[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Royaume de Belgique. Service de Sécurité et d'interoperabilité des Chemins de Fer. Koninkrijk België. Dienst Veiligheid en Interoperabiliteit van de 

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Belgium and Luxembourg and Union of Soviet Socialist. Republics: Accord relatif A un pret du Royaume du Danemark h la R6publique de.

Royaume de Belgique

KONINKRIJK BELGIË / KINGDOM OF BELGIUM. BIJLAGE 3 bis / Annex 3bis. Federale Overheidsdienst Binnenlandse Zaken / Federal Public Service Home Affairs.

Circulaire n° COL /2003 du Collège des Procureurs généraux près

7 nov. 2008 België en het Koninkrijk Marokko ... gevoegd als bijlage 2 ). ... Convention entre le Royaume de Belgique et le Royaume du Maroc sur ...



Bundesrat (conseil fédéral allemand)


Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

blique tunisienne et le Gouvernement du Royaume de Belgique (avec an- nexes). Withdrawals by Belgium France and the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Autriche: Convention regarding control at the frontier between Belgium and France and.

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Union of South Africa and Belgium: Government of Belgium concerning air transport. Signed ... De bepalingen van Bijlage II kunnen van tijd tot.

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites


Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Traits et accords internationaux

enregistrogs ou classgs et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies


Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations



I. Nos. 1733-1747

II. No. 438



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 10 May 1952 to 10 June 1952 Page

No. 1733. Pakistan and India:

Agreement (with annexure). Signed at New Delhi, on 8 April 1950 ..3 No. 1734. Afghanistan, Belgium, Bolivia, China, Colombia, etc.: Agreement on the importation of educational, scientific and cultural materials (with protocol)(qpened for signature at Lake Success, New York, on

22 November 1950 ..... .. ...................... ... 25

No. 1735. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and


Agreement (with protocol dated 4 April 1951) for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Signed at Rangoon, on 13 March 1950 .......... ....53 No. 1736. Australia, New Zealand and United States of America: Security Treaty. Signed at San Francisco, on 1 September 1951 ....83

No. 1737. Denmark and Netherlands:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning equal treatment of physical and legal persons of Danish and Netherlands nationality with regard to the possibility of according compensation for war damage sustained in Denmark and in the Netherlands respectively as a result of the second world war. Copenhagen, 24 April and 8 May 1952 ..91 No. 1738. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Netherlands:

Convention (with annex) concerning frontier workers. Signed at Brussels, on 17 April 1950 ..... .. ....................... .... 99

Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris

ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secrtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

I. Nos 1733-1747

VOLUME 131 1952 IX. No 438



Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistris du 10 mai 1952 au lOjuin 1952 Pages

No 1733. Pakistan et Inde:

Accord (avec annexe). Sign6 New-Delhi, le 8 avril 1950 .... ........ 3 No 1734. Afghanistan, Belgique, Bolivie, Chine, Colombie, etc.: Accord pour l'importation d'objets de caract~re 6ducatif, scientifique ou culturel (avec protocole)cG 0vert h la signature h Lake Success, New- York, le 22 novembre 1950 ...... ................... 25 No 1735. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du' Nord et


Accord (avec protocole en date du 4 avril 1951) tendant h 6viter les doubles impositions et h pr~venir 1'6vasion fiscale en mati6re d'imp6ts sur le revenu. Sign6 a Rangoon, le 13 mars 1950 ... ............ .... 53 No 1736. Australie, Nouvelle-ZUlande et letats-Unis d'Amirique: Trait6 de.s6curit6. Sign6 San-Francisco, le ler septembre 1951 ....83

No 1737. Danemark et Pays-Bas:

tchange de notes constituant un accord tendant A assurer 1'6galit6 de traite- ment entre les personnes physiques et morales de nationalit6 danoise ou n~erlandaise, pour l'indemnisation 6ventuelle des dommages de guerre subis au Danemark ou aux Pays-Bas du fait de la deuxi~me guerre mondiale. Copenhague, 24 avril et 8 mai 1952 .... .... 91 No 1738. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord,

Belgique, France, Luxembourg et Pays-Bas:

Convention (avec annexe) concernant les travailleurs frontaliers. Signe h Bruxelles, le 17 avril 1950 ...... .......... ........ .. 99

IV United Nations -Treaty Series 1952

Page No. 1739. United Nations, International Labour Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization and World Health Organization and Israel: Special Agreement concerning technical assistance. Signed at New York, on 22 May 1952 ...... .... ........................ 115

No. 1740. Guatemala and El Salvador:

Treaty of free trade and economic integration (with annexes and exchange of letters). Signed at San Salvador, on 14 December 1951 .....131

No. 1741. Australia and Italy:

Agreement (with schedule) for assisted migration. Signed at Melbourne, on 29 March 1951 ...... ....................... ... 187

No. 1742. World Health Organization and Pakistan:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement establishing common rates of subsistence for WHO/UNICEF projects in Pakistan. Alexandria,

6 February 1952, and Karachi, 21 February 1952 .... ......... 221

No. 1743. World Health Organization and India:

Agreement (with aide-mbmoire) for the operation of a plague survey project in the Uttar Pradesh under the World Health Organization regular budget. Signed at New Delhi, on 2 and 9 April 1952 ......... 227

No. 1744. World Health Organization and India:

Agreement for the provision of the services of a Professor of Physiological and Industrial Hygiene at the All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta, for two years under the technical assistance programme. Signed at New Delhi, on 17 and 24 April 1952 ............ ...241

No. 1745. World Health Organization and India:

Agreement for the provision of the services of two physiotherapists and equipment for the establishment of a permanent physiotherapy school and centre for the training of physiotherapists at the K.E.M. Hospital, Bombay, under the technical assistance programme. Signed at New Delhi, on 19 and 24 April 1952 .... ................. ... 253

No. 1746. World Health Organization and India:

Agreement for assistance to the V.D. Department of the Government General Hospital, Madras (Madras Medical College). Signed at New Delhi, on 14 April and 7 May 1952 ......................... 265

1952 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds V

Paget NO 1739. Organisation des Nations Unies, Organisation internationale du Travail, Organisation des Nations Unies pour 'alimen- tation et l'agriculture, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'iducation, la science et la culture, Organisation de 'aviation civile internationale, Organisation mondiale de la santi et Israel: Accord special relatif i la fourniture d'une assistance technique. Sign6 i New-York, le 22 mai 1952 ..... ................... ...115

No 1740. Guatemala et Salvador:

Trait6 relatif au libre 6change et h l'int~gration 6conomique (avec annexes et

6change de lettres). Sign6 h San-Salvador, le 14 dcembre 1951 .... 131

No 1741. Australie et Italie:

Accord (avec annexe) relatif h l'assistance h la migration. Sign6 k Melbourne, le 29 mars 1951 ....... ........................ ... 187 No 1742. Organisation mondiale de la santi et Pakistan: tchange de notes constituant un accord fixant des taux communs d'indemnit6 de subsistance en vue de l'application des programmes OMS/FISE au Pakistan. Alexandrie, 6 f6vrier 1952, et Karachi, 21 f6vrier 1952 ...221 N O

1743. Organisation mondiale de la santi et Inde:

Accord (avec aide-m~moire) relatif h 1'execution d'un programme d'enqu~te sur la peste dans l'Uttar Pradesh, dans le cadre du budget ordinaire de l'Organisation mondiale de la sant6. Sign6 New-Delhi, les 2 et

9 avril 1952 ........ .......................... .. 227

No 1744. Organisation mondiale de la santi et Inde: Accord relatif h la fourniture, pour une p~riode de deux ans, des services d'un professeur d'hygi~ne physiologique et industrielle i l'Institut national d'hygi~ne et de sant6 publique de Calcutta, dans le cadre du programme d'assistance technique. Sign6 New-Delhi, les 17 et

24 avril 1952 ....... .. ......................... 241

No 1745. Organisation mondiale de la santi et Inde: Accord relatif h la fourniture des services de deux physioth&apistes et du materiel n~cessaire en vue de la creation d'une 6cole permanente de physiothrapie et d'un centre de formation en physioth~rapie A l'h6pital K.E.M. de Bombay, dans le cadre du programme d'assistance technique. Sign6 A New-Delhi, les 19 et 24 avril 1952 ... ............ ... 253 No 1746. Organisation mondiale de la santi et Inde: Accord relatif la fourniture d'une assistance technique au Service de v~n&rologie de l'h6pital g~n~ral du Gouvernement A Madras (Collge medical de Madras). .ign6 i New-Delhi, les 14 avril et 7 mai 1952 ., 265

VI United Nations -Treaty Series 1952


No. 1747. World Health Organization and Norway:

Agreement (with annex) for the provision of technical advisory assistance or other services by the World Health Organization. Signed at Geneva, on 9 May 1952 ..... .... ......................... 281 II

Treaties and international agreements

filed and recorded from 7 May 1952 to 10 June 1952

No. 438. World Health Organization and Austria:

Basic Agreement for the provision of technical advisory assistance. Signed at Vienna, on 10 January 1952 ..... ................. ...295 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United


No. 70. Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government. Signed at London, on 12 March 1946: Prolongation ......... .. ........................... 306 No. 186. Protocol, signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December

1946, amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols

on Narcotic Drugs concluded at The Hague on 23 January

1912, at Geneva on 11 February 1925 and 19 February 1925,

and 13 July 1931, at Bangkok on 27 November 1931 and at

Geneva on 26 June 1936:

International Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs, signed at Geneva on 19 February 1925, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success,

New York, on 11 December 1946:

Accession by Israel .......... ........................ 307 International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, signed at Geneva on 13 July 1931, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on

11 December 1946:

Accession by Israel .......... ........................ 307 International Convention for the Suppression of Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs, signed at Geneva on 26 June 1936, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December 1946: Accession by Israel .......... ........................ 308

1952 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds VII

Pages No 1747. Organisation mondiale de la santi et Norvige: Accord (avec annexe) pour la fourniture d'une assistance technique de caract~re consultatif ou d'autres services par ladite Organisation. Sign6 Gen~ve, le 9 mai 1952 ...... .................... .. 281 II

Traitis et accords internationaux

classis et inscrits au ripertoire du 7 mai 1952 au 10 juin 1952 No 438. Organisation mondiale de la sante et Autriche: Accord de base relatif la fourniture d'une assistance technique de caract~re consultatif. Sign6 h Vienne, le 10 janvier 1952 ............. ....295 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhisions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitis et accords internationaux enregistris au Secritariat de l'Organisation des

Nations Unies

No 70. Ac cord monitaire entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et le Gouvernement suisse. Sign6/ Londres, le 12. mars 1946: Prorogation ... ... ... .. ........................... 306 No 186. Protocole, sign6 i Lake Success, New-York, le 11 dicembre

1946, amendant les accords, conventions et protocoles sur

les stupifiants conclus i La Haye le 23 janvier 1912, i Genive le 11 fivrier 1925 et le 19 f6vrier 1925 et le 13 juillet 1931, i Bangkok le 27 novembre 1931 et i Genive le 26 juin 1936: Convention internationale sur les drogues nuisibles, sign6e Genbve le

19 f6vrier 1925, amend~e par le Protocole sign6 Lake Success, New-

York, le 11 d6cembre 1946:

Adh6sion par Isral ...... .... ........................ 307 Convention internationale pour limiter la fabrication et r6glementer la distribution des stup6fiants,-sign6e h Genbve le 13juillet 1931, amend6e par le Protocole sign6 A Lake Success, New-York, le 11 d6cembre 1946: Adh6sion par Israel ...... .... ........................ 307 Convention internationale pour la r6pression du trafic illicite des drogues nuisibles, sign6e a Gen~ve, le 26 juin 1936, amend6e par le Protocole sign6 Lake Success, New-York, le 11 d6cembre 1946: Adh6sion par Isa ..... ........ ....... ......... 308

VIII United Nations -Treaty Series 1952

.Page No. 221. Constitution of the World Health Organization. Signed at

New York, on 22 July 1946:

Acceptance by the United Kingdom of Libya ................ ...309 No. 521. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized

Agencies. Approved by the General Assembly of the

United Nations on 21 November 1947:

Application to the Universal Postal Union by the Netherlands ... ...... 309 No. 583. Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946 (No. 80). Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its twenty-ninth session, Montreal, 9 Oc- tober 1946: Ratification by Yugoslavia ......... ..................... 310 No. 597. Convention (No. 14) concerning the application of the weekly rest in industrial undertakings, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 17 November 1921, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946 : Ratification by Haiti ....... ........................ ... 311 No. 601. Convention (No. 18) concerning workmen's compensation for occupational diseases. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its seventh session, Geneva, 10 June 1925, as modified by the Final

Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification by Ceylon ....... ....................... ...312 No. 608. Convention (No. 25) concerning sickness insurance for agri- cultural workers.' Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its tenth session, Geneva, 15 June 1927, as modified by the Final Articles

Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification by Yugoslavia ......... ..................... 313 No. 627. Convention (No. 45) concerning the employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisa- tion at its nineteenth session, Geneva, 21 June 1935, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946: Ratification by Yugoslavia ...... ..................... ...314

1952 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds IX

Pag s No 221. Constitution de l'Organisation mondiale de la santL Signie i

New-York, le 22 juillet 1946:

Acceptation par le Royaume-Uni de Libye ... .............. ... 309 No 521. Convention sur les privileges et immunitis des institutions spicialisies. Approuvie par 1'Assemblie ginirale des Nations

Unies le 21 novembre 1947:

Application l'Union postale universelle par les Pays-Bas .......... ...309 No 583. Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946 (No 80). Adoptee par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation inter- nationale du Travail a sa vingt-neuviime session, Montrial,

9 octobre 1946:

Ratification par la Yougoslavie ...... ................... ...310 No 597. Convention (No 14) concernant l'application du repos hebdo- madaire dans les etablissements industriels, adoptie par la Conference generale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa troisiime session, Genive, 17 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a iti modifi6e par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par Haiti ...... ....................... ....311 No 601. Convention (No 18) concernant la riparation des maladies pro- fessionnelles. Adoptee par la Confirence ginirale de 'Orga- nisation internationale du Travail i sa septiime session, Genive, 10 juin 1925, telle qu'elle a iti modifie par la Con- vention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par Ceylan ....... ....................... ...312 No 608. Convention (No 25) concernant l'assurance-maladie des tra- vailleurs agricoles. Adoptie par la Confirence ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa dixiime session, Genive, 15 juin 1927, telle qu'elle a iti modifiie par la Con- vention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par ]a Yougoslavie ....... ................... ... 313 No 627. Convention (No 45) concernant l'emploi des femmes aux travaux souterrains dans les mines de toutes catigories. Adopti par la Confirence ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa dix-neuviime session, Genive, 21 juin 1935, telle qu'elle a td modifie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification .par la Yougoslavie ........................ ... 314

X United Nations -Treaty Series. 1952

Page No. 688. Protocol, signed at Paris on 19 November 1948, bringing under international control drugs outside the scope of the Con- vention of 13 July 1931 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on

11 December 1946:

Acceptance by Israel ....... ........................ ...315 No. 814. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Signed at Geneva, on 30 October 1947: VII. a) First protocol of supplementary concessions to the General Agree- ment on Tariffs and Trade (Union of South Africa and Germany). Done at Geneva, on 27 October 1951 ..... ............ ...316 No. 851. Trade and Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of Brazil. Signed at Rio de Janeiro, on 21 May 1948: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement continuing in force for a period of one year Part II of the above-mentioned Agreement. Rio de Janeiro, 2 and 13 April 1951 ..... ................. ...325 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement continuing in force for an additional period of one year certain articles of the above-mentioned Agreement. Rio de Janeiro, 31 March 1952 ............. ....327 No. 898. Convention (No. 88) concerning the organisation of the employ- ment service. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its thirty-first session,

San Francisco, 9 July 1948:

Ratification by Cuba ....... ........................ ...332 No. 970. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and. Sick in Armed Forces in the Field.

Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949:

Ratification by Guatemala ......... ..................... 332 No. 971. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949: Ratification by Guatemala ......... ..................... 333 No. 972. Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of

War. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949:

Ratification by Guatemala ........ ..................... 333 No. 973. Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Signed at Geneva, on 12 August 1949:
Ratification by Guatemala ................ ............... 333

1952 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds XI

Page No 688. Protocole, signd £t Paris le 19 novembre 1948, plaqant sous contr6le international certaines drogues non visies par la Convention du 13 juillet 1931 pour limiter la fabrication et riglementer la distribution des stupifiants, amendee par le Protocole signi i Lake Success, New-York, le 11 decembre 1946:
Acceptation par Isral ....... ....................... ...315 No 814. Accord g~n~ral sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Sign6 i Geneve, le 30 octobre 1947: / VII. a) Premier Protocole de concessions additionnelles annex6 l'Accord g~n6ral sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce (Union Sud-Africaine et Allemagne). Fait a Gen~ve, le 27 octobre 1951 .... ......... 317 No 851. Accord relatif aux ichanges commerciaux et aux paiements entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bre- tagne et d'Irlande du Nord et les Itats-Unis du Brisil. Signi i Rio-de-Janeiro, le 21 mai 1948: Rchange de notes constituant un accord maintenant en vigueur, pour une periode d'une ann6e, la Section II de 'Accord susmentionn6. Rio-de- aneiro, 2 et 13 avril 1951 ........ ..... .............. 329 l-change de notes constituant un accord maintenant en vigueur, pour une nouvelle p6riode d'une ann6e, certains articles de l'Accord susmen- tionn6. Rio-de-Janeiro, 31 mars 1952 ...... .............. 331 No 898. Convention (No 88) concernant l'organisation du service de

1'emploi. Adoptee par la Confirence ginirale de l'Organi-

sation internationale du Travail i sa trente et uni~me session,

San-Francisco, le 9 juillet 1948:

Ratification par Cuba ...... ....................... ....332 No 970. Convention de Genive pour l'amilioration du sort des blesses et des malades dans les forces armies en campagne. Sign6e i Geneve, le 12 aofit 1949: Ratification par le Guatemala ...... .................... .. 332 No 971. Convention de Genive pour l'am6lioration du sort des blesses, des malades et des naufragis des forces armies sur mer.

Signee i Geneve, le 12 aofit 1949:

Ratification par le Guatemala ...... .................... .. 333quotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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