[PDF] CGAP Glossary English to Arabic

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3000 words and phrases

29 дек. 2019 г. Below are some helpful points about the pronunciation of Arabic. Sometimes the same English letter has been used for two or more different ...

Arabic Distractors for English Vocabulary Tests

Cavanaugh has devised a series of vocabulary items which use both English both of the Arabic/English choices are actual English words.) The student ...

Basic English and Arabic Words for

ISBN: 9789220292174; 9789220292181 (web pdf); 9789220292198 (CD-ROM);. 9789220292204 (DVD). AvšНR©vwZK kЦg msЇ'v †`k Kvh©vjq

ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﺍﻻﻧﺠﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ ﻛﺘﺎﺏ ArabicEnglish Book

Exercise 3: Vocabulary –​ Can you count in Arabic? Ask your partner to help you English and French. English Chinese

Arabic-English Vocabulary

words of the Arabic language. It is now published. after two years. ' careful 

Egyptian Colloquial Arabic Vocabulary English Edi

We'll also show you how to access books in PDF format and build your own digital library. And if you're a social reader

Introduction to the A2 Key Vocabulary List

The English Vocabulary Profile shows the most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know in British or. American English. The meaning of 

ENGLISH ARABIC Mental health services glossary اﻟﺻﺣﺔ اﻟﻧﻔﺳﯾﺔ ﺧدﻣﺎت

1 нояб. 2017 г. ARABIC. ENGLISH. ﻣﺳرد. ﺧدﻣﺎت. اﻟﺻﺣﺔ اﻟﻧﻔﺳﯾﺔ. Mental health services glossary. أﺳُﺗﻣدت ھذه اﻟﻣﻌﻟوﻣﺎت ﻣن اﻟﻌدﯾد ﻣن اﻟﻣواﻗﻊ اﻹﻟﮐﺗروﻧﯾﺔ اﻟﺧﺎﺻﺔ ...

Covid-19 Vocabulary in English Arabic and Indonesian Multimedia

The study attempts to find answers to the following questions: a) how are the vocabulary forms related to covid-19 used in English Arabic

English Language Day

Match the definitions (a–h) with the vocabulary (1–8). Vocabulary English Language Day was first celebrated in 2010 alongside Arabic Language Day

??????? ????????? ???? ArabicEnglish Book

Translate it into English. Then switch roles? . Exercise 3: Grammar ?– Figure out the Arabic word for 'How' 'What'

CGAP Glossary English to Arabic

?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ???????. ???????? bridging credit. ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ... ????? ????????. Glossary.

3000 words and phrases

29 déc. 2019 helpful points about the pronunciation of Arabic. Sometimes the same English letter has been used for two or more different Arabic letters ...

Technology Vocabulary English-Arabic

Technology Vocabulary. English-Arabic. English. Standard Arabic. Transliteration computer. ????? (?) ?????? Haasuub (pl.) Hawaasiib. ???? ??? Haasib aali.

ins.ell: Math Vocabulary English - Arabic

Account Balance. *?)' &????! '?)+ Accurate. ????- ???)- Actual Cost. ????- ?Actual Distance -(4. ?&4?? ???)- Actual Outcomes. ????? ???)- Actual Results.


pig. (M) ????? (khinzir) cow. (F) ???? (baqara) horse. (M) ???? (hisan) dog. (M) ??? (kalb) sheep. (M) ???? (khuruf) monkey. (M) ??? (qarad).

Arabic English bilingual visual dictionary

12 déc. 2008 Working on this principle this highly-illustrated English-Arabic bilingual dictionary presents a large range of useful current vocabulary.

??????? ??????? ? ???? The Dictionary English-Arabic

dictionaries specialized in various domains. This task will be the mission of the specialists who will draw the terms from the most recent Arabic and foreign 


head. (M) ??? (ras) nose. (M) ??? ('anf) hair. (M) ??? (shaear) mouth. (M) ?? (fum) ear. (F) ??? ('udhin) eye. (F) ??? (eayan) hand. (F) ?? (yd).

English/Arabic Legal Glossary

Translated from English into Arabic by Samia Zumout Esq. Superior Court of California

What is Arabic vocabulary?

The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic. This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.

What are the best Arabic to English dictionaries and phrasebooks?

Google Translate My first suggestion for Arabic to English dictionaries and phrasebooks would have to be Google Translate. Google Translate is one of the most popular translation apps because it’s easy to access and because it makes it easy to translate texts, words, and sentences from Arabic to English and back again.

What is PDF to Arabic?

'PDF to Arabic' is a free document translation service. It's quick and easy to use. Translate PDF to Arabic language using our online translator to get the most acurate results. If you need to quickly exchange PDF files with Arabic customers, then you do not need to immediately hire an expensive professional translator.

English to Arabic Glossary

2 A

Abdel Latif Jameel Programme for Community

Account ¨ŕkţ¿Šk C

(to) account for services ΕΎϣΪΨϟ΍ ΔϔϠϜΗ έΎΒΘϋϻ΍ Ϧ8όΑ άΧϸϟ

Accounts payable and other short-term liabilities ΕΎΑΎγΣΔϧ΋΍ΩϝΟϷ΍ΓέϳλϗϯέΧ΃ΕΎΑϭϠρϣϭϊϓΩϟ΍Δ

Accounts Receivable and Other Assets ΔϧϳΩϣΕΎΑΎγΣνΑϘϟ΍Δ

Accrued depreciation, accumulated depreciation

Accrued expense ( accrual accounting, balance

Accrued revenue (accrual accounting, balance

Accrued interest (revenue)

Accumulated depreciation, accrued depreciation,

allowance for depreciation (balance sheet, asset

Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization ˯Ύϔρϻ΍ϭϙϼϫϻ΍ϲϣϛ΍έΗ

3 Accumulating Saving and Credit Association,

Adjustments to Equity ΔϳϛϠϣϟ΍ϕϭϘΣϰϠϋΕϼϳΩόΗϟ΍

Adjustments for Subsidies ΕϼϳΩόΗϟ΍ϡϋΩϟ΍ϰϠϋ

Adjustment for impairment loss allowance ν1ήϘϟ΍ ΓέΎδΧ κμΨϣ Ϟ7ΪόΗ

Adjustment for accrued interest receivable ξΒϘϟ΍ Δ

Admin ©±§¯¥

Advance account ¨ŕkţ

Advance to employees (balance sheet, asset

Aged portfolio (at risk), aging of portfolio (at

Ahli Microfinancing Company (AMC) Γέϳϐλϟ΍ΕΎϋϭέηϣϟ΍ϝϳϭϣΗϭΔϳϣϧΗϟΔϳϠϫϷ΍Δϛέηϟ΍

Al Amana Association ϹΔϧΎϣϷ΍ΔϳόϣΟϯέϐλϟ΍ΕϻϭΎϘϣϟ΍εΎόϧ

Al Awael Microfinance Company έϐλϷ΍ϝϳϭϣΗϠϟϝ΋΍ϭϷ΍Δϛέη

Al Majmoua ± Lebanese Association for

Development ΔϋϭϣΟϣϟ΍Δγγ΅ϣΔϳόϣΟϟ΍ΔϳϣϧΗϠϟΔϳϧΎϧΑϠϟ΍

Allowance for depreciation, accumulated

depreciation, accrued depreciation (balance sheet,

Amortisation, depreciation (US: amortization)

Annual depreciation of donated funds for fixed

5 Annual/ mortizati percentage rate (APR) (US:

Apex institution, apex organization

ASCA, Accumulating Savings and Credit

Association Microcrédit Société Sans Frontières

6 Author ¼

Averaging ·


Bilateral and Multilateral institutions ϑ΍ήρϷ΍ ΓΩΪόΘϣ1 Δ8΋ΎϨΛ ΕΎδγΆϣ


8 9 C

CAMEL ( Capital Adequacy-Asset quality-

Capacity to reimburse, ability to reimburse, to

Capital asset(s), fixed asset(s), permanent asset(s), (Cash Paid for Financial Expenses on Funding

Cash Received as Other Operating Revenue 3ήΧ΃ Δ8Ϡ8ϐθΗ Ε΍Ϊ΋Ύϋ Ϧϣ Δ7ΪϘϧ ΕΎο2ΒϘϣ

Cash-flow statement, statement of change in

11 (Cash Paid for Financial Expenses on Funding

Liabilities) Δ7ΩϘϧ ΕΎϋ1ϓΩϣϟΔ7Ϡ71ϣΗϟ΍ ΕΎΑ1Ϡρϣϟ΍ 4Ϡϋ Δ7ϟΎϣϟ΍ ϑ7έΎλϣϠ

(Cash Paid for Other Financial Expenses) Δ7ΩϘϧ ΕΎϋ1ϓΩϣϟ3έΧ΃ Δ7ϟΎϣ ϑ7έΎλϣ

(Cash Paid for Taxes) (ΐ΋΍ήπϠϟ Δ7ΪϘϧ ΕΎϋ2ϓΪϣ)

Cash Received as Other Operating Revenue ϣ3έΧ΃ Δ7Ϡ7ϐηΗ Ε΍Ω΋Ύϋ ϥϣ Δ7ΩϘϧ ΕΎο1ΑϘ

Cash Received/(Paid) for Other Operating Assets

3ήΧ΃ Δ8Ϡ8ϐθΗ

Change in financial position, statement of changes

Checklist ŕŗ

Checking account ŕŠŕŬţ

Closing balance, balance carried forward

ªŗŕi Consistent


Services (CEOSS)

Poor) equalizing) liquidity adequacy ratio) 16 D Default (situation of) ¿ nŲÃ ±iŸś

Deferred charge, deferred expense (balance sheet,

Deferred income, deferred revenue (balance

Deferred revenue, deferred income (balance

rate, arrears rate financial services DfID) depreciation, amortization allowance, accumulated amortization (balance sheet, asset account) depreciation expense, amortization expense (income statement, expense account) ˷λϔϣϟ΍ϑϳϧλΗϟ΍ Detailed Wealth Ranking allocation)

±§¯Ű¥¼±Ű C Disbursement

(Δϋ2ϓΪϣ Δϋί2ϣ ΡΎΑέ΃ κμΣ) (Dividends Paid) ˷έΑΗϟ΍ϭ΢ϧϣϟ΍ Donations for Loan Capital ˷έΑΗϟ΍ϭ΢ Donations for Operating Expenses

19 Community Development (DBACD)

20 E Earnings on loans ν1ήϘϟ΍ 4Ϡϋ ϖ

Economies of scale n

net loss), net profit, net earnings,


řŗ±Šś Experience

έΪλ ή7ΪμΗC Export 22

ϢϟΎόϣ Features

Àk±¨ŕŸś£ C Fee

ϒϠϣ File reporting tangible asset(s) žřśŗŕi ©¯oeŕ Fixed interest initial loan amount)

Δϧήϣ ι΍ήϗ΃ Floppy disc

˷ϓΪΗ ΕΎϧΎ8Α Flow data

bridging credit ϟ΍ ΔδγΆϣ6Σϼϔϟ΍ νήϘ Fondation Crédit Agricole

Partenariat (FONDEP)

΍έ2ϛ΍ί ΔδγΆϣ Fondation Zakoura

ϑήμϟ΍ ήόγ Ϧϣ ΓέΎδΨϟ΍ ΢Αήϟ΍ Foreign exchange gain (loss)

Δ8ϠϜ8ϫ Framework

G ΔϣΎϋ General accounting

ν1ήϘϟ΍ ή

H 28



±i£ Impact

ν1έϘϟ΍ ΓέΎγΧ ιλΧϣ ΔϘϔϧ Impairment Losses on Loans

νϭήϘϟ΍ΓέΎδΧκμΨϣ Impairment Loss Allowance

¯±Ãśk§ Import

Ì¯Ű Import/export

¿Ŧ¯ Income

ÀŦŲś Inflation

˷6Ϩ8όϟ΍ ϢϋΪϠϟ Ϟ7ΪόΘϟ΍ In-Kind Subsidy Adjustment for Benchmarking

řŸž¯ Instalment

ΕΎϋ΍Ϊ7ϻ΍ 4Ϡϋ ϡ2γήϟ΍1 ΓΪ΋Ύϔϟ΍ ϒ7έΎμϣ Interest and fee expense on deposits

balance method) interest balance method) interest method) statement) sheet, asset account) ν1έϘϟ΍ 4Ϡϋ ϊϓΩϟ΍ Δ ˷ϘΣΗγϣ ΓΩ΋Ύϓ Interest on loans payable liability account)

Δ7Ϡ71ϣΗϟ΍ ΕΎΑ1Ϡρϣϟ΍ 4Ϡϋ ϊϓΩϟ΍ ΔϘΣΗγϣϟ΍ Ω΋΍1ϔϟ΍ Interest Payable on Funding Liabilities

·Ã±Ů ¨kţ

sheet, asset account)

ν1έϘϟ΍ ΔυϔΣϣ 4Ϡϋ νΑϘϟ΍ ΔϘΣΗγϣϟ΍ Ω΋΍1ϔϟ΍ Interest Receivable on Loan Portfolio

ϲϟϭΪϟ΍ΪϘϨϟ΍ϕϭΪϨλ IMF (International Monetary Fund) plus medium-and long term-debt (MLT)

Ω2ϨΑCΪϨΑ Item/Items


Junior consultant ± Senior consultant À

K 34

Lease ±ŕŠoeśk§

Limited Liability Company (LLC) (non-profit

ρΎΒΗέ΍ Link

(syn. de current ratio)

ϝ΍ΰϧ· Loading

past due loan loss provisions (income statement) account) account)

Loss provision, loan loss provision, loan loss

provision expense (income statement) 37
M Mainstreaming, mainstream Ϊ΋Ύδϟ΍ ϩΎΠΗϻ΍ άΧ΃

Management ©±§¯¥

Management chart, performance chart,

Management report, management chart,

ήϐλϷ΍ Ϧ8ϣ΄Θϟ΍ Microinsurance

ΔϟΎγήϟ΍ ϥΎ8Α Mission statement

˷ϠϘΘδϣ ΓΪΣ1 Module

Ϟ8ϟΩϟ΍ έ΍ήγ΃Θ

˷2δϕ Mystery shopping guide


Ϧϣ ΪϘϨϟ΍ 6ϓΎλΔ8Ϡ8ϐθΘϟ΍ ΕΎρΎθϨϟ΍ Net Cash from Operating Activities


ϞΟϷ΍ ΔϠ72τϟ΍1 Net Cash Received/ (Repaid) for Short- and Long- term Borrowings (cash-flow statement) income (or net loss), net profit statement) expenses, net profit, net earnings

ν1ήϘϟ΍ ΓέΎδΨϟ κ8μΨΘϟ΍ ΪόΑ Ϊ΋΍2ϔϟ΍ 6ϓΎλ Net Interest after Provision for Loan Loss

ν1ήϘϟ΍ ϥ΍ΪϘϓ κ

˷μΨϣ ΔϘϔϧ 6ϓΎλ Net loan loss provision expense nž¯ ½§±Ã£ Note payable ±k 42
O costs depreciation and amortisation (US : amortization) (income statement) amortisation (US : amortization), operating margin (income statement) sufficiency cost ΔϣΎϋ ρ2τΧ Outlines common stockholder equity 44
P Paste their salaries or wages.

ϡ28ΘϨΑ3 Pentium III

chart, management report tangible asset(s) Δό7ήδϟ΍ ΕΎηΎθϟ΍ Pop up

Development (PASED)

accounting (UK), income statement (US) ΕΎόϗ2Θϟ΍ CΕΎρΎϘγϻ΍ Projections κ΋ΎμΧ Properties account) financial services

Δϣ1Ϊόϣ ν1ήϗ Ϧϣ Γ

˷ΩήΘδϣ ώϟΎΒϣ Provision reversal 48

Qualified market ΔϠϫΆϣ ϕ2γ

Quarterly evaluation report 6όΑέC6Ϡμϓ ή7ήϘΗ

Quarterly or semi-annual management report ή7ήϘΗ΍52Ϩδϟ΍ ϒμϧ 1΃ 6όΑήϟ΍C6Ϡμϔϟ΍ Γέ΍ΩϹ

Quasi-governmental institutions Δ8ϣ2ϜΣ ϪΒη ΕΎδγΆϣ

Quoted interest rate, stated interest rate


Δϣ1Ϊόϣ ν1ήϗ Ϧϣ Γ

˷ΩήΘδϣ ώϟΎΒϣ Recovered amounts on provisioned loans

¯§¯±śk§ Recovery

(syn. de repayment rate) řŸž¯ ž¯§¯k Reimbursement, repayment, payment

ΔϳΑγϧϟ΍ΔϳϠοϓϷΎΑϑϳϧλΗϟ΍ Relative Preference Ranking

¨ŕŸś£ Remuneration

(syn. de recovery rate) amortization), repayment plan assets amortization)

52 Δϣ1Ϊόϣ ν1ήϗ Ϧϣ Γ

˷ΩήΘδϣ ώϟΎΒϣ Reversal of provision Ϊ΋Ύόϟ΍ ΐϠϗ Reversal of revenue

ϡϳϣόΗ Rollout


¸óţ Save

ǔ§Ã C Savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOS) ǔ§Ã ±ŕŦ¯¥ ř·ŗ§± Savings and loan association

AEŕ Secure a loan (to)

Ε΍ήηΆϣΐ8γ ϝ΍18 SEEP 18

AEǘ Self employed

ůŕń űŕŮśk§ À

ΔδϠΠϟ΍ κΨϠϣ Session summary stockholder equity


short-term liabilities Ξϣ΍ήΒϟ΍ Software (syn. de nominal rate) financial position, cash-flow statement benchmarking depreciation method (asset) 57

¿Ã¯Š Table

permanent asset

¼§±Ű Teller


Development ( USAID)


ϡϣϷ΍ ΞϣΎϧέΑϟ ϊΑΎΗϟ΍ ιΣϟ΍ ϝΑΟΑ 4ϔ7έϟ΍ ϊϣΗΟϣϟ΍ Δ7ϣϧΗ ω1έηϣ

4΋ΎϣϧϷ΍ ΓΩΣΗϣϟ΍ UNDP Rural Community Development

Program at Jabal Al Hoss

Η 1 ϡϋΩ ω1έηϣ ΓΩΣΗϣϟ΍ ϡϣϷ΍ ΞϣΎϧέΑϟ ϊΑΎΗϟ΍ ϥ1ί7ί ΔϘρϧϣ ϝ7ϫ΄

4΋ΎϣϧϹ΍ UNDP Support for Rehabilitation in the

Zeyzoun Area Project

3έϐλϟ΍ Ε΍΂ηϧϣϟ΍1 έϐλϷ΍ UNRWA Microfinance &

Microenterprise Programme

V 61

ϑ΍ήόϟ΍ Wizard

60ϔθϟ΍ ϖ72δΘϟ΍ Word-of-Mouth Marketing

(syn. de capital adequacy ratio) chart, performance chart 62

Yield on performing assets, return on performing

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