[PDF] Effects of Reading a Free Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy with

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Grays Anatomy Review E-Book

Questions in this review are correlated with the textbook Gray's anatomy for students and with Gray's atlas of anatomy. ISBN 978-0-443-06938-3. 1. Human anatomy 

Grays Anatomy Review

Questions in this review are correlated with the textbook Gray's anatomy for students and with Gray's atlas of anatomy. ISBN 978-0-443-06938-3. 1. Human anatomy 


Gray's Anatomy for Students (GAFS) Chapters 4-5. Gray's Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy (GDGHA)

Evolve Elsevier

materials bonus eBook chapters for each major body system

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The book is known as Gray's Anatomy for Students. To get the book download Gray's Anatomy for Students Pdf right now from our website.


Drake et al. Gray's Anatomy for Students (2005) report (in Microsoft Word™ format)is posted to the web site for you to download.

2021 - Curriculum Catalog for Basic Science

For students and clinical professionals who are learning anatomy Features an all-new eBook chapter covering the essentials of neuroanatomy

Effects of Reading a Free Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy with

Aban 14 1398 AP anatomy book enhancing students' memorization was developed. ... the electronic book (PDF file) was downloaded 2

Anatomy of the stomach

marked anatomical pyloric sphincter and a functionally competent but not anatomically defined sphincter mechanism (From Gray's Anatomy 40th edition).



To help medical students learn anatomy eectively in limited hours, a regional anatomy book enhancing students' memorization was developed.


Only anatomical terms essential for basic cadaver dissection are included along with schematic gures which enable memorization of complicated anatomical structures. Learning comics and comic strips that depict anatomy mnemonics and jokes were appended and sentences were written to be comfortably readable. The electronic book titled “Visually Memorable Regional Anatomy" has been distributed without payment or registration. With the help of volunteer students from three Korean medical schools, the book's learning eects were evaluated.


These students' book reading led to increase in their anatomy scores, including written examination scores and tag examination scores. It was an encouraging result that almost % of students spontaneously read the book no matter who presented their lecture or examination. A webpage version of the book was visited by thousands of users.


The book with unique features may suggest a new perspective in the eld of anatomy learning. Aer having acquaintance with essential structures from reading the book, students are able to and willing to study more from other resources.


Regional Anatomy; Education; Illustrated Books; Cartoons; Internet


Aer the publication of the “Gray's Anatomy" in , most anatomy books are similar to each other for the following reasons: ) Figures of anatomical structures have been copied with tiny modication between multiple books. ) Once gures were drawn with computer graphics, characteristic drawing styles have disappeared even more. ) Writings or tables are also copied between books since copyright policy for writing is indistinct. ) Being afraid

Received: Nov ?, ????


Dec ??, ????

Address for Correspondence:

Min Suk Chung, MD, PhD

Department of Anatomy, Ajou University

School of Medicine, ??? World cup-ro,

Suwon ?????, Korea.

E-mail: dissect@ajou.ac.kr

???? The Korean Academy of Medical


This is an Open Access article distributed

under the terms of the Creative Commons

Attribution Non-Commercial License (https://

creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/?.?/ which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Beom Sun Chung


Ki Seok Koh


Chang-Seok Oh


Jin Seo Park


Jae-Ho Lee


Min Suk Chung


Beom Sun Chung ,

Ki Seok Koh ,

Chang-Seok Oh ,

Jin Seo Park ,

Jae-Ho Lee ,

and Min Suk Chung

Eects of Reading a Free Electronic

Book on Regional Anatomy with

Schematics and Mnemonics on

Student Learning

Basic Medical Sciences

This work was supported by the National

Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant

funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. ??RFA???).

The authors have no potential conicts of

interest to disclose.

Conceptualization: Chung MS. Data curation:

Chung BS. Investigation: Chung BS, Koh

KS, Park JS, Lee JH. Software: Chung BS.

Supervision: Chung MS. Validation: Chung MS.

Writing - original draft: Chung BS. Writing -

review & editing: Chung MS. of criticism, anatomists have hardly tried bold simplication or ellipsis of lengthy anatomy contents. ) Many anatomists followed expanded topics of anatomy education, such as clinical anatomy, which is advantageous but dicult for students learning anatomy for the rst time. While anatomy books have kept their past style, time spent for gross anatomy coursework is being reduced in medical schools around the world, owing to the application of numerous new curricula such as integrated lecture or ipped learning. Even with such reduced time, medical students still have to memorize enormous amounts of anatomical structures. If the burden of memorization is too much, medical students may lose interest in the subject of anatomy, causing lower academic performance.

Moreover, excessive emphasis on anatomy

memorization might result in insucient emphasis on anatomy comprehension.


conventional anatomy textbooks have been well established for decades, novel methodology should be developed to help medical students memorize anatomy eciently in limited time. In the case of a Korean medical school (School I) where the rst author and corresponding author of this study are aliated, gross anatomy class occupies only weeks of teaching ( hours for lecture, and extra hours for cadaver dissection) (

Table ?). To teach anatomy

eectively in a short time, the authors of this study have produced lecture videos and digital learning tools. Aer investigating a book “Clinical Anatomy Made Ridiculously Simple" that breaks through the solemnity of existing anatomy textbooks, the authors decided to produce another anatomy book with the following features. First, regional anatomy was chosen when arranging chapters of the book to directly assist medical students to dissect cadavers. In the case of the other authors' publication, systemic anatomy was chosen, although the level of the book was for medical students. Second, the amount of anatomy information in the book was reduced. For novice students, conventional textbooks contain too much information to grasp in a short time period. It would be desirable that students obtain essential knowledge rst and then compensate with various materials. The amount of information in the role model publication was adequate. However, its clinical information was too dicult for students. Third, the book was written with high readability. Simply reducing the amount of information is not enough for our purpose. A pocket anatomy book is like an anatomy dictionary without logically successive sentences. The anatomy book should be a storybook to help students read with more concentration. https://jkms.org https://doi.org/??.??/jkms.????.?ff.e?Free Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy

Table ?.

Situations of teaching gross anatomy in three medical schools where the book is evaluated

VariablesSchool ISchool IISchool III

No. of participating students???

a Sex of participating students?? males, ?? females?? males, ?? females?? males, ?? females State of participating students?? from undergraduate studies, ?? from premedical courseAll from undergraduate studiesAll from premedical course

No. of professors???

No. of teaching assistants???

Total lecture time, hr??????

Total dissection time, hr?? + extra time????

Duration of gross anatomy curriculum, week?


No. of cadavers used per year???

Chapters taught based on the bookAll chaptersUpper limb chapterUpper limb chapter a ?? students in year ????, ?? students in year ????, and ?? students in year ????; b

Not along with other subjects.


Composition of chapters


Fig. ?A

Fig. ?B

Fig. ?A

Fig. ?B


https://jkms.org https://doi.org/??.????/jkms.????.??.e??Free Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy

Fig. ?

https://jkms.org https://doi.org/./jkms...eFree Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy AB

Fig. ?.

Simplied anatomical structures. (

A ) Flexor digitorum muscles are drawn for a white board lecture. ( B ) The same gures are digitized for the book. B A C

Fig. ?.

A part of the book including specic illustrations. (A) Learning comics. (B) Comic strip. (C) Schematic drawing.


Survey for evaluation


Fig. A

Fig. A and B

Fig. C

https://jkms.org https://doi.org/??.????/jkms.????.??.e??Free Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy A BC

Fig. ?.

Sample of the written examination. (

A ) Fill-in-the-blank quiz made from texts of the book. Correct answers are "corrugator supercilii" for [?] and "procerus" for [?]. ( B ) Fill-in-the-blank quiz made from illustrations of the book. Correct answers are "caval opening" for [?] and "left crus" for [?]. ( C ) Self-drawing quiz. The answer for "tympanic cavity" is drawn by the corresponding author.

Table ?


Fig. ?A and B

Table ?

Ethics statement


Fig. A

https://jkms.org https://doi.org/??.??/jkms.????.?ff.e?Free Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy

Fig. B

Table ?

Table ?

Fig. ?A and B

Fig. ?C

Table ?

https://jkms.org https://doi.org/./jkms...eFree Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy AB

Fig. ?.

The numbers of visitors to the web page from December to December that was recognized by the

Flag Counter. (

A) Visitors from multiple nations to the book's main web page where the PDF le and separate web pages for each chapter can be accessed. ( B) Visitors to the separate web pages for each chapter of the book.

Table ?.

Proportions of students who read the book at least onceVariablesChapter(s) taught by authorsOther chapters

School I (??? students)??.?% (??? students)NA

School II (?? students)??.?% (?? students)??.?% (? students) School III (?? students)??.?% (?? students)??.?% (?? students)

NA, not applicable.

Table ?.

Pearson's correlation coecients for the number of times students had read the book and examination scoresVariablesFill-in-the-blank quizSelf-drawing quizTag examinationTotal scores

School I (??? students)?.???

School II ( students)..

School III ( students)..

P < .; P < ..

Table ?



Fig. A

Fig. B

https://jkms.org https://doi.org/??.????/jkms.????.??.e??Free Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy

Table ?.

Narrative remarks from students who read the book

ThemesStrong points of the bookWeak points of the book A. SchematicsThe stereoscopic structures are well expressed in the schematics

that can be painted by hand (??).The two-dimensional figures are too simple for students to get the real morphology (??).

B. Jokes and

mnemonicsIntermittent jokes relieve the boredom (??).The humor and mnemonics interrupt the smooth reading; they are often old-fashioned (??).Mnemonics assist in memorizing the anatomical terms (??).

C. WritingThe English is logical and can be read with ease (?).The story-telling style of writing rather than the classical style confuses students (??).

D. UnderstandabilityOne principle is applied to the different structures (??). The relevant embryology makes the anatomy understandable (?).

E. SummarizationThere is no table to summarize the complex contents (?).There is no paragraph to summarize each chapter or subsection (?).

(Repeated number of opinions among ??? students).

Fig. ?

Table ?

Fig. ?

Fig. ?

Table , C

Fig. ?A and B

Table , B

Table , B

Table , B and D

Fig. ?A,


Table ?

Fig. ?C

Table ?

Figs. ?B

?C ?B https://jkms.org https://doi.org/./jkms...eFree Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy

Table , A

Table ?

Table ?

Figs. ?B

?C ?B

Table , A

Fig. ?A

Table , E

https://jkms.org https://doi.org/./jkms...eFree Electronic Book on Regional Anatomy


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