[PDF] World Bank Document 01-Oct-2014 Republic of

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Déconcentration délégation et dévolution: avantages

The purpose of this paper is to present the various forms (administrative political and fiscal) and the various types (deconcentration

World Bank Document

Centre interuniversitaire de recherche analyse des organisations (CIRANO) government in terms of deconcentration delegation

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Les chercheurs différencient trois types de décentralisation qui sont la délégation la déconcentration et la dévolution (Boulenger et al.

World Bank Document

01-Oct-2014 Republic of burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: ... F. 2012 Déconcentration délégation et dévolution : avan-.

Quel avenir pour lEtat territorial ?

17-Apr-2019 I. Gauthier et F. Vaillancourt Déconcentration

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04-Aug-2010 “Déconcentration délégation et dévolution: nature

Republic of burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance

01-Oct-2014 deconcentration and devolution in Burundi ... S. Gauthier

World Bank Document

01-Oct-2014 Republic of burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: ... deconcentration and devolution in Burundi is not clear.

World Bank Document


Republic of

B urundi

Fiscal Decentralization

and Local Governance B Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: iCover Design and Text Layout:Duina Reyes Bakovic

Republic of

B urundi

Fiscal Decentralization

and Local Governance: OCT O

BER 2014


Standard Disclaimer:

This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. C opyright Statement: Bank translation. The World Bank shall not be liable for any content or error in this translation.

Cover photo:


Cover design and text layout:

Republic of Burundi

Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance

Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: iii T he Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and

Local Governance report is part of a series

its efforts to promote accelerated and inclusive the use of public resources. While the Government counterparts for this fruitful collaboration. In considerable time and information provided by members of communal administrations across the country - from administrators to members AC


M EN T S ivȌǡǦȋ

The task team remains responsible for any

errors or omissions. Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: v Acknowledgments ........................................................................ ................................iii Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................................................ ...............1

Glossary of Key

T erms ........................................................................ .........................3

Executive Summary

..............................4 C hapter 1

Understanding the

C ontext of Decentralization in B urundi .....................14



C hapter

2. Fiscal Decentralization: Context, Policy Issues, and


C hanges ........................................................................ .................................35


C hapter 3

Decentralized Land Administration:

C hallenges and


.....................................64 ϐ ..................................................6ͷ TA B LE OF C ON T EN T S vi 6ͻ ...............ͺ6 C hapter 4 Promoting Social Accountability through Decentralization: T he Voice of C itizens ........................................................................ ...........................90


.............................113 ANNEXES ........................................................................ A N N E X 1. Communal Merger: Supplementary Information .......................................121 A N N E X 2. List of People Consulted during the Preparation of the Study ..................124 A

N N E X 3. Validation Workshop Summary Report .......................................................128

Decentralization Process

Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: vii



List of tables

.......6͹ ....................ͻ6 viii

List of

B oxes ..........͹6 Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: ͳAssociation Burundaise des Elus Locaux ȋǯ Association pour le Développement et la Lutte contre la Pauvreté ȋϐȌ Association pour la Paix et les Droits de l ‘ Hommeȋ Comité Communal du Développement Communal ȋ


Conseil de Developpement Collinaire ȋȌ

Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante ȋ Comité Interministeriel d"Orientation et de pilotage de la decentralization -CIOPD decentralization)

Conseil National Pour la Défense de la Démocratie-Forces pour la Défense de la Démocratie ȋȂDefense of Democracy)

Commission Nationale des Terres et Autres BienȋȌ Cadre Stratégique de Croissance et de la Lutte contre la PauvretéȋϐȌ

Coopération Technique BelgeȋȌ


Direction des Titres Fonciers ȋȌ


Franc BurundaisȋȌ

Forces nationales de libérationȋȌ

Fonds National d"Investissement CommunalȋȌ


ʹGDP Gross domestic product

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeitȋ GoB

Government of Burundi


Internally displaced persons

Institut Géographique du BurundiȋȌ

Institut de Statistiques et d"Etudes Economiques du Burundiȋ

Ministère de l"Eau, de l"Environnement, de l"Aménagement du Territoire et de l"UrbanismeȋǡǡȌ

Plan Communal pour le Développement CommunautaireȋDevelopment Plans)

Programme National Foncier ȋȌ

Projet d"Appui au Développement Communautaire et SocialȋȌ Projet de Productivité et de Développement des Marchés Agricoles

Service Foncier CommunalȋȌ

Union pour le Progrès nationalȋȌ

WB World Bank


World Development Indicators

Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: G



Administrateur communal


Autorités collinaires/ chef collinaire



mediate land disputes



Domaine de l"Etat Privé

Public lands that can be allocated by authorities to private parties cannot be allocated located in the fertile plains

Service foncier communal


The third level of administrative subunit under the commune



Rationale and Objectives

Despite the remarkable progress

challenges. ϐǡ of the population lives in rural areas - increase strengthening both national and subnational institutions has emerged as a national and service delivery. citizens. societies.

Burundi has embarked on a potentially

promoting access to basic infrastructure and service delivery. communes to be the foundation of development and to decentralize E XE C U T IVE S U MM AR Y Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: the main level of devolved entities at the mostly rural). These communes are broken decentralization experience has confronted remain to be addressed before the reform transfers to communes necessary for the proper is under discussion and has not been submitted civil service is not much more advanced and the of Bujumbura


is also under discussion. local revenue and nonexistent (current) or negligible (capital) transfers from the na- basic operating costs. maintenance and operations of service delivery limited to address citizen needs and improve access to social services. 6. and its structural vulnerability to external of communes. to reduce the number of communes - are also

Ministère de l"Intérieur.

6 concrete policy recommendations to help the Government of Burundi improve the enabling communes to address popular demands and deliver better services. needs of the communes and improve access measures of social accountability. Both topics are at the core of the national decentralization policy relevance for its potential contribution local investment.

To avoid replication of previous

5 the present study is highly selective and organized into four thematic chapters. the historical trajectory of decentralization sample of communes) and options for effective decentralization recently devolved to communes - the provision efforts to scale up access to these land services citizen relations in an effort to better understand process may be improved and local authorities held accountable for the provision of basic services.

The report is based on results

and secondary sources on decentralization in Burundi.

Understanding the Context of the

Decentralization Process

Arusha Peace Agreement and the 2005

Constitution laid the political foundations

for decentralization reforms. Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance:

Plan Communal

du Développement Communautaire, established the number of communal council the election of the communal administrator nomination by a presidential decree. decentralization in Burundi addressed the political concerns of the central government and ruling elite. establish and maintain political control in the and the centralization of economic and political

Improving and encouraging state-

citizens interactions also emerged as a clear process. conseil de colline and the accountability of administrators. effective decentralization in Burundi since 2010.

Ȉinstitutional levelǡ

central ministries and vice presidencies over the political leadership of the reform

In terms of Ȉpolitical incentivesǡ

continue to perceive decentralization as an that effective decentralization poses risks administrations.

In terms of Ȉbureaucratic incentivesǡ

civil servants prospects of decentralization create fears about the security and location are reluctant to leave their civil service positions to join communal administrations have no intention to be posted outside urban centers and seem to be especially reluctant that - at least in the short term and until the 2015 national and local elections - key political and bureaucratic incentives are constraints. This implies the need for the undesired effect of poor coordination across developed as the foundation for a comprehensive vision for decentralization reform. M anaging Fiscal Decentralization:

Context, Policy Issues, and Possible

C hanges there is no mechanism in place to ensure that

Burundi - the uneven distribution of resources

or needs.

In the absence of a predictable and

transparent intergovernmental transfer operating costs. ǯ potential) represents yet another technical local revenues).

Given the existing assignment of

territorial organization of Burundi is number of communes. ǡ communes as such does not necessarily alleviate an outlier. Given that communes mainly provide national consolidation policy does not seem to

General responsibilities assigned

arrangements. ϐ Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: assessed. improved revenue collection and better services

The introduction of a recurrent

expenditure transfer scheme seems appropriate. deconcentration and devolution in Burundi

Given the expected increase in the

importance of large-scale mining activities may be important to consider a revenue- sharing arrangement across provinces and communes. There is an opportunity to sets aside some resource revenues for future communes.

Securing Land Rights through

Decentralized Land Administration:

C hallenges and Opportunities

With the Arusha Peace and

land restitution and land governance reform emerged as key priorities in efforts 6 a procedure for land

Burundi has one of the highest rural

population densities in Africa of the total population lives in rural areas. There

The amount of arable land

asset for the majority of the poor.

A combination of increasing

ambiguous land rights undermines stability


land administration can reduce the burden on land rights in rural areas.

The establishment of the SFC is

coordinated by a special government unit and has been largely funded by donors. This innovation in service delivery is the result of the

Unité de

administrateur communal coordination de program foncier national ȋMinistère de l"Eau, de l"Environnement, de l"Aménagement du Territoire et de l"Urbanisme

The provision of communal land

registration services raises important strengthening the case for a recurrent grant to cover operating costs. administrative aspects of decentralized to cover recurrent costs of communal land

Plans for scaling up decentralized

land services require the availability of reliable and regular statistics and administrative data to monitor results and processes year. Republic of Burundi Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governance: of alternatives.

Promoting Social Accountability through


Although the nature of the state-society

improved since the government embarked on an ambitious decentralization process severity of violence observed across Burundi social service delivery at the local level.

Recent political reforms have created

some opportunities for communes to play an important role in building social cohesion direct election of communal councils. Due to communities to engage in the decision- making process and hold local authorities accountable. Dz dz participation in local development remains decentralization reform as a vehicle to improve actors is recommended as an area of initial focus.

Another key message that emerged

need for more transparent and systematicquotesdbs_dbs30.pdfusesText_36
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