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20 juil. 2016 Vous pouvez consulter les valeurs importantes directement sur votre ROX GPS 7.0 pendant le trajet. b. Calibrage de l'altitude IAC+. La mesure de ...

Flytec 6040 GPS

6040-GPS: Mise en marche et arrêt . Altimètre Alt2 Altitude relative (champ utilisateur) . ... GPS Affichage d'altitude (champ Altitude GPS) .

Altitude GPS data on Airbus A/C

17 oct. 2017 NATO STANAG 4294 Navstar GPS System Characteristics Appendix 6 ... Difference between barometric altitude and GNSS height (HAE WGS-84).

New High-Altitude GPS Navigation Results from the Magnetospheric

New High-Altitude GPS Navigation Results from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Spacecraft and Simulations at Lunar Distances. Luke B. Winternitz NASA Goddard 


The altitude of a moving vehicle as reported by GPS suffers from intermittent errors caused by temporary obstruction of the satellites by buildings 

GPS Altitude vs Pressure Altitude There seems to be a lot of

30 août 2011 Let's begin with GPS. For a 3D fix (latitude longitude

Impact of Satellite Elevation Mask in GPS+Galileo RTK Positioning

has a good performance in terms of reliability positioning accuracy and availability in comparative with a GPS- only RTK algorithm when high elevation mask 

ROX GPS 11.0

SIGMA SPORT® wishes you hours of fun and enjoyment with your ROX GPS 11.0. The ROX GPS 11.0's altitude measurement is determined on the basis of the.

Page : 1

Le petit puissant enregistreur de données GPS 10Hz et capteur de capteur d'altitude barométrique

Description of Geometric Altitude for EGPWS

18 mars 1999 improved pressure altitude calculation GPS Altitude

[PDF] Cours de Topographie et Topométrie Générale Chapitre 3: Le GPS

Le GPS Jean-Baptiste HENRY Ingénieur Géomètre-Topographe nature de la grandeur : hauteur au-dessus de l'ellipsoïde ou altitude orthométriques

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Selon l 'élévation et l 'azimut du satellite la position de mesure au centre de phase de l 'antenne peut varier On utilise toujours les mêmes antennes



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Le secteur spatial se compose de 24 satellites en orbite autour de la Terre à environ 20200 km d'altitude avec une période de l'ordre de 12 heures Au moment 


Le GPS peut être aidé de différentes façons : > En temps grâce à une horloge précise > En altitude grâce à un baro-altimètre > en position et vitesse grâce à 

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Ce qui est important est de savoir quel est le degré de précision que nous pouvons obtenir aussi bien sur les mesures de distances que d'altitude Comme dans 

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Cette position est traduite en termes de latitude longitude et parfois altitude GPS : Global Positioning System (en français : « Système mondial de 

[PDF] Guide pour le positionnement GPS - Ressources naturelles Canada

La dernière partie du chapitre 5 présente des considérations sur l'établissement de l'altitude au moyen du GPS Les appendices au présent guide fournissent 

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GPS • Constellation complète = 24 satellites depuis 1994 Pression température: évoluent de façon prédictible avec l'altitude

[PDF] Conversion altimétrique des hauteurs ellipsoïdales par GPS

En effet l'altitude obtenue par la technique GPS est une hauteur ellipsoïdale purement géo- métrique c'est à dire la distance entre le repère au sol et l'el-



VadimZalivaandFr anzFr anchetti


IndexTerms - sensorfusion,GPS, barometric,altitude


Thealtitudeof amoving vehicleas reportedbyGPS suffers frominterm ittenterrorscausedbytemporary obstructionof thesatellitesby buildings,mountains, etc.Additionally, it isaffected bysystematicerrorscausedbymultipath effects, ionosphericandtropospheric effects, andotherhardw arede- signlimitationsand naturalfactors.

Atmosphericpressure, measuredbya portablebaromet-

ricsensor, couldalsobeusedto determinealtitude,is not susceptibletoproblems causedbyobstruction ofsatellites, andcanpro videreliablemeasurements outdoorseveninur - banandmountainous regions.

Inthispaper ,wepropose analgorithmwhichimproves

accuracyandprovidestighter confidencebounds ofaltitude measurementsfroma mobilephone(or anyde viceequipped withGPSand barometricsensors)by meansofsensor fus ion techniqueswithoutthe needfor calibration.

Ourexperiments haveshown thattheproposedalgorithm

providesmoreaccuratemeasurementswith tightercon fidence boundscomparedto usingeitherof thetwo sensors,baromet- ricorGPS, alone.


Sensorfusiontechniques areusedto combineinformation frommultiplesources (sensors)withthe goalofimpro ving accuracyorreliabilityov erthe resultsfroman individual source.Agood introductionintothe subjectofsensor fusion isgiv enin[1],andmoredetailsonits mathematicalmethods canbefound in[2]. Inthispaper ,willconsider arealisticscenariowhere ave- hicle(ora pedestrian)ismo vingoutdoorson theearthss ur- face.Themovement trajectoryisassumed tobesmoothin altitudeandnot tofeaturesudden altitudejumps. Thevehicl e mustbeequipped withGPSand atmosphericpressuresen- sors,suchas canbefound inmany modernmobilephones, likeSamsungGalaxyS4 andGoogleNexus4. Thismaterialis basedonresearch sponsoredby DARPA underagree- mentnumberF A8750-12-2-0291.TheU.S. Governmentisauthorizedto re- produceand distributereprints forGovernmentalpurposesnotwithstanding anycopyrightnotationthereon. Wewillaapplysensor fusionapproachto thisparticular scenario.Ouralgorithm willuse knowledgeof howthese two particularsensorsbeha ve.Some ofassumptionsaboutalti- tudesensorbeha viouraresho wninthefollowingtable:


AffectedbyobstructionsYes No


BiasedNo Yes

Biasdriftswith weatherNoY es


Accuracyreportedbysensor YesNo

Ourapproachis basedonthe premisethatbarometric

altitudemeasurementspro videmoreaccurate information onrelativ ealtitudechangescomparedtoGPS.Itdoesha ve measurementnoise, butthe magnitudeofthisnoiseistyp- icallysignificantlysmaller thanthatof GPSmeasurements. onmeasurementsof barometricpressure requirescalibration. Suchcalibrationis valid foronlylimited timeperiodsdue tonaturalchanges intheatmospheric pressurecausedby weather. barometricmeasurementsto reflecttrueabsolute altitude. Usingstatisticalproperties ofGPSand barometricmea- surementsaswel lassome assumptionsabouttheeffectsof weather,wederiv econfidenceinterv alsforfusedmeasure- ments.Then,using theseintervals, wedefinea costfunction whichisused tooptimizethe temporalwindo wsizeused in fusion.

Inrelatedw orkYao[5] integratedbarometricaltitude

measurementsasa virtualsatelliteinto GPSpositioncalcu- lations.Ourapproach doesnotreplace GPSpositioncal- culationandcould beusedon topofother GPSaccuracy improvementmodels[6],aswellaswith otherGNSSsystems likeGLONASS.Inother relatedworkGebre-Egziabher[7] presentsanempirical barometricaltitudeconfidence bound basedonhistorical meteorologicaldatawithout attempting to estimatethealtitude.

Weclaimthatouralgorithm achieves thefollowing:

1.Resultingfused altitudemeasurements willt ypically

havetightertoleranceintervals,compared toGPSsen- soralone.

2.Resultingfused altitudemeasurementswill typically

havemoreaccurateabsolutevalues,compared tobaro- metricsensoralone.

3.Thealgorithm providesnot onlyfusedabsolute altitude

values,butalsostatistical confidenceintervals. Additionallybenefits ofourapproach arethatthe altitude couldbeestimated accuratelyev enwhenGPS signalistem- porarilylost(dead zones).This isanonline algorithmwhich couldbeused inreal-timeand thecalibrationstep isnotre- quired.



Letthe true(unknown) altitudeattime tbea(t).W ewill useg(t)todenoteGPS altitudemeasurements attimet.Ac- cordingtoAndroid APIdocumentation[8]the yarenormall y distributed:g⇠N(a, 2 g Withoutlossofgenerali ty,we willassumeGPS measure- mentsaresampled atfixed intervalswith thesamplenumber ibeinganaltitude g[i]andst andarddeviation g [i].Thesam- plesarenumbered inre verseorder withi=1beingthemost recent.The algorithmcouldbe easilyadoptedfor variable ratesampling. Similarly,wewillmodelthe barometricaltitudeas b⇠ N(a+, 2 b ).Here,denotesthe unknownbias ofbaro- metricaltitudemeasurements. Unlike GPS,thev ariance 2 b is notprovided bythesensorandis unknown. Wewillstartby estimatingtheparameters oftheg(t)dis- tributionusingMLEbased onthelast nsamples.Thepooled varianceandthe samplemean (biased)are: s 2 g 1 n n X i=1 2 g [i](1) g 1 n n X i=1 g[i](2)

Themeanhas standarderrorof themean(SEM)

sg p n andisnormally distributed aroundthetrue altitude:µ g N(a, s 2 g n Next,wewillestimatethe parametersof theb(t)distribu- tionusingMLE basedon thelastmsamples.

Here,mandndenotethenumber ofGPSand barometric

samples,respecti vely,foragiventimeinterval.Generally speaking,mn,becausethe barometricmeasurements are alwaysavailable,even whenGPSmeasurementsaremissing.

Samplemean andsamplev ariance(biased)are

b 1 n n X i=1 b[i] s 2 b 1 n n X i=1 (b[i]µ b 2 (3)

UsingSEM,we describethe distribution forµ

b N(a+ s 2 b n

Now,estimatethevalueof as:

b g .This estimatedvalue isthesumoftw onormallydistrib utedran- domvariables. Suchasumwillbealso distributednormally: ⇠N(, s 2 b m s 2 g n Weobtainthecorrectedaltitude forsampleias:ˆa[i]= b[i]+ .Thisv alueas thesumoftwonormally distributed randomvariables willhavedistribution:


b ,s 2 b s 2 b m s 2 g n )(4)

OrdinaryLeastSquar esVariance Correction

Thesamplev arianceestimationin Equation(3)estimatesthe spreadofbvaluesrelative tothehorizontallineb=µ b which correspondstoa vehicle movingon ahorizontalplane.How- ever,ifthevehicleascendsordescends(e.g. carclimbinga hill),thismethod isnotsuitable forestimationof Gaussian noiseinb.Intuiti vely,thecorrectapproachwouldbetoes- timatethev arianceorthogonalto thedirectionofthemov e- ment.

First,wefit astraight linethroughthe {b

1 ...b m }using theordinaryleastsquares method.Accordingto theGauss- Markovtheorem,thisisthebest linearunbiasedestimator (BLUE).Thisw ouldgiv eus↵andparametersofa linear model b. Underthe normalityassumption,thefirst andsecondmo- mentsofthe distributioncouldbeestimated as[9]: =(5) s s 1 m2 P m i=1 P m i=1 (t[i]µ t 2 (6) toprojectthem verticallyto thefittedline asshowninFig- ure1: b p 1+ 2 (7) b .To doso,letus setk()= p 1+ 2 ,sowe canwrite: b b uctis[10]: b 2 var(k)+[E(k)] 2 (9) usingsamplestatistics as: 1 m m X i=1 1 m m X i=1 (b[i]t[i]↵)(10) s v u u t 1 m m X i=1 2 v u u t 1 m m X i=1 (b[i]t[i]↵µ 2 (11)

Treatingkasafunction ofrandom variable,itis pos-

sibletoestimate thefirstand thesecondmoments, E(k)and var(k)respectively,usingfirstorderTaylor'se xpansions[11]:


k 00 2 2


3 )+s 2


2 +1) 3/2 (12) var[k()]⇡(k 0 2 2 2 s 2 2 +1 (13) Substituting(12,13)into (9)andusing valuesobtained by b )whichwe willbeusing insteadofs b in(4): b 2 s 2 2 2 +1 2 s 2 s 2 +1 s (2(µ 3 )+s 2quotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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