[PDF] RONNIE TJAMPITJIMPA 29/10/2012 Aux sources

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LA PRÉMATURITÉ À ALICE SPRINGS AUSTRALIE L'apport de cette étude réside dans le lieu où elle a été réalisée : le centre de l'Australie où la.


LA PRÉMATURITÉ À ALICE SPRINGS AUSTRALIE L'apport de cette étude réside dans le lieu où elle a été réalisée : le centre de l'Australie où la.

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29/10/2012 Aux sources de la peinture aborigène Australie


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Biographie 29/10/12 1


Date de naissance : c.1942

Communauté : Kintore


: Pintupi

Support : acrylique sur toile

Thèmes : cycle Tingari, Wilkinkarra

Ronnie Tjampintjinpa est né aux alentours de 1940 aux abords de Muyinnga, à 100km environ

à l'ouest des collines de Kintore juste à l'intérieur de la limite de l'Australie occidentale. Sa

famille suivait le mode de vie nomade ancestral et se déplaçait dans cette région en territoire

Pintupi et aussi dans la région du lac McKay dans les territoires du nord. Il fut initié à Yumari

(dans la région de Winparrku). A cause d'une grave sécheresse dans les années 50, lui et sa

famille durent sortir du désert pour s'installer à Haast Bluff. Dans les années 60, ils furent

transférés autoritair ement dans la réserve n ouvellement créée de P apunya. C'es t là q u'il

commença à peindre au début du mouvement de peinture des artistes du désert initié par

Geoffrey Bardon en 1971.


• Ronnie Tjam pitjinpa New paintings from Papunya T ula Artists, Utopia Art,


• Variations, Utopia Art, Sydney 1996
• Utopia Art, Sydney 1995
• Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne 1994 • Ronnie Tjampitjinpa: A solo exhibition, Utopia Art, Sydney 1989
• Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne


• Aux sources de la peinture aborigène, Australie, Tjukurrtjanu, musée du quai

Branly, Paris

Art Elysées, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob, Paris Parcours des Mondes, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob, Paris • Art Paris, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob, Paris Classic Works From Papunya Tula Artists, Utopia Art, Sydney


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• Forty Years of Papunya Tula Artists, Harvey Art Projects USA, Sun Valley,


Desert Country, Newcastle Art Gallery, Newcastle, Australie 2011
• 40 Years of Paunya Tula Artists, Utopia Art Sydney Desert Country Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, Crawley, Australie land.spirit.song, Harvey Art Projects USA, Sun Valley, Idaho, Etats-Unis Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair, Darwin Convention Centre, Darwin Aboriginal Art 2011, Scott Livesey Galleries, Melbourne Living Water, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Desert Count ry, Mornington Peninsula R egional Art Gallery, Mornington,


Pintupi Trails 2011, Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne Tjukurrtjanu: Origins of W estern Desert A rt, National Gallery o f Victoria,


Recent Pintupi Works, Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs Desert Country, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville, Queensland 2010
• Parcours des Mondes, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob, Paris Parcours Nomad's en Australie, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob, Paris Aboriginal Art 2010, Scott Livesey Galleries, Melbourne Papunya Tula Artists: Art of the Western Desert, Harvey Art Projects USA,

Sun Valley, Idaho, Etats-Unis

Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair, Darwin Convention Centre, Darwin Wilkinkarralakutu - Journeys To Lake Mackay, Cross Cultural Art Exchange,


The Desert Mob Art Show, Araluen Art Centre, Alice Springs Desert Country, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide Ngurra Kutju Ngurrara - Belonging To One Country, ReDot Gallery, Singapour 2009
• Abstraction, Utopia Art, Sydney Icons of the Desert: Early Aboriginal Paintings from Papunya, Herbert F.Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Papunya 2009, Senior Pintupi Artists, Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne Icons Of T he Des ert: Ear ly Aboriginal Painting s From Pap unya, Fowler

Museum, University of California, Los Angeles

Icons Of T he Des ert: Ear ly Aboriginal Pain tings From Papuny a, Grey Art

Gallery, New York University, New York,

Nganana Tjungurringanyi Tjukurrpa Nintintjakitja - We Are Here Sharing Our


, 80 Washington Square East Galleries, New York Pro Community - Papunya Tula Artists, ArtBar71, Berlin Pro Community - Papunya Tula Artists, VDMA, Frankfort Pro Community - Papunya Tula Artists, Artkelch, Fribourg 2008
• Black and White, NG Art Gallery, Sydney • 20 years of Papunya Tula Artists, Utopia Art, Sydney • Desert Prophets - Papunya Tula Artist s, Mossenson Galleries ,

Subiaco, Australie

• Pairs Of Paintings, Utopia Art, Sydney • TogArt Contemporary Art Award, Araluen Art Centre, Alice


• Aboriginal Art 200', Scott Livesey Galleries, Melbourne


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• Virtuosity: The Evolution of Painting at Papunya Tula, The Kluge -Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA • Australian Abstraction, Utopia Art, Sydney 2007
• Parcours des Mondes, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob, Paris

Papunya Tula Artists 2007

, Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne Pintupi - Mixed Exhibition, Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs

Pintupi Art 2007

, Tony Bond Aboriginal Art Dealer, Adelaide

The Black And White Show

, Red Dot Gallery, Singapour

Recent Paintings 2007

, Cross Cultural Art Exchange,


• Land Marks, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Papunya Tula Artists, Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne • Oceanic Art, Galerie DAD, Mantes-la-Jolie • Yawulyurru kapalilu palyara nintilpayi, Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs • Pintupi Dreamtime, Red Dot Gallery, Singapour • A Particular Collection, Utopia Art, Sydney • Pintupi Art 2006, Tony Bond Aboriginal Art Dealer, Adelaide

• Luminous - Contemporary Art From The Australian Desert, Grafton Regional Gallery, New South Wales, Australie

• Aboriginal Art, Scott Livesey Galleries, Melbourne 2005
• Papunya Tula Artists, Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne • Luminous - Contemporary Art From The Australian Desert, Manly

Art Gallery And Museum, Sydney

• Luminous - Contemporary Art From The Australian Desert, Bundoora Homestead Art Gallery, Bundoora

• New Works From The Western Desert, Indigenart, Perth • Papunya Tula Artists - new work for a new space, Utopia Art


• Strong and Stately, Red Dot Gallery, Singapour • Aboriginal Art 2005, Scott Livesey Art Dealer, Melbourne • Smoke: Campfire Group and other commissioned works , Fire-Works

Gallery, Brisbane

• Pintupi Artists, Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs 2004
• EXPLAINED, A closer look at Aboriginal Art, Aboriginal Art Museum, Utrecht,


Mythology and Real ity - Contemporary Aboriginal Desert Art fr om the

Gabrielle Pizzi Collection

, Heidi Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne

21st Tel stra National A borigainal and Torr es Strait Islander Art Award,

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin, Australie Binocular: looking closely at Country, Ivan Dougherty Gallery , Sydney Australian Aboriginal Art Collector's Exhi bition , Flinders Lane Gall ery,


Talking About Abstraction, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, College of Fine Arts - The

University of New South Wales, Sydney

Peintres Pintupi, Galerie DAD, Mantes-la-Jolie


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• Australian Contemporary Aboriginal Art in Prague, Prague Aboriginal Art 2003, Scott Livesey Art Dealer, Melbourne Ab Op 2 - Exploring The Visu al Inten sity Of Contem porary Aboriginal Ar t,

Utopia Art, Sydney

• Jan Murphy Gallery, Brisbane Pintupi Art From The Western Desert, Indigenart, Subiaco Masterpieces From The Western Desert, Gavin Graham Gallery, Londres Pintupi Artists, Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs 2002
• Crossroads: the Millenium Portfolio of Australian Aboriginal


, Singapore Art Museum, Singapour • Wynne Prize Art Gallery of New South Wales • Lines II Fire-Works Gallery, Queensland Aboriginal Art 2002, Scott Livesey Art Dealer, Melbourne

Saluting Papunya, Chapman Gallery, Canberra

Pintupi Artists, Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs 2001
• Musee des Beaux Arts et d'Archeologie de Vienne, France • Palm Beach Art Fair, Palm Beach, Florida USA • Art of Pintupi, Tony Bond Art Dealer, Adelaide , South Australia • Kintore, Kiwirrkura Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne • Aboriginal Art 2001, Scott Livesey Art Dealer, Melbourne • Dreamscapes-Contemporary Desert Art , Mostings Hus, Frede riksberg ,


• Art Aborigene, Musee Olympic, Lausanne, Switzerlan • Dreamtime: the Dark and the Light, Kunst der Gegenwart, Sammlung

Essl, Vienna

• Indigenous Highlights from the State Art Collection Art Gallery of Western Australia Perth • Aborigena, Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin, Italy 2000
• Papunya Tula: Genesis and Genius , Art Gall ery of New South Wales ,


• Melbourne ArtFair 2000, Royal Exhibition Hall, Melbourne • Papunya Tula: Genesis and Genius , Art Gall ery of New South Wales

Papunya Tula Artists NOW, Utopia Art Sydney

• Aboriginal Art Select Works Kozminsky Gallery & Fine Art Deal ers


• Spring Exhibition, Scott Livesey Art Dealer, Melbourne • Framed Gallery, Darwin • Pintupi Men Papunya Tula Artists, Alice Springs • Lines, Fire-Works Gallery, Brisbane • Arts d'Australie, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob / Renault, Paris 1999
• Ab Op , Utop ia Art Sydney.C rossro ads: Millennium Portfolio of Australian

Aboriginal Artists, Sherman Galleries, Sydney

• Northern Territory Art Award, Araluen Art Centre, Alice Springs • Flinders University of South Australia • Australie - Art, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob / J.L. Amsler - Bastille,



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• Sixth Australian Contemporary Art Fair,Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne • Nineteen ninety eight, Utopia Art Sydney • The Desert Mob Art Show, Araluen Art Centre, Alice Springs • 15th National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award • Museums & Art Gallery of Northern Territory, Darwin, Australie • New World Art Gallery, Hattem, Hollande • Art Gallery Kunsthuys, Wijk bij Duurstede, Hollande • Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne • Propositions Australiennes, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob / galerie Luc

Queyrel, Paris

• Pintupi Painters, Papunya Tula Artists' Gallery, Alice Springs • Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide • The Desert Mob Art Show, Araluen Art Centre, Alice springs • The Chapman Gallery Manuka Canberra • 13th National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Gold Coast City

Art Gallery Queensland

• 13th N ational Aboriginal & Torres Strait Isla nder Art Award, D rill Hall,


• L'Art des Aborigènes d'Australie, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob /

Galerie de Stassart, Bruxelles

• L'Art des Aborigènes d'Australie, Arts d'Australie • Stéphane Jacob /

Espace Paul Riquet, Béziers

• Voices of the Earth, Jehangir Nicholson Museum National Cen tre for

Performing Arts, Mumbai

• The Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath,Bangalore • Fifth Australian Contemporary Art Fair , Royal Exhibi tion Building,


• Contemporary Abstract Aboriginal Art, Sherman Galleries, Sydney • The Gesture, Utopia Art Sydney • Contemporary Australian Abstraction, Niagara Galleries, Melbourne. 1995
• Groningen Museum, Groningen, Hollande

The 20th Annual Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle

Papunya Tula Artists Pty. Ltd., Alice Springs

• Mitchell Galleries, State Library of N.S.W. Sydney • Museo di Architettura e Scultura Ligure di Sant'Agostino, Genova, Italie • Utopia Art, Sydney 1994
• Central Australian Aboriginal Art and Craft Exhibition, Araluen Centre, Alice Springs; The Eleventh National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and

Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin

• Australian Heritage Commission National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award Exhibition, Old Parliament House, Canberra

• Power of t he Land, Master pieces o f Aboriginal Art, National G allery of Victoria • Yiribana, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1993
• Tjukurrpa, Desert Dr eamings, Aborig inal Art from Central A ustralia (1971-

1993), Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, Australie


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• Central Australian Aboriginal Art and Craft Exhibition, Araluen Centre, Alice


• The Donald Kahn collection, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich. 1992
• Central Australian Aboriginal Art and Craft Exhibition, Araluen Centre, Alice


• The Ninth National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin. 1991
• Aboriginal Art and Spirituality, High Court, Canberra • The Eighth National Aboriginal Art Award Exhibition, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin • Flash Pictures, National Gallery of Australia

• Australian Aboriginal Art from the Collect ion of Donald Kah n, Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, USA

• Aboriginal Paintings from the Desert, Union of Soviet Artists Gallery, Moscow and Museum of Ethnographic Art, St. Petersburg, Russia 1990
• National Gallery of Modern Art, Rome • The S eventh National Aboriginal Art A ward Exhibition, Museu m and Art

Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin.

• Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne • Aboriginal Art: The C ontinuin g Tradit ion, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra 1987
• Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne PRIX 1995
• Highly comme nded recognition at The 20t h Annua l Fremantle Print Award 1995
, Fremantle Arts Centre, W.A. 1988
• Alice Prize, Alice Springs, Australie C


• Musée des Confluences, Lyon • Musée du quai Branly, Paris • Aboriginal Art Museum, Utrecht, Hollande • Groninger Museum, Groninger, Hollande • University of Virginia, Etats-Unis • Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin, Australie • National Gallery of Australia, Canberra • National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne • Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australie • Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide , Australie • Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, Australie • Campbelltown City Art Gallery, Australie


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• Donald Kahn collection, Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami • Gabrielle Pizzi Collection, Melbourne • Artbank, Sydney • The Holmes a Court Collection, Perth, Australie B


• JACOB (Stéphane), GRUNDMAN (Pierre), PONSONNET (Maia), La peinture aborigène , Nouvelles Editions Scala, 2012 Australian Aboriginal Art from the Collect ion of Donald Kah n, Lowe Art

Museum, University of Miami, USA , 1991

• BARDON, Geoff rey, RYAN, Judith, P IZZI, Gabrie lle, STANHOPE, Zara., Mythology and Reality - Contemporary Aboriginal Desert

Art from the Gabrielle Pizzi Collection

, Heidi Museum of Modern

Art, Melbourne, 2004.

• DAWES, G. an d HODGE S, C.

The P intubi, Utopia Art Syd ney, Sydn ey,


Art Aborigène, Thames and Hudson, Paris, 1994

• CRUMLIN, R., Aboriginal Art and Spirituality, Collins Dove, North Blackburn,

Victoria , 1991

• DUSSART, F., La Peinture des Aborigènes D'Australie, Editions Parentheses,

Marseille, 1993

• FINK (Hannah), PERKINS (Hetti), SWEENEY (Paul), JOHNSON (Vivien), PAPUNYA TULA, Genesis and Genius, Sydney, Art Gallery of NSW, 2000 • ISAACS (Jennifer), Spirit Country, Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art,

Hardie Grant Books, Victoria, 1999

• JOHNSON, V., The Dictionary of Western Desert Artists, Craftsman House,

East Roseville, New South Wales , 1994

• JOHNSON, V., Dreamings of the d esert, aborigi nal dot painting s of the western desert , Art Gallery of South Australia, 1996 • MCCULLOCH, A., & MCCULLOCH, S., The Encyclopedia of Australian Art, Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, St Leonards, New South Wales, 1994 • MEEUWSEN (Franca),

Aboriginal Kunst, Aboriginal art Museum, 2000

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