[PDF] Susan Dellinger PhD certain shapes and forms in

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Susan Dellinger PhD

certain shapes and forms in the environment because of our personalities If you chose the box


28-May-2019 Keeping in view the above it was felt to know something about these two phrases 'Golden rectangle' and. 'Golden ratio'. OBJECTIVE. To explore ...


28-May-2019 Keeping in view the above it was felt to know something about these two phrases 'Golden rectangle' and. 'Golden ratio'. OBJECTIVE. To explore ...

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For our purposes a symmetry of the triangle will be a rigid motion of the plane (i.e.

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In the case of the triangle in its box I do see something simple and pretty: If I chop the rectangle into two pieces like this

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triangle trapezium and circle help in learning concepts related to areas. For an activity regarding different views of solids from various.


pre-school to the early grades of primary schools in a continuum termed as with a charm) into numbered triangles or a pattern of.

Wiki-based rapid prototyping for teaching-material design in e

Finally the draft is placed in a Wiki-based authoring environment The teachers adopt the ''Triangle'' as an expanded keyword. Conse-.

Triangle - Wikipédia

Un triangle quelconque est un triangle qui peut posséder ou non des propriétés des triangles particuliers Ainsi un triangle quelconque peut être isocèle ou 

Hauteur dun triangle - Wikipédia

En géométrie plane on appelle hauteur d'un triangle chacune des trois droites passant par un sommet du triangle et perpendiculaire au côté opposé à ce 

Triangle quelconque — Wikimini lencyclopédie pour enfants

10 juil 2012 · Un triangle quelconque est un triangle qui n'a pas de propriété particulière Ses côtés peuvent être de n'importe quelle longueur et ses 

Triangle - Vikidia lencyclopédie des 8-13 ans

Un triangle est un polygone qui a exactement trois sommets Par conséquent il a aussi trois côtés et trois angles Les triangles étaient connus de la 

Les types de triangles - Gerard Villemin - Free

Sans particularités saillantes il est dit quelconque Certaines familles de triangles sont définies en fonction des propriétés des côtés et des angles

Traduction un triangle quelconque Dictionnaire Français-Anglais

Inscribe three equal circles in a given triangle Voir plus d'exemples de traduction Français-Anglais en contexte pour “un triangle quelconque”

File:Triangle rectangle abcsvg — Wikimedia Commons

File:Triangle rectangle abc png by Shapsed released under CC-BY-SA-2 5 Auteur Cflm001 (d) Utilisation sur wikipedia Triangle rectangle 

Géométrie du triangle - Droites remarquables

21 jui 2013 · Dans un triangle une cévienne est une droite issue d'un sommet : – les hauteurs médianes bissectrices sont des céviennes – les médiatrices 

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Définition : La tangente en un point M d'un cercle ( C ) de centre O est la droite ( T ) perpendiculaire en M à la droite (OM) Propriété : Un cercle ( C ) et 

  • Quel est un triangle quelconque ?

    Un triangle quelconque est un triangle qui peut posséder ou non des propriétés des triangles particuliers. Ainsi un triangle quelconque peut être isocèle ou équilatéral, ou même scalène. Par contre un triangle scalène ne peut être ni équilatéral ni isocèle.
  • Comment savoir si un triangle est un triangle quelconque ?

    Un triangle quelconque est un triangle qui est ni équilatéral, ni isocèle et ni rectangle.
  • Pourquoi un triangle est quelconque ?

    Le mot "quelconque" en mathématique est pertinent. Quand on dit "démontrer que quel que soit le triangle, la somme des mesures d'angles est égale à 180 degrés", on commence par dire "soit ABC un triangle quelconque" pour tenter une démonstration.19 mai 2016
  • Le triangle "quelconque " est appelé "triangle scalène" . Le triangle n ' ayant aucunes caractéristiques précises porte le nom de "triangle scalène" .
Susan Dellinger PhD


Based on the book Psycho-Geometrics by Susan Dellinger, PhD

Prentice Hall, 1989

Psycho-Geometrics is based on the notion that we tend to be attracted to certain shapes and forms in the environment because of our personalities, attitudes, education and experiences, as well as the ways in which our


If you chose the box, triangle, or rectangle, you chose a linear shape. People who are attracted to these tend to be left-brain thinkers, taking a logical and organized approach to life. If you chose the circle or squiggle, you are categorized as a right-brain thinker. You tend to process information in a less linear and more configurable way, and are more interested in the whole rather than its individual parts. Right-brain thinkers place emphasis on creativity and intuition.

Box Characteristics

-hard worker, determined to get the job done -most structured of all shapes -emphasize organization and logic -need life to be predictable; everything must be in the right place at the right time -almost compulsive to detail -make great administrators (not managers) -love to collect and organize data -excel when instructions and requirements are clear -better at following a plan than designing one -tend to procrastinate over major decisions -prefers maintaining status quo to taking risks -uncomfortable with conflict and emotional situations Positive Traits Negative Traits Organized Meticulous Detail Oriented Anal Retentive Knowledgeable Procrastinating Analytical Cool, Aloof Persevering Resistant to Change Perfectionist Loner Patient Complaining

Personal habits

Love routines, lists, calendars, like tangible things, i.e. put it in writing, promptness, neatness, cleanliness, precision, attention to detail, social loner

Stressful Shapes for Boxes:

Squiggles, Circles, Rectangles, Triangles

Working with Boxes

-Do not catch the box unprepared to discuss a problem -Avoid chaos, surprised and emotional situations -Think through your argument thoroughly before approaching a box -Keep abreast of your tasks and on schedule -Save face for the box; they are concerned with maintaining the respect of their colleagues

Triangle Characteristics

-less interested in the work itself, more concerned with their career -ambitious and focused toward the top -shape symbolizes leadership -very competitive -loves to make decisions for self and others -able to focus on the goal of the moment -QHHGV PR NH VHHQ MV ´ULJOPµ N\ RPOHUV OMV PURXNOH MGPLPPLQJ PLVPMNHV -movers and shakers, best politicians -well respected, sometimes feared by others Positive Traits Negative Traits Leader Self-centered Focused Overloaded Decisive Dogmatic Ambitious Status Oriented Competitive Political Athletic Driven

Personal Habits

Early MUULYHU JRRG ´VŃRRSHUµ RI VLPXMPLRQV ILGJHP\ LQPHUUXSPHU SRRHU handshake, addiction (compulsive behavior possible), game player, informed, good problem solver, prefers small groups

Stressful Shapes for Triangles:

Squiggles, Rectangles, Circles

Working with Triangles

-Conflict is dealt with using direct confrontation and is viewed as competition. In true personalities, they get mad and they get even! -Sometimes prefer being a coach rather than a team player _Prefer having several options from which to choose -Timing is very important when approaching them -Maintain emotional control, especially when triangles cannot maintain their own -Present information logically and sequentially -Show them all different perspectives and make sure you understand them

Rectangle Characteristics

-rectangle symbolizes change and a state of flux -dissatisfied with their personal or professional life -unsure of self for time being -unpredictable, may appear to be a different person each day -in a period of growth, change, learning, and searching -open to new ideas and people Positive Traits Negative Traits Open Minded Confused Exciting Low Self-esteem Searching Inconsistent Inquisitive Gullible Growing Ingenuine Courageous Unpredictable

Personal Habits

Forgetful, nervous, on-edge, very late or very early, compulsive, emotional outbursts often followed by total withdrawal, avoids conflict, prefers large groups, bad timing, blurting out, somewhat wary of old friends.

Stressful Shapes for Rectangle:

Triangles, Squiggles, Boxes

Working with Rectangles

-Typical rectangles avoid conflict; when they are involved their behavior is erratic, making them very difficult to work with -Put things in writing so they can more easily remember what has been decided and maintain accountability -PUHVHQP M ´VXUH IURQPµ NHŃMXVH UHŃPMQJOHV MUH RIPHQ ŃRQIXVHG MQG uncertain; they tend to respond to those who have it all together -Keep focused and help them stick to the point of the conversation -Work towards win-win situations and preserve the rectangle·V VHQVH RI pride -reinforce your relationship; when they come out of this phase they will remember how you have treated them

Circle Characteristics

-really care about others, about all people -will do whatever it takes to make co-workers, friends, and family happy -smooth the waters and keep the peace -LQPHUHVPHG LQ LQPHUSHUVRQMO UHOMPLRQVOLSV ´UHMGVµ RPOHUV RHOO -best communicators and listeners of all shapes -weak business manages -avoid making unpopular decisions -don not care who has control; can be taken advantage of by more dominant personalities -holistic thinkers -H[ŃHOOHQP ´SHRSOHµ SURNOHP VROYHUV MQG PHMP SOM\HUV Positive Traits Negative Traits Friendly Over Personal Nurturing Melancholy Persuasive Manipulative

Empathetic Gossipy

Generous Self-blaming Stabilizing Apolitical Reflective Indecisive

Personal Habits

Face to face communications, easygoing, joiner, often in charge of social events, prefer small groups, old-fashioned and sentimental, complimentary, neatness not a priority, artistic, reader, loves to fix things

Stressful Shapes for Circles:

Boxes, Triangles

Working with Circles

-Conflict distresses them a great deal; they tend to take everything personally -Focus on accommodation and compromise when disagreeing; it is more important for the circle to preserve a relationship than to solve the problem -Let them know it is OK to disagree -Keep the discussion focused and confidential; circles are prone to involve other issues and people -Circles can be very persuasive

Squiggle Characteristics

-symbolic of male sperm; those who choose it often found sexually attractive by others -also symbolic of creativity (most unique of all shapes because it has no closure) -more configural when processing information -able to produce truly great and new ideas -challenge the status quo -future oriented; more interested is possibilities than reality -excitable; energized by change -uninterested in details, facts, figures -disdains highly structured and mechanized work environments; prefers free-flowing, independent situations

Personal Habits

Fast mover, interrupts a lot, loses things, daydreams constantly, seeks stimulation, enjoys new people and new situations, rebel, life of party, spontaneous, will talk to anyone

Stressful Shapes for Squiggles:

Boxes, Triangles

Working with Squiggles

-Squiggles perceive most conflicts as unimportant compared to other things they need to do; however, when they do find it worthwhile, they can be very persuasive and competitive -You may have to guard yourself against their powerful energy if it is too overbearing -Hold discussions in neutral locations -When you reach an agreement you should follow up and work out the details; the squiggle will be off to other activitiesquotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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