[PDF] IPCEI on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI

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IPCEI on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI

17 déc. 2020 invest in the next generation of European cloud and edge capacities has been ... The execution of an of Important Project of Common European.


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DRAFT Discussion Paper Berlin Madrid Paris Rome, December 17, 2020 1 IPCEI on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI-CIS) For the European Union it is essential to build smart technological foundations for how data will be generated, stored, searched, analysed, processed, accessed, shared and exchanged to the benefits of the European economy, its businesses, public entities and communities. The need to strategically invest in the next generation of European cloud and edge capacities has been emphasised on several occasions such as in the European Strategy for Data, in the under the Recovery and Resilience Facility put forward by the EU Commission, in the European Council Conclusions of 1-2 October 2020 and in the the Next Generation Cloud in Europe of 15 October 2020. Against this background Member States must gather to offer a coordinated industrial response with significant European relevance. The execution of an of Important Project of Common European

Interest (IPCEI) on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services will strategically contribute to

effectively foster European data leadership and digital sovereignty; stronger and sustainable competitiveness of the EU economy and; the flourishing of smart cloud and edge solutions which are

highly innovative, fully interoperable, highly secure, fully energy efficient and respectful of privacy. This

will increase the sustainable and competitive adoption, access and choice for the end-users across the

EU territory:

The IPCEI will foster the development of the next generation of highly scalable, federated, interoperable, trustworthy and energy-efficient cloud and edge infrastructures, services and platforms leveraging when relevant existing national initiatives1, the GAIA-X open source architectural framework and edge telco computing services to deliver on the EU Data Strategy. The IPCEI should be established by EU Member States and have wide benefits for businesses and public entities in terms of access, seamless use and power-efficient processing of their data in real-time with ultra-low latency and highly secure features from anywhere across the EU territory while not being subject to laws of foreign jurisdictions2. The

IPCEI will equip the EU with advanced and federated cloud and edge capabilities based on interconnection services and interoperable platforms. This will ultimately result in fostering the

resilience and competitiveness of European industries and public entities while paving the way for cutting-edge digital innovation, products and services meeting end- The IPCEI will comprise both the research, development and innovation (R&D&I) and the first

industrial deployment (FID) of the next generation of cloud and edge infrastructure and services including the associated middleware based on cutting-edge open-source frameworks and

distributed, sustainable and highly scalable architectures. The IPCEI will benefit to sectors of the European Economy such as manufacturing, energy, mobility or healthcare.

1 Such as those existing in Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Spain and

the Netherlands.

2 In case providers are subject to such laws, they should demonstrate that verified safeguards are in place in order to ensure that any

access request to data of EU citizens, businesses and entities is compliant with EU Law. DRAFT Discussion Paper Berlin Madrid Paris Rome, December 17, 2020 2 France, Germany, Italy and Spain kindly invite all EU Member States and interested European

stakeholders to join the process to set up the next generation of cloud infrastructure and services in the

EU together. We kindly ask all EU Member States to gather the national needs and demands of their

industrial stakeholders and take part by bringing in concrete ideas and project proposals for a joint set-up.

There will be a first joint workshop at government level on January 21, 2021 open for all interested

EU Member States to gather common interests, bringing in first ideas and proposals of their respective

industries, to strengthen pan-European cooperation and align further in the process of setting-up an

IPCEI. At a second stage the intention is to invite European stakeholders from industry, public sector,

research and academia as soon as possible via the Member States willing to participate into the IPCEI

process. [This section has been removed because it is not relevant anymore]

Background about IPCEI

IPCEI stands for

States are able to set-up important projects of common European interest, that are based on notified and

authorized state aid and which include major contributions to growth, employment and competitiveness of

the European industry and economy. An IPCEI must contribute to the strategic objectives of the European

Union (EU) and must be conducted by at least two EU Member States. It must include cofinancing from

the beneficiaries including private companies and disseminate positive spill-over effects across the whole

EU. It must also pursue ambitious targets for Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I), which

explicitly exceed current state-of-the-art technologies of the corresponding sector and First Industrial

Deployment (FID).

For the IPCEI to qualify as compliant with EU competition rules and in particular the state aid rules

important market or systemic failures needs to be demonstrated. The criteria for the analysis of the

compatibility with the internal market of State aid to promote the execution of Important Projects of

Common European Interest are described in the 2014 Communication from the Commission (2014/C


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