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dirumuskan oleh Keenan dan Anderson (1985) bernama First Person Deixis




A STUDY ON DEIXIS USE OFHONORIFICINDEX IN ANNUALGRAMMY AWARDS ACCEPTANCE SPEECHTHESISPresented toUniversitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirement for the Degree Sarjana Sastra (S.S)By:Muhammad Bintang AldijanaNIM 17320204Advisor:Drs.H.Djoko Susanto, M.Ed., Ph. D.NIP196705292000031001-



STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI state that the thesis entitled"A Study on Deixis Use ofHonorificIndex inAnnual Grammy Awards Acceptance Speech"is my original work. I do notinclude any materials previously written or published by another person, exceptthose ones that are cited as referencesand written in the bibliography. Hereby, ifthere is an objection or claim, I am the only person who is responsible for that.Malang, 2Juni 2021The Author

Muhammad BintangAldijanaNIM 17320204


APPROVAL SHEETThis to certify that Muhammad Bintang Aldijana"s thesis entitledA Study onDeixis Use of Honorific Index in Annual Grammy Awards AcceptanceSpeechhas been approved for thesis examination at the faculty of Humanities,Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, as one of therequirements for the degree ofSarjana Sastra (S.S).Malang, 2 June 2021Approved by Advisor

H. Djoko Susanto, M. Ed., Ph. D.NIP.196705292000031001

Head of Department of English Literature

Rina Sari, M. Pd.NIP. 19750610200042002Acknowledged by Dean,Dr. Hj. Syafiyah, M.A.NIP. 1966091019911032002


LEGITIMATION SHEETThis is to certify that Muhammad Bintang Aldijana"s thesis entitledA Study onDeixis Use ofHonorificIndex in Annual Grammy Awards AcceptanceSpeechhas been approved by the Board of Examiners as the requirement for thedegree ofSarjana Sastra (S.S)in English Literature Department.Malang, 30June 2021The Board of ExaminersSignatures1.Dr.Rohmani Nur Indah, M.Pd(MainExaminer)2.Masrokhin, M.A(Chair)3.H. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed., Ph.D(Advisor)

Approved byDean of Faculty of HumanitiesDr. Hj. Syafiyah, M.A.NIP 196609101991032002 vi MOTTO"And He is with you wherever you are."(QS Al Hadid : 4) vii

DEDICATIONAll praises belong to AllahSubhanahu wa Ta"ala, the Most Merciful, whohas provided guidance and blessings to accomplish this undergraduate thesis. Myendless love and gratitude for my parents,IbuMariana andBapakBenSukadijana, who have raised from my childhood with sincerity and love and alsomyeldest brother, Aditya Setiawan, who has helped our parents to pay for thetuition of my college. The last but not least, my honourable advisor, Bapak DjokoSusantowho has taught me since the semester 6 andhasgiven me guidance indoing my undergraduatethesis for the partial requirement of graduation.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTAll praise is to AllahSubhanahu wa Ta"ala, the Lord of the world. I bearwitness that there is no God except Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger ofAllah.Shalawatandsalamare also delivered to Muhammadshalallahu 'alaihi wasalam, the prophet of Islam who has inherited Islam as a peaceful religion to theentire universe. Due to the mercy He gives through His chosen prophet, I amfinally able to accomplish my thesis.Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to the ones who havehelped me accomplish this thesis, especially my advisors,H.Djoko Susanto,M.Ed., Ph.Dwho hasprovided me guidance onaccomplishingthis thesis. I wouldalso like to extend my gratitude to Miftahul Huda, M.Pd as my academic advisorsince semester 1 for his sincere guidance related to my academic activities.Finally, I do realize that there would be weaknesses and imperfectionsfound in this thesis. Thereof, criticism and suggestions are welcomed to make abetter research in the future. May this undergraduate thesis be useful for the futureresearch related to the area of the study.The author,Muhammad Bintang Aldijana


ABSTRACTAldijana, M. B.A Study on Deixis Use of HonorificIndex inAnnual GrammyAwards Acceptance Speech. Undergraduate Thesis. Linguistics,English Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, UniversitasIslam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim MalangAdvisor: Drs. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed., Ph.DKeywords: Deixis, Indexicality,HonorificIndexDeixis is the use of words or expressions whose referents shift dependingon its context. The referents of deictic words and expressions are closely related tothe understanding of person, location, and timein relation to the utterance. Sothat, the awareness of Where, When, and by Whom a speech is uttered isprominent to understand the meaning of deictic words and expressions. Thosethree dimensions (Where, When, and Whom) are presumed as Deictic Center ofall linguistic expressions. Without Deictic Center, the meaning of linguisticexpressions cannot be easily and appropriately taken into understanding.The study on Deixis has been established in various text and speech.However, the previous studies tend to study over again the investigation of deicticwords and expressions merely to find out the fixed referents (person, location, andtime). Accordingly, the present study attempts to conduct the study on Deixis byrelating to Non referential Indexicality embedded in the concept of PiercianSemiotics modified by Silverstein ( 1976) . The stud y uses qualita tive researchmethod to analyze how deictic expressions used in 61st and 62nd AnnualGrammy Awards acceptance speech are connected to Non referential Index ofhonorific in the context of conveyingtribute. Therefore, the study on the area ofDeixis can go beyond the investigation of the mere fixed referents.The result of the study points out that the five types of Deixis formulatedby Keenan and Anderson (1985), namely,First Person Deixis,Second PersonDeixis, Third Person Deixis, Temporal Deixis, and Spatial Deixis are used to referto Non referential Index of honorific related totributeexpression. The nonreferential meaning of honorificis constructed through the use of deictic wordsand expressions to make inclusion, point to a referent who has already passedaway, convey gratitude, and etcetera. Hence, the future researchers whose interestis in the same area of study are suggested to use this study to conduct the nextstudies related to the area of Deixis and Indexicality.


ABSTRAKAldijana, M. B.A Study on Deixis Use of HonorificIndex in Annual GrammyAwards Acceptance Speech. Skripsi. Linguistik, Jurusan Sastra Inggris,Fakultas Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana MalikIbrahimMalangPembimbing: Drs. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed., Ph.DKata kunci: Deixis, Index,Indeks PenghormatanDeixis adalah kata-kata atau ungkapan yang mempunyai referensi yangberpindah-pindah tergantung pada konteksnya. Referensi dari kata-kata atauungkapan deiktik sangat erat dengan pemahaman tentang orang, lokasi, dan waktuberkaitan dengan ujaran. Sehingga, kesadaran tentang dimana, kapan, oleh siapapembicaraan diucapkan sangat penting untuk memahami kata-kata dan ungkapandeiktik. Ketiga dimensi itu (dimana, kapan, dan oleh siapa) diangg ap sebagaiDeictic Center, makna dari ungkapan linguistik tidak dapat dipahami denganmudah dan tepat.Studi tentang Deixis telah dilakukan dalam teks dan pembicaraan. Meskibegitu, studi-studi terdahulu cenderung untukmengulang-ulang penelitian kata-kata dan ungkapan deiktik hanya untuk mencari referensi tetapnya (orang, lokasi,waktu). Karenanya, studi kali ini berupaya untuk mengadakan penelitian tentangDeixis dengan menghubungkannya dengan Non referential Indexicality yang adadalam konsep Semiotika Piercian yang dimodifikasi oleh Silverstein (1976). Studiini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisisbagaimana ungkapan deiktik yang digunakan dalam pidato penerimaanpenghargaan Annual Grammy Awards ke-61 dan ke-62 berkaitan dengan Nonreferential Index dari penghormatan yang berkaitan denganpenghargaan. Dengandemikian, studi di bidang Deixis dapat melampaui penelitian hanya untukmenganalisis referensi tetap.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lima tipe Deixis yangdirumuskan oleh Keenan dan Anderson ( 1985), ber nama F irst P erson Deixis,Second Person Deixis, Third Person Deixis, Temporal Deixis, dan Spatial Deixisdigunakan untuk mengacu pada Non referential Index dari penghormatan dalamkontekspenghargaan. Makna non referensial dari penghargaan dikonstruksimelalui penggunaan kata-kata dan ungkapan deiktik untuk membuat inklusi,menunjuk pada orang yang sudah meninggal, menyampaikan rasa terima kasih,dan lainnya. Oleh karena itu, para peneliti selanjutnya yang mempunyai minatpada area studi yang sama disarankan untuk menggunakan studi ini untukmengadakan penelitian-penelitian selanjutnya yang menyangkut bidang Deixisdan Indexicality.

xi xii

TABLE OF CONTENTTHESISCOVER.......................................................................... iiSTATEMENT OF ACEDEMIC INTEGRITY.....................................iiiAPPROVAL SHEET....................................................................ivLEGITIMATION SHEET............................................................... vMOTTO....................................................................................viDEDICATION............................................................................viiACKNOWLEDGEMENT..............................................................viiiABSTRACT................................................................................ixCHAPTERI.................................................................................1INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1A.Background of Study...................................................................................1B.Research Questions......................................................................................6C.The Objectives of Study...............................................................................6D.The Significance of Study............................................................................7E.The Scope of Study......................................................................................7F.Definition of Terms......................................................................................8G.Previous Studies.........................................................................................101.Relevant Studies on Deixis as an Index of Social Inclusion..................102.Relevant Studies on Deixis as an Index of Honorific in Social Relation103.Relevant Studies on Deixis as an Index of Engagement in Online SharingActivity..........................................................................................................11H.Research Method........................................................................................131.Research Design.....................................................................................132.Data Sources...........................................................................................14


3.Research Instrument...............................................................................144.Data Collection.......................................................................................145.Data Analysis.........................................................................................15CHAPTER II................................................................................16THEORETICAL REVIEW............................................................16A.Theory of Pragmatics and Discourse.........................................................161.Context...................................................................................................162.Discourse and Text.................................................................................173.Function..................................................................................................17B.Theory of Deixis........................................................................................18C.Theory of Indexicality................................................................................19D.Theory of Deixis and Indexicality..............................................................19CHAPTER III............................................................................21FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION......................................................21A.Findings......................................................................................................211.Person Deixis..........................................................................................212.Temporal Deixis.....................................................................................933.Spatial Deixis.......................................................................................105B.Discussion................................................................................................1141.Index of Honorific in Brandi Carlile"s Use of Deictic WordmyinGrammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech.....................................................1142.Index of Honorific in Chris Cornells" Daughters" Use of Deictic Wordsmyandourin Grammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech.............................1153.Index of Honorific in Lady Gaga"s Use of Deictic Wordwein GrammyAwards 61 Acceptance Speech....................................................................1154.Index of Honorific in Dan Smyers" Use of Deictic Wordwein GrammyAwards 61 Acceptance Speech....................................................................1165.Index of Honorific in St. Vincent (Annie Clark) and Jack Antonoff"s Useof Deictic Wordwein Grammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech................116


6.Index of Honorific in Anderson .Paak"s Use of Deictic WordweinGrammy Awards 62 Acceptance Speech.....................................................1177.Index of Honorific in John Legend"s Use of Deictic Wordwein GrammyAwards 62 Acceptance Speech....................................................................1188.Index of Honorific in Tori Kelly"s Use of Deictic Wordyouin GrammyAwards 61 Acceptance Speech....................................................................1199.Index of Honorific in Chris Cornell"s Use of Deictic WordyouinGrammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech.....................................................11910.Index of Honorific in Lady Gaga"s Use of Deictic WordyouinGrammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech.....................................................12011.Index of Honorific in Tanya Tucker"s Use of Deictic WordyouinGrammy Awards 62 Acceptance Speech.....................................................12112.Index of Honorific in DJ Khaled"s Use of Deictic WordyouinGrammyAwards 62 Acceptance Speech.....................................................12113.Index of Honorific in Ibra Ake"s Use of Deictic Expressiona familymemberin Grammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech...................................12214.Index of Honorific in Tool"s Dany Carey"s Use of Deictic Expressionall the great "Drum God"in Grammy Awards 62 Acceptance Speech.....12215.Index of Honorific in Billie Eilish"s acceptance Use of Deictic Wordtheyin Grammy Awards 62.........................................................................12316.Index of Honorific in High Jeff Matz"s Use of Deictic Expressionlastyearin Grammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech........................................12317.Index of Honorific in "Weird Al" Yankovic"s Use of DeicticExpressionlongtimein Grammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech...............12418.Index ofHonorific in Kacey Musgraves" Use of Deictic Expressionright herein Grammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech................................12519.Index of Honorific in Jack Antonoff"s Use of Deictic Expressionupherein Grammy Awards 61 Acceptance Speech........................................12620.Index of Honorific in Tanya Tucker"s Use of Deictic Expressionoutthere on the roadin Grammy Awards 62 Acceptance Speech....................12621.Index of Honorific in Finneas" Use of Deictic Expressionin theirbedroomin Grammy Awards 62 Acceptance Speech.........................127CHAPTER IV........................................................................... 128CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION............................................. 128


A.Conclusion...............................................................................................128B.Suggestion................................................................................................131REFERENCES...........................................................................132CURRICULUM VITAE...............................................................135


CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONThis chapter presents the information about background of the study,research questions, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of thestudy, definition of key terms, previous studies, and research method.A.Background of StudyThe understanding of speech immensely depends on awareness of Where,When, and by Whom a speech is uttered. Those three dimensions are presumed asDeictic Centerof all linguistic expressions. Without DeicticCenter, the meaningof linguistic expressions cannot be easily and appropriately taken intounderstanding. The investigation in relation to Where, When, and Whom ofDeicticCenterlies in the study of Deixis. Keenan and Anderson (1985)distinguish three main categories of Deixis as Person Deixis, Spatial Deixis, andTemporal Deixis.Up to now, researchers have established many investigations on the studyof Deixis in various contexts. Deixis has been investigated in news portal (e.g.Wahyuningtyas, 2004; Sholichah, 2008)advertisement (e.g. Uddin, 2009; Rozy,2014) , nove l ( e.g. Nug raha , 2015); K hal ili, 2017), politi cal speech (e.g.Retnowaty, 2019; Pandiya and Hamida, 2015)movie (e.g.Anggraeny, 2018;Rosidin, 2020), and talk show (e.g. Aulia, 2014; Fatahillah, 2016).However, theytend to repeat the study of Deixis related to the function of pointing to fixedreferents (i.e. person, location,and time). It suggests that further explorations are


prominent to carry out in the study of Deixis. In addition, the future progress inthe study of Deixis is found to require collaboration across boundaries ofdiscipline. (Williams, 2019).Even though the area of Deixis seems to beless explored, some recentstudies have been established to bring the development on the areaof Deixis.Inthe recent studies,Deixis has been investigated to indicate many aspects beyondthe fixed referents such as sociability engagement in which theparticipantsattempt to establish through online mourning sharing activity (i .e. Giaxoglou,2015), social inclusion in educational policy making (i.e. Mulderrig, 2012), andhonorificin the context of social relation (i.e. Sari, 2015). These studiesalsopointout thatthestudy on Deixis can be linked to particular contexts of discourse.The linkage of Deixis and particular contexts of discourse suggests that theuse of Deixis is not only constrained in its function of pointing fixed referents (i.e.particular person, location, andtime) . T he previouslymentioned studies haveproved that Deictic expressions can be used as indicatorof broader contextswhichneed to be interpreted. Hence, furtherinvestigationis required to properlyinterpret such indicatorwhichtheDeictic expressions imply. One of the ways tocarry out proper interpretation towards Deictic expressions is to relate to theconcept of Indexicality embedded in Piercean semiotics conceptmodified bySilverstein (1976).In Piercean semiotics,Indexicality is differed from the two others: Iconand Symbol. While Icon is characterized by the relationship of resemblance and


Symbol by the relationship of arbitrariness, Indexicality belongs to semioticfunction through which a signifier points to anobject or entity by means of spatio-temporal contiguity (Willia ms, 2019) . In de spit e of the broad scope ofIndexicality, the prevalent instance of Indexicality in the field of linguistics can beencountered in Deictic expressions (i.e. pronouns and demonstratives). (Hanks,1999)In the work of Michael Silverstein (1976), Indexicality is distinguishedinto two subclasses: Referential Indexicality (i .e. Deixi s) and NonreferentialIndexicality (i.e. sex/gender, deference, social identity, etc). It has been noted thatparticular words and expressions come oftheReferential Indexicality. Forinstance, the word 'I" indexically refers to the entity that is speaking, the word'now" indexically refers to the moment on which the utterance are spoken, and theword 'here" indexically refers to the location in which the words are spoken. Thelinguistic words and expressions which refer indexically belong to Deixis as oneof Indexicality subclasses.However, linguistic signs can also denote the other subclassofIndexicalitywhich is Nonreferential Indexicality. For instance, the features oflanguage register can indicate the speaker"s social identity. Furthermore, therecentstudiesfocusing on the area of Deixisalso point out such thing. PersonDeixis 'We" is found being exploited to indicate social inclusion in the context ofeducational policy (Mulderrig, 2012). Then, the distinct use of first and secondPerson Deixis is found to indicatehonorificin social relation (Sari, 2015). Lastly,


Spatial and Temporal Deixis are also found to signal an affective engagement ofsociability in an online mourning sharing activity (Giaxoglou, 2015).Even though those recent studieshave revealed the horizon towards theuse of Deixis to refer to non referential meaning of Indexicality, the studyfocusing on such area is still rarely investigated. Accordingly, the present studyattempts to inquire further the relationship of Deixis and Non referential Index towhich the Deictic expressions point in particular context of discourse. Tobe morespecific, the present study is intended to probe the relationship of the use ofDeixis and the broader scope of discourse embedded inthe non referentialmeaningof honorific index of which related to the context of tribute. For thatreason, relevant object of study is considerably taken into account in carrying outthe investigation in such area.In carrying out the present study, the event of acceptance speech inGrammy Awards is taken as the object of the study after reckoning the implicationwhichit may bring to the area of the study. Thecharacteristic of acceptancespeech isan effort to conveytribute to particular people such as team, fans,friends, and family for their support and contribution in the process of obtainingthe awards.Besides, the gratitude expression towards God conveyed by thespeakers can also be classified as the other characteristic of acceptance speech.However, not all the speakers are noticed to convey the gratitude towards God assome of them are identified to have noreligion or might not be used to expressingspiritual terms in their culture.


In terms of speech, there are many other kinds of speech thatcanbeexplored in the area of the study such as campaign, concession, obituary, and etc.However, campaign and concession speechmight not be relevant in the context ofhonorific index. They seem to be more relevant to the other subclasses of Nonreferential Index which are social identity and gender. Meanwhile, obituaryspeech appears to be in consonance with the non referential meaning of honorificindex as memorial speech usually attempts to present the memory and honourtowards the deceased.The previous study by Giaxoglou (2015) used to support the analysis ofthe present study has actually presented such obituary context. However, theobituary is found in an online forum in the form of text. Therefore, the presentstudyuses acceptance speechin Grammy Awardsasthe object of the study as itbrings the implication towards the non referential meaning of honorificand is stillrare to be investigated.Due to the fact thatGrammy Awards event is held annually and has manyeditions since it was firstly held, there are large numbers of acceptance speech thatcan be encountered from the event. Moreover, each edition has many categories oftrophies being awarded to each winner of the categories. Because of that, thepresent study confines the investigation on theDeictic expressionsin relation tothe Non referential Index ofhonorific in the context oftributeinGrammyAwardswinners"acceptance speechin its two latest editionswhen the study started tocarry outwhich are 61st and 62nd Annual Grammy Awards.


As the study attempts to investigate the Deictic expressions used inGrammy Awards 61 and 62 winners" acceptance speech and discover the relationtothe Non referential Index ofhonorific in the context of conveyingtribute, thepresent study is distinct from the previous ones. The reason is that the presentstudy is conducted by developing the area of Deixis to the Piercean semioticsconcept in carrying out such investigation. Supported with the relevant literatureand previous studies, the study is worked on to serve contribution in the area ofDeixis by moving beyond the use of Deixis to refer to mere fixed referents whichhave been studied over again on the area.B.Research QuestionsBased on the description mentioned in the background of study, thepresent study will attempt to carry out investigation on the questions formulatedas follows:1. What Deictic expressions are used to refer tothehonorificindex in GrammyAwards 61 and 62 winners" acceptance speech?2. How dotheDeictic expressions refer tothehonorificindex in Grammy Awards61 and 62 winners" acceptance speech?C.The Objectives of StudyAs the research questions have been formulated, the objectives of carryingout the present study can be clearly set out. The objectivesof the present studywill be obtainedby seeking to answers of the research questions. The objectivesof the present study arepresented as follows:


1.To find out the Deictic expressions usedto refer to the honorificindexinGrammy Awards 61 and 62 winners" acceptance speech.2.To find outhow the Deictic expressions refer to the honorific indexinGrammy Awards 61 and62 winners" acceptance speech.D.The Significance of StudyThe present study will be worked on to provide more elaboration towardsthe study of Deixis as it has been less explored in the fields of lingusitics.Furthermore, the study of Deixis needs to be developed across the boundaries ofdiscipline for its future development. For that reason, the present study attempts toelaborate the study of Deixis in relation to broader scope of discourse by linking itto the theory of Piercean semiotics. Deixis which constitutes a subclass ofIndexicality will be analyzed in terms of its relation to the other binary subclass ofIndexicality in the framework of Piercean semiotics. In other words, the presentstudy is intended at serving contribution towards the study of Deixis by linking itback to its defining concept of Indexicality which derives from Pierceansemiotics. On other side, the present study is also aimed at serving contributiontowards empirical investigation on linguistic event of acceptance speech as theinvestigation towards acceptance speech as the object of study in linguistics israrely established.E.The Scope of StudyThe present study will probe on investigating Deixis and the context ofdiscourse to which the Deictic expressions signal. As stated, the investigationis


focused on further inquiry towards the relationship of Deixis and Non referentialIndex in the framework of Piercean semiotics. To be more specific, theinvestigation on Deixis in relation to Non referential Indexis narrowed down tothe investigationof which related to the context of tribute. Hence, the study willexclude the other forms of Non referential Index which can also conform to theinquiry on the area of Deixis. Howsoever, the relationship of Deixis and otherforms of Non referential Index (i.e. gender, deference, social identity, andetcetera) can be further investigated by otherresearchers whose similar interestson the area.F.Definition of TermsIn order to describe the things in relation to what the study will discuss andmake easier inunderstanding some key points of the study, someterms areformulated as below:1.DeixisDeixis is the function or use of deictic words or expressions. Deictic wordsor expressions are ones whose meaning depends on where, when, and bywhom they are used. Where, when and by whom the deictic words orexpressions refer to constantly shift depending on the context or situation.2.Indexicality / Indexical / IndexIndexicality is a phenomenon of sign pointing to or indexing an object inthe context in which it occurs. A sign which signifies indexically is called


an index or indexical. Indexicality consists of Referential Indexicality andNon referential indexicality.3.ReferentialIndexicalityReferential index is an index which contributes to the semantic-referentialmeaning of an utterance. Referential index is embedded in some wordsand expressions in language (i.e . Deicti c wor ds and expressi ons). Forexample, the wordIwhich points to the entity who is speaking, the wordnowwhich points to time on which the utterance is spoken, and the wordherewhich points to location in which the utterance is spoken.4.Non referential IndexicalityNon referential index is an index which signals particular value of one ofcontextual variables. The variation of non referential indexis extensiveand contributes to the speech event with multiple pragmatic meanings. Theexamples of non referential index can be embraced in the forms ofsex/gender,honorific/deference, social identity/status and etcetera.5.DiscourseDiscourse meansthe useof language in speech and writing in order toproduce meaning.6.Acceptance speechAcceptance speech is a speech given by someone receiving an award orprize.7.Tribute


Tribute belongs toan act or statement which is intended to show gratitude,respect, or admiration.G.Previous Studies1.Relevant Studies on Deixis as an Index of Social InclusionIn accordance with the use of Deixis to indexically refer to particular contextof discourse, a journal article entitledThe hegemony of inclusion: A corpus-basedcritical discourse analysis of deixis in education policy(Mulderrig, 2012) pointsout how a Deictic word "We" is used to make a political consensus uponeducational policy. The article found that the semantic flexibility of the personDeixis "We" can be exploited to claim the assumed consensus over the politicallycontested claims.The study is conducted based on corpus as the data to relate to New Labour"s"Third Way" politic and the concept of "social inclusion". It is argued that theinclusion of "We" is usedto help shape the relationship between 'the governing"and 'the governed" then circumstantially dragging 'the governed" in the policydecisions. The journal article has revealed how a Deictic word can be used toindexically point to social inclusion. However, the investigation on the Deicticword in relation to the context of discourse is restricted to the context of politicaluse.2.Relevant Studies on Deixis as an Index ofHonorificin Social RelationThe other relevant journal article entitledDeixis Analysis through theInteraction among the Students with Different Culture(Sari, 2015) implies the use


of Deixis to refer to one of non referential meaning of Indexicality namelyhonorific. The study takes two students with different background of culture astheparticipants to investigate their use of Deixis in conversation. The findings pointout that the use of Deixis is affected by the background of culture that the studentshave.It is found that the use of first Person Deixis used by a Javanese student tendsto refer to the one"s name rather than pronoun "I". This seems to be influenced bythe Javanese culture that supposes one to respect the older partner so that thespeaker chose to use own name as first person Deixis rather than "I".Additionally, theuse of "Neng" as second Person Deixis is preferred as thespeaker attempts to show respect to the partner who is a Sundanese. The articleprovides such open perspective on the use of Deixis in relation to Non referentialIndexicality. That is, the distinct use of first and second Person Deixis defined byone"s background of culture indexically refers to Non referential Index ofhonorificin the context of social relation.3.Relevant Studies on Deixis as an Index of Engagement in OnlineSharing ActivityA more comprehensive journal article providing empirical case in relation tothe use of Deixis to indexically refer to the context of discourse is entitledDiscourse, Context and Media(Giaxoglou, 2015). The article discusses about theconcept of Deixis in a shared mourning posts in social media. The Deicticexpressions found in the posts and comments in a Facebook group to express


condolences are analyzed in the frame of sociability. The study took a medium-sized Facebook group of more than 1000 members as posts sharer.The study has pointed out that spatial Deixis is used in terms of physicalseparation between the sharer and the deceased positioning the sharer in a socialrole establishing interaction with the deceased in a constructed proximity.Meanwhile, the use of temporal Deixis refers to the moment of death andceremonial visitation informed to the audience in the online forum to associatewith continued bonds with the deceased in the frame of constructed proximity.From the findings, it can be seen thatthe article contributes to theinvestigation of Deixis use indexing affective engagement in which theparticipants attempt to establish through the online sharing activity. As manyestablished studies on Deixis have in most cases worked on the investigation ofDeixis to point to the fixed referents, the article provides significant contributionto the investigation of Deixis use in referring to non referential meaning ofIndexicality.Taking all into account, those relevant studies have pointed out that thestudyof Deixis has immense potentials to be developed and linked across boundaries. Ithas been noted that Deixis as Referential Index can relate to particular contexts ofNon referential Indexicality. The findings of the relevant studies have supportedsuch theoretical framework. The relevant studies towards Deixis have pointed outperson Deixis "We" indexically representing social inclusion, the distinct use offirst and second person Deixis indexically referring to non referential meaning of


honorific,and spatial and temporal Deixis indexically referring to affectiveengagement in online sharing activity.H.Research MethodThis section provides the research method of the present study. Thepreferenceof the research method helpsdetermine how the research questions areaccomplished. The research method is devised intosome parts formulated asbelow:1.Research DesignThe present study uses qualitative research method. Qualitative researchmethod is used as the present study requires exploration on analyzing thecollected data in a context-bound situation. AsMason (2002) stated, qualitativeresearch is characteristically exploratory, fluid and flexible, data-driven andcontext-sensitive. The present study accordingly employs qualitative researchmethod toassist the analysis of the collected data and interpret them in particularcontext-situated event. As the present study uses qualitative research method inanalyzing the collected data and interpreting them in relation to particular context,the interpretive approach is considerably taken into use tosupport the analysis.Mason ( 2002) st ated that interpre tive a pproa ch l ooks at people and theirinterpretation, perception, meanings and understandings as the primary datasources. The interpretive approach aimsat analyzing texts or objects to figure outwhat they express and how they are established in individual or collectivemeanings.


2.Data SourcesThe data of the present study is taken from Youtube channel namedRecording Academy / GRAMMYs. The present studyselects the videos from thechannel which provide the records of acceptance speech presented by the winnersof 61st and 62nd Annual Grammy Awards. The records of the winners"acceptance speech of both editions are presented separately whereby each videoonly presents the record of acceptance speech delivered bythe winner in eachnomination. The nomination of Annual Grammy Awards consists ofRecord of theYear, Song of the Year, Best New Artist, Best Pop Solo Performance, Best MusicVideo, Best Rap Performance, and many others.3.Research InstrumentThe present study takes the data in the form of speech event presented inthevideos. The datais takenby transcribing the speech event contained in thevideos into the form of text. The present study also citeswhere the transcription isoriginally taken from by putting the website link in the section of reference. Byciting the website link, the presented data in the form of transcription can beaccurately crosschecked whenever it is needed.4.Data CollectionThedata of the study are collected by surfing the content ofvideos whichencompass the two latest editions of Annual Grammy Awards acceptance speech.Thecontent of videos which encompass the acceptance speech in both editions is


accessed viaRecording Academy / GRAMMYsYoutube channel. Thereafter, thespeech event contained in the videos istranscribed into the form of text.5.Data AnalysisAftercollectingthe data, the data are analyzed in the following steps.Thefirststepis analyzing the types of Deixissuggested by Keenan and Anderson(1985)i.e. Person Deixis, Spatial, Deixis, and Temporal Deixis which emerge inthe data.The secondstepis interpreting how the three types of Deixis are used toindexically refer tohonorific indexin relation to the context which underlies thedata.


CHAPTER IITHEORETICAL REVIEWTo support the analysis, this chapter presents several theories which arerelevant with the present study. Those theories include Pragmatics and Discourse,Deixis, Indexicality, and therelation of Deixis and Indexicality.A.Theory ofPragmatics and DiscoursePragmatics and Discourse Analysis are described as approaches to studythe relation of language and contextual background features. Pragmatics andDiscourse Analysis are similar at some point, that is, both Pragmatics andDiscourse study about context, text, and function. (Cutting, 2002)1.ContextBoth Pragmatics and Discourse Analysisstudy about meaning of words inparticular situation. They analyze parts of meaning which can be explained by theknowledge of physical and social world, the socio-psychological factors thatinfluence communication, and the understanding of time and place in which thewords are uttered or written. (Peccei, 1999; Yule, 1996 inCutting, 2002)The approach of both Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis are focused onthe meaning of words in interaction in which the speaker(s) communicates moreinformation than the words which are used. The speaker"s meaning depends onthe assumptions of knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. That is, thespeaker constructs the linguistic message and intends to imply meaning and the


hearer interprets the message and infers the meaning. (Brownand Yule, 1983;Thomas, 1995 inCutting, 2002)2.Discourse and TextPragmatics and Discourse Analysis also have focus on the use of language(discourse) and pieces of spoken or written discourse (text). Both concentrate onhow language"s stretches become 'meaningful and unified" for the users. (Cook,1989 inCutting, 2002)Discourse Analysisterms the characteristic of being 'meaningful andunified" as coherence, while Pragmatics terms it as relevance. Discourse Analysisalso has focus on cohesion which is how words relate to each other within text,referring backwards or forwards to the other words in the text. At once,Pragmatics has focus in cooperative principle which examines Relevance Theory,the study of how the assumption of relevance holds together meaningfully.(Cutting, 2002)3.FunctionLastly, both Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis have concern withfunction. Function deals with the speaker"s short-term purposes and long-termgoals in verbal interaction. One of theories related to such purpose is Speech ActsTheory describing what utterances are intended to do such as promising,apologizing, and threatening. In Discourse Analysis, it also introduces CriticalDiscourse Analysis dealing with ideological approach which examines the


purpose of language use in social context and reveals how discourse reflectspower structures. (Cutting, 2002)B.Theory ofDeixisDeixisbelongs to the area of Pragmatics whichrefers to the relationshipbetween the structure of language and the context in which it is used (Levinson,1983).It has been noted that Deixis is an area which needs further exploration andcollaboration across disciplines for the future progress of the study (Williams,2019).One of the studies on Deixis is carried out in an undergraduate thesis titledA Discourse Analysis on The Deixis Used in "Indonesia This Morning" NewsProgram of Metro TV Website(Sholichah, 2008). The study points out that Deixiscan also belong to the area Discourse Analysis due to the implication of the objectof the study. The author of the study takes the concept of Deixis and itsclassification by referring to the Deixis theoryof Keenan and Anderson (1985).The theoryof Keenan and Anderson (1985)classified Deixis into threetypes, namely, Person Deixis, Spatial Deixis, and Temporal Deixis.Person Deixisconsists of First Person Deixis(e.g.I, we, me, us, etc.), Second Person Deixis(e.g. you, yourself, yours, etc.), andThird Person Deixis (i.e he, she,they, them,etc.). Spatial Deixisbelongs towords like there, here, hither, and etc. Lastly,Temporal Deixis are conceived in words likethisevening, today,a few weekslater and etc.(Sholichah, 2008)


Even though the study provides such clear theoretical basisin the study ofDeixis,the investigation of the study has been restricted to the analysis of Deixispointing to the fixed referents (i.e. particularperson, location, and moment) andtends to study over again many other studies on Deixis by only contrasting interms of the object of study.C.Theory of IndexicalityTo avoid studying over again the same topic of Deixis with differentobject of study, the theory of Indexicality which is closely related to Deixis isconsiderably taken in the present study. In a journal article titledIndexicality(Hughes and Tracy, 2015), Indexicality or Index is defined as clues, traces, andsymptoms of referential objects.For instance, smoke serves as an index of fire. Inthat case, the smoke belongs to the symptom of the referential object of fire.However, Indexicality does not need to be in the form of causalrelationship. The relationship of sign and referent in Indexicality can also beassociational. The case of a woman holding a baby as a potential indication thatthe woman is the baby"s mother is an instance of Indexicality by associationalrelationship. Theauthor of thearticle states that Indexicality is open forreinterpretation.That is, an utterance might be framed over layers of context ininterpreting Indexicality.(Hughes and Tracy, 2015)D.Theory of Deixis and IndexicalityA journal article entitledDeixis; Deixis and Indexicals(Williams, 2019)suggests that the future progress in Deixis study immensely requires collaboration


across boundaries of discipline. In the article, the author sets out the position ofDeixis in terms of Indexicality. It is stated that Deixis belongs to the subclass ofIndexicality in Piercean semiotics. In Piercean semiotics, Indexicality is dividedinto Referential Indexicality and Non referential Indexicality.Referential Indexicality (i .e. Deixi s) contr ibut es to semantic-referentialmeaning of utterance, while Non referential Indexicality deals with significance ofvarious contexts (i.e . regiona l accent s, gender,honorific, speech level, andetcetera). The article serves relevant theoretical basis to the ongoing study whichattempts to link the use of Deixis and Non referential Index in particular contextof discourse.


CHAPTER IIIFINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONIn this chapter, the data are analyzed using the theoretical frameworkpresented in the previous chapter. This chapter consists of two sections which arefindings and discussion.A.FindingsThis section provides the classification of the data using the theory ofDeixis formulated by Keenan and Anderson (1985). The classification is useful topresent the fundamental analysis before seeking for the answer of the researchquestions.1.Person Deixisa.First Person DeixisDatum 1ToriKelly"s acceptance speech for Best Gospel Album in Grammy Awards61In the present study, First Person Deixis is found to be one of the Deicticwords mostly used by the speakers. In Tori Kelly"s acceptance speech for BestGospel Album in 61stAnnual Grammy Awards, the First Person Deixis can beseen in the short quotation of Kelly"s speech opening "This is so wild,I"mthe lastoneIwasn"t even really paying attention to whatIwas holding. Yeah, it"s goingtotake a minute formeto process this again."


In the quotation, it is found the first-person deictic wordsIandme. Bothrefer to Tori Kelly as the speaker of the speech. The Deictic wordIis used asKelly is firstly identified as the speaker of the Deictic Center. Whereas, theDeictic wordmelocalizes Kelly as the object in the process that she underwent.The same first-person deictic words can also be found in the italicized pronounswithin the rest of Kelly"s speech speech as below....Iwant to thankKirk Franklin because the fact that he just tookmeunder his wing and reallyjust saw the passion thatIhad for gospel and just for the Lord and just he really saw whatIwantedto do this and he just completely tookmeunder his wing and made it happenand so KirkIloveyou so much.I"msharing this with you. You"re a legend and again just everybody who"s been inmy life...... You know you are and your support has always meant so much tomeprobably more than youknow and yeah that"sIthink that"s allIhave to say becauseI"mfreaking out still. So, thank you,Iloveyou, guys.Datum 2Brandi Carlile"s acceptance speech for American Roots Album in GrammyAwards 61The first-person deictic word found next is in the short quotation fromCarile"s speech, "You"re good man, Dave. You"re good dad. You"re goodhusband.Welove you very much." The italicized pronounWemight refer toCarlile along with the whole team that contributes in making the achievement.However, the tribute is specifically intended to DaveCobb.The other first-person deictic word is also found in the short quotation"I"m(gonna) say thank you formywonderful band,mymom and dad, Jay Tiffanyand Michelle, Dave Cobb and Shooter Jenningsmyspirit animals". The first-person deictic wordIobviously refers to Brandie Carlile as the speaker. Then, the


first-person deictic word is noticed in the possessive pronounmywhich refers tothe sense of belonging towards those who belong to Carlile such as band, parents,and spirit animals which seem to be figurative expression referring to Dave andJennings.Datum 3Chris Cornell"sacceptance speech for Best Rock Performance in GrammyAwards 61In this part, the acceptance speech was delivered by two daughters of thelate of Chris Cornells as he had passed away. The first-person deictic word can befound in the short quotations "Inever thoughtwe"dbe standing here withoutmydad andIam sure you"llbe proud and honored" and "The most important thing heis known for tousis for being the greatest father andourhero."The italicized pronouns in the quotations are found as the first-persondeictic expressions. The wordIrefers to one of the daughters who conveyed thespeech, while the wordWerefers to both of them. The italicized wordmyis first-person deictic word in the form of possessive pronoun which refers to the sense ofengagement towards her father. The first-person deictic words are also found inthe pronounsusandour. The object pronounusrefers to both of the daughters,while the wordourbelongs to the sense of engagement they have towards theirfather.Datum 4


Daniel Caesar and H.E.R"s acceptance speech for Best R&B Performance inGrammy Awards 61:In the acceptance speech for the best R&B performance represented byDaniel Caesar, there are also first-person deictic words found in his speech. Thefirst-person deictic word can be seen in the quotation as follows:Wow. Um. Thank.Iwant to say thank you to the Academy.I"msorryI"mreally nervous.Iwasn"texpecting this is a lot.I"dlike to say thanks to the Academy,myfamily,mymother,myfather,mybrothers,myteam Golden Child,Matt and Jordan, Kalon... So, cheers butI"moverwhelmed rightnow soI"mgonna get off the stage butIjust want to say thank you so much.The first-person deictic word comes up in the form of subject pronounIand possessive pronounmy. The subject pronounIclearly refers to Daniel Caesaras the speaker within the deictic center, while the possessive pronounmyrefers tothe sense of relationship DanielCaesar has towards the family and team.Datum 5Cardi B"s for Best Rap Album in Grammy Awards 61In this datum, the First Person Deixis is found in the quotation below:...Ohmygoodness. Oh. Wuh. Cau...I"msorryIjustIjust woo the nerves are so bad. MaybeIneed to start smoking weed.Ijust want to thank you everybody that was involved... whenIfoundoutIwas pregnant,myalbum was not complete.Ihad like three songs thatIwas for sure havingand then you know how it was like.Wewas likewehave to get this album done soIcould shootthese videos whileI"mnot showing and it was very long night.From the quotation of Cardi B"s speech, it is found that the First PersonDeixis comes up in the subject pronounsIandWeand the possessive pronounmy.The first-person deictic wordIrefers to Cardi B as the speaker within DeicticCenter and the plural formWerefers to Cardi B and her team that contributed inthe process of achieving the award.


Afterwards, the possessive form of First Person Deixismyemerges in thephrasesmy goodnessandmy album. That is, the deictic wordmycomes up in thephrasemy goodnesswhichbelongs to an interjection in which she emphasizes thefeeling of surprise that belongs to her. While in the phrasemy album, the FirstPerson Deixismyimplies that the album belongs to her as the winner of thenomination.Datum 6Lady Gaga"s acceptance speech for Best Pop Duo or Group Performance inGrammy Awards 61The other findings of First Person Deixis are also found in the quotationofLady Gaga"s speeh as follows:...Igot to thank God. Thank you for looking out forme. Thank you for my family.I'mhomeIlove you... and ifIdon't get another chance to say this,Ijust want to sayI'mso proud to be a partof a movie that addresses mental health issues. There's so important and alot of artistsdeal withthat andwegot to take care of each other.It can be seen that the First Person Deixis comes up in the first personpronoun such asI,me, andwe. The pronounIrefers to Lady Gagaas the speakerin the Deictic Center. The pronounmealso refers to Lady Gaga localizing her inthe position of object of action. Lastly, the first-person plural pronounwerefers toLagy Gaga and the ones grouped with her identified as artists as it can be seen onthe quotation being mentioned before the use of pronounwe.Datum 7Dan + Shay"s acceptance speech for Best Country Duo/Group Performancein Grammy Awards 61


The First Person Deixis can be seen in Dan and Shay"s acceptance speechin 61 Annual Grammy Awards. The acceptance speech of Dan and Shay arepresented in the quotation below.DanSmyers:Myheart is beating out ofmychest.Wehad no expectations to win this. So manypeople to thank, thank you to the Recording Academy, everybody who voted forus, all theincredible artist in our category. It"s a beautiful thing about Nashville and Country Music,weareall family.Weall root for each other.Ilove you guys, you are amazing,ourteam,ourmanagementJason Owen, Lisa Ray, Scooter Braun... you guys are absolutely incredible our record label,Warner Music, Nashville, Scott Hendricksourco-producer on this record,ourco-writers JordanReynolds, Nicolle Galyon, couldn't do this without a great song andourbeautiful better half, Abbyand Hannah,welove you so much... Thank you.ShayMooney: ...Myparents watching right now at home.Ilove you guys, mom and dad, Gabby,Erica,mylittle boy,he's too. He probably doesn't know what's going on right now whileI'mon theTV butIlove you, Asher. It"smybeautiful wife, Hannah. Thank you so much. For the RecordingAcademy,Ican't believe this just happened.I"ma little bit blown away andImight be about topass out soI'mgoing to say thank you guys so much.This is an incredible honor.From the quotation of Dan"s speech, the First Person Deixis is found in theitalicized pronounsI,my,we,us, andour. The pronounIclearly refers to Dan asthe speaker and the plural pronounweobviously refers to Dan and his duo partner,Shay, who also stood on thestage. Shifting to the noun phrasesmy heartandmychest, Dan uses the possessive pronounmyas the deictic expression to emphasizehis surprised feeling that belongs to him.Even so, the pronounwein the Dan"s statement "we are all family" refersto the whole members of Nashville and Country Music. Whereas, the objectpronounusrefers to Dan and Shay localized as the object of action identified asvoting. Afterwards, the possessive pronounourused by Dan refers to the sense ofbelonging towards their team, management, co-producer, co-writers, and theirwives respectively.


Lastly, from the quotation of Shay"s speech, it is found that theFirstPerson Deixis comes up in the first person pronounsIandmy. The subjectpronounIclearly refers to Shayas the speaker and the possessive pronounmyisnoticed to refer to the sense of belonging that Shay has towards his parents, littleboy, and wife.Datum 8Kacey Musgraves" acceptance speech for Best Country Album in GrammyAwards 61The other First Person Deixis can be seen in the quotation of KaceyMusgraves" acceptance speech below. The first-person deictic words are noticedin the italicized first person pronouns within the quotation.Oh,mygosh.Inever dreamed..Inever dreamed that this record would be met with such love, suchwarmth, such positivity. It"s seriously means the world to me.Ilove country music witheverything thatIam andI'mvery proud to be able to get to sharemyversion of that with theworld. Thank you for supporting that......Imade this record with these two guys right here and they took Daniel Tashian andIreallywant to thank Jason Owen, he's been there since day one,mymanager, he believes so big, hedreamsso big, and he can help me achieve anything andIjustIlove youJason thank you thankyou so much tomyfamily,mysweet husband is down here, Ruston,Ilove you.Ireally believeIwouldn't have this album ifIhadn't met you and you didn't openmyheart like you did so thankyou so much.From the quotation, it isfound that the First Person Deixis comes up in thesubject pronounIand the possessive pronounmy. As the speaker is identified tobe Kacey Musgrave as the winner of the nomination who delivers the acceptancespeech, it is obvious that the subject pronounIrefers to Kacey Musgrave.Whereas, the possessive pronounmyprecedes an interjection in the early part ofthe quotation and the other possessive pronounsmyare identified in the phrasesmyversion,myfamily, andmysweet husband.


The possessive pronounmyin the interjection "Oh,mygosh" might referto the emphasis of the feeling of surprised that belongs to Kacey. Whereas, whilepreceding the phrasesmyversion,myfamily, andmysweet husband, thepossessive pronounmyrefers respectively to thesense of belonging towards theversion of country music that Kacey brought, all members in Kacey"s family, andthe husband whom Kacey was married with.Datum 9Kacey Musgraves" acceptance speech for Album of the Year in GrammyAwards 61The other Kacey"sacceptance speech is analyzed as the next datum asKacey won more than one nomination in 61stAnnual Grammy Awards. The FirstPerson Deixis can be found in the italicized pronoun within the quotation asbelow:Oh,myGod, oh,myGod.Idon't even know whatto say. It was unbelievable to be even in acategory with this gigantic albums, really brilliant works of art, just it's really crazy, butI'mverythankful andIknow thatwinning this doesn't makemyalbum any better than anybody else is inthat category...Thank you for championingmine.Iwould have nothing without songs. Tome, it'sall about. This is all about the songs.I'mvery lucky to have a team that is very trustworthy, veryincredible, and they're honest withme.The First Person Deixis from the quotation of the speech can be noticed inthe first person pronounsmy,I,mine, andme. The possessive pronounmyin thestatements "Oh,myGod, oh,myGod" refers to the feeling of surprised she haswhich she relates the sense of belonging to God. Evenso, the possessive pronounmyin the phrase "myalbum" is different with the previous one. The deictic word


myin the phrase "myalbum" refers to the sense of belonging she has towards thework identified as Kacey"s album.Afterwards, the First Person Deixis in the subject pronounIobviouslyrefers to Kacey as the speaker within the Deictic Center and the object pronounmerefers to Kacey localizing her as the object of preposition phrase used toexpress her opinion. Whereas, the possessive pronounminerefers to the sense ofpossession towards the winning album that belongs to Kacey and localizes it inthe position of object of action.Datum 10This Is America"s acceptance speech for Record of the Year in GrammyAwards 61This Is Americais the title ofsong that won the Record of The Year in 61stAnnual Grammy Awards. The acceptance speech was delivered by the producerand it is presented in the quotation as below:LudwigGoransson(producer):Ijust want to say creating music with Childish Gambino has beenone of the greatest joys ofmylife. As a kid growing up in Sweden, loving American musicIalways dreamt of migrating here and work with (billing) artist like Donald Glover.Ireally wish hewas here withusright now... No matter where you're born or what country you're from, youconnect with This Is America. It speaks to people. It connects right to your soul, calls out injustice,celebrates life, and reunitesusall at the same time.In the quotation, it is noticed that the First Person Deixis comes up in theform of pronounsI,my, andus. The first-person subject pronounIrefers toGoransson as the speaker of the speech. Whereas, the first-person possessivepronounmyrefers to the sense of belonging that Goransson has towards life


related to the joy that Goransson stated previously. In the form of first-personplural object pronoun, the first-person deictic wordusrefers to Goransson as theand the ones grouped with him identified as the whole team which also stand onthe stage with Goransson.Datum 11H.E.R. (Gabriel la Sarmien to Wilson )"s accept ance spe ech for B est R&BAlbum in Grammy Awards 61The quotation of H.E.R."s acceptance below also presents the findings ofFirst Person Deixis. The first-person deictic words come up in the italicizedpronouns as follows:So first thingIwant to say is this is unbelievable and second it's not even an album. It's an EP(Extended Play). So,Ireally don't feel right being up here by myself becauseIdidn't do this bymyself.Ididn't get on the stage bymyself. So ismyteammywonderful team would come up onstage with me, please.Ihave so many people to thank.IreallyI'mspeechless right now.I'mholding back tears...... butIreally want to say thank you so much to God first and foremost inmyparents whoare inthe building right now andmywonderful sister. Mom, Dad, this is for all the sacrifices that youmade formeand thank you for embracingmytalents and whoIam and sinceIwas a little girl....and everybody at the label and Fleck.Ihave no words.I"mshout out to call Cerry Spotify,Apple Music, everybody that was a part of this. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you, guysand there's so many other people to name.In the quotation, the First Person Deixis is found in the subject pronounI,the reflexive pronounmyself, the possessive pronounmy, and the object pronounme. The subject pronounIrefers to Gabriella Sarmiento Wilson whose stage nameis H.E.R. as the speaker. Then, the reflexive pronounmyselfrefers to H.E.R.emphasized as asingle-particular entity.


Afterwards, the possessive pronounmyrefers to the sense of belongingthat H.E.R. has towards particular entities such as team and members of family.Lastly, the object pronounmerefers to H.E.R. in the position of object of actionidentified as sacrifices that H.E.R."s mom and dad have made for.Datum 12High On Fire"s acceptance speech for Best Metal Performance in GrammyAwards 61In this part, the acceptance speech of High On Fire band was delivered byits members which areMatt Pike, Des Kensel, and Jeff Matz. The First PersonDeixis embedded in the speech can be seen in the italicized pronouns within thequotations as below:Matt Pike (vocals and guitarist): Wow, what a trip.Iguess first thingI'dlike to do is thank thesetwo guys.Wenever really needed award for doing whatwelove. 21 years later finally got this.Thank you, you know, to the Academy like to thank Kurt Ballou, Brian (Sours), Allan (Galches),ourgirls, families,ourcrew, everybody who's gotusthroughthis and yeah thanks a lot.Des Kensel (drummer):I'dlike to thank my wife Beth,myparents Wayne and Sally Kensel,mysister Jean andmykids Devin and Lia. Thank you.Jeff Matz (bassist):Like to thankmyparents and family Kurt Ballou, Brian (Sours), GregWilkinson for engineering the album and a shout out toourgood friend and manager Nick Johnwho passed away last year thank you very much.In Matt Pike"s speech, the first-person deictic words are noticed in the firstperson pronounsI,we,our, andus. The pronounIrefers to Matt Pike as thespeaker, while the pronounwerefers to the whole members of the band identifiedas Matt Pike, Des Kensel, and Jeff Matz. The possessive pronounourrefers to thesense of collective belonging towards the mentioned entities and the objectpronounusrefers to the Matt Pike and other members of the band localized as theobject of action.


In Des Kensel"s speech, the First Person Deixis is found in the pronounsIandmy. The subject pronounIrefers to Des Kensel himself as the speaker in theDeictic Center, while the possessive pronounmyrefers to the sense of belongingthat Des Kensel has towards his parents, sister, and kids.The first-person deictic word is also found in Jeff Matz speech which onlycomes up in the form possessive pronouns. In Jeff Matz"s speech, the singularpossessive pronounmyrefers to the sense of belonging that Jeff Matz has towardshis parents and family, while the plural possessive pronounourrefers to the senseof collective belonging towards a friend and a manager who had passed away ayear earlier.Datum 13Childish Gambino"sacceptance speech for Best Music Videoin GrammyAwards 61The songThis Is Americaalso won other nomination which is Best MusicVideo in 61stAnnual Grammy Awards. The acceptance speech was delivered byHiro Murai as the director and two of the producers, Ibra Ake and Jason Cole, asChildish Gambino did not attend the stage. The first person deictic words can beseen in the italicized first person pronouns in the quotation as below:Hiro Murai (director):Thank you so much. This is amazing.I(slept) this on behalf of DonaldGlover and everyone who worked on the production, Doomsday Entertainment, Danielle Hinde,producer Jason Cole, creator producers Ibra, Fam, choreographer Sherrie Silver, andmyparents.Didn"t work on the video but they worked onmea lot so thank you. *making joquotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20

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