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Supplier Relationship Management

Telles sont en substance les objectifs d'une démarche SRM [Supplier Relationship Management]. Page 3. PRÉSENTATION DU JURY. Charles KELLER // RENAULT. Joël LE 

Intégration de la solution de-procurement de Bechtle dans les

Version du 10/2018 page 7 sur 17. Description de procédure « Intégration bios® » - français. 3 Un exemple : connexion catalogue OCI via un serveur SAP SRM.

Customers-Suppliers Relationship Management in an Intelligent

14 oct. 2015 recherche français ou étrangers des laboratoires publics ou privés. ... Customers-Suppliers Relationship Management in an.

Sustainable Procurement and Supplier Relations Charter

In 2009 a Sustainable Supplier Relations Charter was established to a relationship of trust with the supplier's management


management of Supplier relations within an extended enterprise création de valeur : une approche par l'immatériel


Apparu début 2001 le terme SRM ou « Supplier RelationShip. Management » qualifie la gestion des relations fournisseurs

Du SCM au SCM durable: concepts pratiques des entreprises et

20 déc. 2012 la Revue Française de Gestion 2 pour l'European Management ... Rettore E (2007)

Linfluence de la dépendance sur les stratégies de contrôle dun

8 juil. 2010 Abstract: The increasing externalisation of activities raises the problem of the management of buyer-supplier relationships and in particular of ...

Does power matter? The role of power in supplier relationship

power relations in the firm's supplier relationship management (SRM). The nature of the buyer-supplier relationship and the ways how these relationships are 

Groupe PSA “Customer-Specific Requirements for use with IATF

suppliers throughout the whole Groupe PSA/suppliers relationships were previously described in a manual «. Suppliers Relation Management » (reference 

[PDF] Supplier Relationship Management - Clarans consulting

30 mar 2016 · Transactional suppliers Supplier Relationship Management Focus on value and joint growth! Strategic suppliers Development suppliers

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Supplier Relationship Management SÉMINAIRE SOUS LA DIRECTION DE GUY ELIEN MASTER ACHAT LIMINAIRE Par Guy Elien L utilisation efficace des nouveaux outils et 

Supplier Relationship Management SRM PDF Appel doffres

Le terme Supplier Relationship Management (not SRM) traduisez gestion de la relation fournisseur dsigne l'utilisation de technologies par une entreprise 

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QAD SRM (SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT) Face à la globalisation au manque de connectivité numérique aux perturbations incessantes et aux exigences

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Nous pouvons définir l'outil SRM « Supplier RelationShip Management » comme étant un ensemble de logiciels destinés à faciliter les échanges entre une 

Que signifie SRM? - Definition IT de Whatisfr - LeMagIT

La gestion de la relation fournisseur – SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) – est une approche exhaustive de la gestion des interactions d'une entreprise 

SRM - Méthodes de Supply Chain ISMAG

Le terme SRM signifie « Supplier Relationship Management » soit « Gestion des relations fournisseurs » en français Introduit par l'éditeur I2 Technologies 

Srm : supplier relationship management - Doc Etudiant

SRM : supplier relationship management 16 00 / 20 Dans un contexte de régression économique et de concurrence accrue les Entreprises explorent tous les 

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industrial partnership, in the form of a network.


1 Introduction

The supply chain management. 1 of a company research fields can be subsequently identified: management of the demand, partnership et al. et al. negotiate commitments based on costs, resource availability, lead times, and other variables. et a situation of supplying or subcontracting et al. 2000). The Co , which ensures the exchange of messages through the network. The The Interaction Module, which allows the assignment

The Performance Module,

estimate its own capacity to respon performance allows a real differentiation the order assignment solutions, 2 S

The objective of

cheeking et al. et al.

2.1 How to decide which

Traditionally, the selection and evaluation of suppliers has been made et al. et al. et al. ). multiple criteria et al

2.2 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP): A multi

The AHP is a method for complex multi

Phase 1t

makers to structure the significant components of a pro k k,j k; Ali

Phase 2t

specify the importance of a given element compared to another one. The

Phase 3 th

Phase 4 t

Human which are the most y

2.3 Advantages of using AHP for the evaluation of the

The A procedure. In order to apply AHP to the

3 Evaluation of the

The formalization of the various criteria

et al. et al. et al.

weights of elements involved in supplier assessment are 44% quality, 36% delivery on time, 24% overall costs,

19% services, 6% technology and less th

3.1 Elaboration of criteria and indicators

The application of the multi

s seen in figure .

Identifying a field of measurement

the capacity 3

The objectives make the measurement meaningful..

I T needs 3 I [Insert f

Identification of criteria and indicators

Though the indicator is a promising tool in theory, it still 1

The objective of this criterion is to ensure that the customer receives delivery as quickly as possible. The delay

Lead time11: 11

12: 12

et al. 32
The objective of this criterion is to ensure delivery at the best price. 2:I2 et al. 2: 2 3

The objective of t

Aet al. . The

Rate of conformity31: 31

et al. Aet al.

Respect of 32: 32

A et al.

33: 33

number of deliveries 4 R

41: 41

Aet al.

Respect 42: 42


Allowance of differed 51: 51


4 Applying AHP to supplier evaluation: an i

In the sequel an example

able . [Insert t The performance module of each holon (potential supplier), having received these Calls For Proposal

4.1 Phase 1: Building a hierarchical process for supplier evaluation

The first phase in applying the AHP method is to build a hierarchical process for igure . [Insert f The

We have identified in

Level 4 identifies the different calls for proposals (called alternatives in AHP) to be c

4.2 Phase

In this phase we

wh D [Insert table

In this phase we

[Insert table In this phase we also assess for each alternative ( able . The [Insert table

In what follows we apply

kof the indicators of each k: 25
1ICr 25
2ICr 20 3ICr 75
4ICr 83
5ICr i; i=1,2,3i; i=1,2,3 k,j Î 29
1AlI 23
2AlI 23
1AlI 23
2AlI 33
1AlI 33
2AlI 33
3AlI 33
1AlI 33
2AlI 33
1AlI 33

4.3 Phases 4:

Phase columns in the above A 33

4.4 Results

Considering this matrix and the vector of relative importan able .


GeneralObjective :

AlGOb [Insert table The same calculations are done for suppliers S2 and S3.

5 Conclusion and discussions

If the optimization of logistic networks is to be implemented efficiently, a change in attitude and philosophy is

an increase of the volume of production. It requires a multi

Over the last years

logistics; partnership sourcing and electronic data interchange (Maull and Childe 1994). So in the future we will

The communication module: indeed, we have to manage the communications between the different holons as

The addition of a simulation modu

6 References



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International Journal of

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15, (6), 584595.

The art and science of decision making: The Analytic Hierarchy Proc

JAYARAMAN, V., SRIVASTAVA, R., and BENTON, W.C., 1999, Supplier selection and order quantity allocation: A

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The ghost in the machine

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