[PDF] transport nucléo-cytoplasmique

Le Noyau Interphasique

Transports nucléo-cytoplasmiques. ? diffusion passive : PM < 5 kD entrée de nucléotides ions

Structure des pores nucléaires :

Cours 2 : Biocell - LE NOYAU ET LES TRANSPORTS NUCLEO-CYTOPLASMIQUES. 1. Le noyau forme un compartiment volumineux (3 à 10 % du diamètre soit 20 à 25 % du 

Université de Montréal Caractérisation du transport

Mots clés: localisation d'ARN transport nucléocytoplasmique

Limportance des protéines DEAD-box (RNA hélicases ATP

Couplage entre transcription et transport : . transport nucléocytoplasmique des ARNm [11]. En effet la suivie ce fait après l'injection des.

Transport et localisation dARN messagers chez les mammifères

26 oct. 1999 Ce signal pourrait être le transport nucléocytoplasmique de l'ARNm ou des stimulus transmembranaires provoqués par des facteurs de croissance.

Is nucleocytoplasmic transport regulated?

It is signal-mediated and requires both energy and soluble factors, including shuttling carriers. Here I summarize current understanding of nucleocytoplasmic transport and illustrate the importance of regulated transport for signal transduction.

What is the role of NTF2 in nucleocytoplasmic transport?

NTF2 plays a critical role in nucleocytoplasmic transport by recycling RanGDP from the cytoplasm to the nucleus where GDP is exchanged for GTP by chromatin-bound RCC1 13, 14, 15, 16. In addition, NTF2 is associated with the nuclear pore complex (NPC) 13, 14, 17, 18, where higher NTF2 amounts reduce the NPC diameter 12, 19, 20.

What is the role of ribonucleoproteins in the nuclear envelope?

Integration of these activities depends on selective transport of proteins and ribonucleoprotein particles between the two compartments. Transport across the nuclear envelope occurs through large multiprotein structures, termed nuclear pore complexes. It is signal-mediated and requires both energy and soluble factors, including shuttling carriers.

What accompanies the tRNA from the nucleus to the polysome?

J. Cell Biol. 133, 5–14 (1996). Visa, N. et al. A pre-mRNA-binding protein accompanies the RNA from the gene through the nuclear pores and into polysomes. Cell 84, 253–264 (1996). Zasloff, M. tRNA transport from the nucleus in a eukaryotic cell: carrier-mediated translocation process. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 80, 6436–6440 (1983).

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