[PDF] nucléoporine

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Fusion entre une protéine HOX et une nucléoporine dans des

Fusion entre une protéine HOX et une nucléoporine dans des leucémies myéloïdes. Les bases moléculaires de la translo- cation chromosomique t(7;11).

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28 fév. 2017 Mots-clés : Complexes de Pores nucléaires (NPCs) nucléoporine


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Cours2 - copie

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La deuxième dépend de la protéine. CENP-F qui lie la nucléoporine Nup133 et est nécessaire aux derniers micromètres de la migration du noyau. Le blocage de la 

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2 fév. 2013 protéines des pores nucléaires Ran BP2 (Ran binding protein 2) et la nucléoporine 358. (Nup358) (Pichler et al.


21 août 2014 nucléoporines sont localisées dans les sous-unités des anneaux et sur ... a interaction entre ces complexes et les nucléoporines (figure 7).

Caractérisation de mutants de Saccharomyces cerevisiae résistants

26 nov. 2020 Le gène codant la nucléoporine Nup60 muté chez La E2/D7

Nucleoporin genes in human diseases - Nature

REVIEW Nucleoporin genes in human diseases Valeria Nofrini Danika Di Giacomo and Cristina Mecucci* Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large channels spanning the nuclear envelope that mediate

  • Introduction

    The nucleoplasm and cytoplasm are the main locations in which multiple vital processes within cells take place. These processes require bidirectional molecular trafficking between these domains, but free motion of molecules is restricted by the double membrane nuclear envelope. However, there are various nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) embedded in th...

  • Nuclear Pore Complex

    Structure and Composition

  • Nucleoporin Subcomplexes in Cell Differentiation

    Y-complex/Outer Ring Subcomplex

  • Role of NPC in Protein Transport

    The disorderly arrangement of FG-Nups leads to the formation of a permeability barrier in the NPC. Facilitation of the transport of specific proteins is controlled by the FG-Nups, allowing the cell to regulate the movement of molecules at the nucleoporin level. Nucleoporins contribute to the translocation of specific molecules carrying a peptide se...

  • Role of Importins in Cell Differentiation

    Importins can be further divided into three subtypes based on their amino acid sequences (Table 1). Subtype ?1 consists of ?5, ?6, and ?7, whereas ?2 is comprised of importin ?1 and importin ?8, and the ?3 subtype includes importin ?3 and importin ?4) (Pumroy and Cingolani, 2015; Miyamoto et al., 2016). The importin ? subtype expresses tissue speci...

  • Importin ? in Cell Differentiation

    The importin ? family includes not only the importins involved in the translocation of cargo into the nucleus, but also the exportins that are responsible for moving the cargo out of the nucleus (Table 2; Quan et al., 2008). Expression levels of different importin ? family members are altered during the differentiation of ESCs. Moreover, the expres...

  • Nucleoporin Associated Cell Signaling in Cell Differentiation

    Nucleoporins are also involved in several cell signaling pathways that are essential for the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of cells. These include Wnt signaling, which relies on the ?-catenin repeatedly interacting with nucleoporin (Sharma et al., 2016). Some studies have suggested that the movement of ?-catenin occurs mostly via the...

  • Conclusion and Future Perspective

    Nucleoporins are not only involved in structuring the nuclear pore complex but also play an important role in translocating various molecules. Translocation of molecules requires the interaction of nucleoporins with importins and exportins. Several studies mentioned above have described the role of nucleoporins in cell differentiation, wherein they...

  • Author Contributions

    AK and JD generated the figures. JO and JD reviewed and suggested modifications to the content. JD designed the structure of review manuscript. All authors participated in the conception and writing of the manuscript.

What is Nucleoporin 62?

Nucleoporins, a family of around 30 proteins, are the main components of the nuclear pore complex in eukaryotic cells. Nucleoporin 62 is the most abundant member of this family. [2] Nucleoporins are able to transport molecules across the nuclear envelope at a very high rate.

What nucleoporins make up the nuclear pore?

Many of these nucleoporins contain a characteristic repeat sequence of phenylalanine glycine (FG) repeats. These FG-repeat nucleoporins line the central channel of the pore and provide the conduit for movement of macromolecules through the pore complex. Fig. 2. The nucleoporin proteins or Nups that make up the nuclear pore are highly conserved.

What are the functions of nucleoporins?

Nucleoporins are also involved in several cell signaling pathways that are essential for the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of cells. These include Wnt signaling, which relies on the ?-catenin repeatedly interacting with nucleoporin ( Sharma et al., 2016 ).

What can we learn from crystallography of nucleoporin subcomplexes?

Crystallography of subcomplexes of nucleoporins, as well as methods to tag single cargo molecules, importins and nucleoporins, will surely refine present models of the NPC and understanding of translocation.

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