Diget)

ALICE (CERN Document Server)

PET Image of a rat heart (ATOMKI)

FAIR (copyright: “ion42 für FAIR“)

nuclear physics


Faiçal AZAIEZ / Navin ALAHARI (from July 2016)France

Nicolas ALAMANOS France

Eduardo ALVES Portugal

Maria José Garcia BORGESpain

Angela BRACCO (Chair)Italy


Jan DOBEŠ Czech Republic

Jens-Jørgen GAARDHØJE Denmark

Ari JOKINEN / Paul GREENLEES (from January 2017)Finland

Sotirios HARISSOPULOS Greece

Paul NOLAN / Rolf-Dietmar HERZBERG (from January 2017)United Kingdom

Mikhail ITKIS JINR Dubna


Bernd KRUSCHE Switzerland

Karlheinz LANGANKE Germany


Adam MAJPoland

Ulf-G. MEISSNER Germany

Matko MILIN Croatia

Alexander MURPHYUnited Kingdom

Eugenio NAPPI Italy

Joakim NYSTRAND / Andreas GÖRGEN (from January 2017)Norway Boris SHARKOV / Paolo GIUBELLINO (from January 2017)FAIR Darmstadt

Christelle ROY France

Raimond SNELLINGS The Netherlands

Hans STRÖHERGermany

Ioan URSU Romania

Jochen WAMBACH ECT* Trento

Eberhard WIDMANNAustria

NuPECC Observer Members

Calin Ur, Bucharest, Romania, for EPS, Don Geesaman, Argonne, USA, for NSAC, Kazuhiro Tanaka,

Tsukuba, Japan, for ANPhA, Jens Dilling, Vancouver, Canada, for NSERC, Alinka Lépine-Szily, São Paulo,

Brazil, for ALAFNA

European Science Foundation (ESF)

Jean-Claude WORMS, Chief Executive, Strasbourg


Layout and production

Mara Tanase, ELI-NP

NuPECC would like to thank ELI-NP for the production of this book With this document NuPECC, the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee, presents its Long Range Plan 2017. NuPECC's mission is “to provide advice and make recommendations on the development, organisation, and support of European nuclear research and of particular projects." To this aim, NuPECC has in the past produced four long-range plans (LRPs): in November 1991, December

1997, April 2004 and December 2010.

NuPECC in its October 2015 meeting at GANIL, Caen, France, initiated the process for the LRP 2017. It

the areas of nuclear physics and its applications: Hadron Physics, Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter,

Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Nuclear Astrophysics, Symmetries and Fundamental Interaction as reports from the Working Groups were presented and discussed at the NuPECC Meetings in 2016 at

A Town Meeting to discuss the NuPECC LRP was held at the “darmstadtium" in Darmstadt, from January

11 - 13, 2017. Preceding the Town Meeting, preliminary reports of the Working Groups were posted

on the NuPECC website. The Town Meeting was attended by almost 300 participants, including many

young scientists. The programme contained sessions on future large scale facilities, the European and

international context including presentations from NSAC (USA), ANPhA (Asia) and CERN and reports by the conveners of the Working Groups. The Town Meeting concluded with a general discussion. CERN in March 2017. During this period, the Steering Committee's members, acting also as editors, implemented changes and suggestions from the community made during and following the Town

Nuclear Physics".

After a short introduction, the report features the recommendations of NuPECC for the development of

nuclear physics research in Europe followed by a comprehensive chapter on large and smaller facilities,

existing, under construction or planned. The various reports of the Working Groups follow in the

order: Hadron Physics, Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter, Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Nuclear

European community that it can maintain such a position and advance it further. This Long Range Plan was established in a concerted action by the whole European nuclear physics community and its

representative, NuPECC. It is strongly hoped that this plan will convince the European funding agencies

to seek avenues for accomplishing the objectives outlined in the recommendations, in particular also those that go beyond the capabilities of an individual country.


Angela Bracco (NuPECC Chair)

for the NuPECC commitee 4




The overarching goal of nuclear physics is to

unravel the fundamental properties of nuclei from their building blocks, protons and neutrons, and ultimately to determine the emergent complexity in the realm of the strong interaction from the underlying quark and gluon degrees of freedom of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). This requires detailed knowledge of the structure of hadrons, the nature of the residual forces between nucleons resulting from their constituents and the limits of the existence of bound nuclei and ultimately of hadrons themselves. A thorough understanding is vital for the complex structure of nuclei, nuclear reactions, and the properties of strong-interaction matter under extreme conditions in astrophysical settings and in the laboratory. Nuclei also constitute a unique laboratory for a variety of investigations of fundamental physics, which in many cases are complementary to particle physics. are being made world-wide to address the central questions of nuclear physics, which include:

How is mass generated in QCD and what

are the static and dynamical properties of hadrons? How does the strong force between nucleons emerge from the underlying quark-gluon structure? How does the complexity of nuclear structure arise from the interaction between nucleons?

What are the limits of nuclear stability?

How and where in the universe are the chemical elements produced?

What are the properties of nuclei and strong-interaction matter as encountered shortly after the Big Bang, in catastrophic cosmic events, and in compact stellar ob-


These fascinating topics in basic science require

and increasingly sophisticated tools such as accelerators and detectors. It is important to emphasise that knowledge and technical progress in basic, curiosity-driven nuclear physics has of a highly skilled workforce and broad applications

in industry, medicine, and security.In the following a list of recommendations resulting from interaction and discussion with the community is presented.

Complete urgently the construction of the

and develop and bring into operation the experimental programme of its


decades. This worldwide unique accelerator and experimental facility will allow for a large variety of unprecedented fore-front research in physics and applied sciences on both a microscopic and a cosmic scale. Its multi-faceted research will deepen our knowledge of how matter and complexity emerges from the fundamental building blocks of matter and the forces among them and will open a new era in the understanding of the evolution of our Universe and the origin of the elements.

The Super-FRS together with storage cooler

rings and the versatile NUSTAR instrumenta tion will allow decisive breakthroughs in the understanding of nuclear structure and nucle ar astrophysics.

The ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collision ex-periment CBM with its high rate capabilities permits the measurement of extremely rare probes that are essential for the understand-

ing of strongly interacting matter at high den sities. PANDA at the antiproton storage cooler ring HESR will provide a unique research environ- ment for an extensive programme in hadron spectroscopy, hadron structure and hadronic interactions.

APPA will exploit the large variety of ion beam species, together with the storage rings and precision ion traps, for a rich programme in fundamental interaction and applied sciences.

exploitation of world leading ISOL facilities in


The urgent completion of the ESFRI facility SPIRAL2 along with SPES and the energy and intensity upgrade of HIE-ISOLDE (+ storage ring), including their unique instrumentation, will consolidate


5 the leading role of Europe. These ISOL facilities with low energy and reaccelerated exotic beams, discoveries to probe questions that concern the atomic nucleus and nuclei in the cosmos. The successful completion and exploitation of these facilities would be the major step toward the ultimate European ISOL facility, EURISOL. With this aim, a European collaborative initiative, the EURISOL- Distributed Facility, is strongly supported to maximize synergies to address and solve new

Support for the full exploitation of existing

and emerging facilities

The up-coming ESFRI facility ELI-NP with a

worldwide unique gamma-beam quality and high power lasers will address key questions in nuclear structure, astrophysics and various applications. Completion of the facility and in strumentation is mandatory.

For the up-coming NICA facility complete con-

struction to study hot and baryon rich matter NN = 4 - 11 GeV. De velop and bring into operation the programme on BM@N, MPD and SPIN detectors as well as put into operation the SHE factory to search for a new stability regime for nuclei with Z be yond 118 (Og).

Įand PSI for rich programmes on hadron inter-

actions and on hot baryonic matter.

Exploit the facilities ALTO, GANIL-SPIRAL2, GSI-FAIR, IFIN-HH/ELI-NP, ISOLDE, JYFL, KVI-CART, LNL-LNS, NLC Warsaw-Krakow, mainly devot-ed to nuclear structure, nuclear astrophyics, reactions and applications.

Exploit the small scale existing facilities devot-applications. Among them LUNA-MV@LNGS, nTOF@CERN, ELENA@CERN and NP@ILL are worldwide unique.

Support for ALICE and the heavy-ion

programme at the LHC with the planned experimental upgrades.

The heavy-ion programme at the CERN Large

Hadron Collider is uniquely suited to determine

the properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma at high temperature. Progress relies on new and larger data samples, which are needed for more precise programme aims to fully exploit the high-energy collisions which will be delivered by the LHC in Run-3 and Run-4. We consider it crucial that all aspects of the LHC heavy-ion programme, including manpower support and completion of the detector upgrades, are strongly supported.

Support to the completion of AGATA in full


AGATA represents the state-of-the-art in gamma-

ray spectroscopy and is an essential precision tool underpinning a broad programme of studies in nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics and nuclear reactions. AGATA will be exploited at all of the large-scale radioactive and stable beam facilities and in the long-term must be fully completed in full 60 detector unit geometry in order to realise realised in phases with the goal of completing the

Support for Nuclear Theory

With continued major conceptual and computa-

tional advances, nuclear theory plays a crucial role in shaping existing experimental programmes. is essential for optimal use of the available resourc- es, in particular by providing platforms for scien- ation. At the same time it is important to increase the work force and to strengthen collaborations and accessibility in the area of high-performance computing.

With the emergence of a common European Re-

search Area (ERA) and growing international co- operation, ECT*, as a highly successful and unique centre for nuclear theory, faces new opportuni- global investments in accelerator centers and oth- er experimental facilities require coordinated theo- its past success and the high international visibility, be ensured. utilization of high-performance computing facili- ties at the national and European level. The plan- ning of future high-performance installations is recognized as being of strategic importance for

Europe. Being ready to exploit new computatio-

mandatory for the international competitiveness of European nuclear theory.



Perform vigorous programmes in nuclear


Nuclear Physicists are mobilised to answer

fundamental needs and questions addressed by and protection.

For nuclear energy systems the development

of predictive and reliable models and simula- tion tools is mandatory. This implies a strong cooperation between experimentalists, theo reticians and evaluators. The DEMO-Oriented

Neutron SOURCE (IFMIF/DONES) and the ADS

will be important in this domain. collaboration with the end-users.

With the availability of high-intensity acceler-

ators and new installations (GANIL, ESS, FAIR,

ISOLDE) new studies in materials science,

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