[PDF] Self-reference and Evolution of Evolvability Collaborators: Michael

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Institute of Mathematical Geography

Dec 31 2013 in the Escher Wikipedia reference involving the Escher 'Circle Limit series). The subjects of group theory and of tiling are deep ...

Escher Wyss & Cie.

3/5/2021. Escher Wyss & Cie. - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escher_Wyss_%26_Cie. 1/2. Escher Wyss AG. Industry. Engineering. Founded 1805.

Self-reference and Evolution of Evolvability Collaborators: Michael

of “blueprints” needed to construct other components of cells and copy itself. M. C. Escher

Programming project – Draw L-systems in Haskell

Jul 17 2019 You can then use these primitives to draw more realistic plants or more artistic tessellations (see Escher's work for inspiration [Wikipedia

Design Patterns By Erich Gamma

Patterns - JournalDevExtreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change. 2nd …Gang of Four Design Patterns - Spring Framework GuruM. C. Escher - Wikipedia.

Rachelle N. Ornan-Stone Ph.D.


Its Fall Break I dont want to teach

Positive. Jhausauer@wikipedia M. C. Escher Circle Limit III. Page 39. How long is the coastline? www.british-towns.net. Page 40. 2400km. Avsa@wikipedia ...

Technical Report No. 2013-3

May 7 2013 The Moebius Band and Other Surfaces. Saint Louis. University

Automatically Labeling Low Quality Content on Wikipedia by

Aug 7 2021 Our work shows that editing behaviors of Wikipedia editors provide ... Michigan

Antichamber: A strange world

Non-Euclidiean; M.C. Escher are mind-bending psychological puzzles placed in an Escher- ... 2017 from http://antichamber.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page.

Why is Escher a famous mathematician?

Escher's art became well known among scientists and mathematicians, and in popular culture, especially after it was featured by Martin Gardner in his April 1966 Mathematical Games column in Scientific American. Apart from being used in a variety of technical papers, his work has appeared on the covers of many books and albums.

Who was Maurits C Escher?

The Dutch artist Maurits C. Escher (1898-1972) was a draftsman, book illustrator, tapestry designer, and muralist, but his primary work was as a printmaker. Born in Leeuwarden, Holland, the son of a civil engineer, Escher spent most of his childhood in Arnhem.

How many Escher works are there?

The Gallery's collection includes more than 400 works by Escher: drawings, illustrated books, technical materials, and impressions of 330 of the artist's 450 prints. Hand with Reflecting Sphere, 1935, lithograph, Rosenwald Collection All M.C. Escher works © Cordon Art-Baarn-the Netherlands.

How did Escher influence popular culture?

Escher's special way of thinking and rich graphics have had a continuous influence in mathematics and art, as well as in popular culture . The Escher intellectual property is controlled by the M.C. Escher Company, while exhibitions of his artworks are managed separately by the M.C. Escher Foundation. [j]

Self-reference and

Evolution of


C ollaborators: Michael Harré, Joseph T. Lizier, Fabio Boschetti, Pavlos Peppas, Stuart Kauffman,

Adam Svahn, Emanuele Crosato, RamilNigmatullin,

Richard E. Spinney,Matthew Chadwick, Daniel Polani

Centre for Complex Systems

Faculty of Engineering Prof. Mikhail Prokopenko

Workshop "Evolution of Social Complexity"

Sydney, 13 February 2020


Self-reference and "tangled hierarchies"

The halting problem and The Liar paradox

Edge of chaos, criticality and phase transitions

Meta-simulation and novelty generation

Emergence of functional self-descriptions

Self and a functional description of "self"

Drawing Hands:

the product, the hands, are undertaking the operation - the drawing of the hands

DNA: genetic instructions (sequence) used in

development and functioning of a living organism (function and structure) -a set of "blueprints" needed to construct other components of cells, and copy itself

M. C. Escher, Drawing Hands, Wikipedia Wikipedia


Drawing Hands:

the product, the hands, are undertaking the operation - the drawing of the hands

El FarolBar Problem:

if less than 60% of the population go to the bar, then if more than 60% of the population go to the bar, then KaterynaDirenko: stylized human silhouettes M. C. Escher, Drawing Hands, Wikipedia

The Liar paradox

The Liar paradox


Self-reference and "tangled hierarchies"

The halting problem and The Liar paradox

Edge of chaos, criticality and phase transitions

Meta-simulation and novelty generation

Emergence of functional self-descriptions

Turing Machine (...not that one)

The Imitation Game, 2014

Turing Machine

LudgerHumbert / TEXample/ CC BY 2.5

Turing Machine


Universal Turing Machine:

can simulate any other machine

Glenn D. Blank et al., 2003 http://www.cse.lehigh.edu/~glennb/um/1intro.pdf

M M's

Universal Decider Turing Machine:

does it exist?

M. Prokopenko, M. Harré, J. Lizier, F. Boschetti, P. Peppas, S. Kauffman, Self-referential basis of undecidable

dynamics: from The Liar Paradox and the halting Problem to the edge of chaos, Physics of Life Reviews,

31: 134-156, 2019.

Universal Decider Turing Machine:

does it exist?

Universal Decider Turing Machine:

does not exist!


Self-reference and "tangled hierarchies"

The halting problem and The Liar paradox

Edge of chaos, criticality and phase transitions

Meta-simulation and novelty generation

Emergence of functional self-descriptions

Motivation: dynamics of computation

Chris Langton, "Computation at the edge of chaos: Phase transitions and emergent computation" (1991): -how can emergence of computation be explained in a dynamic setting? -how is it related to complexityof the system in point? complex high level structures

Game of Life


Game of Life: convergence?

fixed point or limit cycle ?

Conway's game of life:

Game of Life: convergence?

chaotic or strange attractor?

Conway's game of life:

a kinetic phase transition driven by •nearest neighbours N c •alignment strength J = v 0 a E. Crosato, R. Spinney, R. Nigmatullin, J. T. Lizier, M. Prokopenko, Thermodynamics of collective motion near criticality, Physical Review E, 97, 012120, 2018.

Swarming (collective) motion

The two kinetic phases

disordered motion phasecoherent motion phase

Edge of chaos in collective motion


Self-reference and "tangled hierarchies"

The halting problem and The Liar paradox

Edge of chaos, criticality and phase transitions

Meta-simulation and novelty generation

Emergence of functional self-descriptions

Universal Cellular Automata: a Metapixel

"Life in Life" by Phillip Bradbury: https://www.youtube .com /watch ?time _continue =4 &v =xP5 -iIeKXE8

CC BY license

Three-way equivalence

M's M

Self and a functional description of "self"

Drawing Hands:

the product, the hands, are undertaking the operation - the drawing of the hands

DNA: genetic instructions (sequence) used in

development and functioning of a living organism (function and structure) -a set of "blueprints" needed to construct other components of cells, and copy itself

M. C. Escher, Drawing Hands, Wikipedia Wikipedia

Coding threshold

genotype-phenotype mapping: a self-referential relationship between an encoded description of a living organism (data) and the organism itself (program) "how the genotype-phenotype relationship had come to be?" how a functional self-description ("encoding") could evolve? "Coding threshold" separates an earlier evolutionary stage and the RNA world with the capacity to represent nucleic acid life symbolically, in terms of amino acid sequences

Woese, C.R., A new biology for a new century, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 68(2):173-186, 2004

h 3 h 2 h 1

Entrapment and Horizontal Gene Transfer

X 1 X 2 X 3 g 1 g 2 g 3



M. Prokopenko, D. Polani, M. Chadwick. Stigmergicgene transfer and emergence of universal coding,

HFSP Journal, 3(5): 317-327, 2009.

Selection pressure: information preservation

how a functional self-description ("encoding") could evolve? hypothesis: maximisation of information preservation through selected channels is one of the main evolutionary pressures information preservation is a consistent motif in biology: evolution extracts valuable information and stores it in the genes this process is relatively slow and noisy ĺa selective advantage: to preserve this information, once captured

Modelling evolutionary dynamics

cell (source) replicated cell (receiver) cell in noisy environment (source + noise) self-description (an encoding sequence) encoding translation

Objective (fitness) function

max subject to min

Recovery of structure

encodingtranslation h "Error interval"


d over external noise


Self-reference and "tangled hierarchies"

The halting problem and The Liar paradox

Edge of chaos, criticality and phase transitions

Meta-simulation and novelty generation

Emergence of functional self-descriptions

Genetic code: a functional self-description

DNA: genetic instructions (sequence) used in development and functioning of a living organism (function and structure) -a set of "blueprints" needed to construct other components of cells, and copy itself


Language: a functional self-description

Speech, language, grammar: A ௗ

depicting a person emitting a speech scroll from his mouth, symbolizing speech


Culture: a functional self-description


: Petroglyphs in modern-day

Gobustan, Azerbaijan, dating back

to 10,000 BCE


The Tower of Babel

by Pieter Bruegel the Elder,1563.


universal computation and undecidable dynamics undecidabilityis generated by self-reference, infinite computation and negation computational novelty can be created by agents with universal computation and functional self-description information preservation via functional self-description drives novelty generation across major transitions (genetic, linguistic, cultural) complex systems aredynamical systems with undecidable dynamics





Bennett C. H. Undecidable dynamics. Nature, 346: 606-607, 1990.

BuldtB. On fixed points, diagonalization, and self-reference. In: FreitagW, RottH, Sturm H, ZinkeA, eds. Von Rang und Namen: essays

in honour of Wolfgang Spohn . Münster: Mentis, 47-63, 2016.

CRC Press, 1991.

Cook M. Universality in elementary Cellular Automata. Complex Systems, 15(1): 1-40, 2004.

CrosatoE., Spinney R., NigmatullinR., LizierJ., ProkopenkoM. Thermodynamics of collective motion near criticality, Physical Review E,

97: 012120, 2018.

IlachinskiA. Cellular Automata: a discrete universe. Singapore: World Scientific, 2001. Kauffman S. Humanity in a creative universe. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Langton C. G. Computation at the edge of chaos: phase transitions and emergent computation. PhysicaD, 42(1-3): 12-37, 1990.

MarkoseS. M. Novelty in complex adaptive systems (CAS) dynamics: a computational theory of actor innovation. PhysicaA: Statistical

Mechanics and its Applications, 344(1): 41-49, 2004.

Moore C. Unpredictability and undecidabilityin dynamical systems. Physical Review Letters, 64(20): 2354-2357, 1990.

ProkopenkoM., HarréM., LizierJ., BoschettiF., PeppasP., Kauffman S., Self-referential basis of undecidable dynamics: from The Liar

Paradox and the halting Problem to the edge of chaos. Physics of Life Reviews, 31: 134-156, 2019.

Prokopenko, M., Polani, D., Chadwick, M., Stigmergicgene transfer and emergence of universal coding, HFSP, 3(5): 317-327, 2009.

SipserM. Introduction to the theory of computation, 1st edition. Thomson Publishing: International, 1996.

SutnerK. Computational classification of Cellular Automata. International Journal of General Systems, 41(6): 595-607, 2012.

Woese, C.R., A new biology for a new century, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 68(2):173-186, 2004.

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