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MUSEO REINA SOFÍA? to question the traditional museum model in order to guarantee its sustainability and modernisation by means of new frameworks that regulate 

Lirruption du XXe siècle: modernité utopies et conflits

La toile murale arriva en Espagne pour la première fois de son histoire en 1981 et depuis 1992 elle est inscrite au Musée. National Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.

Disonata. Art in Sound up to 1980

22 sept. 2020 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía ... Museo Reina Sofia is devoting a central part of its autumn program which includes several.

The Kind Cruelty. León Ferrari 100 years

16 déc. 2020 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid) Van Abbe. Museum (Eindhoven) and Musée National d'Art Moderne Centre.


ation and the twenty-fifth anniversary of its arrival to the Museo. Reina Sofía Pity and Terror: Picasso's Path to Guernica

David Wojnarowicz. History Keeps Me Awake at Night

29 mai 2019 the Museo Reina Sofia Madrid

Marcel Broodthaers. A Retrospective

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and The Museum of. Modern Art New York Manuel Borja-Villel


(including the Museo Reina Sofía) acquired his works and/or organized shows Rudofsky's 1964 exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York entitled.

The Kind Cruelty León Ferrari 100 Years

16 déc. 2020 1950s–1980s at the Queens Museum of. Art in New York and in Heterotopías. Medio siglo sin lugar: 1918–1968 at the Museo Reina Sofía in 2000 ...

Defiant Muses. Delphine Seyrig and the Feminist Video Collectives

25 sept. 2019 Museo Reina Sofía with the collaboration of LaM (Lille Métropole Musée d'art moderne

Français Guide informatif - Museo Nacional Centro de Arte

Après plusieurs années de travail le Musée Reina Sofia a finalisé l’un de ses projets les plus ambitieux : le réaménagement et l’agrandissement de la Collection ouverte au public depuis le 26 novembre 2021 Le parcours qui commence en 1881 et se termine en 2021 propose une relecture complète des fonds du Musée depuis

  • Que Voir Au Musée Reina Sofía

    Le musée est composé de 3 étages, un jardin, une petite terrasse et plus de 20 000 œuvres y sont exposées. L’époque couverte par le musée Reina Sofia est complémentaire à celle du musée du Prado, ce sont deux musées qui méritent d’être visités l’un après l’autre pour avoir une vision chronologique de l’art et des mouvements Espagnols. Vous y trouve...

  • Où Se Situe Le Musée Reina Sofía

    Le musée se situe en face de la gare d’Atocha et non loin du parc du Retiro. Le bâtiment imposant (ancien hôpital) est vite reconnaissable. Adresse du musée : Calle de Santa Isabel, 52, 28012 Madrid Si vous venez du musée Thyssen Bornemisza ou du musées du Prado alors vous aurez seulement à suivre le paseo del arte pour arriver au musée national ce...

  • Combien coûte L’Entrée Au Musée Reina Sofia

    L’entrée au musée est de 10€. Si vous avez plus de 65 ans alors vous bénéficierez d’une réduction. Par comparaison, le musées du Prado coûte 15€ par personnes et le musée Thyssen Bornemisza coûte 12€ par personnes. Sous réserve de justificatif les personnes respectant les conditions suivantes pourront entrer gratuitement : 1. Avoir moins de 18 ans ...

  • Horaires Du Musée Du Reina Sofia

    Le musée ouvre tous les jour à 10h00, c’est aussi l’une des heures où l’affluence est la plus forte, vous risquez de devoir attendre 30-40 mins avant de pouvoir rentrer dans le musée. La solution est de venir plus tôt pour avoir une bonne place dans la file d’attente ou de venir plus tard lorsque les visiteurs de 10h00 ont fini de visiter le musée....

  • Visiter Le Musée avec Un Guide Historien Francophone

    La visite du musée Reina Sofia est l’une des visites les plus surprenantes de la ville, nombreux sont nos clients qui n’avaient pas pensé visiter le musée et ont finalement choisi de le visiter avec un guide suite aux recommandations qu’ils ont eu d’amis. Véritable héritage culturel, le musée national centre Reina Sofia retrace en partie la guerre ...

  • Pourquoi Le Visiter avec Madrid Discovery

    Visiter le Reina Sofiade Madrid avec Madrid Discovery vous permettra de vivre une expérience unique et authentique. La plupart des visites guidées que vous trouverez sur Madrid ne sont pas privées et vous devrez acheter les entrées par vous-même. Pour vous éviter d’avoir à gérer l’organisation de votre visite nous la prenons en charge. Être transpa...

  • Organisez Une Visite Du Reina Sofía avec Votre Entreprise

    Le musée s’adapte très bien aux visites de groupes et notamment aux visites d’entreprises. Nous organisons régulièrement des visites d’entreprises qui viennent sur Madrid pour un séminaire ou lors de vacances organisées par le CE. Nos services pour entreprise ont été développés pour proposer une expérience clé en main sans stress. Une fois la visit...

  • Visiter Le Musée Sans Guide

    Ce n’est pas un musée facile à comprendre et nombreuses sont les œuvres qui demandent une explication pour déchiffrer leur signification. Il est important de bien comprendre le contexte de chacune des œuvres pour apprécier la visite. Son imposante taille peut perdre le visiteur et ne pas lui faire profiter au maximum de son expérience. Il peut y av...

Où se trouve le musée Reina Sofía ?

Bon à savoir : le musée se trouve à l’intérieur de l’ancien hôpital de San Carlos, édifice construit vers la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Le Musée Reina Sofía propose au visiteur de vastes collections de tableaux de peintres espagnols importants tels que Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí et Joan Miró.

Pourquoi le musée du Reina Sofia de Madrid attire autant de visiteurs ?

Découvrez dans cet article pourquoi le musée du Reina Sofia de Madrid attire autant de visiteurs. Le museo nacional centro Reina Sofia fait partie du célèbre triangle d’or de l’art de Madrid. C’est l’un des plus grands musées de Madrid après le musée du Prado et le musée Thyssen & Bornemisza.

Combien de temps faut-il pour visiter le musée Reina Sofía ?

Compter 2h pour une visite du musée avec un guide francophone, vous aurez l’occasion d’étudier près de 18 œuvres. Si vous faites la visite seul vous pourrez découvrir jusqu’à 25-30 œuvres (passage rapide sans explications). 2. Où se situe le musée Reina Sofía Le musée se situe en face de la gare d’Atocha et non loin du parc du Retiro.

Qui a créé le centre d’art Reina Sofía ?

Le centre d’art Reina Sofía fut inauguré en 1986, les étages 1 et 2 accueillant des expositions temporaires. À la fin de 1988, les dernières modifications furent effectuées, parmi lesquelles on peut citer la création des trois tours d’ascenseurs en verre et acier conçues par l’architecte britannique Ian Ritchie.

The Fundación Museo Reina Sofía is a private non-profit organisation whose main objectives involve endorsing and supporting the mission of the Museo Reina Sofía as a vehicle to promote, raise awareness of and enable public access to modern and contemporary art in its diverse forms. It places particular emphasis on the international sphere and the collaborative work with other institutions and collectives, particularly in Latin America. The Foundation became operational in 2013 and since that time has acted, on an international scale, as a tool through which different sectors in civil society work together on the Museo's programmes, applying new forms of protection, patronage and sponsorship. It emerged in a context whereby new relations between public cultural institutions and the private sphere were practiced and were growing in the light of new challenges facing the Museo in the 21st century. Thus, the Foundation materialised at a time when there was a need




to question the traditional museum model in order to guarantee its sustainability and modernisation by means of new frameworks that regulate communication flows and advocate citizens' participation via a network culture. Above all, the Fundación Museo Reina Sofía aims to set itself up a s an efficient device that fosters both the Museo Reina Sofía's current work and the programmes and structures that could materialise from implementing these actions internationally: from the protection of cultural tradition, the expansion of collections and the conception of shared heritage, to the promotion and dissemination of knowledge and education, upholding a common archive as a key part of present-day culture. 54





The Museo Reina Sofía works under a recently created law that allows it to modernise and energise its administration and activities: the Royal Decree 188/2013, an update of the statutory law followed by the Museo, granting it greater autonomy in its management, which in turn facilitates the coordination and collaboration with the Fundación Museo Reina Sofía. In January 2014, a collaboration agreement was signed between the Museo Reina Sofía and the Fundación Museo Reina Sofía, giving rise to a new common action framework where the Fundación fosters, supports and participates in the Museo's main lines of work. In such way, public issues maintain its particularity (the Museo remains intact as a common space and place for dialogue) and finds endorsement of the private sphere (i.e. of the Fundación as a result of a transnational civil society that voluntarily upholds th e concept of the public sphere the Museo represents). The Fundación pursues its objectives through new forms of sponsorship and patronage geared towards strengthening the capacity for self-financing of the Museo. Equally, the international nature of the Fundación means it is a catalyst for the public protect ion of the Museo and its capacity to act above and beyond its territory and traditional methods. Through collaboration networks, new forms of cooperative work and the generation of shared knowledge are practiced. 76
The Fundación Museo Reina Sofía develops its objectives in three main areas:

1. The Museo Reina Sofía's Collection: Growth And Dissemination

The Fundación promotes the growth of the Museo Reina Sofia's Collection and contributes to it by loaning the Museo its own works of art acquired through purchases, donations or loans from different beneficiaries that support the common project. At the present time, a collection related to the artistic narratives hailing from the South and focused, therefore, on new ways of understanding the southern sphere that the Museo explores from its privileged position that connects North and South. Moreover, it promotes its dissemination internationally and protects the idea of a collection as a dynamic body, whereby the value of the artwork and its documentary, archive and knowledge bearing characteristics are taken into consideration.

2. Network Practices: A New Model

The types of collaboration between the Museo and other institutions, collectives and production centres from different latitudes are multiplied. Network practices mean moving beyond the idea of "co-production", working together instead in creating a long-lasti ng and profound community.

Examples of this type of activity are:

- L'internationale, a network of artistic internationalism made up of six European museums, of which the Museo Reina Sofía is a founding member. - Red de Archivos, based on the partnership agreements with the Southern Conceptualisms Network and other Latin American organisations devoted to research, conservation and the digitisation of artists' archives. The initiative sets out from the basis that the twenty-first-century museum is not just a container of artworks seen as goods, but rather an archive; namely, an interpreter and facilitator of the knowledge generated by art as an intangible value.

3. Thought, Research and Education: Towards "Intranational"


The Fundación promotes the establishment of a strong community of researchers, theorists and artists with the aim to favour the circulation of knowledge and professional exchange between cultural organisations and universities in Spain and Latin America. Thus, the Fundación is a signatory of agreements with the Museo Reina Sofía and other partners for the development and sponsorship of research residency programmes in the Study Centre and other departments inside the Museo. It promotes the exchange




of knowledge and experience via the circulation of teachers, researchers and technical-administrative team members from signatory institutions, to the mutual benefit of everyone. A virtual platform will enable these exchanges and will include three networks - state, European and Latin American - in order to generate an international community with different voices in the project; hence, the Museo Reina Sofía strengthens its nature of being a transatlantic nexus. The activities related to knowledge and research and backed by the Fundación Museo Reina Sofía are ultimately based on moving from the idea of knowledge in an "International" sphere - a notion that upholds the idea of borders and limits between parties - to an "Intranational" sphere, a concept that reflects how network practices allow the creation of new transnational communities and flows of knowledge in different directions, challenging the traditional dynamics of North and South. 1110



The Fundación Museo Reina Sofía works under the Spanish Law of Foundations and comprises a Board of Trustees made up of ex-officio members affiliated by virtue of their positions in public office, and elected board members, the majority of whom have an international background with strong links to the Latin American sphere. The Fundación's Board of Trustees combines the efforts and work of the Royal Board of Trustees of the Museo, each one maintaining its own commitments and specific mission. Moreover, there are other partnerships with the Fundación that stand outside the work of its administration: the appointment to the International Philanthropy Council, open to philanthropic donors only by invitation and which main aim is to collaborate to strengthen the Museum Collection, the International Circle, where donors can become involved in an individual, impromptu capacity, and an International Corporate Circle, for donors representing Spanish and international corporations. Additionally, collaborations with lovers of modern and contemporary art from the general public will be articulated through participation in specific initiatives, supported collectively through crowdfunding ventures. 1312
This body, the administration and representation of the Fundación, is made up of two types of member profiles: ex-officio and elected.


These members form part of the Foundation's Board of Trustees as ex-officio members and in the following capacity: - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports - Secretary of State for Culture - Undersecretary for Education, Culture and Sports - Chairman of the Museo Reina Sofía Royal Board of Trustees - Director of the Museo Reina Sofía


The Museo initially invited a group of fourteen collectors to form the first Board of Trustees of the Fundación. From that point on, the Board is responsible for inviting, at their discretion, another art collectors and personalities, up to a maximum of 30 members. The Board of Trustees will be renewed every five years. The following people form part of the current Board of Trustees (2015), in the capacity of elected board members.



Pilar Cortada (Spain)

Designer, art historian and entrepreneur, committed to promoting contemporary art and education. Her prominent work in the art sector includes her position as director of CIMAM (International Committee of ICOM for Collections and Museums of Modern and Contemporary Art).

Elena Cué (Spain)

The president of the Fundación Alberto y Elena Cortina, dedicated to social affairs, and founder of the art website "Alejandra de Argos", she contributes regularly to the newspapers ABC (Spain) and Huffington Post (USA). She is a member of the Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain's

Vivre en couleur.

Lourdes Fernández Fernández (Spain)

Current Director-General of Azkuna Zentroa (Contemporary Cultural Centre of Bilbao) and an expert in contemporary art. Her noteworthy professional activities include Deputy Director of the Marlborough Gallery in Madrid, the creation and management of the DV Gallery (Diario Vasco/Grupo Vocento), the set-up of the ABC Museum of Drawing and Illustration, Madrid, the Directorate-General of Manifesta 5 (European Biennial of Contemporary Art) and the Directorate-General of ARCO Madrid (the International Contemporary Art Fair) from 2006 to 2010. 1514

Alberto Ferreiro Aparicio (Spain)

A jurist with a distinguished career in the field of civil, corporate a nd commercial law and responsible for the Corporate Division of the Bufete Barrilero y Asociados. Within his knowledge of art, he has made his name as a consultant for pre-eminent international public and private institutions.

Jorge Gruenberg (Peru)

A Swiss-born engineer, businessman and chairman of the boards of directors from numerous Peruvian financial institutions. He is also th e founder of the Corriente Alterna Advanced School of Art (Lima), chairman of the Education Foundation and Contemporary Art Institute, part of the Lima

Contemporary Art Museum.

Aníbal Y. Jozami and Marlise Ilhesca de Jozami (Argentina) Aníbal Y. Jozami is a sociologist, businessman and academic, and rector of Universidad Tres de Febrero of Buenos Aires. Marlise Ilhesca de Jozami is a journalist. Both are owners of a collection containing modern and contemporary art from the Southern Cone and international photography and video. Through their Foro del Sur Foundation they promote the production of exhibitions and teaching material related to art history.

José Lladó Fernández-Urrutia (Spain)

Doctor of chemical science, a politician and businessman, and Honorary Member of the American Chemical Society. He was also CEO of the CSIC, Minister of Transport and Communications and Commerce in the first democratic governments in Spain and a Spanish ambassador in Washington. He has been chairman of the Arts Jury in the Principality of

Asturias Award since 1991.

Marcelo Martins (Brazil)

He is the financial vice-chairman of Cosan Ltd., one of the largest economic groups with concerns in Brazil's energy and infrastructure sector. He is also a member of the boards of firms like Raizen S.A., Comgas and Cosan S.A. Indústria e Comércio. With his wife, Ana, he collects concept ual and international contemporary art, though with a special focus on established and emerging Brazilian artists.

Helga Müller de Alvear (Spain)

A renowned gallery owner awarded the Gold Medal of Merit in the Fine Arts, and a central figure in the promotion of contemporary art in Spain. Her collection is among the most important in this field. The foundation bearing her name, with headquarters in Cáceres, is in response to her wish to share it with society and to support research, dissemination and education in the field of contemporary art.

José Olympio Pereira (Brazil)

A collector specialised in Brazilian modern and contemporary art. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the New Museum in New York, and participates in numerous committees such as the International Council of MoMA and of Tate Modern in London, and the Acquisitions Committee of the Fondation Cartier in Paris. In Brazil he chairs the Board of the Pinacoteca del Estado de São Paulo and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art, and the São Paulo Biennial Foundation.

Juan Antonio Pérez Simón (Mexico)

Businessman, joint partner with Carlos Slim of the company Inversora Bursátil, and chairman of different boards of directors. He has assembled an extraordinary collection, shown in numerous temporary exhibitions worldwide, that includes artists such as Dalí, El Greco, Goya, Picasso and Sorolla. He is also a member of the International Board of Trustees of the Fundación de amigos del Museo del Prado, the Cercle Internacional du Louvre and the Príncipe de Asturias Foundation. 1716

Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (Venezuela)

A collector committed to promoting education and culture in Latin America. By virtue of the Cisneros Foundation she supports the conservation, study and promotion of Latin American material culture through exhibitions, public ations, grants and education projects. The collection that bears her name promot es an appreciation of the diversity and sophistication of artistic expression in Latin America throughout history. In 2013, as part of an agreement signed between the Cisneros Foundation and Museo Reina Sofía, the exhibition Concrete Invention was organised around her collection, with the show warmly received by critics and public alike. As recognition for her important work in the spheres of education and culture, she has received major international awards, including the Grand Cross of the Order of Alfonso X the

Wise in 2014.

Álvaro Saieh (Chile)

Businessman, chairman of the CorpGroup company, active in the insurance, real estate, financial and media industries. Founder and chairman of the CorpArtes Foundation, a bridge between Chile and the international sphere, and advocate of local artistic production. His art collection, spanning the Renaissance to the present day, includes works by masters such as El Greco, Bellini, Botticelli, Rafael and Modigliani, in addition to Kinetic Art and Chilean art.

Consuelo Scarpetta Gnecco (Colombia)

An impresario and collector of Colombian and international art, she is the vice-president of the foundation Notas de Paz. For several years she was an international trustee of the Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado, and she is a benefactor of the contemporary art center FLORA ars+natura in

Bogota, Colombia.

Lilly Scarpetta Gnecco (Colombia)

An impresario and international art collector, she is a member of the Latin American Acquisitions Committee at the Tate Modern and of the International Circle of the Musée National d'Art Moderne-Centre Georges Pompidou. She has been a trustee of the Museo del Barrio and the Guggenheim Museum, both in New York. In Colombia, she created the Lisca foundation in benefit of contemporary art, and she currently sponsors a curatorship at the contemporary art center FLORA ars+natura in Bogota, Colombia. She is the president of Notas de Paz, a foundation in Cali, Colombia, that offers classical music training to children of reduced means.

Hugo Sigman and Silvia Gold Turjanski (Argentina)

Scientists and entrepreneurs, founders of the pharmaceutical company Chemo and the Grupo Insud, a highly diverse company in the industry that includes cultural companies such as the publishing house Capital Intelectual, which publishes the edition of Le Monde Diplomatique for La tin America, and the film production company Kramer & Sigman Films, among others. Both chair the Research, Development and Innovation Consortium of the group and also manage Mundo Sano, a foundation with a vision to improve access to Health Care in regions affected by neglected diseases. Both are art collectors and disseminate cultural activities. Ricardo Steinbruch and Susana Leirner Steinbruch (Brazil) Ricardo Steinbruch is Chairman of the company Vicunha Textil and a board member of numerous companies. Together with his wife, Susana Leirner Steinbruch, he has amassed one of the most important collections of contemporary art in Latin America, in which key figures from 1950s Brazilian art interconnect with Latin American contemporaries. 1918



The Fundación Museo Reina Sofía is open to contributions made from any person or organisation interested in doing so. The Law of Foundations in Spain establishes tax benefits for all those individuals and legal entities that, irrespective of their nationality, pay taxes in Spain and make financial contributions to foundations. These contributions are tax deductible on IRPF (income tax) and/or corporate tax. Every contribution will receive a donation certificate from the Foundation that is valid for applying the deduction to the annual income tax declaration. Donors from any country who pay their taxes in the USA can also benefit from tax exemptions by making a contribution through AFCA. An entity created to support Fundación Reina Sofía under North

American fiscal legislation.

The amount donated is not important: if you wish to contribute in Spain, you can deposit your voluntary payment in the Foundation's current account and send us an email with your fiscal details in order for a donation certificate to be issued: info@fundacionmuseoreinasofia.es

Or contact us by phone, between 10am and 5pm, on:

+34 917 741 064
If you want to make your contribution in the United States, please get in touch with us for further information.

Luiz Teixeira de Freitas (Portugal)

A jurist and founding member of the law firm Teixeira de Freitas, Rodrigues e Associados. In recent years, he has assembled an extensive collection of art that encompasses the work of emerging artists focused on the fields of architecture and construction, as well as artists that were active in the

1960s and 1970s. He amassed his collection together with his wife Marí


Beatriz Quintella, who passed away in 2013.

Juan Carlos Verme (Deputy Vice President - Peru)

Businessman and investor active in diverse industries, a collector of contemporary art and a participant in education and cultural projects. He is also Chairman of the Museo de Arte de Lima Board of Trustees, a Trustee of the Tate Americas Foundation, a member of the Tate Modern's Latin American Acquisitions Committee and a member of the World Monuments

Fund, Peru affiliates.

Rafael Barradas, Atocha, 1919

20 www.fundacionmuseoreinasofia.es info@fundacionmuseoreinasofia.es Santa Isabel, 52 28012 Madrid - T. +34 91 774 10 64 Images © Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofíaquotesdbs_dbs44.pdfusesText_44
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